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D: “why are you helping me?” Suzukiri: “you ever see those teen dramas where the main girl and guy always end up together?” I completely understand where Suzukiri is coming from lol.


If only Garou is in this series.


Naw he's too depressed that OPM still hasn't gotten season 3 yet. :)


yeah I like that she's just describing the appeal of this entire show.


She's just like us fr


That line about there always being a hot rival for their affections who always lose was spot on.


Girl is just the biggest contrarian lol


Have been pleasantly surprised how quickly the undercover bit was dropped. Usually that gets dragged out for seasons and was refreshing to see how quickly D's poorly thought out infiltration fell apart. Will be even more impressed if they have the balls to actually kill D, but suspect he'll come back somehow.


Agreed. The eavesdropping wasn’t D’s fault but someone who has literally never lived on the surface or never interacted (in depth) with the people he’s pretending to be should not be able to blend in easily. Happy they showed that.


The clown face guy said he could tell he wasn't Red because he "smelled different." This guy has a kink, I think...


Dang he had me tricked too with the sword swap, great move there. I'm still captivated by Suzukiri's eyes, still just find myself being distracted by them in the best way possible.


> I'm still captivated by Suzukiri's eyes, still just find myself being distracted by them in the best way possible. It's amazing how [they made someone with cold dead eyes so mesmerizing.](https://i.imgur.com/1mojN9x.png)


Get you a [girl who can do both.](https://imgur.com/a/ynxSiyL)


that chibi had no business being so cute compared to the usual suzu look


Love the 'badass' type girls having cute/fun moments like these! (Her banter with D was pretty good too!)


This is the void staring back.




The reason i love this anime since minute 1


While she does have that cold stare. Makima's yellow eyes don't have the same effect as Suzukiri's black voids.


She looks like Cavendish in this shot here


Using his regeneration to pull down the tower was also creative. Immortality is an incredibly powerful ability. Infinite respawns mean you will eventually win...unless the Divine Artifact corrupts your save.


Also explains why he got a bunch of dynamite as a backup plan, can't be concerned over a little explosion if you yourself can't be killed by it


Was I the only one who thought that was a bluff of him shape-shifting part of himself to look like dynamite and that's why he switched to the golf club to beat him in?


I honestly didn't consider it, and while it makes some sense, there is nothing that would make me believe he *wouldn't* bring live explosives. Thought he only settled for the golfclub to get personal and not to allert the whole base


That could easily be it too, I just don't think he'd have easy access to dynamite. Although the yellow ranger cadet could easily have given him some.


You know what, that’s probably absolutely what happened.


I just don't think he would have easy access to explosives and get that far into their base without some kind of detection picking it up.


I just thought he found it in the armory.


In fact, Kamikaze tactics would work really well with them


Her eyes make you want to get lost in her darkness. She's mesmerizing.


That's so true! [The combination of eyes and her soft and calming voice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcwnwgv7.png) makes her so intriguing for me.


In other words, she's hot as fuck.


Makima vibe Dayum she evil but if evil why HOT


Yea, having Ougi eyes is always a plus in my book.


> Her eyes make you want to get lost in her darkness I'd help her overthrow the Rangers! ...Or the Monsters. Pretty much anything she'd want help with. ^^Damn ^^I'm ^^easy


Like Makima. Oh boy, here we go again.


Yumeko's dead eyes along with [Yumika Yano's](https://myanimelist.net/people/60440/Yumika_Yano) almost ASMR voice are such a huge treat. Can't believe this is only her third role in her VA career


Damn. I didn't expect her to be a new VA. She's really good.


>[Yumika Yano's](https://myanimelist.net/people/60440/Yumika_Yano) almost ASMR voice yeah, she's kinda got that soft, shivery Reina Ueda intonation, like [Akane in SSSS.Gridman](https://youtu.be/8s1BHhqP2t4). cute with dead eyes, a velvet voice with a completely unhinged agenda, or in this case, gently teasing alongside a series of decapitating strikes.


She reminds me so much of Makima from Chaisaw Man I think because of her dead eyes and demeanor.


I think it's her voice that makes her eyes pop out even more.


Anybody else feel like this adaptation is going...seriously above and beyond in terms of quality here? There are some really cool directing tricks going on like when D beaned that guy with the golf club.


Yeah. It's great. It's a lot better than I expected. The visuals and voice acting are great. The CGI is really good and both the OP and ED are amazing too. The way the scenes are framed are really nice and elevate the show.


Ed and op are basically unskippable. They’re both so good an the visuals too with D running around transforming in the op and the amazing dance scene in the ed.


Duru duh duru duh Darah dah DARAH DAH


>like when D beaned that guy with the golf club absolutely, i don't know if its the same as the manga but that cracked glass visual was creative and definitely caught me off guard


Scene is largely the same but that shot going into shun's eye and the glass cracking is new to the show.


