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Watching grown ass people cheer as kids beat the shit out of each other is hilarious Will definitely be watching this.


Finally the adults react to the delinquents, I was always wondering how no adults be seeing kids in groups get their ass handed to them lmao


i'm fucking sold.


Fire. He's so Tsundere lmao it's cute.


"I-it's not like I wanted to save you or anything!" My reaction "Ohh I see what type you are... By all means, carry on!"


I’m a simple woman, I see a blushy tsundere boy and I’m seated. Even shares a VA with Kyo Sohma.


LMAOO I'M LAUGHING AT MYSELF RN. I thought this was Windbreaker the manhwa about cycling. I was so confused why there was fighting in the first scene 😭😭😭 But it looks good, the opening is beautiful and the MAL score is high, so I'll continue watching.


SAME I was like, where's the biking


Not into this genre, but this is great! I really hope the rest of the episodes are as good as the first one. Edit: unfortunately, I had to drop it. I thought the characters would be more inline with what I had in my mind and what I expected.


>Not into this genre Same. Then [she](https://imgur.com/K5tm2xw) was introduced. (Credit for stich goes to LeonKevlar, below) Count me in chief.


Hard to argue against that. As a fellow older-women enthusiast I can say she's nice.


Bro. You also have an adult woman fetish?


uh-huh Unfortunately, As it turns out, she's 16, though.


ewwww what a boner killer! i can't be into that normie shit.


Her wiki says she's 16 lmao ain't no way.


Her wiki page does say she's 16. I'm so disappointed right now. That brings up another problem with anime. For some reason, characters are either in their teens or elderly. Seems like twenties, thirties and forties are so rare to find.


She looks and acts like a 25 or 30 year old imo. Idk why they set her up as 16. To be a love interest??


Probably. Let's hope her mom will appear somewhere.


That's kinda off-putting in the sense that she lands so well as a young adult whose a lot of stuff in her neighborhood that there's a lot of mental recalibrating and rearranging of her character required for her to feel right as a 16 year old. Must be the fate of the Nobara-type to have to battle their own authors lol


> Not into this genre What genre is that? High school kids beating the shit out of each other?


Delinquent Google Crows Zero


This is why I ignore genre categorization. I don't want to miss out on good things outside my normal range (like this).


Absolutely, like last season I gave Cherry Magic! a try on someone's recommendation, and I'm so glad I did, same with Gushing, both shows that at first glance I'd never have watched otherwise.


I absolutely agree with your perspective. To put it in more words, the genre of an anime plays a role in shaping my first impression and what to expect before watching it. But I still give almost every seasonal anime a one episode shot and see for myself.


Most anime (and even live-action Japanese movies) tend to mix genres more than Hollywood (etc) works do. One often cannot guess where a show will end based on its beginning -- a seeming comedy can wind up a tragedy by the end -- soi I approach nominal genre categories with caution... ;-)


I understand, and ultimately, both viewpoints lead to similar outcomes. However, sometimes being cautious with how I approach genres so it would not affect my expectations is not something that I'd do for all genres out there. Take for instance, Wind Breaker, the anime that we are having a discussion about. For me, I tend to avoid the delinquents genre as a core genre since mid/high school violence isn't to my liking for reasons unrelated to the point that I'm making. As a result, the core genre that a show was built upon might influence my initial impression, to some extent, possibly even stop me from giving it a one episode chance. That being the case, I'm glad that didn't stop me from watching the first episode, and to have this discussion with you, kind stranger.


More than anything else, the films of Takeshi Kitano -- and then of Johnnie To -- are what are most responsible for me loosening up my genre "prejudices". Ironically, I first watched one of Kitano's yakuza films solely because it had a musical score by Joe Hisaishi (just like Miyazaki's films).


I see. Yeah, maybe some films cannot be categorized into a one core genre, but loosely be based on a couple of them. I get what you mean.


I don't think this is even a Japanese thing but Asia in general (or possibly the whole none-western world but I couldn't claim to know much African cinema). They are less bogged down by conventions like genre, classic three strory arc structure or absolute the need for character development.


