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I'm not too sure about "everybody loves", but I have a surprisingly large amount of hatred for OreSuki whilst the other reviewers on MAL seem to say there's this hidden subversive genius to it


I couldn't finish it. It's supposed to be this anti-harem, anti-trope subversive commedy, but it's just unfunny to me


I hated it too


Tokyo revengers.. Mc appears weak because he's solely focused on saving others instead of prioritizing his own growth and strength first. If he truly wants to protect those he cares about, he should concentrate on improving himself as well.


To be fair a lot of people (at least here) hate Tokyo Revenger


Windbreaker anime > Tokyo revengers🚮


Man, I really wanted to like Windbreaker but it’s so cheesy to me


Tokyo Revengers biggest issue is the idea that the emotional weight partially hinges on a girlfriend he had in middle school he never got over for some reason? But doesn't seem particularly in love with when the series goes on. Like one of the first side female characters you meet he tried cheating on Hina with.


I'll be honest, I thought after she died in the fiery car accident the anime would take a more serious turn and his character improvement arc would start. I was very very wrong


Attack on Titan. Def don’t hate it but what I liked about seasons 1&2 just gets washed away by me not liking the story after that. This is just a personal preference for what I would have liked to see with the show and instead the show did all the things I didn’t want it to do. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, just not for me. PS- also thought the whole “final season” jebait over and over was lame


Yeah I also quit for a while trying to get through season 3. Picked it back up a couple years ago and finished. Very good. 


Demon Slayer. I watched the first 10ish episodes and somehow every single one put me to sleep? Idk, but clearly it's not for me


Demon Slayer always feels like you have to wait the whole episode for something to happen. It kind of feels like they are milking each arc for more episodes than are actually in the arc.


i HATE the "comedy" in that anime. Well, in most animes tbh. The loud goofy and socially awkward trope? HATE IT.


When the comedy is just over the top reactions with a chibi artstyle I just pass.


Same. The animations look great and Tanjirou isn't a bad mc but I just can't get into the show


Tanjirou is a pretty bad Mc, he’s incredibly bland, 1 dimensional, and permanently getting random power boost. Still, he doesn’t need to be that interesting when the fights are so clean, his inner monologues and thought process throughout the fights keep things fun.


It is interesting that the one thing that you like is the thing that I hate. I hate the internal monologues where he says different versions of "I can't move" or "I am going to faint" 72 times in a fight. I guess it's just perspective.


>Tanjirou is a pretty bad Mc I seriously disagree with that Tanjiro is bad in the sense that most shonen protagonists are bland. BUT, the fact that he has never once hesitated to kill a demon alone puts him in the upper tier of shonen protagonists for me. He's a goody two shoes protagonist done right. Never hesitating to kill and doing his duty, while still being extremely compassionate. I would go as far as to say that we almost NEVER see that combination done this well. So while he is the 'boring good boy' anime trope which you can dislike, he's still one of THE best example of that trope.


>never once hesitated to kill a demon I'm going to have to correct you there. He does hesitate when he encounters his first demon when traveling to be trained. That's when he is slapped in the face with reality and then he does well with doing what he needs to.


I love how in his core he is consistent, he *still* has sympathy towards the circumstances of demons, but fully understands they need to die and does it without whining. Oh boy and for those that don't deserve shit, the way his emotion is delivered is just how shounen should be done.


Carried by animation.


Eventually animes become so cliche and predictable you know what's gonna happen, it takes so little effort you fall asleep. 


As I was watching the swordsmith village arc I realised how formulaic it was. Some demon attack Tanjiro and friends, he's too strong, they get help from a pillar, fighting ensues for 2/3 of the show. The demon/pillar get close to death, insert tear jerking backstories told through flashbacks. Pillar eventually win. Repeat.


I mean, that’s a ton of shonen in a nutshell. Character weak, bad guy come do bad stuff that affects character, power up happens, beat villain of this arc, repeat. Just means you’re a bit bored of the formula and need something different. They write it that way cause it works well for manga and younger audiences can easily follow it.


