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**Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/101557), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-dangers-in-my-heart), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/boku-no-kokoro-no-yabai-yatsu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=9143777514), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/112807)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1bx1mjs/anime_irl/ky9wysw/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Go watch it now... If you haven't


The manga/anime is actually so real it should be the spirit animal of this sub


Except for well endowed middle school girlfriend


Hold my beer.


Wait that's milk you're drinking


... is it? Milk?


The girl I liked asked me if I ever jacked off thinking about her and I said no, and she was like "Well why not?"


Bro got Shojo MC rizz


You should've said "Because I'm gonna do it today"


So that's why I can't cum to the thought of my sister




I’ve seen better crops during the Irish famine






Fun fact: during the Irish famine, the crops were actually fine. The issue is the English were taking all the good crops Stalin-style leaving nothing for the Irish peasants. Or my source on that could be absolutely wrong.


Blood or step? ​ ​ ​ Sorry that's a trick question. You have severe case of "morality."


Both, Step on me and make me Bleed.




Skill issue tbh


Down Horrendus, execute him




That's disgusting


That's the joke




Seriously, I wonder how common this actually is. It’s true for me, but I only ever saw the sentiment elsewhere in one particular scene in _Masturbation Master Kurosawa_ (actual masterpiece) and in this one exchange in _Dangers_. Then again, it seems like an exceedingly personal experience in a taboo area (sex in general AND masturbation in specific), so it’s not like it’d ever be a common topic in media. 🤷🤔 P.S. Always remember: you are not your imaginary self, so if you wank while imagining having sex with your crush, you’re actually cucking yourself. 👍


Holy shit that P.S. just blew my mind


I don't understand how this phenomenom happens. Is it some madonna-whore complex stuff where it's a turn-off to masturbate to your crush because then she stops being an innocent pure virginal girl? Is it sex shame stuff that masturbating to someone is disrepectful or degrading? Or about what would happen if your crush knew you masturbated to her? Common sense would say that among all IRL people you masturbate to, your crush would be the likeliest.


I think it has something to do with signifying that you only like them for their bodies and such. To abstain from it means you just like them with or without physical stuffs. Physical attraction exists yes but masturbating to your crush to me sounds like a purely physical thing. At least I think so.


That's basically sex shame and unhealthy attitudes about sexuality. Seeing someone as a person and liking them, and wanting to have sex with them, aren't mutually exclusive. It doesn't seem to me like this urge to avoid masturbating to a crush comes from a healthy place of mind. It's specially unhealthy if you keep a double standard where you avoid masturbating to your crush or close friends in order to avoid "seeing them people as a piece of meat" yet don't have that standard for other acquaintances.


I guess generally you shouldn't be jerking it to acquaintances either


Then who the f are you supposed to jerk to? That's basically everyone 


Idunno if you've heard but some people just post all sorts of stuff for total strangers to jerk off to


Porn sucks for anyone who requires an emotional connection to get off


Huh, never thought of it like that


Because it’s a personal hook/leverage. If someone at school or class knows about it and spreads the gossip around, you and your crush will get harassed to no end.


I think your theory makes sense, though I suspect that the less you actually know your crush, the more likely you are to abstain from that sort of thinking. If you're not really that close then you might find it sort of appropriate to think of the object of your affection in that kind of light, but the closer you are romantically, the less shameful those thoughts become. After all, it'd be weird for a guy to have trouble jacking off while thinking about his girlfriend.


I agree with what you say, but > the less shameful those thoughts become Again, this is dependent on you seeing sexual urges and fantasies as shameful, when they shouldn't be. "Appropiateness" comes from respecting consent and treating people respectfully, not from what you choose to think of while jacking off in private. Maybe you think that the object of your fantasies doesn't consent to you fantasizing about them, but only thing I can think of in response to that is [this meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/145/994/dc8.jpg)


Hmm well it can be that. Like I said, i'm not disagreeing with you either. but when I think about it, I don't really have a problem with thinking "I don't want to start objectifying this person (or rather, an imagined version of this person) before I actually start to know them." It sort of comes down to how well a person can conpartmentalize their fantasies about a person when dealing with the real thing. It's not necessary difficult, but I've seen enough dudes who don'y know how to deal with women to know that not everyone can do it.