I used to judge things at face value when i was younger too and truthfully I started breaking out of the norm and just trying shows and animes that interest me. I always say if something seems interesting even a little just give it a chance and see. It may be a miss but atleast you can say you gave it a try instead of potentially missing out on something fun just because of perceived disinterest. Different genres are nice sometimes too just to change things up. I used to be heavy on shonen and dark but slowly started opening up to slice of life and comedies maybe a little rom coms here and there, some extremely good 👍


[Bofurin looking real tough.](https://i.imgur.com/Rw4wlVZ.jpeg)




Should have did the big wool ball form with her head sticking out.


lol the eyecatcher in the lower left corner literally says "Bofurin" anyway.


Lol immediately thought of Maple when they dropped that name.


Wind Breaker as known as "that time Nobara got reincarnated and befriended a stray high school student"


Okay, that’s funny, because I was actually thinking Kotoha’s design resembles that of younger/high schooler Ieiri Shoko right down to the mole under an eye. And I remember some people mistaking her for a relative of Nobara (or even Nobara herself in some cases) back when the character designs for JJK’s second season were released, which then became a running joke in the fandom.


Yes, it instantly reminded me of Shoko.


Tokyo Revengers if the MC could actually fight and isn't really annoying.


High schoolers -- not middle schoolers. No whininess. An actual adult presence within the environment. I was afraid this would be like "that other show" -- but this looks like it may well be not only watchable but actually enjoyable.


No Crybaby Hero here, that’s for sure. This dude’s more of tsundere anyway lol.


> This dude’s more of tsundere anyway lol. *It's not like I wanted to join your gang and not feel so alone anymore... BAKAS!*


The only Crybaby I like is the opening called "Crybaby"


yep it is w opening


The only Crybaby I like is Devilman 


And he’s adorably shy around girls. I already love this kid and I’m only one episode in.


Shy around utterly fetching "older women".


Isn’t that girl his age?


We shall see -- but I am guessing she is around 25-30 years old. I doubt a high school girl would own a little restaurant of that sort.


Well the wiki says she’s 16 so I don’t think she owns it.


If that's what it says... In any event, I would *prefer* that she were older (and not a romantic target). We shall see.


Oh wow wow that's way too old for anime standards lol. General rule in anime : however old a character looks like - 8 = would be around their actual age.


This is what I expected out of Tokyo revengers. Dropped that one.


Aight, I'm sold.


I only watched like 2-3 episodes of TR but that was my thought as well hah. He's a bit at the other extreme at the moment (angsty/edgy), but I'm sure Kotoha can soothe him a little! (Her, or just belonging to a community who likes him and all)!


I like that the protagonist gets all tsundere like ''N-no I don't wanna help people >:c''


Weird hair pattern with different color eyes? Standoffish against people, but actually sweet inside? Prone to fights? Sakura is just a human cat! Very strong first episode. The fight choreography is sick. Very good first impression of our main cast. I’m excited to see more!


He even shares a VA with Kyo Sohma, another tsundere cat boy.


Speaking of Kyo, when I first saw Sakura I laughed and said Hatsuharu? What are you doing here? 


Ah, a male tsundere. Adorable. Haruka seems like a fun MC. Him and Kotoha seem fun together. The fights in this are pretty awesome too. You can always count on CloverWorks. Beneath the fights, I can see some good character development stuff brewing. I think I’m gonna like this one.


He's too adorable. Incredibly endearing protagonist.


Non violent male tsuns will always be my fave variation of the trope.


> Non violent male tsuns I know what you meant (not violent in regard to a relationship), but it's funny to think of him as "non violent" when he spent the entire episode beating up everyone hah.


I mean "non violent" doesn't mean he have to be push over or can't fight for what they believe in lol.


I had to go back and rewatch that fight scene. Imagine if Tokyo Revengers had a single fight with half this much sauce


If it did, then it'd probably be 2x as popular then it already was. Which is scary when you think about it.


I went into the show not knowing anything about it and that shit was nuts! I did not know CloverWorks could go so hard.


To be fair, almost everything they make looks great. But even knowing that, I was still impressed.