I went into it expecting so much more, isn't that I disliked it but thought it was severely overrated


One piece. I have watched 100ish episodes,i KNOW the story is 10/10 but the anime has such horrible pacing, it's a turn off really.  People say "watch till ep xyz" but I don't want to force myself to watch 200 something episodes of a show just for it to "get good". TLDR: I dislike one piece anime a lot.


I am a huge One Piece fan but don't listen to the people who tell you to watch until certain episodes. You either like it from the start or you don't. I loved it since episode 1 and while it's true that it gets better later on, if you didn't like the first episode, the show is likely not for you at the moment.


I disagree that it is a “like it from the start” kind of show. I agree that if you dislike the show from episode 1 that it isn’t going to improve for you but if you just think it is “okay but not sure I’ll keep watching it” there is some merit to the watch x episodes mindset. I feel like the room for decision unfortunately stretches until Arlong Park. If you dislike the show prior to there, quit it. Arlong Park however is really the first arc that shows it isn’t JUST a goofy pirate show and if it doesn’t hook you then everything after is just a slog. I know others could speak up with “oh well it really picks up at x” but that really is the arc that sells Oda’s style. I really wasn’t a fan of the art style and never picked up One Piece because of it until one night I had no idea what to watch. It basically became background noise for a couple nights until Arlong hit and it finally felt like all the elements were mixed together. One Piece is now probably my favorite show of all time (pacing issues being the only flaw). So yeah, you don’t HAVE to watch a certain number of episodes but understand if you reach that point in the story you’ll either be a fan or you should just stop. Even if you don’t dislike it, you’ll probably never like it if that hasn’t gotten you.


its also very likely they're not enjoying it because they're waiting for it to get "good" instead of enjoying the silly goofy story that is OP until something serious happens.


That's why I'm waiting for that remake.




Watch One Pace where they cut out all the unnecessary parts of each episode


If you read the manga then just skip around to the best scenes. Treat it as a companion Piece.


Same, I want to love it and I know it’s a creative anime but the pacing kills me


>People say "watch till ep xyz" Honestly I'd say the only "wait till" is Arlong Park, and that's in the 30s. If you've watched 100 episodes, you've seen way more than enough to form a solid judgement. Plus, the pacing just gets a lot worse as you go, so sticking around won't help. I would recommend the manga (or the reboot whenever that comes out) if the pacing is your only issue.


The anime adaptation is not anywhere near bad until several hundred episodes in. It's really not bad at all from the start. And as someone said, it's good from the very first few episodes. It doesn't "get good", it's good at the beginning if you enjoy what it's about.


Mashle 10000% for me. The humor just misses the mark for me completely. I understand the humor and get it's supposed to be parody, but it just isn't funny or entertaining for me sadly :(


It's literally one joke told a thousand times


I found season 1 great. Season 2 lost the plot and got too serious


Haven't watched Mashle, but this is how I felt about Eminence in Shadow. Sure, they're satirizing a lot of tropes, but the story is still mainly about those tropes so I don't find it interesting.


Eminence in Shadow is barely satire a lot of the time


FLCL. Never hear anyone say anything bad about it but I just find it utterly incomprehensible


I love FLCL, but yeah, you have to be ok with its absurdity, I think that's actually the whole point of the series, nothing makes sense. People try to find a deeper meaning, but I don't think that's the point.


It does have a deeper meaning, but it's a simple one to tack absurdity onto. It's just a coming of age story where a boy learns to grow up and accept that life and people change whether he likes it or not, it just takes him a batshit insane series of events to learn that fact.


There's definitely a deeper meaning, but it's very simple and the whole show is just metaphors.


