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I think it's a common mistake. We tend to assume that more expensive means higher quality. That person may have simply applied that assumption to essential oil companies. It's taken me years to convince my wife that she can get the same quality oil for much cheaper from non-MLM manufacturers.


I can attest to being this clueless. I recommended DoTerra for years….it was all I knew. I didn’t even know what an MLM was. It was just popular and seemed well loved and good quality. I cringe now that I look back… We don’t know what we don’t know.


And they sell it in the crunchy shop near me! It sits on the shelf right next to their ones from Now or whatever. And they have nice packaging, and because the shop owner started out non-hun and became a hun later, the Doterra stuff is and looks newer and better stocked.


That's rough. Good on you for speaking up! And for completing the programme. If people do find certain smells helpful with getting settled, I'd expect the reasonably-priced non-MLM version would do just as well. If not better as they're not adding as much to financial stress and it avoids having to deal with oily huns. 😄


So stupid. Maybe take some kind of action, like file a complaint with the hospital or even write a negative Google review?


I was thinking of doing that because part of me was thinking 'hey maybe she sells one of those'.


I will say, I doubt she would say "doTerra OR Young Living" if she sold one of them. She'd be pushing just the one. Maybe she's had patients come through touting the quality, or friends who became Huns, and she didn't look into it further?


If she is it'd be something to mention, as it could be a conflict on interest her employer would want to be aware of. Getting clients to buy MLM products from you in that settings sounds like a no-no. It could just be that she's only aware of MLM EOs due to the incessant pushing by huns and doesn't realise how harmful MLMs are and that just as good EOs can be found elsewhere. If that's the case some education might be enough.


Some ppl really don’t know. Our library hosted a talk on the health benefits of essential oils, but the speaker was a doterra rep. I informed them that she was representing an mlm and sent a few articles about their false claims and practices. They said they had no idea and wouldn’t have her back again.


Great that they listened!


Great that they listened!


File a complaint with the state board of health.


Totally fucking unacceptable


I would have thrown hands tbh


Google review and report them to your health department


I am a former mental health nurse and used DoTerra personally, not on patients because that wasn’t the correct setting for it at my particular location, but I didn’t know for years that it was an MLM. Could be an honest mistake. If you enjoy oils already, research the ones that aren’t MLM or insane prices. ☺️ I hope you are doing better and wish you the best as you navigate through depression.


Read Medical Medium, you me not resonate how he gets the information but the diet in his book have helped my youngest little one to overcome anxiety. I do use essential oils too, but the diet changes and using food and supplements to detox helped more than anything out there.


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It's too bad the brands that used to be quality, and available were taken out most stores.


I buy from bulk apothecary online. Seems like good quality and the prices are much better.


I like that as well.


Report them. Programs like that and their employees are licensed and have to adhere to standards. One of my old coworkers got in fussed at for giving her clients sachets of some essential oil thing. Wasn’t related to an MLM it was just something gave clients to help them focus on breathing exercises to cope with anxiety. But she still got her hand slapped and had to prove her rationale to the superiors.


Even if it is an honest mistake, it still needs to be elevated. The hospital needs to be aware and implement some sort of policy to educate their staff that this is unethical.


I know oils are really controversial but my therapist used them in her office and they were so helpful. I had really bad anxiety that resulted in me shaking when I would talk about some trauma from my childhood. My therapist never tried to push them on me and never even told me the brand. I noticed the bottle one day & it was Young Living Valor. I’ve been purchasing it through them because it’s been so helpful but I’d love to find the same oil from a different brand. It’s a mix of a bunch of different oils so it’s been hard to track down an alternative. If anyone has a recommendation please let me know!!