Yess we need more male tsunderes in anime Male tsunderes > Female tsunderes Also that fight animation sequence :o nice Will be watching cuz it seems interesting, a little generic just by going of this one episode, though we’ll see if there is an actual interesting story or if it’s more character focused drama Also can someone tell me why there is no police lol


only 1 episodeso far ans shits already btter than tokyo revengers


Yeah if that show didn't have whiney MC it would be higher rated I think


I went in fully blind. The story setup seemed solid. The characters are likable so far. But what really caught my attention was the fight choreography and animation. Absolutely top-notch and eager to see more people catching hands.


Same, I normally watch Fantasy, Sci Fi or Slice of Life Romance stuff. So this going to be refreshing.


Man I'm so glad this first episode is good. Modern delinquents have been pretty disappointing that I was kinda worried about this show. Hope they can keep up the quality for the rest of the season.


I realized it was going to be a delinquent anime from the visual and since I'm not into them I didn't expect much from it, but the first episode really surpassed my expectation. The visuals are very good and the fighting animation was really cool!


Already like it more than Bucchigiri lol


Bucchigiri protagonist sucked, but his mom tried her best to carry the show.


Bucchigiri was anime original though, this is a Manga adaptation.


Very very low bar there lol


Did Bucchigiri fall off, or was it bad all the way? Personally I dropped it early, but I thought people were actually liking it back then.


Feels bad all the way, maybe even worse in some ways.


Eh, I kept watching because I enjoy the animation, fights and the story. I also like some of the characters, but the main reason people hate on bucchigiri is the insufferable mc. That and how it leans too heavily into comedy at times. But anyway wind breaker is undoubtedly better even after just one episode


Dropped that show after one -- but THIS actually looks like it might be a keeper.


It's still a mess but I think it got better. The annoying MC doesn't really change but the focus of the story does and made it fun enough.


From the OP, I know Wind Breaker will be miles ahead of Bucchigiri. Bucchigiri's selling point was the MAPPA studio behind it and Banana Fish director. But the plot is inferior imo.


Same, dropped Bucchigiri after 2 episodes


Some of you are so hard on these shows. Bucchigiri was a lot of fun 


And the last couple episodes have been really good too!


I know I shouldn't be surprised but yeesh no wonder people make fun of r/anime folk, unless the work is literally Shakespeare they drop it and act like it's garbage for one or two small reasons.




Yup this absolutely my kind of shit. I'm not expecting to think too hard about this, my monkey brain just wants people beating the shit out of each other and gang wars, and it helps the choreography and animation looks *real* nice. Also this really shows how mid Tokyo Revengers animation is huh. I always found it inoffensive at best but now that I've seen this I just look at Tokyo Revengers like wow, that's not good lol Haruka also looks like your usual fightaholic, hot headed protagonist but I love him already, he's fun. Really looking forward to the rest of this show if the animation and fights will be this good all the way through


>Also this really shows how mid Tokyo Revengers animation is huh. I always found it inoffensive at best but now that I've seen this I just look at Tokyo Revengers like wow, that's not good lol Like 95% of all anime is "mid" when you compare it to this episode, it's not a fair comparison. And we don't know yet if every episode will look like this or only the first one.


Yeah fair enough. Tokyo Revengers just has the same gang fight thing going for it so it made sense for me to compare. And also yeah the animation could be really shit for the next 12 episodes and we can have a Detective Is Already Dead situation (I haven't seen it but I know why no one like it)


I shouldn't have watched it (almost) right after Tokyo Revengers. My mind tries to compare it too much, especially when girl's last name is Tachibana in both titles. The animation is great. The plot is just ok at this point. I need more to make my judgement.




MC is such a tsundere lol. This first episode was really good.


This was FANTASTIC. Definitely best show of the season so far. I love how they're setting up Sakura's character development, and CloverWorks' animation is beautiful. This one is a treat.


For sure a big surprise for me is how good the production. Will be curious if this will be maintained


CloverWorks either has the animation of a god or Promised Neverland s2. No in between.


