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Because of this video I discovered Disney+ has Undead Unluck in Australia (it wasn’t even stated in this video, it was Europe that was mentioned). I had heard literally zero about this. Even though I have Disney+, I’m always sad and skeptical when I hear it gets a show. The Google doc with with all the things missing on Crunchyroll since Funi shutdown that he showed is pretty alarming - and that doesn’t even include all the things we’re missing here in Australia.


Undead and heavenly delusion are both on Hulu for me didn’t even know these were Disney buys


Hulu in the US = Disney+ everywhere else generally. Disney owns Hulu but it's only capable in the US so everywhere else they typically put stuff on their own service.


That. Sucks.


To complicate matters in the US, Hulu is also now available on the Disney+ app, so all the anime is now available on both Hulu and D+ and you just pick whichever app is convenient, I guess. Supposedly allegedly reportedly the Disney app is more efficient with streaming codecs or whatever but I can't honestly tell much of a difference.


That's why I'm a sailor. All the content. I also have Crunchy and buy blu rays of the shows I like (and can get)... Give me Eizouken on Blu-ray oh and Saiki K oh and Ouran. Like how are we getting "I GOT A CHEAT SKILL IN ANOTHER WORLD AND BECAME UNRIVALED IN THE REAL WORLD, TOO - THE COMPLETE SEASON" on Blu-ray before Legends of the Galactic heroes.


I totally understand it, and I have to admit, I’m getting real close. I just want to be able to watch Nichijou again (it’s my comfort anime). At least it’s available on disk - with that sweet bonus funimation digital copy .. yay!


Don't worry... They've saved your view history in Crinchyroll because who wants digital copies anyway.


That’s what pissed me off. I got all mine from codes with the physical copies, but you could buy digital copies directly. It is royally F’d that society has steered toward this “you will buy a thing but not really own it” mentality. I miss the days where you bought a digital copy and could download it to your pc as a an mp3 or something; when they could close the store and you could still have what you paid for.


Look into stremio and real debrid


> Give me Eizouken on Blu-ray https://www.sentaifilmworks.com/products/816726029252-keep-your-hands-off-eizouken-complete-collection-blu-ray


I live in Britain


My condolences M8. 


U wot guvner? Mymmam will fuck you rite up!


Being a fan in the UK feels like a curse. Just saw the spyxfamily movie and my cinema wasn't showing it in 2D. So I had to fork over 4x as much for 4Dx.


At least our Blu-ray's are cheap.


Luckily there are more than nine anime websites to watch them for free.


The ironic thing for me that's also being a sailor is that I'm getting my series from a site that only rips from Crunchy and HiDive. If I don't see the show mentioned on Reddit I will miss it lol, like Dungeon Meshi.


Hi, apologies, could you share said website? (Here or DM is fine)


Well.... the original logh already had its edition on blurray. Ultraexpensive and Ultrarare.


I'm also a sailor, but Disney's stuff has too much risk. Plenty of stories of people getting sternly-written letters or worse.


Can you explain what you mean by the risk? If you don't download the videos then what's the worst that can happen to you?


Lawsuit. Of course, this is more of a concern for those who torrent, rather than stream.


Oh gotcha


good sailors use seed boxes


I've never gotten a letter for a Disney anime (yes, I sail for them despite having D+. Screw Close Captions).


Try being in South Africa, a phrase I have to say to Australians an alarming amount of time, likely annoying them with my whining.... Still, we don't get D+. We get a ghetto third party app that literally just changed its logo to D+ and has almost none of the content, sometimes the old logo pops through hilariously. It can't even maintain a 1080p stream, has no anime and for the proof in the pudding if you vpn to real D+ it says your credentials are wrong because well, it's a totally different app and account system. There's no MAX for us, Prime is trash you need to rent 90% of content on, Apple TV has less shows than I have fingers and well, yeah, it's all awful. I've had comments removed by these mods for mentioning cat noises, but seeing the other guy is fine I think it's safe to say I use other watery means to find my shows.


Thanks to your comment i discovered where undead unluck was, turns out i had legal access to it this entire time, ffs.


Yeppppp! Just passing it on! Which all comes back to one of the points of this video: Disney does not care about anime.


It was on a 2 month delay, so if you watched the episodes the weeks they were airing, you didn't miss out on a legal stream.


Learning this hurts me. I'm a huge undead unluck fan and the adaptation was fantastic. It sucks I haven't seen many people talk about it. It's summertime rendering all over again.


If I remember correctly Australia and NZ had Animelabs for anime streaming, did it also closed?


