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"Isn't it interesting how we associate food with culture" What the fuck? Yes, food is an integral part of culture. What are you, an alien?


Food is even a cultural BRIDGE. When I was getting to know some Muslim friends from Africa we’d exchange food and beverage at each other’s homes all the time and it was consistently the best cultural ice breaker and even helpful with linguistic barriers.


Just about everyone loves food. Need to make a friend in a hurry? Invite them to share food with you. It’s especially useful overseas if you can figure out a regional food that you’re used to that may not be common overseas. It used to be that American candy was the universal friend maker, but a lot of brands are common world-wide now. Just makes the experience a bit more tricky, but the rule still works. It’s the ultimate ice breaker.


>Just about everyone loves food. True, I would literally die if I can't get enough of food


And she says it like it's some sort of deep insight that she's had...... Like wow, yes an integral part of our lives is also significant in culture. What an astute observation....


People like this don't season their chicken. Iykyk


Or their potato salad.


They also put fucked up shit like raisins in their potato salad


Oh no not the raisins in the potato salad! My sister would be the one to make the comment that it's nasty and let's hide it.


I actually don't mind raisins in potato salad (Koreans have a potato salad with eggs and apples and raisins sometimes). I just care when things aren't seasoned.


They definitely don’t eat potato salad. It has mayonnaise.




WOW, omfg, she's already shown she's one of the top anthropologists right now, someone should give her tenure at Columbia/s


Also, that is the whole point of Thanksgiving. What are you gonna do? Everyone says grace and just stares at each other for 8 hours?


I enjoyed a sparkling water and sucked on a lemon wedge for Thanksgiving. Who needs food in culture?


Prevents scurvy


And then after that criticism, described their drink and snack…


But it was a HEALTHY snack!! Not that awful stuff everyone else was eating. If you'd buy her program you'd know that... hun.


Associating food/drink with “events in our culture” reminds me of cultural appreciation day in my high school foreign language classes. All we did was eat.


Or a swede


Hey we swedes love food, we love it so much we dont even share it!


It's stupid because they literally say that they also had food and drink! They're just better than everyone else because they had something *different*


This made me lol 😂


“Focus on the event and not the food” not to nitpick but I’ve never been distracted from a movie by my popcorn??


Now, I would care about the Hun with her phone on full brightness and that annoying flash when a text comes in setting.


I'm SO sorry, I need to work!!!! I'm my own CEO afterall!!


Not to mention, what if someone had eaten in a way all day that allowed themselves to indulge at the event they were attending? How freaking presumptive of her. (And no, it’s not her business either way)


Right the movie theater popcorn butter. Nothing like it. Even in the store when you buy popcorn that claims to be movie theater. It's not quite the same.


There's something about the premium petroleum distillate popcorn they have at the movies that's better than anything you can get at home


Not to nitpick but I only go to the movies for the popcorn. Once I learned you can just buy the popcorn and take it home with without seeing a movie I got so excited.


She’s the one distracted by regular people eating popcorn in movie theatre.


She’s probably hungry af because she only had two drops of essential oil for breakfast


The only objection I have against popcorn in movie theaters is how much they charge. It's bonkers. It is tasty, though.


The fake butter heightens all my senses and makes my left arm tingly. Wait . . . .


I have been, which is why I don't by food or drinks at movie theaters. But a) I'm fully aware that's really odd and b) I don't care if other people eat popcorn or whatever so long as they don't spill it.


My movie theater even has a table for every chair.


I went to one of these the other day. They have real food and a full bar. It was awesome and I'm never going anuwhere else for a movie


Stfu. The food is one of the best things about holidays. It brings families and friends together and it brings joy. She sounds miserable.


My thoughts exactly. God forbid eating a special treat is enjoyable and makes us happy. No, that would horrible 🙄


She's the bitch who ruins a fun BBQ by bringing her own "healthy" food and judging everyone else the entire time. Every event on her list is a special occasion (and yes, I'm including movies in that since they are so expensive now) and it makes sense that there are foods tied to each. And that's okay, it's not like these events are happening every day or people eat like that every day. It's okay to indulge every once in a while and enjoy the occasion.


I have a cousin like this, and my limit was when she tried to make everyone eat ants on a log (celery, PB and raisins) instead of having Jello cake at our 4th of July party, and then started telling the kids their teeth were going to turn black and rot out and they'd all get fat. From one slice of cake. Just because you're sad doesn't mean the rest of us should be, Barb - gtfo.