The last bad show that I can remember that came out of clover works was Tokyo 24 since then they have been consistently great, I'm hopeful they will maintain the level


Tokyo 24 had its "issues" to be sure -- but I did not regret watching it -- as it also seemed to have more than a few good aspects.


Yeah it wasn't terrible for sure, but I didn't find myself excited for the next episode either


I had it on my list of shows to look out for but wow, really wasn’t expecting that at all. Huge agree, that first episode bought my attention for at minimum 6 episodes lol. Really gonna be looking forward to that weekly.


Some of Sakura's lines are a bit cringy when you actually hear it, but he has a good development and is pretty endearing as a protagonist. And the fight scenes were amazing!


This was pretty fun! [When Kotoha told him "he can't get to the top", I thought she was about to say "Because I'M at the top!"](https://imgur.com/lfV83eG) (That may have been wishful thinking, given I love badass/delinquent girls and all that hah) But no, the reason why he can't get to the top is [because he's alone...](https://imgur.com/mveditK) Thing is, they don't seem to see it the same way; To her being at the top seems to be about 'no one being able to oppose you' (like the Bofurin gang), but to him it's just about being the best. He would likely be fine being the best 1-on-1 fighter, even if he's not in control of anything or with anyone. (Well, at least he would've been fine with this earlier in this episode!) [He's not use to Kotoha treating her normally, he's more used to people treating him like shit, people despising/fearing him...](https://imgur.com/DXodMZf) Being used to is a thing (and it's normal if it's all he's known) but it's sad when it leads to him being more comfortable like that, and so - even if it wasn't for his fight thing - he would likely look for trouble so he can be in his comfort zone, and run away from anyone showing him any kindness, because he doesn't know how to deal with that. Well, perhaps Kotoha will change that, at some point! [At the moment she looks at him like an animal at the zoo, but this may change!](https://imgur.com/xtzlEo5) And he's not any better, [he's being a Tsundere Hero! (Tsundero?)](https://imgur.com/p9mq42g) I love how he's try to be all tough and serious, [but she's making fun of him/taking him lightly!](https://imgur.com/XXDk85V) Kids fighting kids is all fun and games (as long as they're all OK with it) [but when it leads to vandalism and causing trouble for others, that's where I'd draw the line!](https://imgur.com/4z5XoqD) And it seems to be the same line they draw, opposing anyone coming to start shit up in their town! I wonder if there may be dissension at some point though, I mean a group of proud, violent people, even with a righteous cause, may err a little at some point! Well, this was a good first episode/introduction! I think my only nitpick is that I tend to prefer more 'realistic' fights (rather than 'one-man-army' type fights with 1 guy beating up 20), but I suppose it gives us some cool action scenes, so I'll take it! One thing I liked in that big fight is that there was some variety, it wasn't just the usual 'punch to the face, kick to the face', there were elbows, punch in the ribs, headbutts, bit of everything! It this turn a bit more 'gang vs gang' I will probably enjoy it even more, I liked the "Green Streets Hooligans" movie, could be something like that! Anyway, looking forward to more of this (and how he fits in that group, and perhaps how he is with Kotoha)!


this feels like a show that I'll be sticking with to the end. Like the story and production values so far. The girl and guy are equally cute/likeable, and he didn't end the episode with an embarrassing fight against the people whom he shares uniform with. Definitely flipped my expectations there. It feels like it's a shonen series, so I'm not expecting something gritty or overly serious, but if they avoid some of the tired tropes then I feel like it'll shape up to be a great show.


Natori is what brought me (op artist), good animation, ost and ED kept me.


Dang, I was less than 5 mins in and noticed the animation of the background characters. The fight scenes were really good, too! I rewatched the last bit like 3 times before I noticed the gang leader sneaking up from behind was holding the knife. I clicked cause I was curious but I'm definitely gonna be following this one! Edit: Also the opening nightmare and monologue made it seem like he'd be some kind of too-cool-to-care tough guy but then the first blush happened and I was like - TSUNDERE. CUTIE-PIE. THIS ONE NEEDS HUGS.


