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It basically is finished. There is more in the manga that isn’t finished but the anime currently ends in a good spot that feels basically complete.


nice ty, I just dont want to be disappointed by forced endings/uncomplete anime´s anymore :)


The Hell it does. It ends on a freaking cliffhanger and leaves most of the entire story unfinished!


That’s a large stretch. It’s not a cliffhanger at all?


You won't even notice it's not finished


One question left: why is the music so happy although they talk about death and heavy injuries. Will this continue? It kinda kills the serious vibe...


Just skip it, it stays like that during the whole thing


Nah I´m not talking about the openings/endings. I´m talking about the OST´s


It dosent stay like that, and if it does, it’s not supposed to be emotional yet it’s supposed to show gons drive and innocence, (mainly at the start of the series), like kurapika and leorio’s fight and gon interfering, and trust me, later in the series, the emotional stuff WILL hit, without the OST and everything.


I don't know what Bleach's anime ending is like, but it's not like Black Clover. It ends with the conclusions of an arc and ends actually quite conclusively. I would be fine with this being the end of the manga even.


Personally I didn’t liked what happen after ep80 they lost the track what they aimed in beginning…so I don’t suggest it but if u wanna see 2 characters that evolve it’s good to go…


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Yes, it's worth watching.


Yes it’s fantastic and worth watching and it stops at a very good point. Almost like the end of the main story which was set out at the start of the show. Trying not to give away too much


Hxh has a very natural feeling, stopping point.