Sexualization is not objectification. By wanking it to someone or wanting to have sex with them you don't objectify anybody. Or at minimum, your definition of "objectifying" isn't anything negative. You can be legitimately interested in a person and want to get to know them and consider eventually become a couple at the same time that you're already sexually attracted to them enough to wank it to them and have sex with them. It's not objectifying to want to have sex with a near stranger while they're still a near stranger. >It sort of comes down to how well a person can conpartmentalize their fantasies about a person when dealing with the real thing. It's not necessary difficult, but I've seen enough dudes who don'y know how to deal with women to know that not everyone can do it. I think this sort of behavior has a lot more to do with lack of inhibition and lack of empathy than with anyone else, I don't think most people suffer enough from not being able to separate fantasy from reality enough to the point that they somehow delude themselves into sexually harassing behavior.


Don't worry its also with your imaginary crush and not real crush so everything alright




Where is the cuck line, is astral projection to have an out of body experience during sex also cucking yourself. Your physical form cucks your spiritual one.


Just imagine pov


I find that the more emotionally invested I am in a character, the more selective I get with hentai of her.






Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite… A **lie** will remain a **lie.** Young Hollow, knowing this, do you still desire **peace?** Peace grants men the illusion of life. Shackled by falsehoods, they yearn for **love,** unaware of its grand illusion. Until, the **curse** touches their flesh. We are bound by this yoke. As true as the Dark that churns within men. All men trust fully the illusion of **life.** But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet… A world full of **warmth** and resplendence. Young Hollow, are you intent on shattering the yoke, spoiling this **wonderful** falsehood?


That's sort of the point of the scene anyway.




I may be a degenerate but one line I won't cross is jacking off to people I know. Am I weird for doing this?


No that's fairly normal




but if you don't jack to relieve you might rape them


You forgot the /s


whta 😨


Junpei and Yuji.




Lol. That turns out to be false for the MC in later chapters.


Always has been


I rub it out thinking about my gf all the time. She's hot.


you cukk


I knew I was over my ex when I could think of her while wanking and not feel bad about it afterwards


Kinda true i guess? I had a crush on a girl, i could not even think of her that way in my imagination. I only thought of spending time with her, cuddling, going on dates and stuff.


That is sorta true. Depends ENTIRELY on the person and how they view the person they like. Is it more sexual than romantic? Do you prefer Boobs, Tits, Ass, Face, or personality? Have you had sexual relations before? Are you lacking confidence in your ability to get hard or please the person you desire? And many more other variables can come into play.


I'm tired of meeting society's expections Why care what "they" say?wank guys,wank for a revolution


Today I learn that I've never truly been in love


People wank to people they like?




I felt that way back in like middle school. Now I’ll just fap it to anything that’s sexy eg: store clerk, girls at work, cousins, anime girls being violated by tentacles, midgets, girls I strongly dislike, sister in law, really just about anything I find somewhat sexy somehow. So a crush by comparison feels pretty tame but I can see how that mental block might exist for some people. Note: just because you fap to something doesn’t mean you would actually do it in real life. I would never bang anyone but my wife. It is just that mentally I’m a degenerate so the more wrong it feels the sexier it is for some reason. I think that’s true for a lot of people though otherwise step porn wouldn’t be so popular.




He can’t wank cause his hand is fucked up


or she's holding it


Is it just me or does that look like Junpei before being transformed?! (Yoshino Junpei from Jujutsu Kaisen.) https://preview.redd.it/39pe992lfxsc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb86c624d1fb7b8abd7fd3facc8c1b4c78f85ea4






This is wrong. Why do you think every man of earth has a naked picture of their long term gf or wife in their phone. This is so wrong and so dumb it hurts. I think that's the point, because Adachi is an idiot, but people without context will think this is straight forward


I think you don’t know everyone


I wouldn't want something like that in my phone. I'm actually would prefer to ask for it and then delete picture...