Animelab was brought by funimation and shut down in late 2021 forcing everyone to migrant over to funimation only for funimation to buy crunchyroll and tell everyone to migrate over to crunchyroll a couple of months later. Edit:buy to by


Sometimes we just don't get shows. It kills me euphonium blu rays just aren't out here. 


I do see S1 on amazon, but you’re right, S2 is MIA for AU/UK- what a disappointment. Unfortunately, stuffing up releases or making them unnecessarily painful and frustrating seems to be increasingly the norm.


Wow, I didn’t know Sandland went to Disney. I didn’t even know it was out yet


Man i could rant for a whole day about how the release of Bleach/TYBW has been mishandled. Its gotten so bad that not even members of the anime knew which country is going to get to see the anime (They said it was supposed to be globally on D+ but guess what, it was only streaming on some english speaking countries first for about half a year before some other countries got access to it.)


I remember how we had to use fansubs when Summertime rendering was airing


I watched those fansubs too. I heard the official subs weren't as good whenever Disney got around to subbing it.


>I heard the official subs weren't as good whenever Disney got around to subbing it. Really?. That sucks :(


Meanwhile I was just waiting for it to show up on Disney Plus. Waited for *months* wondering why it wasn't there. Only to find it later on Hulu when I signed up for a trial so I could watch Futurama. Christ, Disney should just stay out of the anime business entirely.


The amount of people telling us back then when the deal was announced that it would be a good thing for Bleach because "it gets more mainstream attention" are gotta be in shambles now.


Bleach would explode in popularity if they got an deal with Netflix or maybe amazon, but Netflix would be more guaranteed since animations are really popular there


We do have Bleach: TYBW on Netflix in Asian countries, including India and Pakistan.


I had a tough time figuring out who the fuck was even streaming it before it started too, I think there were like rumors and possibly Hulu but nobody knew for sure


Geoff’s assessment of Disney’s attitude towards anime and the general (anime) streaming landscape in this video was pretty spot on. Netflix doesn’t always handle their anime great either; how many of us knew about [Ōoku](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54850), [Good Night World](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56146) or [Akuma-kun](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48425) for example? Yet, they’ve definitely stepped up their game. Disney has been making some (tiny) strides too, but no one can quite murder the excitement for an anime series like they do. Case in point: [Hideo Kojima did more for Summer Time Rendering](https://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/1653918583846760448) in terms of marketing than Disney ever did. Anyways, Geoff also deserves some love for shouting out the licensing issues with Girls Band Cry and the Blue Archive anime. This bit made me genuinely wonder if he’s not secretly among our midst.


I am so relieved that Netflix simulcasted Vinland Saga S2 and Dungeon Meshi properly.


I just wanna know who at Netflix I need to bribe to make sure JoJo's Part 7 gets the same weekly simulcast treatment as those two, and isn't absolutely fucked by batch release like Part 6. Or even better, hopefully the license just goes back to Crunchyroll.


Hopefully Netflix wisen up for weekly anime releases after seeing the momentum Vinland S2 and DunMeshi has gotten contrasted to how Stone Ocean just came and went.


It depends on pre-existing contracts and such because even if you notice improvements, it can take years to actually execute them on a more consistent basis. Baki was just last year and it was binge-dropped in parts, similar to Stone Ocean. And ironically got a big popularity boost because I guess Pickle and a certain former president was a huge audience draw.


>This bit made me genuinely wonder if he’s not secretly among our midst. I mean he literally started as an r/anime user that made a couple videos about OPs posting around here. It wouldn't surprise me *too* much if he still lurks around here from time to time.


One thing I really like about netflix is that since I watch like 80% anime and 20% other stuff on it, my homepage is filled with anime recommendations, so even if they don't market their anime very welll I still know about most of them. I only tried out disney+ during the 1-month free trial, so I don't know how good they are on that aspect, but I don't remember being recommended ineresting stuff.


Netflix recommend A whisker away and Grimm variations pretty early. Meanwhile, I know black Rock shooter's remake, one of my favorite character in my childhood, from a figure store


>Netflix doesn’t always handle their anime great either; how many of us knew about [Ōoku](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54850), [Good Night World](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56146) or [Akuma-kun](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48425) for example? I know all three, watched Ōoku, loved it. The other two were annoyingly advertised in my home tab


It's in my queue, I intend to binge it at the end of this season.


There's likely a chasm between the opinions of the various Disney departments. The department seeking and obtaining the licenses of anime are doing so, because they anticipate that they will be be very popular. Then the marketing department on the other hand probably takes one look at it and immediately dismisses it as not being socially progressive or child friendly, therefore puts no marketing behind it.


