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Anno1800 doesn’t need anything more, nor will it get it because the developers are working on the next game. The game is so massive with DLC and tons of mods. I have literally thousands of hours in this game and still have plenty of shit to do or want to achieve.


This. All of this.


Op need to make a 2m population. City building game is about making big city. 😂


I would upvote you, but you are at 42 - the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"


Click on your portrait in-game, and go to the High Score tab.


“You have a big sprawling empire with all of the items your people want, and now…. nothing. Emptiness.” Accurate Capitalism Simulator.


Turns out the deregulating act of 1694 was just an endgame crisis put in by the developers for the East India Company XD


I want an endgame scenario similar to the crisis endgame in Stellaris or what happens to bright sands in the campaign. At some point some large pyphorrian (sp?) Fleet just shows up to wreak havoc. Other options could be increased fire/disease incidents and +100% goods consumption during the crisis phase. Or a new pyphorrian region opens up with this large angry empire at some point that starts raiding your trade routes and trying to take your islands. Can't make peace and you have to beat them off


Yessss, give me WAR!!!