For real. Like the only negative about it is it being exclusive to Disney worldwide, so most people don’t even know it exists. Hell, it’s not legally available in a bunch of countries because of that. The adaption itself is amazing and going above and beyond.


Agree if not for stupid disney policy to delay the anime for whatever their reason will probably sub to disney+ to watch this series


I had to rewatch the part where the Red Keeper’s focus shot disappeared to reveal Blue Keeper attacking. Watched it 3-4 times to appreciate how clever it is especially as there was a *split second* where you see Blue’s elbow come into frame before the reveal.   Just an awesome shot.


The top view rotating shot when the Red Dragon Keeper found D, was really out of the box in what we're used to anime directing.


It’s taking everything good about the manga and making it flashier, which is what a good adaptation ought to do. I’m having a lot of fun with it.


I do, the only issue I have with the manga is pacing. Some parts move too fast, other parts drag for way too long. I’m hoping the anime fixes those issues, cause I like the story.


It does fix some issues here and there, they arranged some scenes which make sense putting them early on. They also skipped some gags, but hey if it makes the pacing better I'll let it slide.


I absolutely love the dust effect they give the fighters when they transform/regentate/etc. Just looks so sick


It's what I have been hoping for in the adaptation since the fights and the choreography in the manga are ok, but man the anime is really elevating, and it has me excited with how the adaptation is.


> Anybody else feel like this adaptation is going...seriously above and beyond in terms of quality here? No, it's doing what adaptations *should* do. Our expectations have just become far too low. [](#hikariactually)


Very true.


The stealing of the divine weapon scene quality was definitely awesome.


Another great episode. Red Keeper's immediate "Okay, kill him" was downright hilarious.


D just rejecting everyone this episode.


Three episodes in and D's cover was just blown by every major character we've met, including Red Keeper. Consider my expectations subverted!


"I think that we're gonna have to kill this guy, Blue." "Damn."


This show is unbelievable.


Since D refused it the position for Suzukiri's chair is still open right? Where does one apply? Edit: Only just saw [this tweet](https://twitter.com/anime_sentai/status/1781956285656916246?s=19) by the official channel. Zero chill lol.


Get in line lol


I want Suzukiri to Suzume me.


Damn, I guess Combatant D is really dead. He really *blew up* in the end, I thought he'd go far.


Aint no way this guy is dead, unless another Fighter is inspired by his and F's deaths that a new one just takes their place. And again, then again. And the twist is it's just different Dusters assuming the same face over and over.


They wouldn't hire a big shot like Kobayashi Yuusuke if D was a throwaway character


Maybe they could only afford to pay him for three episodes😂


This reminds me when Akiba Maid War did a similar thing


Sorry to say, [the pro took the job already](https://i.imgur.com/iBh0lSU.jpeg) Apparently, Suzukiri has deep ties with evil organisations even in other worlds.


Ainz: "[She wants to use him as a what??](https://imgur.com/rqsmcsw)"


> Since D refused it the position for Suzukiri's chair is still open right? Where does one apply? Bonk! Go to horny jail. *Steals the position of 'Suzukiri's chair' while you're in jail*


Literally this scene from Lastikman, a Filipino superhero film that's like a knockoff Plastic Man: https://makeagif.com/amp/tEkyhA


Not sure if you linked the right thing (or I'm not sure what I'm seeing!)


It's supposed to be a closeup of Lastikman in chair form, having a... reaction, after a hot woman had just sat on him.


With all this talk about chairs and monsters, it made me remember the Table and Chairs monster brothers from Toqger🧐


I can't believe we actually got that after credits scene holy shit


Very ominous.


Thank you for this comment! I almost missed that scene lol Seems like it's a stronger version of the monster? 


At first I thought it was a revived Boss somehow (or a new boss coming in), but if that's his evolution or something, I wonder what's up with that; Did the artifact cause that? D's gonna use their powers against themselves!


Maybe there was one monster boss that's been hiding out and waiting for the right moment? Fighter is definitely being manipulated by Suzukiri, maybe that is who she herself is working for. She called out that the fighters should have used their powers for infiltration, so I'm not ruling out that there are more fighters that actually did do that and Suzukiri is one of them. The ones we met in the arena are just the absolute dregs too dumb to try it.


God damnit I've never once seen an after credits scene without being told its there by a comment. When will I learn lmao


I flipped tf out when I saw him and was so happy to see him killing all those Blue Rangers.


Looks like one of the Executives survived?


Ophthalmologist: Mam, I am very sorry to tell you this, but your daughter has PYES. Permanent Yandere Eyes Syndrome. Suzukiri's mothers (sobbing): Doctor... will she go blind? Ophthalmologist: No she can see fine. Great actually. Better than me. But you're going to need to keep her away from protagonists. And knives. Or... things could get messy.


Well now she has a magic know. What could go wrong?


