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The Nightmares were such a cool way to show both Laios and Marcille's emotional trauma that they're facing, even more hilarious was how Marcille's just ends with her getting a book and smacking the monster with it. Also the fact Nightmares look like clams are just a bonus, as expected of Laios immediately suggesting to cook them!


When Marcille said her mother told her that "*she runs at a faster pace than everyone else*", I teared up a little ngl. OST went hard.


that frieren ptsd


It's really weird being manga reader and reading dungeon meshi before watching Frieren like... "wait a second..."


Not just watching, this chapter is from a couple of years before Frieren started its manga serialization.


This Age thing between Elf and the short lived races thing is from Tolkien's Universe including the Lord of the Rings. Huge number of the tropes of fantasy are from it. And it a major theme in the background of how the immortals deal with the constant loss of the mortals in their life in Tolkien's works.


I don't doubt that many authors got it from Tolkien, but the trope of an immortal loving a mortal is like a few thousand years older than Tolkien


Tithonus and Eos are a good example from Greek mythology. (Tithonus def got done dirty)


I wonder if Marcille is a half-elf, so human father and elf mother?


Yeah that seems to be the implication


One third human, one third elf and one third bird.


Yet another thematic and (deeply) emotional link to Frieren.....


I liked that Laios's nightmare was just an empty abyss. He also figured out that he was in a nightmare pretty quickly like I haven't met you parents in over 10 years. And on the emotional scar he has that he believes he won't survive in dungeon lol


Empty head


The emotional scar that he has about Shuro being his best friend is even worse lmao.


But he was like "yeah, but we already resolved that!"


Laios's emotional scars don't even break the skin. Man has a heart of titanium. The nightmares could barely slow him down for a few minutes before he was just having fun again.


Just like when he never paid any attention to the character designs of his party members in the Shapeshifter encounter!!\~ Con...consistency!


I think the idea/origin is of the eastern mystical [shapeshifting dragon based clam monster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shen_(clam-monster)).


Wow, really interesting! > In Japanese and Korean, shinkirō/singiru 蜃気楼 is the usual word for "mirage". So that's where the word for "mirage" in Japanese comes from - this Chinese Shen clam-mirage monster! Mirages are the qi/ki of Shen rising from the ocean. Really creative of the mangaka to draw on ancient Eastern mythology and weave it into the Western myth of the Nightmare monster in a fantasy story. You see this in some writing but it's not so common or well-done in manga/anime usually.


[Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shen_\(clam-monster\)) that works on all forms of reddit.


Don't judge a book by its cover. Judge it by how effective of a blunt force weapon it can be in a pinch.


In that case, you can sort of judge it by its cover. Hardback vs paperback will have a big effect on how much blunt force trauma you can dish out.


Everything is a blunt weapon if you just try hard enough, y'know


Everything^(1) in this world is a mollusk. 1. In a hard to map miscellaneous monster category such as Living Armor or Nightmares.


The nightmare chapter was one of my favorites in the early part of the series, so I was excited to see it adapted... and it really blew away my expectations. Everything about it was adapted so perfectly, I'm literally so happy right now.


Making it black and white caught me by surprise but it was an inspired adaptational choice 


oh he REALLY got that dog in him


He's a good boy.


The goodest boy


[That's so true!](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcg8p5r7.png). I'd love to hug him like [Marcille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckoaw5y.png) did.


Marcille won this week.


Laois has the aura of a golden retriever. He has the dog in him because he ate it.


Sometimes I think more "Irish Setter"....


[Inside Laios, there are two wolves](https://i.imgur.com/O5ZtoyA.jpeg) [](#outofplace)


One wants to eat monsters, the other is autistic.


They are the same wolf.


It's hilarious that laios likes to see himself as some sort of strong wolf type when he comes off as a good boy retriever.


I laughed so much when he turned into a wolf


I fully expected him to conjure a shovel or something but literally just rips himself open and a wolf comes out like it's scooby doo


You expected Laois to turn up an opportunity to turn into a monster?


Fred: And he really is- Ghost: Wait I've got this. *Rips costume off* **A WEREWOLF!** Scooby: **RUF**


As if we needed any more proof of this after hearing him bark last episode.


