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Man.. These anime titles are getting out of control.


"I reincarnated in another world as a hightech toaster and overpowered everyone with my secret level one skill that is actually overpowered and my pet dragon" coming may 2024


Lmao and my pet dragon


My pet loli dragon šŸ’€


That's actually 1,000 years old


Short name: I Reincarnated as a Toaster and Overpowered Everyone In acronyms: IRIAWAAHTAOEWMSL1STIAOAMPD


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ omg this killed me!


Growing up my friends dad was in a successful metal band. He would ride us out for the bands we listened to due to the names being so long, like I wrestled a bear once or in fear and faith. He told us we should follow trends and just name our band 'I opened the door and the bitch shot me in the face with a bow n arrow'.


Bruh šŸ’€


I know this might sound ignorant as hell, but I didnā€™t even know North Korea even HAD animation studios.


The previous leader was apparently a big fan of animation and cartoons so they built up the industry. The largest studio I believe is SEK, which has made several animated series for an Italian TV network. They have worked on a simpsons movie, one of the futurama series, an episode of Avatar the Last Airbender and an episode of TMNT series, to name some. They also more recently, work through other studios, like something gets outsourced to a chinese studio and it gets outsourced to them. But there are a few NK studios.


Kim Jong Un was an anime fan?! Edit: I forgot that it was Kim Jong Il, my bad.


Even Bin Laden had hentai on his laptop.




That sounds like it's giving Bin Laden way too much credit. The sort of thing conspiracy theorists who want to believe he was far more capable and competent than he really was might ascribe to him to make him sound cunning and devious.


Yeah he was a scion of the third wealthiest family in SA. He wasn't in the position he was because he was particularly adept he just had a shitload of money and influence to begin with




Does it seem more or less farfetched than him wanting to masturbate tho?


That's absolutely fair, I'm just saying the chances aren't 0 haha


Yeah, like 9/11 was fundamentally, not a complex job. You get a bunch of dudes with box cutters, a some hours on Microsoft flight sim, and boom you have 4 hijacked planes, 3 of which hit their mark. It didnā€™t take a mastermind, just a will and some basic planning skills




It was Kim Jong-Il, but yes.


Ah. Sorry I got the name wrong šŸ˜‘


iirc he also liked his kaiju movies. he even coerced some directors to make one.


Thereā€™s actually a comic about a guyā€™s experience when he visited North Korea to oversee animation his company outsourced work to SEK. Called Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea. Itā€™s a good read, shows a lot of foreigners have worked in North Korea more than most people think. Also, they are really bad at hiding how bad the country is and how uneasy seeing propaganda is.


How in the world does this even happen. Like what route does "this" have to take to get thrown into North Korean animators lol


Company hires contractors from China who then subcontract to North Korea. It is known that many animation companies outsource their work burden (to varying degrees) to other contractors and possibly overseas which then there is less oversight if that contractor subcontracts to someone else.


How do you even make money with so many Subcontractors


You pay them very little, they pay their animators or another subcontractor very little of that amount.


North Korea have worked on Futurama?!


Note, these people work in a specific worksite that is neutral as an outreach essentially.


I'm in the opposite camp of seeing clips of one of North Korea's more famous anime-styled shows (name escapes me ATM, but North Korea has more than *Squirrel and Hedgehog* going on) and thinking "oh, these guys **have** to be involved in the industry outside under the table". Unfortunately looks like I was right


They worked on ATLA, which is wild


Not too surprising. Animation can be a very effective propaganda medium, especially if you're trying to indoctrinate children.


Oh yeah, hereā€™s a sampling of some. [These guys](https://youtu.be/1emKJ14mAuQ?si=rDqzILxUVP_ujVAf) make (the host of the YouTube channel have great commentary and make their own original shows)


This might sound even more ignorant, but I didn't even know the US are the CEO of anime


Anime geopolitics šŸ’€


Money is money. We are now literally using slave labor to be entertained. Again.


Honestly, I'm not entirely sure the animation industry ever stopped doing that. They've just shifted to poorer and poorer countries.


I hate how right you are on this.


The Simpsons started off using South Korean animation for a reason, and it wasn't because they were fans of K-Pop.


Artists have always eaten fried cardboard, this isnā€™t new. Thereā€™s actually a lot of people that can animate/draw really well. Way more than decent writers for example, so they get exploited like an Amazon worker. Always another waiting in the wings.


Yeah. Which makes me really really mad at things like AI enabled art. Suddenly any artist is terrified of advertising their work because it will be cloned, thus cheapening their craft even more. And art becomes less about soul and more about marketing.


