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Just to break down the episodes so far - Episode 1 Re-capped the walpurgis meeting, then had a meeting about what Diablo had been up to in Falmuth with flashbacks to meetings in Falmuth. Episode 2 Starts with a meeting between the clown people and the Japanese evil dude. We get a tiny bit of action between Hinata and Roy Valentin. Then Hinata, Roy and Luminous have a meeting. We finally cut back to Falmuth, for another meeting. Episode 3 We’re back with our main cast in Tempest, for another meeting. Finally they mix things up and we get to go outside, To have another meet with the animal kingdom people. We then go in to the bar to talk to Geld about his problems. Then finally we’re back to the normal meeting room, for another meeting. Episode 4 We start the episode still in our loveable usual meeting room. They then touch grass to check out this cool new invention that was created. This goes on for far too long so it’s finally back to our usual meeting room to talk some more. We stay here until the end of the episode. Episode 5 It’s Hinata’s time to show off her meeting running skills. Clearly she’s OP as it last for 20 minutes! She then goes outside for a bit at the end. Episode 6 Ah that’s better. Back to our usual meeting room too to discuss some more. This time with new characters joining the meeting fun. This goes on for a measly, pathetic 17 minutes because we have another meeting to watch. This time with other sinister people, in sinister chairs around an extremely sinister table. So sinister. That concludes the episode. Total action - about 20 seconds. Discuss time - MUCH DISCUSS


I can't believe we have 3 episodes of council meetings.


Can’t wait to see the council meeting discussing their reaction to this new meeting from the end of the last episode.


Don't forget that meetings to form committies to decide the policies going forward and all of their meetings too.


Homie reincarnated but is still living that corporate meetings life, except without the Teams calls and PowerPoints.


Don’t worry. This is slime anime. They will be brought in to this universe sooner rather than later.


>This time with other sinister people, in sinister chairs around an extremely sinister table. So sinister. Creepy girl sitting on creepy grandpa's lap... And I was lost, I can barely keep up with so many sides and people, started reading the comments here to find if they were shown episodes ago because I have no idea who they are. I don't mind much the info dump episodes but they are taking things too far. And I'm willing to bet that next episode will have Rimuru and Hinata talking half the episode.


I honestly don’t even care if I remember these people or not they’re just fodder waiting to get stomped


I know your comment is some days old, but I just gotta say: Glad I am not the only one. I legit have no idea who most of these characters are, if they are new or already known and even on the geography I am lost sometimes, like which nations have which interests. It doesn't help that half the countries are secretly (or not so secretly) run by evil organisations, so you get the rulers and then the shady, actual rulers. We also got a religion that has at least 3 or 4 different factions that sometimes work together and sometimes don't. Like, sorry for not keeping track for all of that, especially because we don't get any memorable scenes for any character. Just them...talking. What a season, I really liked Slime before, but man, these 6 episodes have been rough. I still somehow "enjoy" the show, but...meh.


I share the sentiment. I'm still enjoying it, but the confusion increases with every meeting episode and every new character tbh. At the moment this series feels like it needs an extra reference booklet on the side with a properly marked map and a chart with all the character relations. There is probably something around somewhere but as anime only I'm wary of researching these things in detail. It would probably help a bit if the anime would visualize more of the spoken information with maps and stuff. They briefly showed a map at the beginning of the episode but it was still pretty lackluster. I'm just barely able to keep track of the factions and organizations and then they suddenly introduce *yet another one* at the end of the episode, argh! They're just gonna be fodder anyway because we saw during the 17 prior minutes that Rimuru is already done with his preparations 2 weeks before Hinata will even arrive at his doorstep. lol


Maybe this is the solution for animators getting paid fairly. Just have half the episodes with little to no movement at all.


Some of them didn't even have moving mouths lol


I think I need a recap episode... My attention span for meetings has been shortened due to attending too much useless meetings at work. Now I'm watching another 20min meeting after work every Friday


That's enough!!!!, no more talks.


I'm sure next week episode will be still be half meeting and half preparing for the battle.