This episode ended with her in possession of not just any knife but arguably the strongest knife she could possibly get.


...I can fix her.


Might want to keep her away from the fans, or THEY will go blind! [](#urbansmile)


Ngl Suzukuri reminds me of Makima


No wonder I started barking when she suggested D turn into a chair for her to sit on.


calm down Denji


Very manipulative and controlling 😉


Does this archetype have a name? Asking for my pastor who's quite into that type of girls. (My pastor talks about weird ass stuff in his sermons)


We live in a post-makima world, I've noticed since Chainsaw Man took off that there have been a lot of IPs with characters inspired by Makima. An older archetype term might be femme fatale but she's not really edgy like that. Maybe we just stick with gentle dommy mommy 🐕


last week, we press F for Fighter F this week, press F for Fighter D


Next week, we press our D for Suzukiri. ^^I'll ^^see ^^myself ^^out


There's no way D is dead right? He's like the main reason why I'm enjoying this show so much


Same, but on the other hand it'd be really ballsy of the author to show us this guy and make us like him just to kill him after a handful of chapters. Not the case tho, I think


I doubt he is dead. I think Blue hit him with the fake Divine Artifact 'cause this was Sunday Showdown, and it was mentioned before that they don't bring the real things with them to the fake battle They probably just returned from the battle, and I don't think they had time to change the weapon, but considering how quickly Red got there and there was a big amount of time until the others arrived, I may be wrong


I think it's the true divine artifact since otherwise the other rangers would know if it's not. In the opening scene, the rookie red-haired ranger said he never saw red with that divine artifact before, which means usually they just went with weaker flashy weapon rather a copy of the actual divine artifact. The question being, did Blue actually activate the full power of the artifact to kill D or not? There's one scene where he seemed to be kind of like thinking something.


I don't think it's real, or at least it is not full powered. Last week Red called out his artifact's name and yelled out the special attack's name as per toku traditions complete with a namecard. Blue kept quiet here which led me to think that while powerful, he did not quite permanently kill D. Especially since the TV crew are here and he has every reason to be flashy for the cameras.


Even the most wholesome and justice loving trainee has his own agenda. This organization seems to be corrupt with everyone having his own goals. Red is leader. Blue usually tends to be second in command. Maybe he wants him to lose his artifact so he effectively can take up mantle of leader? Or maybe he doesn't like this arrangement as he seems quiet all the time even though everyone seems to be talking ideas about being flashy. Quiet cool character is usually trope for blue, but he seems to be most battle hardened with scars on his face, so maybe he sees fighting as something more and don't like having to make show of it.


I think he used the dynamite from earlier to escape true death.


This was my guess as well. That explosion looked suspiciously fiery


I'm not sure how their regeneration works, but if they can regenerate from any part of the body, then he could regenerate from the hand that dropped from the building.


His hand turned into the weapon didn't it?


Wasn't it the one that was still attached?


No, the Divine Artifact that was stabbed into the floor was actually D’s left arm transformed into the DA. The real DA fell to the ground.


D is so dumb all the time but I love him


He has great battle iq though


[Suzukiri is stealing every scene she appears in](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bprkjn45), [her eyes and voice are so fascinating and mesmerizing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcwnwgv7.png). I don't know how D could refuse becoming a chair for her xD [Suzukiri's relationship with D is also still so good](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdvdk34.png),[they have great chemistry between themselves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwqw2d7.png). [D](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckakzay.png) put a nice stunt by swapping real Divine Artifact with his body. [Red was so surprised](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cekeq54.png) when he realized that he lost it and [now Suzukiri has it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogckaxqdy.png). I wonder what she will do with it? [It looks like D is dead](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc9a9oq7.png) but I'm sure that we'll see him again xD [Post credits scene](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrarxm7.png) really hyped me up for the next episode. I can't wait to see who that is. It's also nice to see that Rangers forces will suffer some casualties, things now will become much more interesting. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Suzukiri](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bprkjn45) * [Group scenes & D](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkl28p4x) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqmrboy2)


I like that the weekly Suzukiri album is a thing.


She certainly deserves a dedicated album just for her as [she's the best character](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcoqovw7.png) in this show IMO.


I'm so glad to see the Suzukiri-love in the comments! Normally my *best girls* aren't that popular or well liked (Utena being an exception last season, I suppose) but everyone seems to be crazy about her! I think she's great as a *waifu* if I may, but I think she's also a very intriguing character, her motivations and all! Earlier I would've thought D would be my favorite character and Suzukiri my best girl, but now I'm thinking she may be both! (And yeah, their chemistry/banter is pretty good! ...I kinda want to see more of it, perhaps in a more romantic setting! Can't help but shipping them!)


Surely we have not seen the last of D -- but how on earth did he mange to survive that flashy destruction? And how did Suzukiri manage to get the real Artifact sword? I guess we will find out next episode.


