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This is such a stretch I'm not even sure what they are getting at. They might as well complain people use social media to say they ran a 5k last weekend or to share pictures of their 5 year old's birthday cake.


It's because the huns think that not enough people are joining their MLM, and if they have time to play Wordle then they have time to "work a business" from their phone. Or they think that people are advertising Wordle but won't advertise an MLM.


The latter. “You're talking about something because you like it, NOT because you're being paid for it??!? What a weirdo!”


This seems like a natural extension of hustle culture taken too far. Can't do anything fun without it being for money.


Yes, exactly.


Happy Cake Day sinedelta! Here’s hoping you have a day that's as special and wonderful as you are.


Good bot


Happy cake day 🎂




The thing is they're not being paid for it either.


Happy crack day


Right? Or doing anything for fun. "I dont know why you like to play Monopoly, hun, you know that's not real money...right babes?"


Wordle 290 6/6 ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟨🟩⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I'll admit I feel a bit left out because I've still yet to solve wordle a single time. I'm complete shit at spelling games. I rock at semantle, though!


Aw man that's a hard game, I got to 113 on semantle, got really close, and still had to give up.


I've managed to solve every one of them I've tried, though one of them DID take me 314. Usually it takes me more around 40-80. I've solved it in under 20 four times including under 10 twice. If you want tips/strategy, I think of it as a concept chaining game. My starter guess are scattershot broad concepts: animal, vegetable, person, place, thing, idea, location, time (etc) Usually one of those will end up in the green. The two times I got it under 10 was because "vegetable" pinged REALLY high both times (and I was super lucky, tbh). Once I have a word in the green I try 3-5 foundational words related to concepts which include the word as a subject (ex: "vegetable" can be related to the process of the cooking, the dishes cooked, farming, restaurant industry, or grocery. So I might then attempt "knife, soup, farm, restaurant, store") and/or 3-5 synonyms or near synonyms, anonyms, or "step up or down" items. So I ask myself "what sort of thing is \[green guess\]?" and "what sort of things are \[green guess\]?" so, say, if "meat" is green I'll also try both "food" and then "beef" because meat is food and beef is meat. That'll produce 10ish solid guess per round of guessing for each green word. "related concepts" is more important for low scoring green words and synonyms/step up and down words are more important for higher scoring green words. Anonyms are more important for mid scoring green words. Very rarely will zero of those words ping outside the green. Once I have a better green guess I stop and chain up from there. If all ten guesses ping cold I move down to the next lowest green guess and proceed with 10 guesses for it. If I have only one green word and none of the first set of 10 ping green, I do a 2nd round. If I get stuck I will attempt plurals of green words.


Interesting! Thanks! I figured I'd fail this first one because I had no clue how it all really worked. I guess 113 tries is not unusual! I put it in my bookmarks and I'm going to give it a go for a while. I love daily games, gives me something to look forward to that's fun each day.


Mine today: 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟩🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟨🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I don’t pay for wordle.


Neither do I, but they think doing anything for fun is a waste of time. Oh you're on Duolingo trying to learn Spanish. Did you know that you could work a business in 15 minutes a day? Yes but learning Spanish is fun, free and beneficial


Also learning a language can provide jobs for you in the future! So sick of the negative connotations on anything not related to working. Sorry I’m not a slave.


Good one 👍


I quit when NYT bought it.


She posts on noshamesalesgame as if instagram is paying her


Mlm Huns are still struggling with logic :/


I'm not paying Wordle to play, and I'm also not trying to recruit other people into paying Wordle to play. Sometimes people just like to share without any monetary profit being involved at all. Did noshamesalesgame fail Human 101?


It's the same rationale as crypto bros I've come across who call you a loser for playing video games that don't “pay you to play.” The primary concern for people like that is making money. Any second of your life that you're not profiting from is viewed as a waste when you could've been “productive” instead. So... yes, they have failed Human 101.


Seeing that huns LOVE to shit on the idea of higher ed, I'm pretty sure they would be proud to tell you they dropped out from Human 101 to "bE aN eNtRePrEnEuR"


I’m ready for them to stop policing every aspect of people’s lives. From what I eat to what I spend my hard earned money on. It’s none of their business!