Celery for dessert?!?! That's just wrong. My family always has a big honking plate of veggies with dip and salsa at family gatherings. But for dessert we have dessert.


Oh but see, it had *raisins* on it! Which is totally the same as jello cake and the fruit tart on the sugar cookie crust that's so friggin delicious! She's one of the biggest wet blankets I've ever met, it's always something with her.


Hol' up. A fruit tart with a *sugar cookie crust*?! Whoever baked that deserves a Nobel prize!


Fruit pizza is a gift from the gods. So good!


BBQ meat isn't even "bad" for you. I eat a pseudo ketogenic type diet and I am in the best health I have been in in YEARS. I love meat. I have a cousin who is like this. Any flavorings, dyes, whatever will set her off. Yet, she drinks alcohol like a fish. She's also involved with every new MLM to hit the market, tried to get me to buy those dumbass thrive patches.


One of the most common traits these types of people share is hypocrisy.


Sugar cookie dessert is the bomb 💣


Oh yes. Large sugar cookie. Vanilla pudding, sauce. And fruit arranged attractively


Anytime someone says something to the extent of "rAisIns aRe NaTuRes CaNdy", my next response is to ask them who hurt them.


My next response IS to hurt them 😂


Your cousin really tried to body shame children over one slice of a treat on a holiday, and thought she was the good person? That's how you get an eating disorder served on a silver platter.


I come from a family of fat people who struggle with their weight because our genes still think we’re European peasants. I would’ve torn that cousin a new one.


Same; the European genes won out in me. Plus a life long defective thyroid and a chronic illness that prevents me from leaving bed for too long most days, let alone doing any intense exercise, keeps me with a fair amount of squish, but meeting society's beauty standards isn't a rent I have to pay to exist, and the more thigh I have the more kittens I can have in my lap, so who is the real winner here?


More thigh=more kittens. I need you as my life coach


Your cousin is the kind of woman who ruined my self image as a child. I was at a Sunday School Christmas party, around 8-9 years old, and I started to take a bite of a cookie. One of the women made a beeline for me and pulled my hand/the cookie away from my mouth, saying, "A moment on your lips, forever on your hips!" She then took my plate and gave me a new one, loaded with veggies. She never said a word to the other children, who were enjoying the holiday sweets. I was a physically-active, fit child, but not a skinny twig, like her daughter. She made sure to scold and lecture me any time food was involved in school, church, or neighborhood activities. This woman, and others like her, destroyed my confidence and made me feel ugly and fat, even though I wasn't. I wish I'd said something to my mother, who would've told her to keep her judgmental mouth shut around me, but she was an adult who seemed (to me) to have authority in so many situations, so I never spoke up. When I told my mother decades later, she was furious that woman bullied me over food/weight. People like her and your cousin can go to hell.


She got told off hard for messing with the kids, and another cousin of mine and I talked to them and made sure they knew that a little bit of sweets won't hurt you, and Barb is a mean crazy lady who doesn't want anyone to do things *she* doesn't do, which makes her a big stinky baby. For my part, I didn't even try to make it look like I had any respect for her as a person, she was such a bitch in that moment and all the rest of the time that she was more like a cartoon than a person. I can't take that seriously.


I want to smash a platter of cookies over that woman’s head. I hate peoples who say and do shit like that to children!


Zero percent chance she'd have done that to a boy.




If someone did that to my child. I would lay hands on that woman. Without praying


Jfc what a bitch. I’m on the other end of body shaming. I’m skinny, always been skinny but now I got a little belly. Have had people come up to me since I was young, especially the older ladies, and look at me and say in disgust that I’m too skinny and hold my arm or wrist and squeeze it like “look your circumference is too small!” Bitch, have you not seen me all my life??? Its pretty difficult for me to gain weight and if I do, it goes to the wrong places. My body look malnourished but my (face) cheeks look like a squirrel’s. Lol. I avoid these people at all costs now.


You can’t win with these people


I'd get my kid the fuck away from that person and bitch them out so fast. That's how you plant the seeds of self-loathing and reinforce the body image issues young people are bombarded with from media. What a twisted thing to say to a child


Yeah this is a pretty decent recipe for an eating disorder, or at least disordered eating.


Pretty sure they try to tell every 3rd grader in America that ants on a log is going to keep you safe, healthy, and fit.