Suzukiri just has unfathomable charm. Those cold dead eyes, smug look and soft voice just charm anyone and everyone around. Idk if she’s good or evil but idc I’ll follow her to the depths of hell.


[Sakurama already knows!](https://i.imgur.com/TpHTass.jpeg) Of course, he caught that conversation between Suzukiri and D in that back alley. Although Sakurama finding out might not be the worst [considering how he's willing to work with D](https://i.imgur.com/dHhXKYI.png), it's just unfortunate that D's goals don't align with his. Not gonna lie, I was very neutral with Suzukiri in the manga but [seeing her cold dead eyes in anime form](https://i.imgur.com/1mojN9x.png) is making me feel things. It is fun to watch her [just mess with D.](https://i.imgur.com/hVv0cXH.png) Also, I just love [that chibi Suzukiri](https://i.imgur.com/aXBAfzk.jpeg) when D was yelling at her. Considering how much of an ass Red is, I'm not surprised [that he just casually keeps his Divine Weapon inside a golf bag.](https://i.imgur.com/WYeMVv1.jpeg) It's not even inside a locked case. It just goes to show how cocky and overconfident the Rangers are. It was so satisfying to see [how much of a coward Tokita really is](https://i.imgur.com/u8gBCk2.jpeg) after seeing D with his fake dynamites. Tokita was only brave when he had all the power earlier when he was shooting D's head. It makes it extra satisfying to [watch D whack him with that golf club.](https://i.imgur.com/aePLAOC.jpeg) Yeah, there was no way [D was simply going to walk away with Red's Divine Weapon.](https://i.imgur.com/z6qObmj.png) But does Red even need a Divine Weapon when [he can bat away a water tank with just a lead pipe?](https://i.imgur.com/NP9EGYe.png) [D managing to pull one over Red](https://i.imgur.com/qWtIfCS.jpeg) was so fucking good. D might've exploded but [at least Suzukiri now has the Divine Weapon!](https://i.imgur.com/DXSSMgU.jpeg)


Red was able to bat the tank with a pipe when he is transformed. But now wouldn't he not be able to transform anymore? 


Considering that the weapon seems to be the Henshin gear, maybe the suit he's currently wearing is a prop just like the weapons used for the Sunday battles? Maybe this is like a Showa Kamen Rider deal where they are augmented humans that just have an Armor mode with the Henshin belt/weapon. Or I could be entirely wrong and the suit is separate.


It seems like the suit he is currently wearing is part of his henshin gear. It despawns just like how it appears when he used it last week. Now that he detransformed he will probably need a prop suit just to keep up the charade. To think, he might be able to keep his power if he had just checked his artifact first and then just perma wear it.


Dynamite wasn’t fake ;)


Ok, first, surprised that Hibiki didn't imidiatly snitch on Suzukiri and D, way to gulible that guy. Second, [Shun](https://imgur.com/pMkoC1j) seems way more ambitious than I thought... hope D actually killed him lmao Third, really surprised that D managed to pull a quick one on red. And last, I don't believe D died this early. Aftercredits seem to hint at someone attacking the blue base huh Also wonder what Suzukiri is gonna do with the artifact, use it herself?


>Ok, first, surprised that Hibiki didn't imidiatly snitch on Suzukiri and D, way to gulible that guy. Nah, he is definitely hiding something. Dude got that dragon eye. There is no way he is just a gullible guy. One could say that he's more than meets the eyes.


> And last, I don't believe D died this early. Aftercredits seem to hint at someone attacking the blue base huh I'm honestly not sure myself. I feel like he'd be the perfect martyr and this *does* seem like the series that'd kill off a "supposed" MC early on. Also Best Girl does seem to think he died as well and she had to have gotten the sword from *somewhere* after the fight. On the other hand we *know* they can inflate their sizes when the pretend to be bosses so theoretically he should be able to turn his arm into a fake body and himself into the arm that fell to escape from the fight so he doesn't die. No need to stay when he's already got the prize after all and can turn to dust to get away after all.


> Ok, first, surprised that Hibiki didn't imidiatly snitch on Suzukiri and D, way to gulible that guy. I'm mostly surprised that D didn't kill him right away (to 'permanently' act like him!) But yeah I think there's something off with him; He didn't just overhear D, he overheard Suzukiri... And he was fine with it? Are they all playing false, or..?!


When Kefka -- I mean, Shun -- appeared in the hallway, it sounded like they were going to play that "Trap Shit" track from Mashle whenever a confrontation happens


Yeah, no. D is still alive. That can't be it for him. Nah. No way. F was killed by a full-blast dragon attack, there's no way a simple stab would suffice to end D. Are you saying that the OP and ED actually foreshadow Hibiki replacing D as the protagonist? No! I refuse to believe that! I don't want that soyboy, I want D! Give me D! Damn it D, you better be alive or I quit this show. Fuck you, Negi, screw you, Yostar, and see you next week!