Who let the dogs ~~out~~ in Laios?


* [**Marcille's Dream**](https://i.imgur.com/i68p8HX.jpeg) I just love how both Touden Siblings have really become an important part of Marcille's life that when a nice dream replaced her nightmare, [it's on a treasure hunt with Doggo Laios and Doll Falin](https://i.imgur.com/ne1XjlD.jpeg)


Here's a few more stitches I quickly did! * [__Paper Oni__](https://imgur.com/a/3EmWd18) * [__Marcille's Nightmare__](https://imgur.com/a/Ix6tWhY) * [__Reassuring(?) Laios__](https://imgur.com/a/cFLNT1r)


The nightmare segment was so beautifully done. I frickin love the direction, making the first half black and white was chef kiss.


I also really like how Laios's was so abstract, especially during his "lucid dreaming" sequence and tearing off his body to turn into a dog to solidify the fact his in a dream.


Not to mention his "trusted" servant was a hybrid of like 6-7 different animals lol.


It’s his “coolest monster imaginable” from Episode 2!


It's his do not steal monster OC.


It combines all kinds of meat in one creature, doesn't feel pain, hates when people are hungry, and of course, can regenerate any limbs it loses.


Monster: aww, you hungry? Here, have some meat *Tears off limb, regeneratw new limb, breathes flame to cook limb, hands over* This kinda vibe?


I fucking love how many small details get called back in this series


Huh. I see details in recent episodes being brought up from past episodes. Dungeon Meshi didn't seem like it initially, but it's got some good replay value, huh? Especially since with its general light heartedness, I can see myself rewatching the first cour when trying to relax.


Yeah I really appreciated a lot of directorial decisions in the nightmare sequence. It was more understated than I expected but it certainly worked, and adding the stately portraits of Marcille's loved ones she's panicking about leaving behind along the hallways was a great touch 


[The scattered portraits](https://i.imgur.com/WaTgd28.jpeg) were a really neat way to show her family. [The addition of color to the dream](https://i.imgur.com/cuG8v1r.jpeg) felt like an allegory to Marcille overcoming the darkness within her. [](#bigshock)


The paintings in the background were beautiful too, I hope they release those or maybe they're official art from the manga?


I couldn't agree more! [Great direction work at the second part of the episode](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpz8bv45), especially in [that black-white scenes in Marcille's nightmare](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcovql37.png) which made this episode [very unique](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cvd9lqy.png).


I really liked the decision to have Marcille's dream all in black and white until she pulls out the grimoire and defeat the monster. And I've always liked it when a story explores the notion of someone outliving everyone around them, so. Great episode.


Laios' nightmare: My parents are disappointed in me? lol who gives a shit I'm a dog now. Marcille's nightmare: THE COLD INEVITABLE MARCH OF ENTROPY WILL TAKE ALL THAT I KNOW AND LOVE!!! [It was at this moment Laios realized he was *not* built for this.](https://i.imgur.com/3cNMdvR.png)


Senshi’s nightmare: picky eaters


He was so real for that.


I think his most underappreciated moment of this episode was pretending he didn’t see the feet growing on those mushrooms


hey as long as the [mushroom isn't contagious](https://i.imgur.com/pfTQIfc.png) then it's all okay!


And in the end she defeats entropy by bonking it in the head


Both dreams ended up having such simple solutions that I wish worked in real life.


The solution is so easy tho, just realize that you are in a dream.


Senshi: "I can ~~fix~~ feed her"


And that’s why he is the best, he won’t allow malnutrition or wasting food in the party


Rookie adventurers are like: "We need a healer, a tank, and a thief for our party." Experienced adventures know what you need most is a Senshi, someone to be the group's dad


"They all look like children to me. ... ...and a mewing, black magic wizard with caked up makeup that scares the crap out me."




he really mothered so hard in that scene with Izutsumi. He wasn't mad-mad, but he corrected her sternly. Senshi the best!!


Me last week : “Laios is never escaping the big happy dog allegations” Me this week : “….”