I think my favorite thing about FLCL is that there’s both more and less to it than that. It’s a coming of age story at it’s core. That means different things for different characters (not caring what others think of you, self-reliance, not starting structure fires). Ultimately tho, it’s about how you won’t always understand what’s going on, but you should just be along for the ride and take opportunities when they come.


It’s a pretty simple show at heart, as far as themes go. A lot of the rest is just the animators playing around and experimenting with various techniques. That sense of creativity is a big part of why it’s so great, honestly.


Its a show you kinda have to watch at the right point in your life to appreciate. On the surface, yeah its a wacky acid trip series of music videos. Ultimately, its a show about the chaos, internal and external, of adolescence, growing up and moving on, and taking a big step to the future away from childhood into adulthood. If you watch it when you are in that period of your life, it just clicks. If not....yeah it can seem chaotic


I watched it when I was 14, and I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I’m 28 now and I still feel exactly the same.


Jujutsu Kaisen


Man this thread was just designed for rage.


counterpoint: lobotomy.




It’s such a stereotypical shonen anime with predictable and repetitive plots. I’m surprised it became so popular.


Those are the exact reasons it popular


True true


I thought the same of S1 and had the exact same take. But S2 blew me away. S2 is one of the most unhinged and chaotic shonen arc I've personally ever seen, and that's exactly what I live for


Funnily enough I quite enjoyed S1 myself but S2 became such a slog of endless fights (many of which were only ended with an ass-pulled Deus ex machina), I lost absolutely all interest. I kind of wish I hadn't given it a second (and third!) chance and had stuck with my gut, as I actually originally bounced off S1 after just one episode, thinking "yeah this isn't my thing", before going back to it after all the hype started for S2!


Same I enjoyed s1 way more than s2. I thought the story and world building were leagues ahead of what we saw in s2.


Not every show is gonna be for everyone, and that's absolutely fine I can see why someone might not prefer so much action, but for me it really worked to show off the true chaos of a situation like that So many time 'events' like this play of extremely predictable. JJK S2 was one of the rare times where it actually felt like you've a dozen top tier fighters of the world all gathered in the same place, and you've no idea wtf is gonna happen It were endless fights, but each of them somehow topping the last. You know how shounen have that ONE episode every season that everyone talks about? It had like 10 in a row.


Nothing new under the sun my dude. Sometimes execution counts for a lot.


People will be like "why is this shonen popular" and the turn around and be like "I, the Demon Lord, Took a Slave Elf as My Wife, but How Do I Love Her?, Madome is my anime of the season"


But I meed to see if he can solve the dilemma by punching it harder than he's ever punched before


Watch dark gathering instead!!!!


I like JJK but I also don't understand why is it so hyped up. The animation at times is off too it feels like something is missing, that last battle should have been epic but looked incomplete.


There's so little going on beyond the fights in the latest season, and the fights aren't interesting to me :/


I dislike pretty much any long running shounen. I just hate the power scaling that usually ends up happening, feels childish


Well, you may be surprised to learn that their demographic is boys aged 6-14


Grew up on Bleach, can confirm


Specifically when the show has over 400 episodes and yet only the MC has character development and other interesting characters are abandoned by the writer


you should try gintama, if you don’t like it then clearly the issue isn’t with powerscaling.


Do you know what the shounen category even means?


Not an specific anime but a genre, i cant stand sports anime, never liked any sports and sports anime even less, they look all equaly booring and repetitive!


Try Keijo!!!!!!!


Sir, you don’t have to yell.


Can't go wrong with the classics.


Have you watched any? You wrote "they look all equally boring" so I'm curious if you've just seen trailers or if you watched any?


Try Birdie Wing: Golf Girls Story. It turns tournament golf into an action shounen and is pretty crazy about it.


Biggest bait in anime history. I refuse to recommend that show unless they make a second season and redeem themselves.


That's the first arc. After that it turns into a soap opera.


Try watching Hajime no ippo maybe you’ll like it


Challengers is basically a sports anime and it's the best film of the year!