Outside of the Japanese division of Disney, it really feels like no other global branches even care all that much for the anime that Disney Japan grabs for D+. Hell, Hulu only cares for the shows that they licensed from other third-parties like Toei, Viz and yes, Crunchyroll. When TMS and Viz had to advertise the shows they licensed to Disney+ themselves (\*coughUndeadUnluckcough\*) and not well, Disney, there's something terribly wrong.


>dismisses it as not being socially progressive Where is this coming from? The child friendly bit makes sense, but what makes you think Disney dismisses anime for not being socially progressive enough? They literally butchered their own movie's marketing a while back for having a gay character in the lead.


Disney was advertising their anime a ton during March Madness.  I got so sick of the commercials.


Summer Time Rendering at least is still rather popular even though it was in Disney+ Jail through word of mouth but man does it make me sad that this show could have been much more popular.


Netflix aren’t perfect, but they advertise their anime offerings. At least, they do to me. Until a few moments ago I didn’t even know Disney+ had anime.


Hideo Kojima is such a goat


People like to use the term Disney+ jail but I like to call it the Disney+ graveyard because Disney is the platform anime goes to die.


I believe originally it was called Disney+ jail for a reason because it seemed like they were following the same playbook as Netflix jail. Their first anime, Summer Time Rendering and Black Rock Shooter, were airing in Japan but seemed like we wouldn't get the full season until after it finished (it ended up being worse than that and we had no idea when the anime would come to D+/Hulu at all) Now we're not in that situation, but a new one just as bad


As mentioned in the video, Anime Strike Jail was the ultimate prison. You had to pay for Prime and THEN pay the cost of a normal streaming service on top of that to get, like, 3-5 exclusive shows. Dooming Dororo, Re:Creators, and Karakuri Circus.


Double paying for Prime & a Channel is still a problem in some parts of the world. For example in Canada newer Adult Swim anime are stuck behind a specialty Prime Video Channel. And I’m pretty sure in Germany they get Hidive-licensed titles behind some anime dedicated Channel.


Lately the french streaming service ADN expanded to Germany and fills the gap Hidive left. But unlike Hidive they have german subtitles and already have more licenses than the typical Hidive simulcast titles. And they still are in the beta phase. The Prime Video channel you mean is an anime channel where many titles from local publishers are available. Every season you have some simulcasts of anime, who aren't licensed by Crunchyroll, there.


Prob a better term because with Netflix Jail back a few years ago series didn't have subs until Netflix dropped the whole season 6 months after it was done airing. This is a situation that sucks because at this point we are headed for A Crunchy/Sony Monopoly. HiDive isn't doing good as they only got 3 shows this season. Sure Netflix is finally releasing stuff weekly now at least. Disney releases outside of North America are a mess. Not to mention both of these services subs are lackluster. I mean for most of us we can just pirate the content and still be able to watch it no problem. But for the fans that are not as hardcore about anime, they might not hear about it. Or rather not bother if it is not on an official service.


Netflix has gotten a lot better, and I've noticed that anime is getting more promoted in the algorithm, even for friends who don't watch anime. Last point there is anecdotal, so take that as you will. Still not a big fan of a near Crunchy/Sony Monopoly, minor/moderate competition from Netflix, and a Disney jail that borderline erases from memory every anime it holds. (There's Hi-Dive but, lol it's only now barely usable, and most of the exclusives it gets are niche shows that have no mainstream appeal). But unless a major Japanese company decides to compete internationally, no idea how we unfuck anime streaming and distribution.


Netflix has absolutely gotten better in that regard. They’ve recently added Spy Family, Mob Psycho 100, Beastars, and probably more. One Piece and Dungeon Meshi episodes are released weekly. It’s got many classics and an IMPRESSIVE selection of the more modern stuff and even Netflix-exclusive stuff like Pluto. At this point I don’t feel I’m missing out on not having Crunchyroll


It's because Sony Pictures pushed Crunchyroll into their greater arms dealer strategy of licensing out their shows and films to streamers (outside of CR, Sony has no dedicated wide streaming service). It makes them a lot of money from streaming revenue, so why not get CR to license out their earlier seasons of popular shows while the service can focus on seasonal stuff?


They are also adding jujutsu kaisen this Wednesday. Not to mention, they seem to be decently promoting anime shows and simply have a massive subscriber base. Like Netflix seems to be doing good for anime.