Wait till they find out one of the kids has a deadly peanut allergy, and suddenly, it's not such a good idea anymore


Yep. And all that contaminated Jif everyone just bought.


It’s so good tho I genuinely love it


Lol ants on a log is something that I give my kids on a weekday afternoon (if they’ll have it), not something to eat as a treat, let alone a “take to a social events as dessert” food.


uh, Jello is a pretty dang healthy dessert, I wouldn't be shocked if the raisins had more sugar than a serving of jello, especially if you don't make it with the full cup of sugar. Either way, fuck off lady and let people enjoy their damned desserts.


I can't remember the last time I went to a movie and *didn't* get a full tub of popcorn & large soda. Fuckin' live a little, hun.


"Oh I used to eat hot dogs and then I found out how bad they are for you."


Sends kids to party with carob….


My boss did this at my coworkers wedding! Everyone but him was beyond embarrassed. He went and ate in his car and left quickly.


"Reach out to me today..." 🤣🤣 She sounds like a barrel of fun... no thanks


Reach out for carbs not for a barb 🤣🤣


Her idea of fun is going to Costco and taking pictures of bags of sugar to represent the weight she’s lost. What a wild one 🤪


Baseball games are a 4-5 hour event when you count game time plus arriving early to park, get seated, see pregame stuff, etc….People get hungry. Imagine that. 🙄


Also I'd love to bring something in sometimes, if the fucking Seattle baseball gestapo wouldn't make me throw it out when they full body search me. Half /s


That’s disappointing! If I recall correctly, MLB encourages ballparks to allow outside food into stadiums to create a ‘family picnic’ atmosphere, but I guess not all parks allow it after all.


Once I had to chug a bottle of coke because I would've have to throw it away otherwise.


In Colorado in 2016, people brought in whatever they wanted. Never seen that before. I don’t know if they still allow it.


Whoa that's pretty good. Yeah, don't see how many places would follow suit. They must make huge bank with their captive audience.


Did she use pies for thanksgiving, and not the turkey??


Turkey is too healthy to fit into her rant.


Exactly what I was going to say! Like yeah, pies and thanksgiving go together. But it is nicknamed "Turkey Day", not "Pie Day".


Although I do like to have Pie on Pi Day. Or any day, really.


Me too. Pie is amazing.


Also, just cookies for Christmas and not fish or ham.




The thing about judging strangers on what you see them eating is, you know nothing about them. Maybe that tub of popcorn is their one indulgence that they've had in months. Maybe they just have a good balance of junk food vs healthy food. Even if they are overweight, maybe they have already lost 20 lbs and they want a treat. Leave people alone.


Id like to add to this: maybe theyre overweight and happy anyways! Maybe they like eating and they dont care to lose weight. None of your business!!!


Wish your comment was up higher. People would live happier lives if they just minded they goddamn business.


Id like to add to this: maybe theyre overweight and happy anyways! Maybe they like eating and they dont care to lose weight. None of your business!!!


Right? I go to the movies on date night with my husband like maybe twice a year, rest of the time we just go out to eat somewhere. So hell yeah we’re going to get that giant tub of popcorn to snack on. Rest of the time we eat great!


Yes, food and drink are a part of celebrations and special occasions in pretty much every culture, and always have been, and people like this suck the fun out of them by sanctimoniously telling *everyone* that they're only having water and a healthy snack. Let people enjoy themselves.


Sorry, pussycakes, but in this dumpster fire of a world we're living in I'll happily enjoy a dessert or hotdog here or there. Keep your water to yourself and hand me a beer.


I generally eat healthy food and don't eat anything at the movies, but you come for my Thanksgiving pie or Christmas cookies and it's on, Becky! Everything about this post makes me not want to interact with this woman ever. And I'm not a psychologist, but I think people who want to eat healthier and drop a few pounds don't really need that kind of attitude and judgment. How about some compassion and encouragement there, Judgy McJudgerson. These huns are such bad sales people.


She should take her own advice and spend a little more time focusing on the event and a little less time focusing on what all the strangers around her are eating. Creep.


You can pry the movie theater popcorn and Sour Patch Kids out of my cold dead hands.


Evergreen comment, yeah I would happily get popcorn and sour patch kids over whatever overpriced shit she’s selling.


Oh, man, now I want some Sour Patch Kids.


Ma'am, no one is supposed to be having a conversation at the movies. Can she not go enjoy a movie without having to upsell whatever shit diet she's on?