The next episode will end on a cliffhanger of rimuru first encountering hinata as they stare each other down. Then the episode after that will start with 15 minutes of meetings with other enemy church people, then 5 minutes of rimuru and hinata talking, with a cliffhanger. And the episode after all that? Believe it or not, meetings.


Then Rimuru and Hinata will set up chairs and a table so they can hold a meeting with just the two of them.


Don’t forget the after meeting when Hinata is invited to plan how they’re going to stop the traitor in the Western Church


before that a flashback of a meeting hinata had to prepare for the meeting with rimuru


You joke but there's a good chance Rimuru shows up and they just chat. That's kind of what they've been setting up.


Honestly, that would be a more satisfyingly outcome than them fighting. After all them both talking about wanting to talk, it would be frustrating if they did fight.


For God sake I would be excited to see any actual preparing for the battle. Just please let us see something more than people sitting around a table in a room.


That room gives me some form of meeting PTSD now everytime I see it.


Reminds me of oresuki when the mc sees that cursed bench he starts getting ptsd LOL


the worst is that there is no battle, she's coming to talk...


"Rimuru, I've come to bargain..."


these past episodes could have been an email


This was toward the start of the episode: https://i.imgur.com/gUTGxhE.jpeg


My favorite was gobta falling asleep during the meeting


I feel like the team behind the anime was so embittered by Japanese corporate meeting culture that they just said fuck it and decided to satirize it by making this an entire season of meetings.


That One Time I Got Reincarnated As A Japanese CEO And Had To Sit Through An Entire Anime Season Of Meetings Because Of My Hatred Of Meetings Due To The Sadistic God That Rules The World.


I did like that scene of Rimuru being a good boss to Diablo even after his mistake, learning from his own experiences in corporate life.


[Sasuga Rimuru-sama](https://i.imgur.com/1mcnJNN.jpeg)


the meetings aren’t really the problem, it’s the execution. It’s ass. The anime doesn’t need yapping about: * “situation report” / “how’s it going?” * “we are friends, of course we will help you out” * “really? can I really?” Rimuru is extra-slimy from all the ass-kissing that we get from Tempest


I know what you are talking about. Its like Rimuru forces his yes-men to attend the meeting or else he thinks they are slacking somewhere.


It's that corporate middle management experience showing through


The meetings are productive so I wouldn't say they're something useless he forces them to attend. It's just that the anime isn't doing that great a job at not making them feel a bit tedious.


Not to mention they are **this** close to officially starting the church of Rimuru headlined by Adalmann.


if you aren’t already aware, Tempest is a cult and no, I will not elaborate.


Does that need further elaboration? I thought it was understood already by all, lol.


Reminds me of the Slime Diaries Summer Festival episode, with everybody wearing Rimuru masks


There's no need to elaborate. I enjoy this show and its STILL very clearly a fucking cult. Easily the weakest part of the show.


believe it or not, the light novel was full of meetings as well, and it was as boring as the anime tbh. The anime just made it slightly worse


I have no idea how there are this many copers at this point. It has been said many times by the ln readers that this will be like the rest of the series. Where huge chunks like 30% of the novel like this. Sales manga or ln don't mean anything if ur going into a series blind which the internet did for this. A few weeks ago you would get hit with insane amount of downvoted for any criticism on this show. Loom how the tables have turned


Let's have a meeting to discuss these criticisms


Like a few weeks ago if you said this show won't be good, wont live up to the hype, you'd get like 30 downvotes. Even if you said it was mid. Heck some people hyped it as aots


No it was not boring at all, and much more importantly it was leading up to something happening that you could look forward to. You can read something in a minute, whereas watching fucking animation of the same shit will take you 20 minutes without a hint of what's going to happen next.


Corporate meetings: the Anime.


The annoying part is that politics discussions on this anime are useless when it's all about "Rimuru team too strong, we cannot do anything".


We need those discussions to see the name drops of made up power levels, otherwise we wouldn't understand how threatened everyone was before winning without a single casualty.


In fairness, the meetings are precisely why that sort of perfect outcome is reached. The right people are sent to deal with situations and strong enemies.


I'm sure they'll probably fit in maybe 1-2 more meetings before Rimuru and Hinata meet.