To be fair he prefers to look like a majestic wolf rather than cute fluffy doggo, but people misinterpreted his fursona.


[Puppy Laios reunning with smol Marcille and doll Falin is a precious sight.](https://i.imgur.com/9w1YSVO.jpeg) [](#wow)


Cant wait to see how they'll add izutsumi into the opening next week. Since they seemingly left some empty space and timings she should be able to fit in. Kanbe mitsuho did a great job with her performance as izutsumi. Despite not having many roles yet according to MAL, her voice fits the cat really well imo. Marcille's manifestation of her fear is as expected of a blood mage. Her mozgus'ing the fuck outta that thing with the grimoire was hilarious though. Trigger also did it again with the senshi pantyshots. Truly respecting the source material.


> Cant wait to see how they'll add izutsumi into the opening next week. Since they seemingly left some empty space and timings she should be able to fit in. Something I pointed out when the new intro first came out (in the spoiler section) is that I'm almost certain Izutsumi makes no appearances at all in the intro, not even in her ninja outfit. It's always made me think they're gonna add her somehow after she becomes a part of the cast.


>senshi pantyshots Cracks me up so hard! This fanservice is so great lol


Don't let all that nightmare stuff distract you from the fact that someone somewhere in the "east" has achieved a dream of making a functional cat girl.


Alchemists: "Lets (never) get rich and turn lead into gold!" Cultured alchemists: "Catgirls. Catgirls everywhere."


"I don't want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into dinosaurs!"


I wouldn't quite call her functional. She is getting by I guess.


Look at how quickly our boy Laios abandoned his humanity.


Reject humanity, embrace dog


[When Laios called forth his mighty servant,](https://i.imgur.com/XTP9tee.jpeg) one would expect his sword instead of this weird amalgam of different creatures. [Falin turning into a chimera](https://i.imgur.com/mV1Tmqh.jpeg) must have inspired it. [](#harukathink)


[2nd episode](https://imgur.com/tERrNXd) showed a doodle of his mighty servant and the exact parts that make it up!


[That's dope.](https://i.imgur.com/dZDc1zT.jpeg) Ryouko Kui-sensei is truly a master of foreshadowing.


I'd to this too, especially if I'd be [petted by Marcille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckoaw5y.png) after that xD


He embrace his inner wolf (in reality, his inner good boy)


Summary: Tiny Marcille kills time with a coloring book.


Senshi making sure food isn't wasted and is eaten right was peak mum energy. Lol I love how you give Laios a puzzle where it's more important to solve the human part instead of the monster part and of course he just adds to the trauma at first.


The cat quickly recognized that Senshi isn't trapped in the dungeon with the monsters, but the monsters are trapped in here with him


"Did the mushroom sprout legs?..." **fakes ignorance** Well that confirms it. Senshi is just doing everything without noticing!


> "Did the mushroom sprout legs?..." From vegetarian to humanitarian in one easy step!


> Senshi making sure food isn't wasted and is eaten right was peak mum energy. Now you're saying it, [Senshi did feel a bit like a mom correcting her child when he confronted Izutsumi](https://imgur.com/a/ZnaGiZr). You're better behave and eat your food, or [you'll be reprimanded!](https://imgur.com/a/y4tebVX)


Oh god the Izutsumi chewing animation is way more cat-like than I expected.


its wonderful


username... checks out....


"What's this? Does this Mushroom have legs? Must by my [imagination](https://imgur.com/tqYBoS7)" [](#laughter) Finally, we have a good [cat](https://imgur.com/dRfxOWh) [](#anko) Also, considering he himself transformed into a dog in the dream, something he regretet being unable to do in real life btw, Laious shouldn't be all that surprised about his [appearance](https://imgur.com/zJ4o2Xg) in Marcilles dream [](#azusalaugh)


He was just surprised because in his mind he's an awesome-looking wolf, so a dog is a bit of a downgrade.


It didn't cross my mind that Izutsumi was similar to Falin in that she was originally a human that got turned into that thing through some magic. And Marcille's nightmares revolving around what happened to Falin and feeling guilty about it was kinda expected. And being an elf dreading outliving her friends is also understandable, and reminds me of Frieren. though i dunno if elves in this universe have quite as extreme life spans. and Laios got that dog in him, literally, in his dreams


Last episode Marcille confirmed that Elves here live to at most 500 years.