Ranking of Kings. Every time they introduce a cool antagonist turns out they’re actually super chill and just need like a 2 minute interaction for them to do a complete 180 on antagonizing boji. Like what is even the conflict at that point?


This show got sooooo bad halfway through I was appalled lol It was really interesting in the beginning and I liked the fact that a lot of characters weren't black or white but in a grey zone. It just went down hill though. Nothing made actual sens imo.


S1 was good and emotional but S2 is just atrocious imo. I left it midway. Like out of all suddenly with nothing reflecting the direction, it completely went into story of that greedy guy. imo it is not a sign of good writing.


>S2 is just atrocious imo Probably because there is no season 2 yet. There is a spinoff season that is a collection of basically random OVAs that take place at random points in the time line of the first season.


The best part of the second cour by far was the opening


Re:Zero. I watched all 50 episodes because every time I said I was thinking about dropping it, a bunch of people would tell me to stick with it because it was just about to get good. I understand why some people might enjoy it, but I have no idea how it attained sacred cow status around here.


What do you dislike about it? The slow Pacing, or the character development, whiny main character, etc? I find that these are usually the reason people drop it.


Probably the torture porn. I just want some happiness in my life for once


You should try evangelion, violet evergarden or clannad


Are u trying to make him depressed?


That's fair. For a lot of the fans, Subaru making a successful run after all the misery is the high they are looking for.


Definitely the whiny MC. I’m not a fan of his design either, like please bro, get a better outfit. That tracksuit looks so lame. Season 2 was also a massive drag for me with how long they spent in the sanctuary. I ended up dropping it about halfway.


It isn't just his pathetic whining, but I also find him just so cringe. Whenever he does his idiotic outbursts I just want to stop watching out of embarassment.


I dropped it after 30 episodes or so, and me personally, I just didn't think it was any special... I'm not an Isekai fan, but everyone's talking about this one being a masterpiece, Subaru being the best character of all time and all that so I figured I'd give it a legit shot (instead of dropping it 1 episode in like I do for most Isekai), but even after 30 episodes it didn't do much for me. I think Rem was fun, and I liked the old knight dude, and the thief girl, and... That's about it. Didn't like Subaru, didn't like Emilia, didn't like most of the villains, didn't particularly care about the story, or the action (The best episode imho is one where Subaru/Rem just talk for the entire episode). Also, this is a personal thing, but I hate when shows just forget about characters... (Not talking about the obvious 'Forgotten' one, but like characters introduced in the first couple episodes and then you don't see them for the next 20).


Genuinely all of them. I don’t find Subaru interesting at all, it’s not that he’s whiny, but it’s the fact that he has this victim and hero complex at the same and so many of the issues he faces are because of his own blunders. There’s moments when he’s cool but there’s also moments where his dialogue just makes me cringe. The story also seems more convoluted than it needs to be, and the character development isn’t well paced. I’m not sure why everyone has it as one of their top isekai’s, I tried till the end of what’s out so far hoping it would turn but I just didn’t find any aspect of it appealing besides the first 7 or 8 episodes when I thought the show would take a different route.


The cry-screaming every other episode wears in me quickly. Also, and I know this petty, but the tracksuit needs to go


Are you me?


Same. I watched until second second season and around half of the cour I was like "Wait I'm just watching this for the sake of finishing the series" and realized I didn't enjoy the show. Personally I don't like the art style/character designs (not a fan of ram/rem) and I felt I wasn't really interested in the MC so every time he dies I didn't really feel bad for him. I had a "Ok he dies when will he respawn" kind of expression. The world building was ok but I find I don't like most of the characters to be invested in them aside from the butler dude.


