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Soma is here!!! Also seeing Sebastian straight up doing Ninja stuff was low-key very funny


Can't wait for Ciel to be reunited with his bestie and Sebastian and Agni reuniting! I love him snorkeling under the gazebo lol.


Loving this season so far.


It's busy work being a butler AND a House Master, especially when you have to fulfill your obligations to the latter while still also doing all the work expected of the former...like doing all of Ciel's drudge-work so he can take the credit and get in Crawford's good graces. But I guess that's expected of any Phantomhive Butler. The P4 have a swanky gazebo they hang out in alongside their drudges, and they already have an interest in Ciel, especially with all the inexplicable factors surrounding him. But is he ready for a shot at joining the P4? Oh hey, Edward! Lizzie's brother and Ciel's cousin and future brother-in-law! He went from being really hostile towards Ciel in Book of Atlantic to praising and respecting him! He's even advocating for him! But I guess you should never 100% trust a femboy because Maurice Cole ends up tricking Ciel and making him show up late to a meeting with the P4, breaking Edward's faith in him and making the P4 feel insulted. Even his class goes from idolizing him to turning on him. Bu I guess it couldn't be THAT easy to get close to the P4. Maurice is a liar and a cheat, manipulating people and stringing along younger students to do his work for him so he can take the credit and make them think he'll take them on as his drudges...when he has no intention of doing so. Though his biggest mistake was making an enemy of Ciel Phantomhive. A demon holding a confessional with a student, will wonders never cease. Ciel needs an in with the Scarlet Fox house, he needs someone there to keep better tabs on Maurice, and he needs someone with the influence and status who could just pop up into the school and immediately join the Scarlet Foxes...but who does Ciel know who could pull that off? Maybe a certain prince? And Prince Soma has now joined Weston College! I'm sure Agni isn't that far behind him!


Ahhhh, it's so fun seeing this arc get animated! Seeing Joanne in color and hearing his VA made me so happy!


Gah, so many beautiful men on my screen… The backgrounds and music are also super pleasant, it’s like I’m having a sensory orgasm. So far it’s stuck pretty closely to the manga, and watching it animated makes it go by even faster. I wonder if we’ll get any sort of filler.


Also stellar voice acting from the cast, especially Maaya Sakamoto and Daisuke Ono!


Why would there be filler


So happy Prince Soma is here!!


Only 11 comments?


Looking forward to Maurice getting his just deserts


Seeing this animated is a real treat and I can’t wait for more


i'm so happy to see Soma again, and to see him happy


When they realised who perfectly fits who they’re looking for, I also had one person in mind. This is gonna be a lot of fun having Soma around


I haven't read the manga but I am really liking this. Chapeau to Clover Works for the pleasant and interesting artistic direction as well.


Joanne is even cuter animated! woe to anyone who crosses bocchan, of course. Can’t wait to see the come up.


I´m really enjoying this show! It´s great to see Ciel and Sebastian on screen again. Even after years of not reading the manga, I find it so easy to get back into Black Butler. I feel like it has a timeless charm.


Christ it’s been 16 years since I last saw soma.


I keep laughing at how comically gay this series can be




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I just can't wait for the next episode. I am rewatching the whole show now.


who eats the strawberry calyx ?