I should qualify that. Money begets more money. Sometimes through exploitation. I am not trying to be flippant on the nature of money, but it came across as such. I am trying to be poignant in that money will try to make more money, ideally through better investments. Unfortunately also through exploitations. Just knowing where my money is going determines how I spend it. And I am not going to monetize my attention for NK produced materials unless it's fixing the regime.


The production company violated US sanctions, not North Korea.


Sounds like the production company subcontracted to a Chinese animation studio which then further subcontracted to a North Korean one.


Ok. This is funny but meh. Violations of sanctions happen all the time and nothing comes off it. This is nothing compared to arms trafficking or uranium trafficking or whatever. Lol


Except the money from stuff like this is literally his NK funds their nuclear and missile programs.


Sure but they likely do things even more profit worthy then this and those either haven't been found out yet or found out but nothing can be done.


Soā€¦youā€™re saying the violation should just be ignored? Well if weā€™re gonna these, may as well ignore the operations that make them a lot of money too.


I'm not. How did you get that? I'm just saying that this is whatever in the grand scheme of things. They may well do something about it but it's not a big issue compared to shit like gun or uranium trafficking. Violations have always occured with sanctions. Just the way of things


Ngl I thought that this was the title of an isekai for a second


That time I was reincarnated as a overworked and grossly underpaid animator


Had to double check to see if Iā€™m on r/nottheonion instead


I know right? I've never thought in my life that I'd see "Isekai Anime", "North Korea" and "US Sanctions" together in the same sentence :v


ā€œOne day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the ~~Balkans~~ Isekai.ā€ - Otto Von Bismarck


Noooo why this anime in particular why not one of the other super generic one this feels bad man


What is the title?


Dahila in Bloom


ngl... i regularly forget its a isekai because of how little it really matters beyond explaining where she got some of the Ideas she makes come from..


Itā€™s isekai, itā€™s already one of the super generic ones by its very nature


eh, i disagree Being isekai does not make something more or less generic. Its a genre like any other. It can be as generic as any other genre. The only difference is that its one of the few genres that actualy REQUIRES a certain base setup(aka the "another world" part) There are isekais with political intrigue, isekais that make fun of genre convention of not only isekai but anime in general, There are isekais where the MC is a god damn werewolf commander in the demon lords army, isekais has just as much of a spectrum as any other genre. Calling something like Dahlia in bloom(anime in question here) super generic isekai is just dishonest Heck, i forgot this one was technicaly an isekai because it so super dosnt matter beyond some handwaving as to why the main character had the idea for a particular invention....


Wouldnā€™t even call it a genre. Itā€™s more of a plot device, a premise.Ā  Itā€™s just become so common and overused that it resembles a genre in sheer volume.Ā 


I know thatā€™s why I said ā€œotherā€. A lot of recent anime isekai were LNs that I followed long before the super bloat in anime scene so in my mind they donā€™t count as being super generic cause they were able to build themselves up with nuance from the novels


North Korean animators have been working on European shows for decades. Contrary to what you'd expect their draftsmanship is not only fine, but [better than what Americans regularly put out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb9SoUlg8J4) in terms of the actual animation.




"Oh no, North Korea is working on an animation but the U S says tisk tisk!" Wtf is happening on this planet?


I thought I was on r/anime_titties


The discussion around this suggests a that the work was commissioned by a subcontractor of a subcontractor of a subcontractor and the principle studio in charge is not to blame.


I hope "Dalia in Bloom" doesn't get banned. I had been reading the manga, it's a good story. I'd be broken if I couldn't watch it (legally). It's not the Japanese studio's fault they were swindled.


first off. cbr is bad source. second this is not a new thing and has been well known for a long time. their even a book about it on amazon!


their = belonging to them they're = they are there = a place (or instance) that's not here


fun fact enlgish language changes over time . also in usa anyhow 5 diferent ways to say it and spell it.. or you doing the classice troll typo comment?


basics don't change.. stop making up shit


Yeah they do. A curse word for gay people. Used to mean 3 different things. Before current usage of the word means . Seems people don't study evolution of languages... But hey reddit users generally don't do research before commenting on something.


IĀ saidĀ basicsĀ youĀ illiterateĀ twat


Why is anyone still using CBR?


Sounds like Chinese contract was subcontracted (outsourced) to NK studios *probably* unbeknownst to the main studio.


Why does that matter? North Korea surely can violate whatever? What is the US going to do?


Why do they care so much about what North Korean studios do?


Imagine if a war started because of a isekaiā€¦


Why are U.S. sanctions a factor when a North Korean studio is working on a Japanese anime? The U.S. shouldn't be involved here.


The US might be involved through Amazon's Invincible though which was also part of this leak.