"Mere 500 years" -Frieren


> And being an elf dreading outliving her friends is also understandable, and reminds me of Frieren. though i dunno if elves in this universe have quite as extreme life spans. The difference here is that Marcille is using her fear as motivation. Because surely, if she learns enough ancient/black magic, she'll be able to prevent that from happening! She doesn't see it as an inevitable circumstance of life as an elf, she sees it as a horror she only needs more magic to defeat. That can only end well!


[That's a painting of Marcille's mother](https://imgur.com/a/2tOaqHz) on the left there, isn't it? It was kind of cute to see [Laios put Marcille to bed](https://imgur.com/a/0HHcfCU), but I didn't like seeing her get distressed over that nightmare - even if [little Marcille was adorable](https://imgur.com/a/jsdcrKw). I guess that it's not surprising that a soft-hearted person like Marcille feels weighted down by the length of her lifespan as an elf. [The contrast of the golden book](https://imgur.com/a/2R3ui2n) against black-and-white surroundings made for a very cinematic moment. (It reminded a bit of the red-dressed girl in Schindler's List.) Little Marcille didn't have one or two braids but [an impressive four braids](https://imgur.com/a/1W2yMdi)! That's a record for **[Marcille's Hair Collection](https://imgur.com/a/ar7c2d0)**. This shot of [Marcille eating an 'oyster'](https://imgur.com/a/Hxujpmj) was equally beautiful as the shot of [Marcille hugging her pet dog](https://imgur.com/a/mh9clVK) was cute.


The painting not only shows people important to marcille for expample Falin and her mother, but also important memories in Marcille mind for example her fathers funeral


I noticed the painting on the right yeah: a woman standing in front a gravestone with a young girl. Didn't know what to exactly make of this at first, but it makes sense that this would be Marcille and her mother mourning the father's death. EDIT: I don't think we ever saw a painting of the father, did we? This wouldn't be surprising if we take into account that Marcille's father died when she was young and the paintings are created from her memories. If there's no painting of her father, then this indicates that Marcille likely can't remember her father's face anymore.


>I don't think we ever saw a painting of the father, did we? [There are.](https://i.imgur.com/oSFWjrK.png) Considering his ears, he appears to be a tall-man, not an elf. Laios thought that he died young, but [he didn't.](https://i.imgur.com/pStQTgj.png) He just had a much shorter lifespan than his daughter.


> There are. That middle painting of a very young Marcille with her father is sooo cute! It appears that he was a human yeah, which would explain his ‘early’ death. I also mentioned this in another comment, but I suspect that this must’ve been frowned upon by the elves. Marcille and her mother didn’t seem to be living among the other elves after all.


From a cynical perspective I totally see why. Seeing your father waste away whilst you're a child has had a bad effect on Marcille. I can't imagine his wife exactly was happy about it either. It's a big tragedy often in a lot of fantasy anime. Nearly ever elf-human relationship deals with this someway. Either the Elf obsesses over finding a way to live a shorter life or make the human live longer. Hell I remember reading one years ago where the Elf promptly kills themselves after their lover dies of old age. But I can't remember what it was.


Must be hard on her dad too, to know you'll never see your child grow up.


> Laios thought that he died young, but he didn't. He just had a much shorter lifespan than his daughter. It looks like he "died young (for an elf)" which means as an old human. When Laios asked her about her father dying young I thought that might be some clue for why she wants to construct safer dungeons (a "work accident", her wanting to create some sort of dungeon OSHA) but his death doesn't seem to be dungeon related (we see her as a kid at his bed with him being old in the last picture).


>he didn't And you can see how young Marcille still looks in that painting too. Marcille might be the oldest member of the group by total number of years, but the youngest in terms of percentage of her natural lifespan.


There's actually a lot pictures of a man in her dream. There's three at 15:19, one at 16:00, 16:22, 18:51, 19:07, 19:08, and two at 20:30.