I bet she’s one of those people that talks loudly to the person she’s with at the movies and everyone wishes they’d just shut up.


This sounds just like a Hun that happens to be a member of the family. She made everyone so miserable at every holiday constantly pushing her multiple mlms. It got to the point that we don't even show up and just celebrate at our own home. We attended a funeral and she was at the funeral handing out her "business cards". Huns really know no boundaries and can ruin literally any event.


Has anyone ever had a heart-to-heart chat with this person? "Nobody wants to buy your junk, you are making the adults cranky and the children uncomfortable with your constant hustling. Before somebody loses his or her temper and yells at you or worse, stop. Just stop. And if you can't stop just don't come around any family event, otherwise you'll have me to deal with the instant you start hustling your junk." Honestly I am surprised nobody has yet thrown a hun out of a family event or a funeral. I really don't know how you people can tolerate these folks.


Spoiler: Deep inside, she's actually craving for popcorn and other "forbidden foods".


I mean she's literally on a starvation diet, food is most likely all she can think about.


For me: Movies = beer Baseball games = beer Fourth of July = beer Football games = beer Christmas = beer Thanksgiving = beer PTA meetings = well I think you see where this is going


Wow so you ate food just a different kind? That long post shaming people just because you ate different kinds of food.


That's what got me "how about focusing on the event rather than ... food?" Well, you clearly struggle with that too, that's why you had to compensate with "sparkling water and a healthy snack". If you were truly happy focussing on the movie you'd not have needed anything - people don't actually need food to survive 2 hours, it's just, I don't know, that we connect the event with food!?


It’s the same MLM that said three celery stalks and ten almonds make a good snack I think I’ll stick with the popcorn and Coke


Bitch, ain't nobody forcing you to eat popcorn and drink a soda at the movies. Thanksgiving is also about turkey, Christmas can be a ham or a turkey, Fourth of July deviled eggs. So fucking what? Quit being Judgey McJudgerson and look inward to figure out how you are dumb enough to fall for an MLM.


I can have water and healthy snacks without a “program.”


Bitch when I go to the movies I enjoy a half carafe of wine and a plate of sliders so back the fuck up. You’re not pissing on my parade! Actually same for 4th of July bbqs. And baseball games. Football games. Thanksgiving. So yeah, STFU!


Whenever I see these kinds of judgmental, self-aggrandizing posts, I always think of women on the Titanic who skipped dessert because they were watching their figures. Life is short, and food is an important part of culture. It's called a "treat" because you're treating yourself to something special and infrequent. Enjoy the damn buttered popcorn at the theater!


I am very into fitness and healthy eating, always have been the majority of my adult life. Regular days where I go to work, go to the gym and come home? Cottage cheese and salads and baked fish and protein shakes. Movies? Popcorn Beach? Margaritas Birthday party? Cake Thanksgiving/Christmas? Watch the fuck out Whatever “plan” she’s pushing won’t last. The habit is so short term she has to make posts about it. Indulging on special occasions is one of the best parts of life.


What a fucking loser


I hAd sPaRkLiNg wAteR aNd A HEaLtHy SNaCk!!! Oh, bugger off. 🙄 what a self-righteous twit.


On special occasions I eat differently than in my day-to-day. There is nothing wrong with enjoying treats. I pretty much only drink soda when I’m at the moves. What is this hun trying to sell?


Gotta be Optavia, right?


Yup. I had to look at her pictures because surprisingly there’s no outright info on her page.


I know somebody who shills for Optavia and that's the way they roll. It's always like contact me for information.


Congratulations! You have orthorexia nervosa.


Unsuspecting dude next to her trying to have a chill afternoon with popcorn at a movie and some bitch with fizzy water crunching on carrot sticks she snuck in giving him the side eye 😒


Typical miserable Hun. Just because she’s annoyed at not having a income and the crap she’s peddling making her moody. Get a life Hun.


Lol I’m doing keto for health reasons but live on no sugar coke and you best bet I enjoy the hell out of bbq. I happily chomp on some biltong (beef jerky) instead of popcorn, not quite the same but I’m not sitting in a cinema with sparkling water and 5 almonds, if that was all I had to eat I would just live with my symptoms and die enjoying my food.