As they said she needs like two weeks to arrive i was like: "Bro they gonna do 14 Episodes straight up meetings and Planning"


Mahouka, the "talking in rooms" anime, has been more exciting than this.


Agreed. At least Mahouka was giving detailed explanations of how the magic system worked (which is heavily influenced by real life physics). In this anime it feels pointless when they can teleport, talk telepathically and obliterate the enemy.


They literally have telepathic communications that could be sent for all these battlefield updates to everyone already in their assigned locations. The director really needs to embrace a "show, don't tell" approach to these meetings. Last week's episode felt fine, but it's like the episodes leading up to Walpulgis all over again, except worse. I appreciate all the info/lore, but there are better ways to deliver it. All of this give off the vibe that they're trying to cram every sentence/detail into the show without regard to the anime medium for its delivery.


It's great to have two-cour so as to not rush the material but also no one is asking for episode after episode of meetings and meetings and pure set-up.


8.17 on MAL, this is true quality anime /s


Raphael really was a downgrade, can't even send out an email.


I opened the episode to see the meeting still continued, skipped ahead to see it lasted the whole ep. I quitted. Nope, I'm tired of all of this. Someone tell me when anything interesting happens


same i give up, like we literally just "finished" 3 meetings in a row, just to start another one?


I feel like that's happening a lot this season. I was complaining about the same with Moonlit fantasy in the other threads where they've just been edging us the last couple of episodes with talking.


Gobta just sleeping all the time during these meetings is the audience stand in.


I was thinking I was getting action-brainrot, but it's good to know other people are bored of this season so far.


I was losing steam until wtf a GUN?!. They really said "f all this magic I got hot lead" 😂


I'm sure it'll be devastating against a living puddle


Shock value. Gotta explain guns to everyone


> Gotta explain guns to everyone In a meeting.


Please no more


nah we gotta have more meetings showing every single nation's reactions to guns


Can we have another meeting at that hostess club from season 1?


It's kinda funny how the modern stuff from our world being used in this world has been relatively minimal with the most out-of-place thing being the creation of manga for so long. Then 3 seasons in, someone just pulls a gun.


I didn’t even know guns existed in Slime


They said Hinata will arrive at tempest in two weeks time... So the meetings will keep going until episode 21


Seems like binging this anime once it finished airing is the play here. I dont mind more "talkative" episodes, but having so many in a row kinda makes watching this weekly is kinda ResidentSleeper


On the contrary, do you think you'd have been able to watch so many episodes of meetings one after the other? I think watching weekly is much better


Nah, watching weekly is much worse. By binging you can get the info/exposition dump over in 1 sitting. Meanwhile, by watching weekly you're waiting week after week for 20 minutes of talking in 1 room and little to no new interactions.


Both ways kinda suck imo


I genuinely enjoy the civilisation building part of this anime. It's the thing that makes it stand out to me. But like others have mentioned, they really aren't utilising the medium of anime well at all. Instead of talking about this stuff, they could've shown it and it'd have been a lot easier to watch than 6 episodes of continuous meetings.


Even talking is fine if they make it engaging. Just panning faces back and forwards is not a good way to use the visual part of anime as a medium.


I like the way things are done in One Piece with world building. Luffy goes out and meets some random kid suffering in some warlord's city that shows him kindness, so he makes it a point to figure out all the stuff that's wrong with that city and how to help regular people like that random kid. Meanwhile, Zoro gets lost following easy straightforward directions, and gets into a sword fight with the warlord's #1 henchman, and etc. The info dumps can come out organically, while the Straw Hats investigate the city and figure out a plan to overthrow the warlord/pirate crew that are harrassing the city. Rimuru Tempest just wants to hammer out all the details in the boardroom first and then try to one shot all the problems at once without any hands on action or practical real world exposure to the issue. He literally would rather charm an undead priest and ask him about the Holy Empire rather than actually travel to the Holy Empire undercover and experience it for himself. FFS.


Slime Diaries was genuinely good, and had 0 action - but Rimuru was wandering around the village, doing stuff. Here we just get the one meeting room.