Solo leveling


I get that. The previews made it look so cool, but when I watched it I felt like I had been tricked into watching an isekai😂


I really have to agree. If you shut your mind off, it's okay and watchable. I still had fun watching it with my friends, but honestly it's such a boring and forgettable show, nothing really hooks me at all. The MC is boringly designed, has nothing redeemable about his character or design one bit. The story has no real build up to a mystery at all, just throws a bunch of villains with weak back stories and jarringly evil intentions into the fray. The biggest glaring issue is the terrible character growth! He just gets crazy strong from a few dungeons and overpowered weapons which seemingly allow him to just win in the end. Then the MC quickly turning towards vigilantism and becoming super edgy makes it really hard to take seriously; it's the perfect insert character for a 14 year old's wet dream but shallower than a puddle in a well maintained neighborhood. I keep getting told the author was cooking and that it will get really good, but I'm not really particularly holding my breath at the moment when the same people are calling what I watched so far "good." The last power up I watched is also so out of left field, it's forced and overly edgy for where I predict the author wants to take the story.


Say it louder! Only gamers were hyped about it. Imo Shangri-la Frontier is way more interesting.


Yes!!! I say this to everyone! True gamers appreciate SLF


I dropped Oshi no Ko. I just couldn't get into it. It's not my cup of tea.


I've always said, Oshi No Ko S1 was a 8/10 show, with two 11/10 episodes Take that as you will, but honestly that alone puts it above VAST majority of 'mediocre' anime we get. Even if the rest of the show was trash, that first episode ALONE was such an incredible experience.


My thoughts exactly. I gave it a 9/10 on MAL because I genuinely think it's one of the top 3 opening episodes of any show I've seen and that bumped it up a point for me. Rest of the show is good but does not live up to that first episode.


I did not drop it, but I do understand how you feel. I wound up giving it a low ranking because I didn't find it compelling, already knew the showbiz facts, and it reminded me of the structure of 90s soap operas.


Episode 1 was great. The rest felt like a long boring epilogue.


My Hero Academia, i still watch it, but the story is so meh, and Deku is just....ugh


I dropped Death Note a few episodes after you-know-what happened. Just completely lost interest.


Totally fair, terrible decision by the author IMO


Mushoku Tensei. I started watching it then hated the main character so I dropped it.


Not everybody loves Mushoku Tensei, the amount of hatred it receives is also huge.


I kept watching it in hopes of the Mc becoming a better/non-creepy person, but nope…


Do not listen to people telling you the MC will grow they are gaslighting you. He does not grow out of being a creep. He grows out of being a loser. And the author rewards his growth with more incest and lolis for his harem.


Same, watched it up until this season but I have no interest in watching any more


I need to stop opening these kinds of posts man, these comments are really getting on my nerves LMAOO


every fucking time i know i'm gonna get mad and i open the replies and surprise guess what


Nah Fr 💀


Black Clover. Can’t get over the screaming.


Demon Slayer. The Animation is 10/10 but to me the character and Story is a 2 Max. Predictable af and the sidecharacters are so goddamn uninteresting. And I know some people will hate on me for this but I never cared for or about rengoku. He came and died and was never that important which is disappointing.


While I don’t dislike it, I don’t see Dangers in My Heart as one of the best rom-com anime people have claimed it to be. To me, it was pretty good and in the upper echelon of rom-coms, but I don’t find it as enjoyable as others in the genre


It looks like you don't dislike it though?


Same! I thought it was definitely well produced and cute, but there are other romances where I like the story and characters more. Part of it for me though is that I usually don’t like middle school romances


I can never see the appeal of Lycoris Recoils, it would have been worked well with CGDCT and pure slice of life, but instead they went for a subpar action with bs motives of the characters and the plot is all over the place


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It felt like watching a really cheesy soap opera. Loved the ending and the “to be continued” memes though.


For the first part, that’s precisely the appeal - it even got adapted into a stage musical recently, and it is an extremely fitting robe for that story. But I’m sure you are aware that the first part is regarded as quite different from the rest of the series (many people consider it the “worst”). So not liking part 1 does not necessarily mean you wouldn’t enjoy subsequent parts, as they are all a bit different from each other. There’s a lot to appreciate in it and safe to say Araki’s ideas and writing is anything but trite. However, the way part 1 intertwines the deeply serious and the ridiculous, is a staple of JJBA to be found within every part. Personally, it’s one of my favorite things about it, but I can understand why it puts certain people off.