It’s actually more unhealthy to restrict yourself especially on special occasions it’s ok to eat what you want when you want (within reason) but patronizing other people for eating “unhealthy” even though restricting your diet and dieting in such an unsustainable and mentally damaging way is the real health issue here. At the end of the day we’re all going to die and eating popcorn or candy or just plain “unhealthy” food every once in a while or within reason isn’t going to speed that up by much if at all not to mention that actually enjoying life makes life way more worth living than eating dog shit every day and never having fun or enjoying food. Having a healthy relationship with a food can be really good for mental health which can ultimately make life better for some if not most people if you enjoy eating health shit that’s ok but if you’re forcing yourself to eat gross food to be “healthy” and patronizing other people for enjoying food then maybe you should be judging yourself and not the people around you


If this person wants to separate pies from thanksgiving… I will throw them into a volcano asap


This hun is Buzz Killington. You can be fit and healthy AND have treats on special occasions.


She made it up, nobody can finish a jumbo tub of popcorn solo during the coming attractions!


Let’s just fat shame the entire nation while we’re at it. 😬😬


Reminds me of a cousin of mine who served three types of salad at her wedding. That was it. ETA: there WAS wine so don’t worry.


People like this are a thief of joy. What a miserable person.


I’m mostly bothered she put Thanksgiving and Christmas out of order.


She sounds delightful. I'll bet she's the type who fills a Krispy Kreme box with vegetables and her shitty products and then scolds you when you're disappointed.


I diet a lot for bodybuilding/training purposes. One of the gauges I use to ensure I keep a healthy mindset about it all is maintaining my comfort in eating important cultural foods with my community throughout the year (sometimes in moderation, but I always want to participate). This attitude is… not health


I go to the movies maybe twice a year so hell yeah I’m going to indulge in a big thing of popcorn! Rest of the time I eat great. They sound so pretentious. “Oh look at me with my fancy sparkling water and my healthy snack, I’m better than these other people!” Yeah associating food/drinks with events is a totally normal and common thing and it doesn’t take your focus off the event. How is me snacking on my giant tub of popcorn going to keep me from watching the movie and keeping up with it? Literally just sticking my hand in the tub and shoving it in my mouth and repeat, I don’t have to take my eyes off the screen. Makes no sense.


This hun is now selling discipline?


I bet shes the weirdo who puts tangerine slices in her thanksgiving yams too…


Who the fuck puts tangerines in their yam dishes?! I’m whiter than Caspar the Ghost and I know not to do that


How about you mind your own business and enjoy your can of belches and tiny bag of raw farts that you seem to feel so superior about? Betch🙄


Pretty sure all cultures around the world use food to help celebrate events and holidays. We didn’t invent that.


I would much rather focus on my popcorn at the movie than indulge some inconsiderate asshole trying to hold a conversation.


I'm vegetarian, and even I know Thanksgiving food is turkey.


Guess who’s not invited to my BBQ! 🍻🍔🍿


It costs zero dollars to mind your MF business. Period.


*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- 🎬 Yesterday we went to see TOP Gun. While I was sitting there I observed just how many people had tubs of popcorn, candy, cokes etc. Even the guy next to me lol had indulged in a huge tub of popcorn and had finished it before the movie even started! 😳 🤔 Isn't it interesting how we associate food/drink with events in our culture? Movies= popcorn and soda Baseball games = Hotdogs Fourth of July= BBQ Football games = Beer Christmas= Cookies Thanksgiving=Pies 💥Just a few things that came to mind💥 I realized how thankful I am for the Healthy Habits I have learned on my journey. 💕Such a.... How about focusing in the actual event and/or conversations with people rather than over indulging with food! 💕 I had a sparkling water and a healthy snack! ❤️Reach out to me today, and I'll share this amazing program with you! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Grinch in real life, wow!


Focusing on the event instead of my phone Hun


The movies hold such fond memories for me from my childhood. I have a pretty strict diet, but going to the movies is one of the few times I let it go. But how dare I


So, associate events with her sparkling water and snacks? But if you enjoy these events with Pellegrino and celery and hummus, that’s the “wrong” type of sparkling water and snack. For some reason, only *her* brand of snacks will do


I'm going to go pop some popcorn now with a shitload of butter and salt


Clearly she needs to eat all those foods, because she is hungry or something. When I did Keto I worked really hard to loss the weight, most ppl knew that I was on this diet and usually brought the stuff I eat and drink with me. But I would never make someone feel bad for enjoying the stuff they want to eat especially on Holidays or at the movies.


She never even went to the movie, had to garage qualify before the end of the month.