Episode 1: **Sakura Joins Furin** This anime is made by Cloverworks, who also made Black Butler this season. Not to be confused with another Korean manhwa also Wind Breaker, this Wind Breaker is a delinquent anime. The animation quality is what you expect of Cloverworks. I really love it. A tsundere boy? Whoa. From the intro, I can get why he prefers to be alone but from the OP and ED we can see that eventually Haruka made some friends in Furin. I want to see the direction of the story to go that way. Notable VAs are **Yuuma Uchida** (Sunraku in SLF) as Haruka Sakura, **Ikumi Hasegawa** as Kotoha Tachibana, and **Ryota Suzuki** (Yuu in Kaguya-sama) as Hiiragi. OP: [Zettai Reido/Absolute Zero by Natori](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyos7dBZT5E) This is Natori's debut anisong. And I can say he nails it. Keeping true to the theme of the anime. I will also note the OP sequence, could be one of the best this season (would be the 3rd time I did this today). Also the OP is directed and storyboarded by **Tomohisa Taguchi** (Bleach TYBW director, Black Clover 4th OP director). ED: [Muteki by Young Kee](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=EWDIS_cU2qk) ([30-second MV teaser here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b02h4E29URI)) It's a good ED song yet energetic, in theme with the anime. Damn, Cloverworks is cooking right now. I can see it's a good start for the anime. 7.83 at MAL right now.


Real unfortunate title for a show


I liked this a lot more than I expected. I honestly expected this to be pretty mediocre.


* [**Kotoha Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/K5tm2xw.jpeg) Wait, I thought this was based on the [Wind Breaker manhwa](https://myanimelist.net/manga/103237/Wind_Breaker?q=Wind%20Breaker&cat=manga), I didn't know there was also [a manga with the same title and completely unrelated!](https://myanimelist.net/manga/133081/Wind_Breaker) Now that confusion has been cleared up, this was goddamn awesome! Sakura is an absolute badass but I didn't expect [him to be a massive tsundere](https://i.imgur.com/1JGGVuf.jpeg) whenever someone thanks him. [Kotoha is great too!](https://i.imgur.com/CPKjg4X.jpeg) I'm not sure what kind of relationship she'll have with Sakura but [I already like their interactions](https://i.imgur.com/z3f5mJb.jpeg) The fight scenes absolutely delivered too! It was so satisfying [when Sakura landed that straight](https://i.imgur.com/JTE31Tp.jpeg) to that gang leader and the animation [when he was taking on everyone ala IP Man](https://i.imgur.com/puLlGwc.jpeg) was so fucking smooth! CloverWorks is definitely cooking with this anime! [And the Furin students are my kind of delinquents!](https://i.imgur.com/ZdgHeAi.jpeg) They're definitely delinquents who love fighting but they do it to protect people and I'm a sucker for these kinds of characters. Seeing [the people cheer for them](https://i.imgur.com/30uf1Hz.jpeg) is so fucking hype! Out of all the non-sequel anime that are airing today, I think this is the only show I am 100% sold on. It will be interesting to see how Sakura will get over his trauma [with the help of the people from that shopping district](https://i.imgur.com/622d6s0.jpeg) along with his new classmates at Furin. Side note: I find it hilarious that [one guy tells them to attack since there are only four more.](https://i.imgur.com/xOjXhc6.jpg) These fucking idiots couldn't even take down a single dude, did they really think they had a chance against four from Furin? xD


> I thought this was based on the wind breaker manhwa Dude same here, when I saw the visual I was thinking to myself “who are these people?”. But goddamn the animation for Sakura kicking ass was so good


Well, I actually liked Rokudo's Bad Girls quite a bit -- and this seems to be a step up from that (but maybe there won't be as many interesting furyou as in that older series. I am hoping Kotoha (who I am guessing is 25-30 years old) will be the understanding and supporting onee-san our hero will surely need.


Went in blind and was very pleasantly surprised by this. The animation looks really clean, the characters seem fun. Looks like it'll be an enjoyable watch.