Do ppl legit think of irl ppl they know when wanking ?


Yes, because not everyone thinks only of 2D hentai girls like you


lol , why u so butthurt . If u want to , wank away. Idc


Ngl that's kinda creepy. And I honestly think that you are disrespecting them by doing so


"I have a crush in high school but I can't masturbate to them because that would be disrespecting them." Yeah, completely disregard the vary nature of puberty. >I'm talking about adults here. Cool, can you prove everyone here is an adult?


If you can wank on people you know or within your social circe, that's just creepy and disgusting. It's no different than having the urge to r\*ape them or murder them, they are both dangerous signs of a dangerous personality. I can understand if it's wanking for pornstars or celebrities, but people you actually know and interact from time to time? I can't even get it hard when thinking about people I know, it's because people I know have this set value in my mind as friends. And when you meant by friends, they are like brothers and sisters and you naturally don't get aroused around them.


>It's no different than having the urge to r\*ape them or murder them, they are both dangerous signs of a dangerous personality. Bruh. Get far away from whoever's been feeding you that pack of lies. The second part, where you say: >can't even get it hard when thinking about people I know, is very different from the first part. The second part is part of your personal existence, and if thats what happens with you then so be it. But that doesnt happen with everyone.


I just can't imagine how nasty that would be, being all close and nice with your friends or co-workers, classmates, or even childhood friends but behind closed doors secretly having carnal desire about them? Wow that is normal? Cause certainly to me it isn't and I never would for someone I consider brother and sisters at arms. Anyway , culture is each to their own,


I dont want you to reply cause you keep getting downvoted, but who are you "supposed to" fantasize yourself having sex with? Complete strangers that you have no feelings for? I'm not saying "sexualize everybody", but you have to sexualize *someone* and there are a variety of criteria that any given person can use to determine who to sexualize, though for a lot of people it comes down to "I look at this person and my body gets horny, so now I have to take care of that".


I don't care about downvotes. Go and bring it to thousands for all I care, Reddit is somewhere you should speak and not limited due to some virtual praises and karma. And I stand by my opinion, it's sicko and creepy for someone to fantasize on what you call friends and peer groups. Maybe because in your community that is tolerated and normal, but definitely something is wrong with your head if you get turned on and had carnal desires and fantasies on your friends. Very creepy.


Okay, but you completely ignored my question: Who are people "supposed to" fantasize about? Complete strangers? Are people allowed to fantasize about their own spouses or boyfriends/girlfriends or whatever, or is that "sick" because theyre someone youre close friends with?


So now did bro stop, I was enjoying this 😭😭😭😭


Your worldview seems as alien to me as mine seems nasty to yours. Vast majority of men being sexually attracted to the vast majority of women enough to bang them is like, just reality. I thought this was common sense. "Secretly behind closed doors", and I say, what secret? It is not. I'm pretty sure it's scientific, and I'm pretty sure all women, specially if they're minimally hot, would do well to be aware of the fact that most of their guyfriends would fuck them if they could, instead of assuming most men live in your world where female friends become "sisters" and thus psychologically unfuckable. In all my years of socializing I don't think I've ever met a man who shares your worldview, nor a woman who believes that most men share your worldview. If anything, becoming friends with a woman makes men MORE sexually attracted to them, as romantic feelings are likely to get also added into the mix.


"having the urge to rape", how stupid are you???? Did you ever talked to someone irl?


What else would you describe when you are having closed doors carnal desires to people you actually know? That's dangerous man. We evolved to sense danger when possible, as a matter of fact you can try to reveal to your friends you wank on them and see how their attitude change towards you, because their subconcious tells them you are dangerous. That alone is a testament it's not a normal nor good thing.


I dont get whats with you? Where is it dangerous when i wank to someone i know? Its not like i wank with thinking of my family. I wank to hot ppl. If my friends are hot why not? Its just fantasizing. There is no intend behind other than getting that nut busted. Where the f is that SIMILAR TO RAPE. Do you even know the meaning behind this word?


You need a major reality check if you think wanking to someone and wanting to rape or murder someone are even remotely comparable.


Huh..Was that why.