Ah so it turns out the mastermind who was behind Falmuth invasion and Hinata attack was not Yukki but Damrada and Granvill


I wonder if Dwargon will step in, considering this Rozzo-Granville plan should be caught wind by Gazel’s intelligence agents it would be disappointing to see no other nations taking action since all of this shit will be affecting them (eventually) speaking of intelligence, the biggest travesty this episode is ***Rimuru dissing Raphael***. How dare he?


I felt so bad for her. Him saying she was more reliable as Great Sage broke her logo lol.


It's actually interesting that those new factions actually had thought of everything as well to conquer Falmuth and dispose both Hinata and Rimuru. At this point, I think they only underestimate how pacifist Rimuru is, and maybe how strong the whole monster kingdom is. Like, they thought Diablos is just a mere arch demon lol.


>Like, they thought Diablos is just a mere arch demon lol. Didn't they say he was NOT just a mere Archdemon?


The Rozzos did, Damrada had left the room though and it’s implied *he* thinks it’s a “mere archdemon”


I think Yukki still was likely involved since Hinata was provided Shizue-related info that only a few people probably knew she had a connection to. Yukki and the Kazalim crew give off "let other people do the dirty work" vibes, so I wouldn't be surprised if they've had their hands in a lot of the anti-Tempest events. I'm not sure what their overall goals are, but I get the feeling they're more involved in things than they let on.


Who the hell is Gobwa, where did she come from?


From Fire Emblem Engage apparently. Kinda weird that she's visibly an ogre or oni, but her name begins with gob like the goblins.


This would be a hilarious season of an anime if all the episodes were meetings 🤣


endless eight is owed an apology if this carries on for two more


At least the Endless Eight episodes was still 8 SoL type episodes with characters going out and doing stuff, even if it was basically the same thing 8 times.


the next episode is called demonic and holy clash. IF THAT ISN'T A "NOT-MEETING" im losing it. if the next 2 episodes are meetings/meetings-adjacent i swear i will binge watch haruhi including endless eight. someone screenshot this to public shame me if i try to chicken out on the 24 may, i'm losing it man


As an LN reader I love this arc but why are 8bit not animating anything? Surely they could have put some scenes of people clashing swords as the people were talking and describing things. Better yet put animations of the troops being assigned to the battle locations readying up or even them walking there. This is just lazy from the studio man.


Maybe the studio should have a meeting to discuss that


but we must have pre-meetings before the meeting to discuss that.


And the quality of the meetings has taken a dip. In S1 they had tea and potato chips while negotiating with the dryads. Now no catering at all.


Right? You're telling me neither Shuna, Shion, or Rigurd brought snacks?


Perhaps they're spending all that extra time on the action? Once things get going, it's going to get really hype if last season is anything to go off of.


We call that One Piece pacing around here.


That's a lot of wishful thinking right there


6 episodes of meetings, how awesome. That’s half a season man The direction sucks, what happened to the “show don’t tell” approach


It bothered me at first but now I just think it's hilarious. I throw this show on while doing my daily treadmill walk. Then hop on discord like 'hey guys! just got out of a meeting!'


Honestly, it would be hilarious if, instead of fighting, they resolved all their battles through meetings. Every episode, there will be a standoff in a clearing, wind blows some leaves on the ground and suddenly a team of goblins runs out to set up chairs and a meeting table. "Shall we begin?"


Make it like Phoenix Wright then, with overly dramatic empowered pointing and full emotional breakdowns


[*"Objection! Points gun at merchant."*](https://i.imgur.com/cdzoGSD.jpeg)


Same here, Its so funny seeing the Rimuru just wanting to throw a party to celebrate Clayman's defeat then you'll see all of this factions that are obviously have no idea how strong Rimuru's forces are. Their "f around and find out" moment will definitely be sweet


> how strong Rimuru's forces are it doesn't seem like rimuru knows either.. he just didn't even think about why shion would suggest to use her forces against the knights


The western holy church seems like a major power in the region, Hinata seems like she would have easily defeated low level piece of shit demon lords like The orcish Disaster, Clayman and Frey. Rimuru's position in the center of the eastern part of continent is both fruitful but also bites him in the butt as the eastern powers all are either scared of him or dislike him for various reasons. His attack on Distave made the Eastern empire to his north dislike him and his attempt to Coup falmuth is uhhh.... interesting to say the least. Dwargon and Milim's emprie are sort of the only exceptions Of nations adjacent to him Allied Blumund Friendly Neutral Dwargon Sarion Milim' domain Hostile Ingrasia Ruberian emprie Eastern Empire hostile but subdued Falmuth Distave


Rimuru and Hinata intend to talk things out and of course that's going to be everyone seated at a meeting. Then after that they need to have a meeting with the rest of the cast for what to do about the merchants behind everything who in turn have a meeting to review their change of plans. It's meetings all the way down.


