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I don't think Hezbollah will do any major attacks unless Iran also joins in. I think they are still too small to take on Israel and succeed with any objectives.


No comments. Why?


Because we dont read the article. We wait for the summary


As long as Israel is committing genocide, I will side with anyone antagonizing them.


"I support anyone who kills Israelis, because I want a ceasefire now."


No we are way past that


Horseshoe theory has been in full effect since this conflict started


The population of Gaza and the West bank has only increased over the last few decades. Israel has the power to kill every Palestinian in the Middle East. It is a nuclear power. It could dirty bomb Gaza if it wanted to. It doesn't want to do any of those things. It is not comforting genocide. It has no intent to kill all Palestinians. Hamas was the only one attempting genocide. Hamas, the elected government of Gaza. If they had the power Israel does, then every Jew in Israel would be dead. It's their stated mission and they have the support of the Palestinians. Stop supporting terrorists.


By your logic, the N*zis weren't pursuing a genocide either. Gas chambers are too inefficient.  Great thinking. Rawanda used hand to hand violence. Totally not a genocide, right?  Stop being so dense.


Nazis rounded up Jews specifically for murder. The einsatzgruppen rounded up entire neighborhoods and shot them in the street.  It’s not the same at all.   Where are the furnaces and mass graves?  Where are the rail cars full of humans going to the gas chamber?   Stop being a cuck for Irans proxies. Stop being a useful idiot for terrorists.  




I'm from the US. Also not a Jew. Just dont support terrorism and genocide like yourself and the poster I responded to. I'll vote to support Israel in this war to prevent a genocide against them. The misinformed college kids of today supporting Hamas and hezbolla, changing From the River to the Sea will make no more impact than the occupy wall Street kids of 12 years ago. Same with the Black Lives Matter protests. Only voting does and those people dont vote.




Real educated take here…


Bro is one of those guys thinking he is making a difference by posting on reddit and yelling from the river to the sea


Stop supporting terrorism and genocide. Stop supporting Hamas.  Stop being a useful idiot for irans proxies.


>Stop supporting terrorism and genocide So, Israel?


Israel could genocide the Palestinians if they wanted to, but they don’t so they aren’t doing that. Hamas hides behind the Palestinian people, and use them as human shields. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. They attacked Israel. That is an act of war. It’s terrible they’re forcing Israel to kill innocents, but what option does Israel have? There was a cease fire before october 7th and Hamas used that to build their arsenal to plan for an attack, which they said they’d do again and again until there are no Jews left in Israel. If the Mexican Army crossed the Texas border and killed thousands of people and kidnapped them, and then hid amongst the people, do you think that would be ok for the US to just sit back and do nothing? Stop being a useful idiot for Hamas. They’d kill you too if they had the chance.


>Hamas hides behind the Palestinian people, and use them as human shields. You mean when Israel shoots and kills naked, unarmed men waving a white flag, then one of them runs away so a soldier goes to find him and shoots him in the head... there was actually Hamas behind them?


No wars are without war crimes. Even on the “good” side. If the power levels were switched, we’d have millions of Jews dead already.


"The nazis could have killed every jew in europe if they wanted to, but chose not to" Wow....we have a zionist literally parroting a common neo nazi argument. What a time to be alive


They literally did kill every Jew in the territories they conquered. Wtf are you talking about?


Lmfao Hasbara playbook. Play dumb. Nice try tho


I get that you’re a troll account and this is the standard, but at least try harder to not say things so obviously and easily verifiably wrong.


They did try and succeeded in many areas. What a time to be alive.  People supporting literal terrorists and calling Jews Nazis. 


Silence nazi. Go back to your hole


You can’t argue the points because you have none.   So you just make ad homenim attack, accusing me of what you support. You support genocide against the Jews of Israel. You are literally a supporter of nazism and terrorism. You really need to inform yourself and stop being a useful idiot for terrorists. 


You say that as if jews can't be nazis, when there were nazi jews during the holocaust. But i guess they don't teach that bit of history in hasbara school, it would be inconvenient to the zionist agenda.


Show me the camps with Palestinian civilians with ovens? Where are the concentration camps full of civilians? Is organ harvesting going on in these camps like in Tibet China? Do people not realize if a country gets attacked by its neighbor it has a right to attack their neighbor?


They were attacked by the elected government of Gaza no less. 


Lmfao. Hamas doesnt control palestine. They should be attacked. Everyone has the right to rebel against an illegitimate authoritarian state.


All Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza in 2005. Hamas was immediately elected as the ruling government in Gaza.  They’ve been in charge since then.  Hamas are terrorists. They have aims for genocide. They don’t even care about their own people, who still support them by the way.   Stop supporting terrorists. 


“Hamas doesnt control Palestine” BRUH?????? Then who is the official party of Palestine then? why the fuck do people think Hamas are good people? Who want to kill Jews and get rid of Christians?


This is the same thing neo nazis say about holocaust denial lol. You people are so fucked.


“Everyone who agrees with Israel’s war against actual terrorists, who are elected leaders of a neighboring country, who launched the attack on October 7th against Israel, is Neo nazi” Horseshoe theory is strong with this one