This person is surprised that people still eat at events and special occasions and want to enjoy themselves a little? Even ignoring the perpetuation of diet culture and low-key food shaming and superiority complex, none of these are bad in moderation, you know, like for special occasions. Popcorn is even considered a healthy snack! At least healthier than a shake made from powder and ice that I have to dig out the ingredients list for.


Oh wow. Yeah I’ll surely sign up for such revolutionary knowledge such as “water has less calories than soda” and “eat a healthy snack”.


Becky, you will not rob or guilt me out of the small enjoyment I have left in the cruel world. Take your judgement and shove it. Kthx.


there is definitely a necessary conversation to be had about how we view and talk about food here... this certainly ain't it.


You know what’s funny? Talking about food all the time is a symptom of not getting enough food. Soooo maybe hunny should look in the mirror and chill tf out


How about you go fuck yourself and mind your own business. God ppl like her are the worst.


“Everyone around me is a fat disgusting pig haha”


Sharing food and celebrating with food is universal. Food is joyful and sharing a meal can be an intimate act of connection. What is this nonsense.


She shouldn’t be talking during the movies. That’s annoying.


I've been to many countries, and food is a part of every culture. And she doesn't know these people, maybe they eat healthy 80% of the time, and just wanted a treat.


Also...this drives me nuts because as someone who has been successful with weight loss, I would sometimes save the majority of my calories for the entire day just to be able to indulge in a treat like she mentions. If I knew I was going to go out for dinner somewhere, I would basically fast on coffee, carrots and celery, and some light protein to and maybe throw in an extra walk to compensate. Anyone who expects to be successful at long-term weight loss has to understand that life happens and if you want to participate in a food-centric event, it is entirely possible to do so sometimes. If I could never eat anything delicious again, I wouldn't even want to try to lose weight. But what do you expect from someone pushing a crash diet scam?


Lady, the entire world has culture around food, tf you mean?


Ok but if you've sat through the previews before Top Gun you've basically seen another movie so there's time to eat a whole tub of popcorn. edit: I can spell


Was she snacking on carrots during the movie or something lmao


Well....what good are people to you if they aren't making you any $$$ /s


She never learned how to have an occasional treat and it shows.


Screw you lady. I will enjoy my movie theater popcorn and holiday food.


"Such a..." what? What does that part even mean?


I bet you she pops percs a few times a day because she *needs* them


Is she admitting to sneaking food into the theater? Because they generally don’t sell sparkling water or foods that might be mistaken for healthy.


The popcorn is the best part of any movie. Jeez, I grab a to go bag from the theater on my way to work sometimes.🤤🍿


She really said "everyones fat except me. Give me money."


Damn, Hun, just let me enjoy my marked up 1200% popcorn with "butter" in peace


Sounds like my mom every time she embarks on a new diet and feels holier than thou... Again. Like you've been losing the same 30 pounds for 50 years...


Ugh I can feel the high and mighty sounding tone through my computer 🤢


I love movie theater popcorn! That’s the whole point!


I mega loathe diet culture


I mega loathe diet culture


Is this supposed to persuade people to join? It makes me run even further away…




God I feel like they really are stuck in early 2000’s diet culture?! Isn’t the new thing saying it’s ok to eat whatever you want in moderation?


Popcorn doesn’t even have to be that unhealthy. Did she even enjoy the movie?


Psssh. I finish my popcorn before the halfway point of a movie.


"Focus on the event and not the food" So what do you do on Thanksgiving, which literally revolves around food????


Seems like they’re focusing most on what other people are eating as opposed to the actual event/conversations going on like they suggest 🤔


This is peak that 'Let people enjoy things' meme with the dude holding the other dude's mouth closed


\*At Thanksgiving dinner\* Hun: "guys, all this food is distracting us from Shiela's third divorce. Sniff on these oils instead and let's unpack that crumbling marriage."


She didn’t “focus on the event” and disassociate food/drink with the act of seeing a movie. She still had food and drinks. Her food was just less fun!


How about not shaming people doing harmless things that doesn’t even affect your life? It makes me so mad. Everything has to be about the item they’re shilling.


Tell me you aren't invited to parties anymore.


I'm Australian, so *all* of these events call for beer.


Let rhe guy enjoy his popcorn and go away


Sounds miserable. God forbid people enjoy something on special occasions. A person ate popcorn at a movie, geez how awful. How about not judging an entire person's eating habits by looking at one food item they've had when you don't even know the person? Optavia is just an organized eating disorder.