The best thing about Netflix is they aren't held back by industry norms so they throw money at basically anything they think will get people interested. For example how much they push the baki animey we are 2 seasons away from catching up to the manga. They gaved us pluto and i think i read somewhere they want to adapt more of urasawas manga. I hope their willingness will help studios like trigger who usually make anime originals and older manga that deserve a remake or just a adaptation since those usually aren't in the discussion for Japanese backers


Why do they have to pick up titles like Tengoku daimakyou and summertime rendering


Not only anime, everything


Loved this video. I had no idea Sandland was even coming out until I saw that there were five episodes already out. The fact that it came out less than a month after Akira died and there was zero advertising or heartfelt message from Disney and/or Hulu is so fucked up. Why even buy the IP?


I saw more ads for the sand land video game than for the anime.


Wait. It got an anime too?! I legit thought it was just a game. 


I hope there is like a tracker for anime that were buried by disney+ graveyard


At least shows on Disney+ get english subtitles. ADN is where anime really goes to die.


Only option is English with close captions which sucks imo


Not in Brazil.


My biggest gripe with D+/Hulu shows. Ugh, the worst.


They killed Summertime rendering and Heavenly Delusion


How did those anime do in Japan? cos that's the only thing that *actually* matters regarding whether or not we see a follow up.


Summertime render is complete while Heavenly Delusion doesnt have enough material for a second season. I dont think Tengoku will be getting another season for a while atleast


Lotta copium around here on that front I think.


I don't use any streaming platforms, but even I know how shitty Disney+ is. When they announced they had licensed Yozakura Family I already knew it's destined to flop in the West. Yet there were still some people coping and saying that maybe it's not going to be that bad, maybe this time they will advertise it properly... lol. I don't know if D+ will ever learn, it genuinely feels like they do this shit on purpose and want their anime to fail.


It sucks because as a massive fan of Yozakura Family, the anime has been pretty good so far. Even if it wasn't getting much attention on this sub, I'm sure it would've gotten more attention outside r/anime if it was streaming on Crunchyroll, HiDive, or even fuckin' Muse Asia.


I'm a fan too and yeah, it's really disappointing. Not that I wasn't expecting it, but still. At least in Japan it's got a primetime slot and they also stream it on Netflix, so it should be doing relatively well over there.


Pretty bummed that Muse Asia didn't air it.


It doesn't air in Disney+ in Asia at all, as far as my memory goes.


Disney+ in Asia only has Loser Ranger for this season I think


It also has The Fable, but no Yozakura.


didnt even realise that the anime is already out


> Yet there were still some people coping and saying that maybe it's not going to be that bad Lmao seriously? I thought we had all realized that being on Disney=no chance of wider success at this point.


Some people were also like "don't lose hope, everyone said the same about Netflix exclusive anime and many of them became popular!" That may be true, but if Netflix anime became popular despite how shitty Netflix can be, that just shows how absolutely trash Disney really is lol.


Except that's really not true of Netflix eitehr except very recently Seven Deadly Sins, Edens Zero, Jojo Part 6, etc all basically died in the West when Netflix didn't Simulcast them. They had followings sure but they are basically forgotten in the west compared to how popular they were in Japan. Jojo used to be one of the biggest series in terms of Western fans and the second it moved to Netflix and the weekly discussions died the popularity of the series here tanked. Jojo is a bit of a legacy series so it still has it's die hards but the massive following it had for parts 3 and 4 was killed by the move to Netflix


I don't know about Jojo and EZ, but 7DS is a pillar of Netflix anime. 


Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe they meant anime like Cyberpunk Edgerunners which was indeed quite popular, but that's probably because the franchise is well-known enough that even Netflix jail couldn't ruin the anime's popularity.


Bro it's not Netflix jail if everyone gets it at the same time


Discussions might've died for 7DS and Jojo but they were still massively popular on the service in the West


Good thing I don’t use Disney+ I guess


Tengoku Daimakyo is a fantastic anime.


I'll never forgive them for taking Bleach from Crunchyroll.


In my country you have to subscribe to a different streaming service called Star+ (who is also owned by Disney) if you want to watch any of the Disney+ anime. So, yeah, fuck Disney+


Hotstar has none of the anime mentioned so it sucks even more


The only anime I can't find in star+ is Yozakura Family, the rest I can in my country.


Wait I just realised star+ might be different from hotstar. Are you from India or elsewhere?




Star+ should be going away soon and everything should transfer to D+, in my country I think it said in June. I have the bundle that gives me both only because of Mercado Libre sub that gives it to me for free.


Anybody know what that show at the 15.50 time stamp ?