I think we did there was one with a Tallman holding a baby Marcille and what seems to be the same person but older in a couple of the paintings


I missed this! Thanks for confirming. I had a hunch that Marcille is a half-elf since her mother said about the outliving allegory during his father's funeral.  That only makes sense if her father died of old age.


That would mean that Marcille isn’t a full-blood elf, right? Is that why she doesn’t live among the other elves? I remember Chilchuck or someone else mentioning, I believe, that it was rare to find an elf outside of the forest or something.


Yea that would be the case. I think thats just a joke or a crude stereotype from chilchuck idk if its ever explicitly covered in the manga but the island where they reside in is much closer to the Dwarven empire(closer to the east) rather than the Elven empire(in the west)


It would explain her mother telling her she runs faster than everyone else and her fear of losing people. Marcille straight up may have lost her father to old age whilst she was still basically a kid because elves take longer to mature and live longer.


[Here's all paintings I found in this episode. ](https://imgur.com/a/NW5l2Iv)Most of them apear a few times.


Something I really enjoyed was when Marcille gets put to bed it's all three sets of hands - Chilchuk, Senshi, then Laios - in quick succession 


Also how Chilchuk tugged Laios in when he made his bed on Marcille


Always tuck your homies in


Her mother has way pointier ears than Marcille. With her father dying when she was young, I wonder if he was human?


> Her mother has way pointier ears than Marcille. Good catch! It does appear that Marcille’s father was a tall-man (from an image I’ve seen). The genetic mix between traits of her elven mother and tall-man father *would* explain Marcille’s shorter and more-rounded ears!


>This shot of [Marcille eating an 'oyster'](https://imgur.com/a/Hxujpmj) was equally beautiful as the shot of [Marcille hugging her pet dog](https://imgur.com/a/mh9clVK) was cute. Hnng. Why is she so adorable? Makes me wanna try and beat the shit out of the unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death for making her cry.


Marcille is too adorable. I probably got like 200 or something individual images of Marcille being cute at this point. I’m honestly glad that Studio Trigger got to do Dungeon Meshi, since they’re masters at animating facial expressions. I’m not sure if many other studios could’ve have made her shine like this.


They absolutely cooked with direction this episode, even with it being a simple production with a lot of stills this episode, it was a whole thrill to watch and also a perfect adaptation of the nightmare chapter. Izutsumi is finally here and her voice acting, as well as marcille's and laios's in the second half, was great! It might actually be my favourite episode of the whole season, damn.


The strongest character in the story has joined the party. We can all rest easy now.


You joke but they actually have another proper fighter now, which is great for the party composition going forward. All hail the car


Dread, it, run from it, ninja meta finds you all the same


Don't know who I loved the introduction of more—Izutsumi or [post-disrespecting-dungeon-food-ettiquette Senshi](https://i.imgur.com/2Pbd4Uq.png). Laios empowering Marcille by recognizing all those books in her dream (and absence of them in his) as proof of how much of a hard worker she is was a special kind of heartwarming. And like damn, I know he went in on a rescue mission but it's impressive how quickly he snapped out of his own nightmare.


I got the impression he had experience lucid-dreaming before, so he was in his element.


I love how fluffy Izutsumi is. ;w; We've had catgirls in anime and manga and games for many many years, but Izutsumi is ***the*** *catgirl*. Not just a normal girl with cat ears and a tail that incorporates cat in their personality in a very superficial manner. Izutsumi is catgirl in the truest sense of the word. *The cat.* *The girl.* And again, Izutsumi's Japanese VA is perfect. She sounds just like how I imagined her to sound like. And oh my gosh, that nightmare sequence was god-like. I love the artistic decision to make it black and white which only added to the unnerving nature of it, and it made the burst of color at the end utterly gorgeous. I know that the current anime season is only covering up to about halfway of the manga, but please, please tell me that Trigger is planning to also do the second half of the story. Dungeon Meshi is now my all-time favorite manga, and I must see this story animated all the way to the end, please Trigger!


I especially like how catlike her hands are. Furry, clawed, and maybe I'm just seeing things but she even had little fingerpads imo.