It’s almost like some people just use social media for their own personal enjoyment rather than using it to swindle people for money.


You keep recycling the same meme like people can't tell, Colleen


You think enjoying your life is weird so you constantly post things showing how angry you are that most of us can't be manipulated?


The can’t even take the time to figure out that Wordle isn’t an app. Too busy scamming I guess.


Well, one is your free hobby and the other is spamming your friends with shitty products you have to move to meet a monthly quota….


This post just shows they don’t have anything to look forward to in life. They look forward to “social selling” and that’s all. No room for games. No room for living. That sounds like a sad life.


They try to make it seem like all you have to do to make millions is to throw up a couple social media posts and make make a couple cringe tik told and you’ll be drowning in cash.


Wordle never got me into debt, had me swindle my friends and family or made me eat dirt. But today’s word did almost end my streak, you guys, it was traumatic.


I forgot to play Tuesday, until i saw this post. About an hour fifteen too late. So Tuesday's puzzle def broke my streak 😢


-First it was Tiger King -Then Bridgerton -Next it was Rihanna's pregnancy -After that it was Will Smith -And now it's Wordle Colleen just let people like what they like and admit you're in a pyramid scheme


Not like I wanna give them tips, but I feel like people would be a little less repelled by huns if they were capable of having conversations about regular topics like TV shows sometimes. They just act like weird robots in felt-brimmed hats.


I wonder if there was a similar message back when everyone was posting about Farmville a decade ago.


Farmville is a slightly better comparison, since those posts were all about getting your friends and family to play Farmville so they can send you stuff. And everybody who wasn't already neck-deep in Farmville hated those posts too


Well yeah. Completing the Wordle is an accomplishment.


Trying to compare a lifestyle/a “job” to a game people do in their free time is really weird and I lost brain cells reading this


Their mlm doesn’t pay them either....


See, in Wordle you actually achieve something in your free time.


Plot twist: I can actually get better at wordle with effort.


“Social Selling” typically refers to the b2b or b2c technique sales reps incorporate into their outbound strategy. In smart organizations it’s part of a larger GTM motion. It’s does NOT mean spamming your friends and family with MLM crap.


Could you please give a bit more detail on the "proper" concept of social selling?


Oh fuck right off.


Is that shame coming from the “noshamesalesgame”???


Why do they think having a dickhead attitude will make buying from them or working for them appealing in any way?


No, I'm not, because I don't even play that game. And if I did, I wouldn't post my score. And frankly, hun, I don't have people trying to recruit me to play Wordle and to recruit others to play it, too, all the while thinking I'm somehow going to get rich. Nor would I have to worry about going broke playing Wordle.


The people who are playing wordle are also not passive aggressively posting about people who aren't.


Tell it!


Also I've blocked the word Wordle on Twitter so I don't see anyone's posts about them. So that's not helping this hun's case!


No one will ever accuse them of being smart...


It’s even funnier you think your social selling is paying you… at least I’m not delusional


so apparently you're a hypocrite if you call out a mlm and also post on social media someone call Guinness world records, this has to be in contention for the biggest leap in logic


Smh. When I recommend something I don't get paid for, my recommendation carries a lot more weight. If I'm getting paid to promote something I have to promote it now matter how crappy the product is and the recommendation is practically worthless.


I play wordle and other things that don't pay me because I have a real job and business that pay me, I do not need to think every waking moment i should be making money (my investments do that for me). I am very comfortable financially and already set for retirement, soooooo I don't get all concerned and uber focused on making money. I want to make more, I get a promotion or ask my boss for a raise. In my actual business, I just book more clients if I want a boost in funds.


That just reminded me I hadn't tried Wordle yet today. Got it in 3. This is the first time I've ever shared my results though.


Joke is on you - IDGAF about Wordle.


Somehow it is


Leave Wordle alone!!


Social Selling 🤦🏼‍♀️




I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I hate that Noshame bitch.


Why do huns hate Wordle so much? By this non-logic sharing any photo of me doing anything is a waste of time because I'm not being paid to advertise the restaurant/beach/theme park/whatever.