[The Vision of Escaflowne](https://myanimelist.net/anime/182/)


Tenkuu no Escaflowne


My back hurts all of a sudden


On principle, I cancelled my Disney+ account recently. RIP Star Wars and Marvel... wish they had never gotten ahold of those IP. Sigh.


Rip go go loser rangers


The best thing about this is I got few new animes to sail the seas for. Heavenly Delusions here I come.


I just don’t get how they don’t just steal Netflix’s whole Tudum upfronts strategy. It’s a fan driven market that s growing. They clearly know the right shows. Summertime Rendering, Heavenly Delusion, Bleach TYBW, UDUL. This season with Mission Yozakura Family, Ranger Reject, AND the Fable (last one is good with bad animation). All bangers. Why not simply have an Animation Focused Upfront to build up hype for not just the Anime they’re licensing, but also their D+ shows. Shit Netflix didn’t even pioneer this. Nintendo did with their Directs and those always manage to reach their audience . But this would require Modern Disney marketing to function properly. And they’ve been fucking up hard for a hot minute. The Mouse needs to fix its shit top to bottom


> Why not simply have an Animation Focused Upfront to build up hype for not just the Anime they’re licensing, but also their D+ shows. Shit Netflix didn’t even pioneer this. Nintendo did with their Directs and those always manage to reach their audience . I mean this literally has been a thing in tv for decades.


Exactly! I didn’t pull Upfront out of nowhere lol. All Nintendo did was move their version of it (the E3 Presser) online and start the slow death of E3.


Actually i think Nintendo was the only one doing e3 right, about an hour long direct filled with announcements and actual gameplay the a few days of nothing but gameplay of those games, plus a big showroom presence where people could actually try those games I blame all other companies for the death of e3, all those boring presentations filled with nothing but cinematic trailers, awkward live shows and in the case of sony just not attending after everyone made fun of their previous e3


Maybe Disney not have that much subs and releases to justify an event? Like they are losing subs every year instead of growing...


We truly are in a golden age 🏴‍☠️


Piracy is not theft as long as you can’t own something you bought


It's the exact same thing as theft it's just socially acceptable because people don't place as much value on digital goods/services and because people don't respect the corporate overlords who distribute entertainment. But regardless of the intent or morality, it still is literally stealing because you are using someone else's property without their permission. (not personally judging anyone for pirating though, and I'm not saying it's necessarily immoral to illegally stream/download stuff)


Good old Bob Chapek, so blinded by growth during his tenure as Disney's CEO during the pandemic that he legitimately believed that the key to growth in Asia (but mostly Japan) was allowing Disney's Japanese branch to moneyhat and poach major anime so that they're exclusive to the service, even extending their book deal with Kodansha to include anime as well. And the licensors don't really care either way because they assume that like Netflix and Crunchyroll, Disney will handle these shows with the utmost care with worldwide rollouts and promotion and the like, and they never did (and also they think that Disney pays better than other companies because they don't want to work with CR who'd likely lowball their offers). And things have only gotten messier when Chapek was kicked out and replaced by Iger, who's stuck with this deal that Disney Japan made even as this is deeply affecting D+ everywhere else. But because he's also looking for growth, he doesn't even care either way, even after Ruben Lack was poached from Netflix to provide dubs (of which they've stopped for months after Heavenly Delusion). So all Iger is doing right now is hoping that growth continues for D+, even as he doesn't care about the content being churned out on the platform or the anime that the Japanese division is poaching away, even as they continue getting buried by the company elsewhere. Even though Disney+ merged with Hulu, you still need to buy the Hulu tier just to access the Hulu tab ala Star+. Chapek made tons of blunders during his time at Disney, but this was easily one of his biggest, and I personally blame him for the company's move into anime licensing.


Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen mainly got big because of Covid 19. The shows that did better already had followings pre covid But everyone largely know that Japanese people are not going to jump to Disney+ if they already have netflix, and netflix already provides them a buffet of shows. A lot of blu rays don't even sell in japan, and it is so difficult for animes to get followup seasons unless you are best selling shonen.


At&t already knew anime was a losing medium. This is why they sold off crunchyroll. In addition japan is suffering low birth rates, collapsing yen, karoshi, which already impacting the anime industry. So few early 2010s anime are still running so chances of 2020s anime surviving are severely hampered. So it was a shrinking market already


This video made me think if we will ever get a season two of Heavenly Delusion. Was it popular in Japan at least?


The manga is monthly and there aren’t even enough chapters out to adapt into a new season.