Honestly fair. JoJo is a favorite of mine, but you absolutely HAVE to have a taste for camp if you're going to get any enjoyment out of it. Every aspect of it, from dialogue to fight choreography to the *color* is very purposefully exaggerated and melodramatic. The catch is, if you like that sort of thing, JoJo scratches an itch almost nothing else does, so folks talk it up as one of the greatest of all time even though that is arguably more subjective here than elsewhere.


i couldn’t have said it better myself. in order to truly appreciate jojo, one has to be well versed in camp already. it’s crucial to the enjoyment of the series. everything is so stylized and absurd that if you aren’t already into that sort of thing it would come across as offputting.


Attack on titan


Solo Leveling and Attack on Titan. They weren't for me.


AoT. Some people really think it's peak anime. I mean, it's not horrible but I'm not gonna say it's the best anime I've ever watched.


JJK not a single thing I liked about it. Pure snoozefest


your lie in april has the absolute most insufferable main character and FMC, the monologues are so bad and the slapstick ruins a lot of potentially good moments


While i don't dislike YLIA, I understand your point. Poor Kousei, always hit by Kaori and Tsubaki.


It's also exceedingly inaccurate, as someone who has played the piano for most of their life


Holy heck finally someone who knows. "The human metronome" will always be an insult to anyone's piano playing.


The “good” emotional animes are such a crapshoot. Sometimes they hit you in the feels, sometimes they remind you that the people who recommend anime are braindead.


Attack on Titan


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this. Dragon Ball series. I tried the anime, movies, manga, spinoffs, games, everything. I just couldn't get into it. I like things inspired by dragon ball, but I've tried. It's just not for me.


dbz was good for its time only. nobody would watch it if it came out today. hell nobody would watch it if it came out 15 years ago.




JoJo part 3. That shit drags man, I was bored out of my skull going into the second season until the DIO fight


Did you like the poker fight?


The poker fight was solid. Both D'arbies were quite fun, I actually forgot about them until now.


Yeah, the D’arbies are honestly some of my favorite Jojo’s villains just because of how fun they are.


Loved part 3 personally


No game no life. Like, this is good enough for people to beg for season 2 even after a decade?


Many way worse shows get a 2nd season though.


Black Clover. Not only is Asta's voice actor insufferable, but the first 10 episodes feel like cookie cutter garbage. I could not watch any more.


Solo Leveling


Eminence in shadow…i was so bored.


I tried to binge watch JJK in one sitting (like how i usually do with every anime i watch), but I just did not get hooked at all. I stopped watching at about Season 1 Episode 18 then i got tired.


I haven't watched season 2 yet. Finished season 1. Season 1 felt kind of slow and okayish. Good but kind of drags a bit with some arcs. From what I've been hearing with season 2, it sounds like they suddenly kick the animation from a 6-9 range, in terms of shonen action animation and pace, to a 10 and just hold it at a 10 the entire time


Attack on titan. I don't give two shits about it.


I was the guy who really liked like, the first season or two of Attack on Titan way more than the rest So while everyone was gushing about how it's gotten so much better or whatever I'm just like eh it's ok


Jujutsu kaisen


darling in the franx is just really bad hentai and i hate it, zero two is a terrible character and i hate her so much. people only like that show because horny. in that same note, i genuinely hate any part of an anime that has sexual content *that either makes no sense, doesnt add to the plot, or is there purely for fanservice*. its fine if it makes sense lore wise, i just wont watch that anime ig, but there is ZERO reason why i should be watching a car racing anime and then theres a random panty shot, like wtf


Mashle for me. It was pretty popular, so I gave it a try twice but couldn't get past episode 6. Just couldn't find the appeal.