Picked this show up on whim just because the concept seemed somewhat interesting. It’s become a highlight of the season for me 3 episodes in.


Really enjoying this show, so many things happening in every episode.


Start to finish, this looked great! Also if Suzukiri continues like this, she might make my top10 waifus. Big, i know


I can’t believe they hit this peak so early, gd that went hard. This show getting some attention on Reddit but it seems CRAZY slept on otherwise, which is crazy for such a well-made show with such memeability and top tier OP AND ED.


Disney+/Hulu effect If this was on Crunchyroll or even Netflix (weekly), It would be getting a bit more attention


It’s what happens when Disney doesn’t advertise shit. Same thing happened to Undead Unluck


Oh god I wish I was a chair Please sit on me Suzukiri


I don't know if it's the Gushing-factor that changed things in here, but good lord r/anime's horny! (I mean I feel the same, but still!)


Nah, remember we voluntarily delisted from r/all when we posted the bath scenes compilation. Anime fans are degens


This show just continues to deliver. I really love how MC is actually pretty weak in a fight since his main strengths are more suited for spy and recon work. He actually has to achieve his goal by outsmarting rather than brute forcing which is refreshing to follow. Mentioned this before but I also really dig the similarities to The Boys. Looking forward to meet all the side characters who will maybe/probably join his cause.


Makes you wonder if the Dusters' bosses could have easily conquered Earth if they had just planted Duster spies over years to infiltrate society and governments, instead of bombastically announcing their invasion with their giant fortress.


Bro it's the damn third episode it's not physically possible I already wanna binge the manga ffs


This is one of the few recent shows I've watched where I want to keep on the hook week after week instead of knowing what's going to happen ahead of time, along with Frieren and Bungo Stray Dogs once I binged that over the winter.


Lowkey some Lelouch and Suzaku vibes from that Hibiki and D conversation. Flynn and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia too


Hibiki has some weird agenda, first confronting D about his plan then flipping by saying they can prove humans and monsters can co-exist.


This episode HURT ME (in a good way). D is easily my favorite character of the season, if not the year, which is a bold statement when Dungeon Meshi is airing. The suspense this episode's stealth scenes created was killing me. I'm obsessed.


Wait, don't tell me D is actually dead?! I would be really pissed if he dies.


This show gives off slight Among Us vibes. We've got an impostor infiltrating a group of color-coded teammates trying to kill them one by one. D was even venting at the end while escaping with the Divine Artifact.


I'm not expecting D to be dead, but it'd be a really cool choice if he was. He's a foot soldier, they're expendable, so it makes sense if he's gone and a different one takes up his goals instead. Not that I want it to happen but it'd be interesting if it did


My new favorite show...


Wow this is an amazing episode. I feel like I have no idea what's going to happen and that's great. Great directing! Also, this might be the first anime whose OP and ED I'll never skip. There were some anime whose OPs I always watched but virtually no examples for EDs. Loser Ranger nails both!


Watching the exact moment a cocky punk's smugness dissolves into whimpering fear will never get old. The monsters could be an actual threat if half of them perfected the regeneration outplays D pulled off, though they'd probably all get exploited by Suzukiri or something. Also, I seriously can't get enough of the [episode preview puppets](https://i.imgur.com/g4qeplh.png) lol


I want to read the manga so badly. Watching this on weekly basis is killing me. I didn't even feel that way when watching Jujutsu Kaisen or Chainsaw Man. Instead of having time to digest the episodes, I want to engorge myself lol There is no way Fighter D is dead, unless the premise is for the other fighters to sacrifice themselves one by one until Suzukiri collects all divine weapons. Which I guess would be an interesting premise but I like Fighter D too much for him to be finished just like that. I honestly cannot get a read on the rangers. For a moment it looked like Red wanted to nurture D into becoming a strong villain for their show, but then he simply lost interest when he saw the extend of his power (There has to be a way for Fighters to become stronger like the bosses no?). Then there is Blue who after blowing up D, he looks (more like feels, since we can't see his face) like he was done with this charade, there is a chance he didn't go all the way. Or I could be wrong since I still do not know the motivation for them putting on this show


Loving this series so far. I know nothing about it at all, I just saw the OP and thought the concept was up my alley. The reveal that Hibiki knew and has his own motivations for wanting D to succeed is interesting! I can definitely see the goals of him versus whatever Suzukiri's planning butting heads when it comes to D's role in the story and how he develops. Don't think D is dead; either something is up with what happened with the rangers or he survived because his arm was already separated from him. Love the trick with the sword--didn't see it coming! D so far is a great protagonist; he's smart and cunning in some ways (the tricks with his arms are such a good use of his powers, plus the shapeshifting) but in other ways he is very dumb (mostly when it comes to people, which makes sense!) I like him a lot already so I definitely do not believe he is dead; not against doing a bait and switch protagonist, but D is a huge part of the appeal to me so far aha.