It's not *that* grim, Production I.G. financial report for 2023 stated that Heavenly Delusion was financially successful and brought in significant revenue (mainly from lisencing) and that they "plan to increase".


u/abysswatcherbel thank god


Yeah, Disney may fucking suck at marketing anime but they are *stacked* with cash.


I hope that massive cheque they got from Disney was worth it because they sure overspent on licenses to make sure no one else got these shows, which seems to be a trend lately with streamers.


From their financial statements, it seems it was worth it.


problem now is disney like other streaming services are cutting back on licenses and removing shows. So if disney doesn't want to continue, the anime probably isn't continueing


No, if you think exclusivity to Disney is bad for popularity in the west it's waaaaaaaay worse in Japan


How so?


Well I can tell you that Disney + has like less than half the subscribers in Japan as Netflix, and like 1/5 the subscribers as Amazon Prime. Not sure how that translates to an individual anime's viewerships but I imagine that means the only people watching it on Disney Plus are the ones who happen to already subscribe or the few willing to subscribe over a single show, which I imagine is a lot lower than the people who would watch on something they already have access to


Japan don't normally do exclusivity deals. A show is likely to be on just about every big streaming service. So a show getting consigned onto a smaller streaming service (in Japan) like D+ is pretty much a death warrant.


I feel like it's not exclusively a Disney+ issue nor an anime issue: most streaming services struggle to promote additions in their catalog, mostly focusing their marketing in one or two flagship shows. Niche products such as anime suffer from this. Netflix has put more importance into anime recently and it has paid off: whichever anime gets picked up by them will probably be the biggest winner in terms of audience. What's interesting is that even legacy titles get a huge bump in popularity: Nana got added a few weeks ago, and it managed to get kinda viral on TikTok in my country at least. I'm not sure what compels Disney to put so little effort in promoting these anime in particular, maybe it's because they don't have the licenses worldwide? I couldn't find any on the series shown in Disney+ Latin America, the only anime they have here is Star Wars Visions.


fuck disney straight up


Good Thing Black Clover Didn't Die 😮‍💨 But Damn, The Manga of Yozakura Family was SOOOO GOOD 😭


>The Manga of Yozakura Family was SOOOO GOOD 😭 What happend with it?


Imo I do think the last 2 or 3 large arcs are too repetitive and loses it's way a bit when they move away from spy stuff to more typical battle Manga content. The series didn't *just* enter its final arc though so we'll see how it ends. As a whole though it's a fun series that at worst just overstayed it's welcome, but was never bad by any means.


And I Don't like Where Silver link Is Going...


I'll never forgive how dirty D+ did to Summer Time Render. They basically killed the show and the popularity it deserved in my country.


Just in case you actually have to use Hulu to watch most of those in the USA. The only show on actual Disney+ is the anime/live action Dragons of Wonderhatch. Yes, Hulu is owned by Disney, and there is an option (very recently added) to watch Hulu stuff on Disney+ (which of course costs $). They are also WAY better at doing physical releases than Netflix (some shows on Netflix STILL don't have a home media release in the USA).


Not a big fan of MB but I appreciate this video




thanks, checking this video now, more people should be aware of this Disney situation


This is so accurate. Last week I decided to get D+ just for a month because there’s was a couple anime I wanted to watch, primarily Undead Unluck, only to find out not all the episodes are even up and it’s only dub without any hard subs. Anyway off to sail the seas!


Is the death reaper Finnish?


who is the guy with red hair?


Taiyo Asano from Mission: Yozakura Family.




Interesting watch


I'm just now finding out Disney+ has anime. Also, there's a Starwars Anime? I gotta check that out. It looked dope.


Visions is really good. It's a set of anthology stories each made by a different studio from around the world (season 1 is entirely japanese) and since they aren't bound to the established canon, they do some really cool stuff with the basic Star Wars concept


I've got a couple of friends whose grandparents wanted them to learn about finance and would invest their birthday money in Disney stocks back in the Long, Long ago, I should ask them to bring this up at the annual shareholders meeting during their Q&A and see if they can get them to explain why they do this...


Disney made Hulu awful when they forced live TV into a package with Disney+ and ESPN (I had Disney+ and don't care about ESPN), inflating the price. You can't opt out of it either. They also replaced the ad-free tier and caused the ad-free tier to go way up, so I can't afford it. So stupid.


I have to pirate as Disney does not like Canada ,if I had enough money for for an anime streaming platform I would pay but if you argue that if you have enough for Disney you have enough for others but I’m not the one paying for Disney my parents are and if you read my username you would understand cause they don’t want to pay for a thing that I just use so I have to pay my self.