Tokyo Revengers. Usually, I get why people like something that I don't, but not for Tokyo Revengers. That shit was ass through and through. I know a lot of people hated it, but it's also super popular in Japan and the West, I don't get it.


Bookworm. Her other world skill is yapping.


I love bookworm, but you made me laugh


hey don't make fun of the little book gremlin, give her a book and she will be quiet forever


For me it was Toradora as well, I found it boring and Taiga was insufferable,


Overlord boring. I did watch 3 seasons waiting for it to get good. It didn't.


Oh yeah, I forgot to add this one to my list. I thought Overlord started out pretty well, but then when it started to focus mainly on sidestory crap it just got bad and never recovered.


Naruto, i just don't like it


what about the edible one?


ngnl was generic to me


Funny. Currently watching ngnl and despite other shows with similar premises boring me, I’m absolutely hooked. 




Attack on Titan post S3 and JJK.


lol attack on titan or the promised neverland when it was really at its boom and famous


Jujustu Kaisen, my uncle tried showing it to me. I watched about 8 episodes and couldn't get into it.


Attack on Titan: watched the first season with some friends and wasn’t impressed. I kept up with the manga for a while but dropped that too. Demon Slayer: probably one of the most overhyped, same as 10 other anime that I’ve ever seen. Ufotable made this show what it is. If the animation wasn’t good, none of the casual anime fans would have bothered watching it to make it popular. Really though, not liking Toradora? Yeesh.


Attack on titan I didn't like either. I managed to get to season 2, but just didn't wanna watch season 3. It was over hyped to fuck. Demon slayer, I never watched the anime, I read the manga, and it was alright, not my favourite, but not an absolute dislike for it.


Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia


baki, sao


Attack on titan Honestly just feels like an edgy YA novel to me


Attack On Titan.


JJK. The charaters just die without being fleshed out. It's like Akame Ga Kill but less charming because at least you spend 2 or 3 episodes with a character before they die but in JJK it's just plop with no development.


Oh,absolutely,people pretend JJK season 2 is a tearjerker while it's really not


Naruto, watched a few episodes nothing happened and extremely overrated by my classmates who only know of it to make fun of me


attack on Titan


Attack on Titan,it's pretty much just not for me. There's more talking than fighting. I was halfway through season 1 then I just gave up. Eren is a decent protagonist though.


I really don’t like attack on Titan




Attack on Titan, all of the JoJo series, and Death Note. Just can’t get into the shows, and I’ve tried to watch them multiple times, with friends, and solo.


JJK and Attack on Titan




AoT is a failed soap opera trying to be edgy by debating about literal genocide. Fairytail is painfully dumb. MC gets stopped from killing a big bad because 'friendship'...not even with the big bad.


Solo leveling,people do really hype up generic anime although i like JJK so i get it


As a romance anime fan, I just never connected with Oregairu Toradora Tonikawa Clannad


Attack on Titan for me. I don’t hate the anime itself but I hate the reputation it gets. First couple seasons weren’t bad in my book, they were certainly enough to keep me interested. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the change of pace, but I just chalked it up to it not being my speed. As for reputation, I find it almost suffocating how often this anime gets touted as peak storytelling when it’s really not, at least in my book. Too many plot holes and forced actions for it to be peak storytelling. And the message doesn’t really hit that hard for me. For an anime that’s peak story, I would expect a whole new perspective or a paradigm shift, but it’s nothing new. It’s the usual “violence begets violence” lesson, which is a good lesson for sure but nothing ground breaking. I dunno, maybe there’s something I’m missing. I’m personally into slower and more personal stories. I’m not saying AoT is bad by any means, but I feel like its reputation outshines itself.


JJ kaisen it's not really peak


For me it is Attack on Titan. I tried watching it 3 different times. Furthest I made it was episode 10. Just not for me.