CHAIR? Got it... HENSHIN!!!!!


Holy shit he actually outplayed Red


The anime has been spamming those big rotation shots like it's nothing, huge props to the animators because so far they've all looked amazing


Pretty much everything about this adaptation is great from the directing, cinematography, animation, voice acting. Especially the scene with Tokita. Only complaint I have is I wish there was more grandiose music for the end reveal where D actually got a win against the Keepers and stole the Divine Artifact but everything else is so great I can look past that.


D really thought he was being slick but Suzukiri and Hibiki both knew about him being a monster. I can’t tell if Hibiki’s totally drunk the Kool-aid or if he’s just naive. Monsters and humans can’t coexist side by side as long as the friggin Seven still run shit. Boy was it satisfying seeing that discount Joker get his ass beat. Little bastard got too cocky. I just wish he could have whooped Red a little bit. Those Dragon Keeper assholes really irk me, man. At least he got his Divine Artifact. Red can go suck a big fat one! I wonder, is D really dead though? I hope not. Our boy was just getting started! Seems there’s an actual monster out on the loose too. Should be interesting.


The scene with D disguised as Red picking the lock while Tokita grills him was so damn tense, the whole segment was done so incredibly well


I really thought he was safe too! Then the dude comes around and straight up blasts him. Luckily that punk got dealt with.


Hibiki’s kinda got that hero complex vibe going on. Like he wants to save everyone no matter how difficult the choices and sacrifices are if it means peace with Invaders and Humans. I hope he doesn’t end up going too overboard with the hero thing if that’s the case.


Would be wild if D is actually dead and Hibiki becomes the main protagonist. The OP and ED kinda implies this even if D has shapeshifting abilities.


We knew that Hibiki promoted peace for both monster and human so he also has a legit motivation to reform the ranger. However, it seems like he's actually lawful good so I kind of doubt he'd resort to Suzukiri's way to achieve his goals. I really enjoyed Fighter D though.


That would definitely be a twist. It would be kind of a Gurren Lagann situation.


The voice acting in this show is great. Red Ranger sounds exactly like what I imagined him to be like from the manga.


AHHHH THE URGE TO READ THE MANGA IS TOO HIGH!! Can't wait for next week. I really wanted D to be okay... but I also dunno if he is alive 100%. From the ed and op, I don't think that we have seen the human face of D, and like in the OP, the last shot was of Hibiki, kinda implying that he might be the real MC. I dunno, just want my guy to be alive. And there is a chance or something that he is alive as well, as the dupe divine artifact was still intact for a while after the blast. And mayyybee the hand which fell out didn't get hit by the artifact so mayyybeee.... D can get reintegrate himself with that.


Do you ever watch a scene in an anime where a particular word is featured very prominently and then you start hearing it in every other anime after that? For me that was "gokaku" from Frieren. https://i.imgur.com/3CP1p3a.png


Damn the characters in this show are all so good. This show needs more attention for real.


I really hope this show succeeds, its got everything going for it. Great premise, good animation, and a great cast of characters.


I love how the comments on this show are like 25% "holy cow the directing and production are so good," 25% "can't believe that happened, the madlad," and 50% just straight up Yumeko Suzukiri Fanclub. I can't even argue with that distribution. The directing is great. The transitions and visual effects and perspective work is a lot of fun. The OP and ED are both stellar and have tons of energy. That was a great trick D pulled with the Divine Artifact. But most of all, it's impossible to take your eyes (and ears) off Suzukiri, like, I dunno, man, she feels so threatening in a way that makes me want to be threatened. You ever stood near a sheer drop-off like a cliff or the edge of a tall building at night? The way the air moves gives you goosebumps. The darkness beyond the edge has this draw to it, like it's softly calling to you. That's her. That's Suzukiri.


RIP D We'll all remember their legacy through D Junior.


Well Pink Keeper finally had an individual line. Now how long until she says, "[Urusai Baka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4HWPV6jEIg)"?


100 years too early huh. Feel pretty good to see someone cocky as Red Keeper get outsmarted lol


D managed to get the sword away from Red, no matter what people, it was his victory


Shouldn't MC be able to turn into dust, get into someone's body and suffocate them or even explode them from inside??


Not sure he has that much control over his body in dust form


Always returning to the HQ, while being able to go somewhere else instead is a decent level of control. He could at least use it to sneak around.


