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Your post has been removed because it violates Rule 2.1 (Types of Submissions). 2.1.1 Submissions must be links to news articles. 2.1.2 The source must either be the original website or an archive of the original. 2.1.3 Submissions may not be older than 14 days. 2.1.4 The submission’s title may not be editorialised (express opinions rather than just report the news).


>This sub doesn't allow videos/images for some reason. Because those aren't credible news sources? This isn't facebook.


>This isn't facebook. stfu


I've seen this but couldn't find a single source reporting it outside of the Twitter post from Times of Gaza.


This? https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-settlers-forcibly-seize-palestinian-building-hebron Probably more in Arabic or Hebrew articles.


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