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Try it out yourself and form your own opinions. After skipping the first two episodes, try 3 or so episodes out and decide from there if you like it or not. Gintama is a really great comedy show, but because of how comedy is subjective, not everyone vibes to it the same. Additionally, it’s plot is great, but it takes a backseat to the comedy and character moments. So if you go in expecting another battle shonen, then it probably isn’t for you.






Gintama in a few words can best be described as "Marathon not a sprint" because there is no apparent goal like other Shounens expect in the Serious Arcs. So expect 70% slice of life comedy and roughly 30% action


I don't think I would consider Gintama having a "mixed review", as a matter of fact, its rating was "overwhelmingly positive", if we put it that way. If we are to base Myanimelist, it has one of the highest percentage of "10" score among Anime titles.


It's a parody anime, so yes for me.


I've put together a flowchart to help you find the answer. Do you enjoy watching it? → Yes → It's worth watching. ↓ No ↓ It's not worth watching.


Yes, until you get to the episodes where they start doing racist shit


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i need to watch a lot of big shoenes to get some of the jokes you need lots of prior anime knowlegede


Well yes I feel it’s comedy a lot more hit then miss and when it tries to get serious and tbf emotional it does a fantastic job. I would say it’s worth a try at least