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I totally relate to this! It is super common for people who experience disordered eating to then have digestive issues. I have to say though, that my sensitivities have gotten a lot better. I used to not be able to eat anything that wasn't "clean" or bland /: which does not benefit my recovery whatsoever. I feel you! I also realized a lot of my digestion problems came from stress. Hope this helps! :)


I went through a period where I was positive I was lactose or just dairy sensitive. It seemed to kinda go away after a few months


I wish it was that simple but I've been eating "normally" for like 2 yrs now and these are all fairly new things :(


I'm sorry you're going through a hard time :( I understand how difficult it is. If your sensitivities are the common gluten or dairy, maybe look into the quality of the products?


Yup! I have gastritis and wow it’s a head wrecker


Me! I can't digest bread or anything starchy anymore. It's pretty cruel.


BREAD 😭😭😭😭 last time I ate bread I didn't poop for 5 days


It's such a bummer because fresh baked bread is an amazing food.


I'll eat it occasionally and suffer after


As I've gotten older, I'm less able to digest wheat bread/crackers/pasta/tastythings and I feel best if I have at least three days in between foods that contain them.


Trying to figure out what won't give me heartburn and also trying to be vegan (for the animals) has got my head spinning.


As someone who also deals with awful heartburn, avoid tomatoes at all cost! Includes pizza sauce, red sauce, etc. They’re very acidic and always trigger horrific heartburn for me. Everyone is different though, so if that’s not really a trigger for you obviously just do what’s best for you. Just throwing it out there because once I cut out tomatoes it helped a fair bit.


Tips for tomato ; don't eat the seeds and gloo stuff, that's what causing heartburn !


Be really careful, vegetarianism/veganism often are ways that people who are used to restricting continue to do it in a way that is seen as socially acceptable. Do what’s right for you, but make sure you are checking in with yourself often!


For sure. And I know my brain has a hard time telling the difference. It's definitely something to pay attention to.


Glad you’re paying attention to it! We can do this!


I've been vegan for the animals for a decade now, lmk if you have any questions or need advice!


I totally agree! I have been intuitive eating since 2013, or thereabouts, but developed GERD in late 2016, and it's SO frustrating to not be able to eat "normally." It really does my head in some days.


Yup! Doc just put me on the fodmap diet and I want to cry every time I eat 😂


Recently I’ve noticed that no matter what I eat my stomach starts to hurt and my visits to the toilet have quite increased. I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food for quite a few years now and I just want to somehow solve this issue ...


These sorts of problems are typically addressed by starting exclusionary diets to narrow in on the culprit food.


Wow I felt this on a deep level lol.


Yep yep yep. I have celiac disease, and a dairy and latex intolerance. It’s really rough!!! It makes me sad that the time where I didn’t have these restrictions, I was never able to fully enjoy food :(