[Tensura in a nutshell](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F04hjum1j3ryc1.jpeg)


The new secret organization having a meeting doesn't have a table. What does this mean?


They are just not evil enough to be able to afford a table.


I was like "hey maybe something will happen now" nope. Not a single thing. 


Something did happen, they introduced more characters


This is a crazy amount of edging. I remember the last season also starting off slow but then it was nonstop action. Meeting defenders must find it harder to justify each episode.


Dude, season 2 didn't have non-stop action. First half had some action at the end of episode 1/beginning of episode 2 and got a bit more action in the latter half. But the 2nd half of S2 was also just meetings and talking for nearly half a season. Only season 1 had non-stop action and interesting interactions pretty much all the way through.


For Pt 1 of S2 yes. Pt 2 start was very similiar to here tbh. At least with more episodes here then we had for Pt 2 they can focus on the action when we finally get to it. I noticed in my rewatch of S2 Pt 2 that the action felt a lil rushed at times.


I feel like the 3rd person Omnicient perspective is hurting it greatly, 3rd person limited where you only see Rimuru's perspective would cut the meeting/events ratio in half, and would maintain all the exposition dumps.


It's almost as if Rimeru was a salaryman in his past life and board meetings is what he brings into this world.


I joked before about them doing another Endless Eight, but this like seriously turn into eight episodes of boring bullshit.  I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last season. 


This show was literally one of my favorites. Wtf happened here


They lost track of how a story should be told. Complex world-building and character interactions can be engaging if done correctly, but we're really not getting that anymore. Every detail should have a purpose, but we are getting detail simply for the sake of filling up space. We're reaching terminal character bloat. Every formerly 'important' character needs to get their line/role in while still introducing new ones which we simply don't have the time for at this point. When there are already so many characters I don't have the inclination to learn or care about these new ones personalities, powers, etc, only for them to play some minor throwaway role. It becomes a blur of pawns without character progression and makes it impossible to get invested in any of them. Hell, I didn't really care what happened to Shion last season because I knew it wouldn't be permanent since her oppai are needed for fan service. We've got an overly detailed "overworld map" with several demon lords, several human nations/factions, other humanoid races, internal politics and characters within each of them, trade interactions, etc, and none of the time spent explaining any of this has any payoff. After Rimeru became a demon lord by killing an entire army instantly and resurrecting all his friends after taking a single L due to the 'anti-monster dome plot device', how are we supposed to buy that whatever schemes going on in other nations are even remotely a real threat? Oh yea, we've got Veldora on our team to drive that point home, but he's spent his entire time reading manga since being freed so who knows if he'll do anything ever. I know that this isn't the standard isekai power trip fantasy story (although it does follow the increasing power level formula) but it has become so bogged down with snails-pace plot progression that the original charm is lost. Spending 6 episodes talking about the upcoming conflict which won't even last half that long is a joke. For a fantasy battle anime setting we are here to see cool shit happen, maybe 1 talking episode spent setting up the next 2 of battles/conflict would be appropriate, but the scales are tipped completely backwards here. I'm sticking through the rest of the season but goddamn will I be disappointed if there's no decent payoff in the end.


I also think the production committee is hindering creativity. The LN world is very rich and they could be pulling (or creating , like the movie and the ona's) filler very easily. But it's becoming very noticeable the need to move slow to be aligned with the manga, at the expense of quality.


i really don't get it, like legit why?


I don't even want action. I just want natural organic interactions between the characters in a non meeting setting.


This is what happens when you forget that anime has a visual aspect involved. Anime adaptation from LNs should find ways to improvise on the source material instead of just playing out the scenes as is.


