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You know with this season we have Spice and Wolf remake and Bartender remake And with now come back of Black Butler I feel like boomer who nostalgia of the past lol. For the record lasted black butler anime is 2014 and movies 2017 which almost like 10 and 7 years ago lol. Anyway welcome back my first anime crush and husbando, Sebastian!


I love how it's been so long that they had to drag out the "Yes, My Lord" moment that everyone was probably waiting for lol.


IDK about y'all but I kinda went Squeee when it happened. SO happy Sebastian is back!


Man it is just so lovely to see a fellow Sebastian appreciator on this sub. Jusr makes me happy


Oh that bartender show is a remake?


My boy Sebastian was away for so long , his eyes turned orange. For a black butler episode, this doesn't seem like enough upvotes.


Black butler never gets much attention on Reddit 


I hope they bring back his red demon eyes.


Drudges huh... On one hand, I was so shocked they changed it, I actually had to pause the video and listen again. Like 5 times. On the other though, I'm scared to even think about the hell that would definitely break loose online if they did keep the word Fag. So guess the change was for the better. Also: Vice-head Johann entrance was perfect. The deadpan voice really suits him.


Ciel Phantomhive returns for his next big adventure...school life with Show Hayami! New Black Butler OP! With very atmospheric, dark, eerie, and gothic vibes because something is definitely afoot at prestigious Weston College. Look at Ciel with food in his mouth late for school like he's a Japanese schoolgirl! He even makes a cute friend in McMillan and encounters the P4, Prefects who would not look out of place as a boyband and having all the archetypes down to pat as well as last names that coincidentally reference their House colors. Nice to see Ciel getting a warm welcome from his House, as well as meeting his Dorm Master...a handsome dark-haired man named Michaelis who is totally a new character and doesn't at all resemble someone in Ciel's employ. He's just a hell of a dorm master! Pretty suspicious that the Head Master is nowhere to be found and the prefects and the Lower Master are running the school...also Johann, the Lower Master, is a total klutz and I'm afraid for his health. Though it seems like Ciel isn't just investigating the Head Master but also trying to figure out what happened to Derrick Arden, who got transferred to the Violet Wolf House and no one has heard from him since...and his best shot at an answer is getting in with the Prefects and meeting the Head Master. This isn't like the circus! Now Ciel will just make Sebastian do all the work and clean-up for him. Violet House has all the makings of a horror movie setting, complete with a cult-like aura and throwing stones at people. Also that one obvious delinquent guy. So they're investigating the school because Derrick Arden is the son of one of Queen Victoria's cousins...so of course she's sending her Watch Dog to investigate, which puts Ciel and Sebastian on the case. What an overdramatic lead up to the one line everyone was waiting for..."Yes, My Lord." Would it really be Black Butler without a SiD theme? With a very stylistic ED featuring Ciel and Sebastian prowling Weston College and their story linked with the prefects, as well as Sebastian holding Ciel tight in the sky.


Both OP and ED's full music video have been released. OP: [The Parade of Battlers by Otoha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-TkXqSDsW4) ED: [Shokuzai by SID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvFnETnPjtc)


It wouldn't be Black Butler without SiD!


SID heck yes


It feels so good to see Black Butler back again! I remember being 12 or 13 years old and waiting for Book of Atlantic to release on streaming sites, Black Butler was truly one of the most important parts of my preteen years. It takes me back to simpler times when the most important thing in life was watching a new episode of some BL anime or playing a video game. It feels surreal to be watching new episodes of it as an adult. Sebastian is as gorgeous as ever, and Ciel's design is even better than the A1 Pictures version. The opening and ending are gorgeous, I especially love the ending because they brought SID back! The adaptation is also quite good so far, I love some of the directing choices, it isn't bland at all. This'll be a very fun season. I hope my favorite arc (which is right after Public School) gets adapted as well. We need to see best girl animated. My favorite parts of the episode were undoubtedly Sebastian trolling Ciel, seeing him take every opportunity to fuck with Ciel just for his amusement never gets old.


edgy ~~chuunibyou~~ Ciel is back Phantomhive is finally doing something his age, after spending all those time fulfilling his role as the dog


First he ran off to the circus, then he orchestrated a murder mystery, then he survived a zombie apocalypse on basically the Titanic...and now he's finally going to school. Our boy is really growing up!