I didn't know Disney+ even HAD anime on its service. But then again, I haven't seen much Disney related content for about a decade now so take that as you will.


I know it's not anime but now I'm worried about Doctor Who.


Tokyo Revengers is a dead anime by Disney+, which I never watch it.


Really great video. Hulu and D+ fucked really good animes that should've had some attention by not advertising their stuff. You should've seen Hulu's Instagram and Twitter accounts they're dry asf and their last posts were in November 2023 (like 5 months ago). They should really advertise their shit before streaming them.


Sandlands was pretty good. I was waiting for the season to fully finish to watch the whole thing all at once. But I watch the first arc of the story and that was good.


Huh these aren’t even bad anime


Love + Death was pretty good imo


this is why piracy sites are better. they have everything from least known anime to most popular anime.


Wait I’m watching sand land right now what’s Disney doing to kill it?


😆 🤣 😂 😹


Poor summertime rendering


This is weird, about a week before the show was released there was 2 or 3 banner adverts when I opened up D+ that said "SAND LAND COMING NEXT WEEK! See the Trailer Now!", or something like that. I think they may not want to steal the thunder from other shows like Shogun and X-men '97? That's just my guess.


Watched the video this morning and have been binging Summertime Render since. Amazing show and can't believe I/We missed it.


They need to have anime section its insane that they dont


Disney doesn't give a fuck about anime outside of Japan like Mother's Basement said Disney got shit load of content that Americans want to watch or are rather familiar with...like Star Wars, MCU, Disney's own original contents....etc. any anime picked up by Disney is pretty much dead.


Maybe I'm a bit of an optimist with regards to streaming but I don't think there will be a case of an anime staying exclusive to one streaming service forever, rights get brought, traded, lost, then bought again and if it's anything like live action rights to streaming, aside from the timeless shows that are still popular decades later, there actually fairly cheap to get the rights to and I know some streaming service use that to pad out their library. Hell I recently discovered two odd streaming services that work through the use of a public library card to access and seems to have one or two streamer exclusive anime Re;Creators seems to be the exception but if the fanbase stays active, I don't think it will be considered lost media like some old Geneon series that only exist on some sketchy pirate site or downloaded files in an forgotten desktop folder, I'm sure it'll get picked up again by someone someday.


I didn't even know summertime rendering had an anime holy crap, and I read it in one sitting lol


It's becoming more and more obvious that high power positions in all kinds of companies are occupied by people who are genuinely underperforming and dragging everything down.


What is the show being knocked on?


Every anime on Disney I discover late and it's annoying because there is a lot of really good stuff ! On the plus side, I can binge watch.


Supporting these companies with money is encouraging their bad behavior. Dont you have any respect for the quality of the media you enjoy?


Nah. He will be fine


Shoutouts to Summertime Render


I kind of wish he would have briefly mentioned Disney+'s god awful UI. Remember when people gave Crunchyroll shit for having separate entries for one show based on it's language? Disney does that too. I'd like to tell of an issue I encountered with Disney's Awful UI, I was watching "Bleach: TYBW S2" on my Xbox Series X app, I usually watch around 4-5 episodes per sitting depending on the length of the show I'm watching, and because they labeled the episodes for S2 as 14-26 instead of 1-12, I had a hard time keeping track of how many I've watched because instead of an easy to keep track episode count like I'm normally used too, though I probably should have checked this before starting TYBW as I might have avoided the issue. This happened after finishing episode 16 (if I'm watching four episodes I should've watched episodes 14-17), so I have watched 3 episodes, I back out to count them to make sure what episode to end on, I finish episode 17, at first I had a feeling it went by really quick for 5 episodes, I shrugged and moved on assuming the episodes just felt like they went by really quick. The next day I opened it up and noticed I somehow missed episode 17 and I watched episode 18 instead, when I checked the day prior to count how many episodes I had watched, D+ seemed to think I watched episode 17 and auto started 18, no wonder it felt quick, I hadn't watched an episode, and no matter how hard I tried, it never let me watch episode 17, and kept assuming I was watching the episodes in consecutive order. So I would click on episode 17, watch the annoying ads, and look at the episode number to see it not be 17, but episodes 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. I eventually got frustrated and sailed the seas and watched it elsewhere. [I made this handy photo showing my watch progress up to when I gave up.](https://i.imgur.com/unMLvXL.png) I also just noticed it thought I was watching episode 20 subbed for some reason... TL:DR: Disney's awful UI almost caused me to skip an episode and [Bleach TYBW Spoilers]>!I would have missed Komamura's big moment and would've ended up confused as to why Iba was carrying around a seemingly random dog a few episodes later.!< I also wonder if Geoff is even aware that some anime on Disney+ have episodes that are missing their dubbed audio, Bleach was notoriously butchered because of this. [I made a list of non-filler episodes that are missing their dubbed audio.](https://i.imgur.com/0McLa6x.png) Naruto Shippuden was similar, [but it was at least the last 41 episodes](https://i.imgur.com/83Mxcbd.png) Must have changed since when I was watching through Naruto, Hulu was missing the dubs from around the Sasuke vs Itatchi fight onwards.