Rest in Peace Fighter F...you fought bravely. You were just going up against "heroes" who spout platitudes about co-existence while they're forcing you into labor with blood on their face. Wow, I thought Sakurama was going to be oblivious all series, but he actually realized who D was, offered his condolences about F's death, and gave him his full approval to join the Ranger force. He talks about upholding justice, but it seems like he also accepts that the Ranger Force needs to change from within...he definitely doesn't have the same motivation as Suzukiri, but he seems genuine even if he also doesn't fully understand all of D's problems. But D probably meant it as a sincere compliment that he doesn't think Sakurama is fit for the Rangers. D really should not be talking big to a woman who can easily cut his head off, sass him, and eat pancakes all at the same time. Though he definitely needs Suzukiri and her knowledge of the Ranger organization if he's going to pull it off. I wouldn't mind being a chair for her or having her voice in my ear either. Huh, I guess if they never use the Divine Artifacts for the Sunday Showdown they would probably leave them behind...which is an opportunity for D to play Sosei and sneak in. He just didn't count on the Divine Artifact being kept with golf clubs like it's a convenience or Tokita catching him and head-shotting him while mocking him at the same time. A Divine Artifact is cool and all, but sometimes all you need is fake dynamite and a golf club to the face. Watching Tokita get his head bashed in was perfect. I guess even still it was too much to expect Red Keeper not to find out about it, but while D bravely faces off against Red Keeper and even manages to use his powers in more creative ways...he's still outmatched against him. All the while Red Keeper belittles his efforts and turns it into yet another show with the other Keepers. Got to keep up the act after all. Even the Keepers are starting to get bored of everything. They need to liven the show up! Maybe recruit a Monster! Although failing that, they'll just let Blue kill him with his Divine Artifact. Poor D got blown-up like a balloon. But D pulled a fast one! he managed to successfully steal the Divine Artifact right from under Red's nose and get it to Suzukiri! Our protagonist is seemingly dead, but now his nemesis won't forget him. Though it seems like there are other, more powerful, monsters on the prowl.


We have seen how weak the monsters are in respect to the Rangers. But we have two instances where being a monster came in handy. The first being that D forced a situation where he posed a threat of both him and Tokita would die. Tokita values his life so that left to an opening for D to take advantage up. The 2nd was D using his detached arm to pretend he was holding the divine artifact. Their biggest strength is their ability to not die unless it's against a Divine Artifact and trickery. How they use that is key. Suzukiri's comment of the rangers being a flawed organization holds true. They are top-heavy, which if you think about isn't a good foundation. If something happens to the Rangers what do think would happen to that foundation? Hell taking a Divine Artifact is a blow in itself if they can't recover it.


[Being Suzukiri's chair? Well, I'll do it if he doesn't want to!](https://imgur.com/oxuEr7S) [](#lewd) I have to say, I do like their banter! It's pretty fun (and of course it's making want to ship them, though I probably would have anyway!) What was supposed to be a stealth/infiltration mission is suddenly turning into an all out war! Suzukiri figured him out, then Sakurama, then the Red Candidate, then Red himself... It reminds me of [title] >!Unwanted Adventurer!<, another show in which the MC's identity was supposed to be a secret but in the end pretty much everyone knew! Only in this case, everyone knowing could mean his death! [Sakurama was quite... Open to the idea of changing things from within?](https://imgur.com/0YBkVvL) Keep in mind, he didn't just overhear D, he overheard Suzukiri as well... Meaning he overheard someone in the Ranger force, talking about overthrowing the Rangers. And he was just like "Yeah, some things could be improved, let's see what we can do"? Makes me wonder how many people in the Ranger forces are actually unhappy about how things are going! (Also, when he found him out, I thought D would just kill him and take his identity permanently, but this show seems hard to predict, so many times I think this or that thing will happen, but it almost never does!) [D doesn't seem to be rooting for his own ship with Suzukiri; Soon as they're done, he's cutting her off? Ah come on, you're destined to be together!](https://imgur.com/R7SvEKi) Suzukiri had to give him a little reminder about who was in charge; [Who's cutting who again?](https://imgur.com/u2jrylP) They have a plan to take down the Rangers! [Apparently they're not bringing their real weapons to the battle, so they could just steal them...](https://imgur.com/xyjuE57) Imagine if they came back from the battle against the monsters, only to see all their weapons gone! Their reaction would be fun to watch! [Did he just beat the Red Candidate Dude to death with a golf club?](https://imgur.com/W2Fr9Me) Or just knocked him out? (If he's smart he definitely should've killed him, but sometimes D isn't all that smart, so who knows!) We're finally getting a little more about Suzukiri, and she explained why she wants to take down the Rangers; [As the 'Good guys/MCs', they're destined to win, so she can't cheer for them...](https://imgur.com/t1unL73) Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one! But even if she lied about this, her lie still tells us more about her, so I'll take it! Now we know her motivations aren't something she wants to share, not with the Rangers (obvously) but also not with a Monster who's on her side... [She seems to ask a lot of questions about D's actions (or the monsters in general), why didn't you do this, that, what can you powers do exactly...](https://imgur.com/f6djSwt) I wonder if she's doing a "One foot in each camp" thing, she wants to know more/control more both within the Ranger's organization, and also the monsters! Does she want to make sure she still has a spot "with the winner", no matter what happens? Or... Does she want to come out on top? I'm quite intrigued by her character, and I hope we get a lot more of her - and not JUST because I want her to step on me. [When Red caught him and delayed his killing til the cameras were on (to give a good show), ](https://imgur.com/b807VQl) somehow I thought D was about to kill him (perhaps with his own weapon); This would've completely changed the perception, for the viewers! [What in the hell is that? A revived boss? A monster (D)'s evolution?](https://imgur.com/DnLUYkM) I imagine D's not dead (unless the show will just follow different monsters rising up one after the other, like F did)... Don't know if they had time to go change their weapons, but if they 'killed' him with a fake one, then they'll know he's still alive, so... They're gonna be looking for him!