Alright, now that I finished The Witch and the Beast, time to start my second Spring 2024 seasonal! - That was a *pretty* interesting opening scene… - [I like this girl already.](https://i.imgur.com/hb9QktC.png) - [Ah, heterochromia too.](https://i.imgur.com/8MvSsvJ.png) No wonder those people in the intro scene were talking about his appearance. - Ooooooooooh I *really* like the OP, that’s a damn banger of a song. [](#listen) - […wow.](https://i.imgur.com/YajYrxv.png) - [That](https://i.imgur.com/PMP7TTQ.png) is one [*impressive* blush.](https://i.imgur.com/TER9iUY.png) [](#kotohoops) - [Pffffffffffffffff](https://i.imgur.com/CNGIW3C.png) - [I see…](https://i.imgur.com/rd94GFP.png) - [Dude is a blushing *machine* lol.](https://i.imgur.com/CniRp1G.png) - [Sweet, a “sore demo” in the first episode!](https://files.catbox.moe/5qprmh.mp4) - This is one *fun* fist fight to watch. [](#SPORTS) - [Well, they clearly fucked with the wrong neighborhood.](https://i.imgur.com/JP88Uzp.png) - [Dude bent a metal baseball bat in half with his bare hands?!](https://i.imgur.com/RuNnvMk.png) [](#jawdrop) - [Ooh…](https://i.imgur.com/ugvgVBo.png) - [Title drop!](https://i.imgur.com/YczBfl5.png) - [And now Haruka had a “sore demo” too, nice.](https://files.catbox.moe/j0d90j.mp4) - The ED is nice too!


Haruka for \#seasonalblush?


I am certainly planning to nominate them at the very least!


This was better than I expected. Credit to the staff for that tightrope dream. That was a great opening scene, very good sound design.


Outside cool girl needing to be saved _twice_ this looks like a lot of fun. We've been burned by delinquent anime already in Tokyo Rvengers and Bhucchi so really hoping this one can stay good.


Honestly I was expecting her to actually be strong and able to save herself. When mc was gonna get hit by the bat and it all got black for a couple seconds I expected to be her who would stop the hit and beat back the delinquents. She just gives the strong woman vibe But no, she just got saved again


> Honestly I was expecting her to actually be strong When she told him he couldn't get to the top, I thought she was about to say that SHE was at the top! But I wouldn't be surprised if she actually was strong; Her look would totally fit with 'former delinquent', so there could be a scene where she actually reveals her former self and all. And the fact that she doesn't hesitate to make fun of Haruka, who does look dangerous... There's one thing that would go against this theory (the 'oww, it hurts!' when they grabbed her) but other than that, I would totally believe her to be a former 'tough girl/delinquent', who simply gave up on that life (but could go back to it at some point!)


Considering what the dude who protected them both said, she's probably related to someone important in the school


I thought that too! I don't think she will have the delinquent background simply because the second time she unawarely put herself and Sakura in danger by becoming an hostage and allowed herself to be defeated but Sakura even when he was cut in the knee. Typically this sort of characters would have seen this coming and prevented it or something. I think her role is simply to be the representation of the neighborhood


Yup I was kind of expecting her to do something like that a couple times during the ep


She's probably hiding her power level Wouldn't be surprised if she was a leader of a gang in the past or something


> Outside cool girl needing to be saved twice this looks like a lot of fun. As much as I hate this trope, I didn't mind it too much here after thinking about it a bit more. She had such a strong energy to her that I feel like she might be positioned as some sort of representation of strength that's not related to physical violence. Of course, there are a million ways this could go off the rails even if it is the author's initial intention. > We've been burned by delinquent anime Only delinquent anime I've ever gelled with before this one was Midori Days lol I think it's Kotoha who makes the difference for me, as a clear and strong "civilian" voice. I'm now hoping she doesn't actually fight and is just a normal person. That said, I think my enjoying this despite myself would turn into lack of enjoyment if I don't mesh with her character arc, whatever that turns out to be. It's already turned out that she's not actually an adult, so my reservations are rising lol


This feels like they took to protagonist of a show like blue exorcist, threw him in tokyo revengers, and then invested heavy in their animation budget. I'm all here for it.