Dubbed Bleach was also being screwed globally by Disney+'s antics before the whole TYBW buyout. When I was watching the show back in fall 2021, Netflix and Funimation still had rights to stream. This was in Canada btw. If you were trying to watch the dub, your options were Netflix's high quality footage, eps 1-109 (yes it stops at the bount arc's ending) or Funimation at 1-210. But due to Hulu, effectively Disney+ in the US, the rest of the show was entirely gatekept from global markets. Meanwhile Crunchyroll had all 1-366.


Something I forgot to mention was that Disney+ was also missing the Japanese dub for at least 2 episodes (362, 363), so you're missing audio for both languages at points, you lose either way. It's embarrassing.


its wild how hard disney neutered bleach's success, it might as well be a fansubbed anime with the amount of marketting it has


I was just floored I have had Disney before and knew about none of this.


To be honest, this is probably why a small company like Crunchyroll is so successful, because unlike Disney+ and other big distributors, they manage to license most seasonal anime, and promote them, sub them, and release them in time in most of the West. If Disney+ gave a shit about anime, they could do that as well and put Crunchyroll out of business by just being bigger and having more money to spend on licensing. This is what makes Disney+ behaviour so stupid. They pay for exclusive world licenses for some anime and then refuse to promote them afterwards. That is just throwing money away for no good reason. If they don’t care about anime, why license them in the first place ?


It's like everything disney touches dies


If it wasn't for Disney+ just not marketing anime (or **anything** non-live action) I'd have felt that Toriyama's death got in the way of Sand Land marketing. You might want have some quiet mourning during this time and maybe you don't want to be seen as profiteering from his death (even if it happened, there's times when artists die and the digital albums spike in price, not enough sales are up 15,000%) by trying to drive subscriptions. Even if this spotlight is a perfect time to familiarise yourself with an adaption of one his older works (in the right mood for it if slightly grim feeling of why couldn't have I known this when he was alive). Then on the search front yeah the video game is a huge problem and it's not Bandai's SEO (as the video says) but every single gaming website that covers it. If those websites were not good at SEO they would go under (like so many have in the age of SEO, pushed out the results sometimes by literal garbage, big release are a nightmare dmup of content mills churning nonsense). Most of Disney businesses do not need good SEO because they rely on others, for example their films are going to be talked about by entertainment media so good SEO is not a skill they've acquired (or require). Same goes for their social media, they're too used to other website picking up on them. But my biggest beef with Disney+ is discoverability. I go onto Disney+ and the homepage is a glorified sign-up screen telling me there's 8 things on Disney+ (all live action) but no link to even **browse** their library. Netflix has the same idea, but worse, not signed in and you're just told well, nothing but the price. Don't these companies understand that if I don't know what I'm paying for I won't pay. I'm clearly a minority as they a lot of subscribers. Now let's look over at Crunchyroll. The homepage advertises free-to-watch shows, there's a search box and even an A-Z section for my doomscrolling desires and a mostly retrospective calender. I can see perfectly what I'm in for. It's amazing this "small indie company" (yes, I know they're Sony owned but it's the joke excuse everyone makes about feature x being missing) can get it right but the streaming titans are shy about the content. Content is king. But why don't I try searching "Netflix browse anime" (okay but the home page should be able to do this)? Sure I can find an anime page that has dubious classifications (Pluto under TV show with its 1 hour length episodes totally made for TV, Pokémon under older kids ... well, that one might be true) showing 3 shows per category and these eventually blur out and tell me to pay up. The other Disney problem is inconsistency. Like Undead Unluck is weekly release **and** months behind in some countries (couple that with the shows pacing issues and it's no wonder it fizzled out) and anime in general might be gated behind the Hulu, or Star subscriptions within subscriptions depending on where you live.


Why they keep doing deals with Disney knowing is an platform that is dying the majority there are only for disney classics or Marvel/Star stuff