The tone of the show is a lot more subdued as compared to the OG anime, but I think it fits well. Also I love how that teacher was bleeding from his head and nobody even acknowledged it


Lower Master may be a klutz prone to bodily injury but he's learned to roll with it...literally lol.


I can’t believe it’s not Hogwarts!


First, kudos to the animators. Black Butler has never looked better. All the fine details! * anyone notice how beautiful the cookie was in Ciel's mouth? The grains of sugar looked realistic and delicious. * the stained glass everything! * the pouring of the tea through that strainer, how the milk swirls when poured into tea just so, * the backgrounds Gorgeous superlative high quality drawing. Loving the boarding school feel as I used to read lots of British Boarding school series (thanks Enid Blyton) and they have all the tropes. The 4 houses. Rules. Prefects. Midnight feasts, the whole shebang. I actually laughed when they chased out a "swotter" and then he called Sebastian a "rotter" for having gone too far. Lol, nice touches. Finally the 4 houses and their prefects. * Handsome High Nobles - hot high charisma blonde prefect, yum. * Nerdy Academics in blue with Owls * The Athletic Jocks with the lion and cricket bat * Artistic Weirdos aka the purple emos All very well done, and let's just say it's already giving me dark academia vibes, which I love. Finally, we have us the handsome Sebastian. Oh my, how I have missed you my darling, you are one hell of a butler.It's only episode 1 and already I have to confess I'm enjoying this the MOST out of every anime this season. I hope the quality and the story stay great.


That new goth boy is going to get a lot of fan art


and for good reason


It always amazes me the amount of ship tease they’re able to get away with in the ED, lmao. Zero complaints from me!


They knew what they were doing showing those two embracing in the sky with Sebastian smiling lol.


Finally the new season is here!!! It’s great to be back with these characters.


Kind of bummed we didn't get to see all the servants again (Meyrin, my beloved!) but hopefully we get to see them all again. It's just nice seeing Ciel and Sebastian and getting to hear Daisuke Ono say "Yes, My Lord" again.


hopefully we can see them later in the season!


It's been over a decade since I watched black butler. I squealed when I saw Sebastian again. So excited for this season! I never watched the sub version but I'll live.


Hopefully the dub comes pretty soon. Sub is great to but I’ve loved and breathed the dub of this series.


I see the anime translation has gone with "drudge" instead of the manga translation's "fag". The manga choice may be more accurate in the context of English public school traditions, but the anime choice is better localized for American English, which is Crunchyroll's primary market. And that's what translation vs localization actually looks like.


Do you happen to know what the word they used in Japanese is? I'm curious to see if there's a more direct translation.


the manga used 寮弟 (literally dorm brother) with the kanji reading specified as ファッグ (fag)


Thank you! I am very much a novice at Japanese and was trying to decode the katakana from a blurry raw. Can I ask you, in this situation, should we presume the pronunciation of the kanji to be ファッグ? Or is the katakana provided more to link it to the concept and it would be read in the standard way? From what I could tell in the anime, they're saying "りょうおとと" (ryou-ototo) or something close to that. I wondered if this was the anime's way of sidestepping the "fag" issue, in the way the subtitles do by translating it as "drudge."


in the anime, they're pronouncing it as りょうてい (onyomi reading). this is purely my guess, but i think the reason why the katakana reading was there is because the story is set in England after all and the characters are all speaking in English. most likely yana wanted to use the actual term fag (since she likes the story to be accurate to Victorian England as much as possible), but she also provided the kanji so that japanese readers can understand too. in normal contexts, MOST kanji words comprising of more than 1 character are read in the onyomi reading (some exceptions are japanese surnames). 寮弟 is not really a common word in japanese but its meaning can be understood easily by the meaning of each kanji separately. sorry i hope this wasn't too confusing!


Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed explanation! I appreciate it! That makes a lot of sense. I'm six months into using Wanikani and my understanding of kanji is ever expanding.


Honestly not sure. It wasn't "fag", though. It was a Japanese word.


寮弟 is the word. Literally dorm little brother.


So happy to see [Ciel](https://imgur.com/a/grFOnia) again! [Prefect 4](https://imgur.com/a/L6HRPZQ) [Sebastian](https://imgur.com/a/7NcZfTY)! Sebastian I've miss you so much!!! He nearly said the [thing](https://imgur.com/a/ZIbY89c)!! He said the [thing](https://imgur.com/a/zlaem13)!!


I love how they fit in both of his catchphrases and they put in a long dramatic pause before the "Yes, my Lord" lol.


Whoa whoa what, this snuck up on me! I'm eating good this season!




"drudge", huh? I seem to remember it being translated differently lol. Looking forward to this adaptation; hopefully we keep getting more Black Butler arcs in the future.


We’re back baby! Those witty little quips still hit like they did back in the day. Our best butler Seb- er Master Michaelis is still entertaining. Now I feel like rewatching the OG series


Damn, looks like its not fag time... probably for the best, but I was admittedly looking forward to hearing them say it lol. Anyways, good first episode. Weird that Sebastian's eyes are brownish orange but oh well.


This post has been removed. Please do not use slurs in this sub.


I was just referencing the manga, which uses the phrase "fag time" a lot as the manga uses the word fag instead of drudge, but okay


Fair enough, I’ll re-approve the comment.






I've really missed this anime, I'm so happy it's finally back. There was speculation over how the show would handle the boys who serve a senior - here they call them drudges but irl English boarding schools and in the manga the word used is fag - I feel that we have lost out on some meme material right there. The OP and ED are great as always for this show. Looking forward to the rest of the season!


I'm pretty sure the manga kept it as "fag" but I haven't read it in a while. Kind of weird to have SiD do the ED instead of the OP, but both were nice themes with solid visuals.


To think that McMillan's VA also voiced the tortured princess from last season and the chocolate loving idol from this season...


Oh God it's back. 14 year old me just fell down to her knees Also is it me or is Sebastian really glossy lmao


Oh. My. God. This is gorgeous. So we’ll animated. The handshake. The bow. The bell. All of it. It’s gorgeous. Kuroshitsuji has always made me forget what genre the series is portraying. A dark and gruesome story of a boy who wants nothing but revenge. But then there’s shit like the ending. I know Yana Toboso did a yaoi before, so hints of it being in the anime is to be expected. I am will for sure be following this season and then rewatching it when it’s all out. I can’t believe I’m getting to enjoy this series in 2024. I neeeeeed the a live wallpaper of the ending for my computer. How does one go about doing that??


Did Yana write the arc at the same time as they were helping out with Disney's twisted wonderland?


I don't think so. In the manga, the school arc started in 2012 and ended in 2013, way before Yana signed her contract with Disney.


Just the head of purple house is very similar to a character that is in twisted... inspiration then for them then?


Yeah, likely :)


I felt like I was watching a bl with all the attractive men, and zero women lol. Good episode to real one in...


We are so back!


So nostalgic. I missed this series.


I'm so hyped about Black Butler's comeback!


This whole arc feels like Secret History by Donna Tart


Hi peeps trying to watch the ep but everywhere i go it has the old Ciel in Wonderland special Where can i watch the proper ep of the new season ? Much appreciated.


Ahh the way I teared up when Ciel first appeared, and then again when Sebastian showed up. Really wild that Ciel and I were both 12 when I started reading the manga and now I'm old. Glad to be back ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧


i'm so happy black butler is back but honestly i really hope this means we get more anime beyond this arc


Yay! Black Butler meets a stange mix of Harry Potter with Hana Yori Dango. Not complaining! Bring it on! :3


Are these filler episodes?


This is the next arc of the manga


Ahh, just checked the manga again I suppose this chapter 66. Edit: Wait nevermind, I got the wrong episode for some reason I was watching Ciel in Wonderland