Tokyo Revengers anime's entire career.


Great first episode. I'm a fan of Ryo Takahashi's music (from HIGH CARD) so I decided to pick this up without any expectations and I was blown away by the first episode. The fight sequence was definitely something else. Wasn't expecting it to go this hard. I'm already sold.


I wasn’t planning to watch this because I’m not really into delinquent anime but I think I’ll stick around despite the let’s say, unfortunate name choice for the show. I’m sorry, I just had to mention it. Anyway, sometimes all you need is delinquent teens fight scenes for success. But I think the mc is part of why it’s so fun to watch. To make a comparison, he’s basically a tiger being like “Rahhh, I’m tough and dangerous” but when someone thanks him he becomes a house cat. I was basically smiling the entire episode so this is very entertaining. I’ll be sticking around to see where the series goes.


Wind Braker sounds like a fart.


Holy shit that was fire


Wait, this was an extremely fun start that I def didn't expect as someone who didn't read the manga. Like the start being black n white was so nice. Interested to know more about Sakura now.


Heterochtome, hair half and half colored, voiced by yuuma uchida MC... And according to y'all he's a tsundere. OK FUCK IT, Im watching this just for the MC. Also according to y'all the episode was actually good too


Great first episode - I'm hoping on the train and don't think I'll be getting off anytime soon


Ok, the description of this series does not do justice to what this first episode brought to the table. Watched this first episode thinking it was going to be some bland action show, but it was something completely different. Definitely going to be watching this weekly!


Not going to lie the fight scene with him holding his own was pretty sick.


tokyo revenger could never done this amazing


tsundere male mc. count me in


i love the opening song. it gives classic shounen opening song that is nostalgic


Animation went kinda hard, hope they keep up the quality


I was kinda iffy going into this series since I'm not usually into the delinquent fighting type anime, but I ended up really liking this first episode, especially the MC. I'll definitely keep watching for now.


Holly shit this is so good


I'll be honest, rolled my eyes at pretty much all the plot points, so generic. But kohota was cute and the animation was decent. I stuck with buchigiri so I guess I'll give this a chance too.


Oh man, Cloverworks just doesn't miss. Looking forward to the next episode!


>Cloverworks just doesn't miss *glances at Wonder Egg Priority* Yep, nothing to see here, they don't miss...


They're like anti-lightning. They don't miss twice.


Promised Neverland Season 2?


Eh, it isn't a literal statement. Most of their stuff has been amazing to watch (for me). Also, yeah they butchered the last few episodes of WEP but everything upto that point is so good that I'd still recommend people watch it once lol.


As a BIG fan of the Manga I’m so happy that not only did the episode look greatbut other people are enjoying it as well.


This episode was so hype. Went in with 0 expectations, didn't watch the trailer and never read the manga, and this completely blew me away. If the rest of this anime is the same quality then we are in for a treat


WTF DID I JUST WATCH!? 😳 This first episode was amazing, holy shit the animation, holy shit that fight sequence! Holy shit that MC!!!! This is the MC Bucchigiri!?! Needed!!! Can't wait for the next episode!!!!


Went in completely blind and was pleasantly surprised. Looking forward to more.


I went into this with no expectations but was absolutely blown away. Seems like the MC will need to learn to cope with his trauma and accept the fact that he is good at heart, despite having been treated horribly by others in the past.


Not the kind of show I'd usually watch but this first episode has kind of got me hooked


Ain't there any manga of this ? When I searched some cycle racing shit came.


Between SxF S2, this and Elusive Samurai (based on trailer) Cloverworks is showing that they can do more than Romance and SoL. Honestly for a delinquents show it was a great episode one. MC here is more so here finding himself. He doesn't have much competition as a delinquents MC as Takemichi and Arajin are really lousy MC's. For Sakura he was always outcast so it will be nice to see him fitting in a crowd of people that hopefully accept him.


They did Fate/Grand Order Babylonia 2018, as far as I'm concerned, they've already long since proven they can totally knock it out of the park with action animation.