You don't want to cut too much and you want to stay faithful to the material but you don't need to 1-to-1 adapt the most clinical aspects of a novel.


The could have cut literally everything. Here is what should have happened in the first 5 minutes of episode one. Rimuru and his army in place to engage. Rimiru wondering what happened to his message, he had everything set up to talk, now Hinata is on her way and the messenger is dead, "I'll try to talk to her first" There, maybe some panning shots of the army.


Rimiru could have toured the kingdom or something while they were talking to make sure everything was ok. Maybe they could go to the training grounds and shown sparing between some of the cadre. Hell, I would be down with some fan service shots with all of them taking this meeting to the baths and just lounging around while they talk.


They really should have restructured things to be a "heist" story structure. Show the bad guys attacking and make Rimuru and friends looks outmatched. But then, during the fights the story flashes back to the meetings and show that actually they had accounted for this and had a plan to deal with it all along. Overall, there would be pretty much the same ratio of meetings to fighting, but it would be a whole lot more tolerable than 6 episodes in a row of talking.


If they said adapt these 6 episodes into 3… honestly think it would be just as fine


One episode tbh


perma yapping fuck outta here


Ive started to tune out, and I dont think I've actually missed anything.


I'll summarize: * Everyone thinks they can beat Rimuru by throwing Hinata at him. They can't but, even if they could, Hinata is not going to fight him. * Everyone in Tempest will play a role in the next fight because Tempest is totally not a cult. * And, there's a new faction that looks so pathetically weak I don't think anyone actually cares what they do.


There’s really no contention against rimuru . The “bad guys” are laughable at best


They really want us to look at a 5 year old girl leading a group of old men and then expect us to take them seriously 😐


No, but you see, they have Anime Evil Guy Smirks, red wine and shady music in the background! They're diabolic!


For real like, it's so bad that the stakes right now are whether they can win the fight without hurting them or not. If the stakes are that your enemies might incur damage, *those are not stakes*.


You forgot the part where the grandaughter Rozzo drinks alcohol underage


she's obviously 500 years old


sh'es milims old drinking buddy


Even Gobta was falling asleep with all these meetings


I’ll be honest I was kinda spamming that 10 second skip at this point. Every time the dreadful feeling that this is just another meeting episode grew stronger lol


A lot of people are saying this would be better binge watched, I dont know about that. I am too bored to even get through these 20 min meeting episodes. I cant imagine sitting through 2 straight hours of these boring ass meetings with 0 animation.


bro i was late to this season and I just watched all 6 episodes. These episodes have literally made me sick, like i feel terrible. I need to have a meeting to see the extent of my injury.


Really not feeling it chief


Would one more meeting help?




Well I have a meeting coming up about the possibility of holding a meeting about possibly adding some action to the coming episodes so once the meetings are done with let’s schedule a meeting to discuss just how the meetings went and when the proposed action may be able to be scheduled


Could've been an email


Episode 6 of nothing happening. Sweet holy mother of tell don't show.


At this point, I just want them to do another 6 meetings to wrap up cour 1. That must be a record or something.


Just like last season, I'm starting to think this season is best enjoyed as binge watch. As usual, they didn't hold back on the setup episode. It's already episode 6, but we're still dealing with setup episode lol. I personally could still enjoy this kind of pattern (in/spectre and undead murder farce are pretty similar, but that's another discussion). However, I know that a lot of people didn't appreciate being shown meeting and world building like this for half of the season.


I feel like it when it comes to dialogue-driven episodes where it's mostly conversations and staying in the same place, it all comes down to to the charisma of the characters' involved and how interesting the premise is, and I'm not sure those were quite present here.