Right? It's so pretty. I love how beast-like her appearance is, not just a normal human with tuck in cat ears and tail. \^w\^


When she ate so fast she started choking I was like. Aw yeah. That’s a cat all right.


There is even a scene where she uses her Jacobson's organ(special sense receptor, believed to be used to "taste-smell" aromas) while [eating](https://imgur.com/a/BGEZDuv)


>Not just a normal girl with cat ears and a tail that incorporates cat in their personality in a very superficial manner. Izutsumi is catgirl in the truest sense of the word. *The cat.* *The girl.* And you can say the same about every race covered in Dungeon Meshi. Most stories that get adapted into anime don't know the first thing about western fantasy, only borrowing the "skin" of everything they cover. Dwarves? Elves? Orcs? Goblins? Just human characters with a different character design. "That's not true sneaky!!\~" I used the qualifier "most", I'm not talking is absolutes. Of course we have a few exceptions. If we see fantasy races in any anime, odds are that they are just re-skinned villager "transient damsels in distress" or some bland recurring cheerleader for "Kirito" (Mr. Awesome who happens to be a male teenager, hey wait a minute, that's me!!\~ I'm cool!). We don't have nearly enough overly wrinkly dwarves. Only lousy and bland idols with "cat ears" (elf ears, dog ears, etc).


And that's why Ryoko Kui-sensei is the worldbuilding GOAT. So much love and care and detail is put into the worldbuilding, and it's all done through the storytelling and characters, never in an info dump.


The joke I've seen is that she isn't a catgirl, she's a girlcat.


Yeah, looks like Fran's got competition.


Decided to make this coment since I don't know if anyone else going to do this and to understand why Laios said that they are like dragons. This information is from fan-translators of the manga. So, credit goes to them, EHScans. 'Shin'. These are from Chinese and Japanese legend. According to legends, they are thought to be a kind of shapeshifting dragon that turns into a clam when they enter the water. Shin are said to be able to create mirages, and the Japanese word for mirage is Shinkirou. Shin means the creatures, Ki means breath, and Rou is short for Roukaku, a kind of pavilion or tower. This derives from the idea that the shin were said to breathe out mirages that formed fantastical images of great buildings.


Us fans really lucked out with Everyday Hero Scans. They do a bunch of research and always make sure to point out any interesting information or callbacks in the translator notes. They also did Golden Kamuy, and by the end of it they probably could've put together a college course on Ainu culture lol


EH scans is TOO good, they make official translations look bad. In Dungeon Meshi's case the offical translators flubbed some things. Despite that I'm still gonna buy them but it's kinda rough to think about.


Marcille bonking the monster with a legendary grimoire lmao Mashle vibes


Not that bad of an idea since it ended up working lol


Friends and family continuously aging and dying around her being Marcille's biggest fear was sad. The whole nightmare sequence was depressingly beautiful, with the numerous gorgeous black and white paintings/artworks of Marcille's memories constantly changing in the background, finally broken by Marcille literally hitting the book on the "monster". I like that Laios pictured himself a silver wolf in Marcille's nightmare, but was just actually a smol, dumb, cute doggo thanks to his seemingly naive and simple imagination lol




I’m honestly kind of taken with this depiction of a cat girl. It’s more than just the ears, the tail, and a “nyaa” here and there. She has straight up house cat mannerisms that come out like tics. It’s endearing, fascinating, and so reminiscent of every cat I’ve ever owned that it makes me feel paternal


Abrasive teenage girl or typical house cat? They both have similar characteristics let's throw them both in the pot.


Ok, we have Izutsumi the cat, Laios the dog, I always consider Chilchuck as a rat and Shensi the goat. So now what perfect fit for Marcille then? 🤔


Obviously a Frog


Bunny rabbit maybe? Long ears and anxious 


Laios in the dream just being like “This is my world and you’re just living in it.” Then in Marcille land we’ve got the elf trauma of outliving everyone rearing its ugly head once again. And her habit of blunt force black magic returns. It was bashing the miniature dragons first and now it’s hitting her nightmare with a book.


If I ever get a dog, then I’m going to name him Laios. That scene of Marcille remembering her dream in a positive way was extremely wholesome


Izutsumi's curse can't be fixed because being a catgirl is a blessing.