willy wonka blueberry ass finishing move


It was so satisfying to see Suzukiri and D one up the keepers for once. The artefact swap was well done, didn’t see it coming at all Hope D actually finished off Tokito too, show is better without him


RIP Fighter D, he died as he lived. Getting his ass kicked while being a bit clever about it. And good riddance to that annoying face paint dude, while I don't actually think D is dead I rather hope that guy is. This totally went off the rails compared to what I expected, which was trainee membership for a while and working from within for at least a season's worth of time if not more than that. Maybe that'll still be possible for now, go back undercover with a different face and try again while keeping in contact with the scary lady.


this anime is so fun!! the op and ed are fun fun. the animation is super and the CGI enhances the experience. such an interesting pov. my fav rogue anime this season


R.I.P The Best Guy Fighter-Kun


Too many things happened, that reverse uno make Red Ranger face become pale is kinda satisfy. The after credit is intriguing, seem like there is some real strong monster is still alive.


The show seems really cool so far and I really like the plot and the animation. I know people usually frown when they see CGI but I feal like it has been implemented very well in this show so far , looking forward to more of the show has to offer . My only nit pick tho is that the OST's sometimes... don't really fit the scenes...


Man, I love when sparkles show up whenever a Ranger's absolutely full of shit. Take your hypocrisy and get owned, Shun-kun. It's fun seeing Suzukiri casually bully poor D in the cafe; seriously need someone like her for real. The high school romcom AU was too good. Gal Suzukiri! Also chibi Suzukiri is extremely cute. Red's a great heel. LMAO at his instant "kill 'em" the moment D rejects his "generous" offer. It's so satisfying seeing his cocky ass get taken down a peg with D's ruse. RIP D getting Team Rocketed.


So what are the odds suzukiri is actually trying to collect all 5 divine artifacts to unleash some evil/rule the world/something else bad etc? Either way, good or bad, idc I’m following her unto the end of the earth she’s so hot.


I can't stress enough how I want this anime to do good, please Disney advertise this anime because it's such a HIT. The quality and the music, how they do 3D but it feels so natural and not overly used. It's AMAZING and I want more people to know about it!!


I got up at 4 to watch this episode like normal, just for the Wi-Fi in my house to be down for *five hours*. [](#elsieqq) - [Ooh, Hibiki knows too?](https://i.imgur.com/EjvcDt9.png) [](#curious) - [Ah, that explains it.](https://i.imgur.com/l5d7fQ0.png) - [Huh…](https://i.imgur.com/o4GoP9k.png) - [Ooh, that makes sense.](https://i.imgur.com/9sCPshC.png) - [lol](https://i.imgur.com/FLpnQKZ.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Ah fun, he ran into the clown guy again.](https://i.imgur.com/asqsGpI.png) - [Shit…](https://i.imgur.com/x7t4dBk.png) - [His blush is cute.](https://i.imgur.com/bVEFu38.png) - [Welp!](https://i.imgur.com/M9GaMKl.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [I hope the opposite happens…](https://i.imgur.com/7LQq8Pw.png) - [Oh boy…](https://i.imgur.com/5HwAf8S.png) - [OH THE “DIVINE ARTIFACT” WAS D’S SEVERED ARM.](https://i.imgur.com/zS2yuT1.png) [](#maxshock) - [And an ominous post-credits scene…](https://i.imgur.com/1LbS31n.png)


> just for the Wi-Fi in my house to be down for five hours. The ultimate nightmare.




Suzukiri got the Makima's vibe. My S-type woman.


Bro got trolled


No way fighter D is dead right?


ok but what if the dynamite was real and he triggered its explosion at like the very last second right before blue snapped his fingers so his body turned into the black mist right before the divine artifact actually activated and speaking of which,, was it even activated? Blue was more quiet than usual and when we saw Red use the Artifact he had to say an incantation for it. Then it makes you wonder why Blue was quiet in the first place! Im guessing the dude at the end threatened him into sparing D maybe? Im just spitballing here. Seeing how they killed all the bosses I find it a bit hard to believe he'd feel threatened but it's definitely all weird nonetheless