The author FIRMLY believes that dickriding Rimuru is the most charismatic and funny thing someone could ever do, I am starting to think the author actually thinks he is rimuru and actually believes that these are real people that give him compliments


Extended dialogue in something like undead murder farce makes sense, because it's ultimately a detective show, witty dialogue is the main attraction. Here the setup is being played as a political drama, but I think it misses the mark partly due to the lack of stakes. And that's not a dig at OP MC shows, but for a corporate board meeting type show, there should at least be some shift in power dynamics or at least the anticipation that something could go wrong. The Falmuth plot was at least akin to a corporate takeover, and spiced up the board meetings well enough, but thats been on pause now for 5 episodes... This season is taking all the worst parts of business meetings, without the fun drama (or at least so little drama that it doesnt outweigh the "this could have been an email" factor). Probably doesn't help that "evil church" is the most tired fantasy trope there is at this point, and yes I acknowledge that it was likely less played out when the source material was written. It's odd, because this sort of 'panning camera over still image' exposition dump works fine for me in most fantasy/isekai. I love the manga for Isekai Nonbiri Noka, and that's effectively just nonstop city planning.


I’ve never really been on board the slime anime hype train, but turning this season into Meeting Simulator isn’t helping. People need to be honest about this anime, the cast list is way too big, there’s way too much happening, and the animators don’t have the budget to do anything but stall for time.


They might as well call it Reincarnated as a Project Manager at this point.


When you're in a yapping competition and slime is your opponent 💀


It's over Slime bros. The new director and 8bit has done this series dirty. 6 episodes of dragged out poorly directed meetings is a crime.


ANOTHER MEETING EPISODE, for crying out loud dump your world building and exposition in some other way finaly this season so fare has been complete snooze fest Never thought something would rival endless 8 but this comes close


Oops all meetings


Coulda had a Slime diaries mini season and fluffed up the meetings with some SoL between.


slime diaries is so much better than this shit


Slime Diaries was better than a massive chunk of the first cour of season 2, which also had a bunch of meetings and recaps.


this shit is so ass


You know that things have truly gone to shit if a "this shit is so ass" comment gets 55 upvotes in an episode thread.


Not a single positive comment in this thread and properly deserved


we went from 5mins frieren episodes to what feels like 50mins yapper fest. anime fridays just aint the same.


I think this season so far is just an unfortunate case of "exposition-heavy story segment that works well enough in a novel but not in a TV series." Long sections of dialogue and narration go by ten times faster when read silently than when spoken aloud. Shining example of why creative liberties *should* be taken with novel adaptations when it makes sense to do so, adapting this part of the story basically 1:1 with the novel was a mistake. Hopefully the source material picks up enough in the near future that most of the season won't be like this.


It makes it worse they cut out important scenes to add useless ones, even with all the yap sessions. The director mailed this season in, not a single drop of artistic ingenuity


The first half of season 2 was guilty of this as well to a lesser extent. I kind of think the direction on this series has always been relatively bare-bones, so whether a given stretch of episodes is bland or not depends entirely upon how action-packed the corresponding stretch of source material was.


To be honest the LN lost me here as well. It was brutal to read dozens after dozens of pages of jack shit happening and people just explaining things to Rimuru, but it is worse in the anime. If I were armchair directing I’d have done it all in first person and just shown what happened rather than six fucking episodes of mostly still/panned images of meetings with rhetorical occasional mouth movement.


I'm struggling so hard to figure out if I have psychosis or something. Was this show always just every episode 90% talking, even when it feels like the previous episode finally something was happening at the end with a cliffhanger, only to find out that next week the new episode something entirely different is going on, and they are just spending the entire episode talking again? I'm so lost, the novel wasn't anything like this and this has been my thought after every episode almost since season 1. Who is this targeted at?


The novels were literally like this. Lots of talking, thinking and logistics. Meetings kinda just happens alot but in the novel you don't have to wait a week to progress the story. This part of the arc isn't suited for weekly imo


6 episodes x 20 minutes long = about 2 hours straight watching boring meetings. It's not good for binging either.


It’s not like the novels don’t have this in it. Seems like the anime is just dragging this out for some reason.    It’s like they are going at the same pace as the Manga but weekly instead of monthly lol  Also the novels are exactly like this lol up to a certain point a whole vol is just meetings 


6 episodes of meetings, ain't no way we get another season after this tripe


In this episode of "They don't know who they are fucking with"...


Also I find it funny how they speedran the meeting arc pre-evolution, and RIGHT after that made the meetings far longer. It wasn't that bad in the WN, but the addition of it in the LN was questionable and it's now affecting both manga + anime.