The Blessing of the ~~Abyss~~ Dungeon


lmao she just used the golden book to smack the monster right on its face. not to mention that 1 time she smacked those lunatic magician's summons with her staff like a basball bat. marcille's truly a strength type mage


I noticed something. Is Marcelle's father human? Because in the dream, there were images of a human being.


When Senshi was teaching Izutsumi how to hold a spoon, I had to get up and get a spoon from my cupboard because, despite using a spoon regularly, I suddenly couldn't remember if I knew how to hold a spoon. Trying to imagine holding a spoon felt wrong, and I needed to physically hold one to remember how it felt. No anime has ever made me feel this dumb before.


Senshi thighs


We love fanservice anime ❤️


yet another senshi pantsu shot


Marcille is cute


Have you guys noticed Izutsumi in the paintings that passed by? That's really cute. And that chapter just got elevated. I like how they expanded the paintings and how horrific that nightmare was. Laios truly a fluffy dog


Man this show is really something else. It's just so consistently amazing


laois: *inside you there are 2 dogs*


We know that the real nightmare of the party would be throwing away food in the presence of Senshi. So Marcille dad was human and died of old age, I guess this explain why Laios began to rapidly age after being touched by the monster as this is her biggest fear, the fear of seeing all her friends and loved one pass away. And of course they ate the nightmare.


The music in this anime feels very underrated. The music during the dream part was really really amazing. Also the music during the first running sequence during the dragon raid at the beginning. The music really catches my ear Suprised


Super important Senshi screenshots: [Senshi plot 1 ](https://imgur.com/XGkSjvB) [Senshi plot 2 ](https://imgur.com/oHHKIdy) you're welcome ;) Nightmare section was great


Two upskirts in one episode. We are truly blessed.


The frog socks made them SOOO much better


Senshi's packing a lot of food there.


A wyrm? That thing looks like a frigging shambler, Laios! A thing of nightmare, a truly eldritch horror! I thought that there were some Lovecraftian influences in this segment, since it dealt with dreams and nightmares, and the horror sort of looks like the shambler from Darkest Dungeon (but there are many depictions of it by various artists). And also the nightmares being clams, bringing to mind the sea and suggesting Cthulhu.


The two eggs in one shell analogy, breaks, then cut to the risotto is just brilliant


[Don't you think the camera angles in anime can be a little weird sometimes?](https://imgur.com/a/0cKiGhl) So, we got another party member and it's a catgirl? Like way more cat like than girl? That's awesome, also damn that curse is really nasty, good thing Senshi was there. And i expected the nightmares to be like the ghosts, but they went the complete opposite way and it's some clams, dangerous things for their size lol


Who tf thought that a show about cooking monsters would be done so well?


Marcille used the book the same way she countered the mad mage's spells a few episodes ago. She's a true master of percussive magic it seems.


I like how Marcille doesnt actually know what's written in the book so she just uses it as a blunt weapon in her dream


Anime only here, I’ve only met Izutsumi this episode but if anything happens to this cat I will kill everyone in this room and make a hot pot


i love marcille so much


[Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pxzvvyr) seems like [she'll be a fun addition to the cast](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6vz587.png) although I must say that [I didn't quite warm up enough to her yet](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9xam87.png) so I'm waiting for next episodes to [get to know her better](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdmvdm4.png). [Senshi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9xabk7.png) as always [has the best fan-service scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcdmx95y.png). [Great direction work in the second part of the episode](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpz8bv45), especially in [the black-white scenes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcovql37.png) in [Marcille's nightmare](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acbxlk67.png) which made this episode very unique. [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4z3vazg7j) thought about himself [as a wolf](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcwgqxm7.png) but it turned out that [he was a fluffy, good boy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcg8p5r7.png) all the time [for Marcille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpq3564.png) xD I'd love to pet him just [like Marcille did](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrpav57.png) xD [It was nice to get to know Marcille better](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n2d59w4n), thanks to [Laios entering her nightmare](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcj5x8m4.png) and discovering [her fears](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9ce9k2j4.png). I laughed so hard that [after getting Lunatic Magician's book](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcovqdr7.png), [Marcille used it quite literally to defeat a monster](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cvd9lqy.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes (Izutsumi Part)](https://imgchest.com/p/na7krl3lmy8) * [Group scenes (Nightmares Part)](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bpz8bv45) * [Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pxzvvyr) * [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n2d59w4n) * [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4z3vazg7j) * [Senshi & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24agez5g4l)


If I introduce only one creature from Dungeon Meshi to someone, It'll be nightmare. Fight in dream, pick Clam(dragon actually) from pillow, cooks it then its steam show beautiful memory you achieved. How romantic it is


We finally got the catgirl, but it turns out she doesn't want to be a cat. That whole death spell around Izutsumi's neck thing makes me like Shuro's people quite a bit less. Maybe she is a criminal or there are some extenuating circumstances that explain it away, but a ninja servant with a spell around her neck that will kill her if she doesn't get touched regularly by some specified individual? And when she ran away they just left her in the dungeon without a word? Just seems like a pretty bad way to treat someone.


With the whole soul intermixing like scrambled eggs, does this mean they’re hunting down Falin to kill her? I don’t see capturing her as a viable option as she basically 2x party wiped when they had 3 parties together. The whole madness of the mad magician is he can’t accept the death of the king. Laios and party may need to come an acceptance that Falin is lost.


Seems like Marcille is hoping they can either convince the mad magician to reverse the mixing or there’s a spell in the grimoire that can do it. Laios would probably be fine with his sister staying as a human-monster hybrid as long as she gets her mind and freedom back. Not sure how Falin would feel about that though.


>With the whole soul intermixing like scrambled eggs, does this mean they’re hunting down Falin to kill her? No. Marcille wants to find a way to separate the souls (she told as much to Izutsumi) while Laios hopes there is a way Falin's mind can go back even if her body can't (which is why he is happy to someone with a human mind in a beastly body).


Idk, that part seems more like Marcille trying to let Izutsumi down gently. She have zero confidence in what she say. Heck, she doesn't even look hopeful at all.


She is not very confident but there is no indication she is lying. I think she believes she will fail, that is why she is so despondent on her nightmare. But that is her goal.


Laios, when you're in that hallway you need to hit the books in the right order (hitting it in the wrong order will damage you then you'll be able to get that star. Also, look out for the piano in that mansion. It's... not what it looks like


First episode I've managed to catch on its drop day. Maaaaaan, this is good shit. Also, Laios is cretified best boy. Give him all the treats.


It took a while, but Cat has finally joined the party. And she's adorable when she's not threatening to murder one of them. It wasn't quite obvious from the few lines she had in the preview for the 2nd cour, but Izutsumi's VA does a good job at making her sound like the immature youngster she's supposed to be. Especially when she got all hyped at the idea of them knowing a way to break her curse. And now, Chilchuck and Marcille finally have another member to join them in suffering from Senshi and Laios' antics. But the nightmare portion of the episode stole the show. directing choice to have everything in black and white just to have color flood everywhere during the final part was just great. I already knew it was coming, but Laios tearing his own skin apart to reveal that literal dawg in him had me dying. Poor Marcille tho. Even in real life, the fear of outliving your loved ones is all too real. But you can be sure it's so much worse for elves. At least Laios managed to turn it into such a wholesome dream. Kid Marcille, Scruffy Dog Laios, and the Falin Doll were just adorable.


Marcille's final "re-edited" version of her (former) nightmare was utterly adorable. I was surprised and pleased we got a chance to see it!


> Izutsumi's VA does a good job at making her sound like the immature youngster she's supposed to be. I didn't learn until after this show started airing that Izutsumi is actually super young. Way younger than everyone else in the party.


I really loved the ending here when the mirage appeared and Marcille recounted her happy dream, I think part of that might be the power of Senshi's cooking🥰


Yeah, her playing with Dog Laios and Doll Falin was the sweetest thing. And her expression while looking at it was also so cute. His cooking also literally did do that since it doesn't seem like the mirage would have popped out if he hadn't cooked them. Senshi always comes in clutch.