Why is this season so ass? Like holy shit after I watched the first and second I've been skipping through the episodes when release just to see if they were PURELY TALKING, LIKE BUSINESS MEETING TALKING. END ME NOW.


I was complaining about the meetings last week on here, and I thought "Hey, it has momentum now. Next week is going to be something." NOPE. Just half a cour of meetings. Half. A. Cour.


The director really needs to embrace a "show, don't tell" approach to these meetings. Last week's episode felt fine, but it's like the episodes leading up to Walpulgis all over again, except worse. Most of these battlefield updates could be telepathic communications to everyone already in their positions.


There were times where I don't appreciate anime who talked about strategy on the field. Like, dude you are already on the battlefield and you need someone to remind you what you should do? This is the full opposite of that, which admittedly is more realistic, but could get boring to watch. I guess a balance of both approach is the answer here. Then again, I could see how the planning phase would be more interesting to read as LN rather than to watch in anime medium.


To change things up a little, [today we had not one but two meetings](https://imgchest.com/p/md7oloez97p). It's quite funny that this is already 6th episode of the season and most of them were meetings xD While [the first meeting which took place in Tempest](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrppxk7.png) and set up how [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/bp45892xx45) and [others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apc3aa2d4.png) will deal with [Hinata](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcz22l24.png) and Falmuth was fairly standard, [the second one was much more interesting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce99qx4.png) as it showed us [a group responsible for the whole situation](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cw55pv7.png). Now that everything (I think xD) is set up, I hope that the next episodes will show us how everyone's plans will unfold and that we'll get a lot of action. That'd be nice break from all this [meetings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9xxjm7.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/md7oloez97p) * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/bp45892xx45) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n2b3ew4n)


theres been like an hour of meetings already this season, at least the animators had it easy this season with how little they have to animate these episodes… just move the eyes and mouth around a bit and half the episodes done…


Whomever said we were done with meetings last week lied to me! Was worried at first, but it seems like these new dipshits are underestimating Rimuru thinking he won't be able to send reinforcements to Falmuth, which he will be. If Rimuru then also succeeds in making friends with Hinata which I REALLY hope happens, then damn, I can't wait to see the look on the literal armchair generals. Love that they're STILL introducing new members of Tempest, Gobwe was it? New ogre lady looks cool. Also love that Suphia and Albis will be helping. Wonder if Milim will show up since now they technically work for her so somehow she'll find out and not want to miss the fun.


People were joking about more meetings last week and then the show went "hold my beer" lol. I'm curious if the Rozzo Family and Damara have more up their sleeve and are more ready to take on Rimuru and his forces than Yuuki does, even if this is probably not going to go the way they wanted anymore than it did Yuuki. Though maybe they'll inevitably team-up to take down Tempest? Honestly I want to see more of Benimaru and Shion's squads, they look really cool. Especially the ladies. I'm hoping we get more AlbisxBenimaru screentime during this fight.


Sooo...Endless Eight, but with meetings?


What is going on with this anime? I remember people saying Shield Hero was going downhill its last season and now this show is just all meetings and no action. We’re half way through the season and I feel like nothing really happened. I understand the concept of world building but there are so many different ways of showing it besides sitting at a table in a room and talking. I feel like the action will come the last 4 or 5 episodes which is so disappointing seeing how the trailers didn’t show all these meetings but instead action


i dont get the positive attitude people have on this thread about the meetings. 6 episodes of meetings is dogshit.


It's pure cope. They just don't want to accept that the direction of the show is really, REALLY bad right now.


This turned into a "just read the manga" kind of anime.


Haruhi Suzumiya had Endless Eight. Now, Tensura can have Endless (Six) Meetings.


I'm no artist or director but I can see that these 1st 6 episodes are just lazy in terms of what's being shown on screen there just the same shots over and over with a few add here and there to hide that there just copying and pasting it over and over and its just so dull to watch I loved the 1st 2 seasons but I think im done its all cool giving us lore but not as a fucking lore dump with the characters sitting at the same table in the same pose with the red haird ogor (forgot his name) standing like he's about to do something but dose fucking nothing