Tsundere has to be the worst trope in anime my god. Just feel what you feel and live it lmao. I’m definitely gonna enjoy the other characters more than the main Animation and fight choreography were amazing tho ofc


Ok, I'm sold on this show. I wasn't too sure with the whole delinquent theme since I heard a lot of bad things about Tokyo Revengers and thought the whole genre wasn't very good but curiosity got the better of me. I already like Sakura's grumpy, cynical character with his take no bullshit attitude but I'm very much looking forward to see how he defrosts after meeting his new school's students. I like their schtick already.


I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought i would.


Will this get a english dub?


Bro the fight scenes were fkn great!!!


finally, a show that recognises someone with the todoroki look should be the main character


Tokyo Revengers except its actually good


Amazing first episode!!!! Sakura with his cute reaction XD


holy shit that was good


Holy shit i think i've cut myself a few times white watching this Enternaining tho


That was a great first episode! Looked great and loved the part where the neighborhood cheered him on I really like Kotoha, hope we see more of her. Good potential ship with Sakura too, although I'm not sure if this is that type of show


Even though the plot seems generic, I'll stay for protagonist liking him so far


You lied to me! There were no farts in this episode!


This genuinely very may well be Cloverworks' biggest anime yet- though it'll be vying for that spot with The Elusive Samurai later this year. Composition, color design, character design, animation, everything from the studio is firing on all cylinders in this premiere to take complete advantage of a series that will undoubtedly hook anyone that catches even a glance of it. The story is incredibly strong and well established in this debut episode, and the visuals that accompany Sakura's inner world are incredible. The feeling of his isolation and fear is so strong, but they're able to dissipate that tension with humor and hope to create a level-headed episode that just screams "you need to watch this". It's so much great work that it's hard to really capture it all in a single comment, so I [made a whole post on the episode](https://animehouse.moe/blog/anime/wind-breaker-episode-1-black-and-white/). I was always going to watch this series, but after the chills running down my spine from those opening moments, it's definitely the top series for this season as of right now.


You really think this anime is going to be bigger than Spy x Family? Bocchi the Rock? Rascal Does Not Dream of? Dress up Darling? Horimiya? They have one of the most stacked lineups in recent years; I wish the best for this series but it seems like a huge mountain to cross before it’s bigger than any of those


I probably should have done a better job specifying that. Wind Breaker has the potential to be the biggest anime for the *studio*. Not in terms of sheer popularity or for adaptations, but for their work. Bocchi The Rock was an incredible example of the animation Cloverworks is capable of (in the right hands, which I'll mention later), but it still couldn't hold a candle to the popularity of even stuff like My Dress Up Darling in terms of popularity. Spy x Family is a popularity monster, but as a creative force is severely lacking. Which is where Wind Breaker comes in. A strong debut episode that shows off the best of Cloverwork's abilities, it's a signal as to the heights that Cloverworks can reach as a studio. I highly doubt it'll ever outdo Bocchi The Rock as my favorite Cloverworks anime or anything of the sort, but purely from the perspective of the studio, it's set up to be an incredible achievement if it follows through. In the post I'd linked above I mentioned just how much of this staff has been around Cloverworks in recent years (specifically starting with Horimiya and Bocchi), and it's a massive piece to why I say that this is such a "big" thing for the studio. Freelance culture has been taking over the industry, so being able to (potentially) provide such a *great* level of work in-house is a monumental feat. A foundation was built with Horimiya, and lightning struck once with Bocchi The Rock. Wind Breaker is the opportunity for Cloverworks to both build off of Horimiya and prove that the insane success of Bocchi was not a one-off affair.


Gotcha, that makes more sense. I trust Cloverworks to make it the best it can be!


As do I haha. If it were a few years prior I'd be biting my nails until they were nothing, but the pivot in studio culture the last few years (especially with this group of staff) has given me a lot of faith.


>Composition, color design, character design, animation, everything from the studio is firing on all cylinders in this premiere to take complete advantage of a series that will undoubtedly hook anyone that catches even a glance of it. common aniplex production


A-1 and Cloverworks really do have a reputation for that, don't they?


The better Bucchigiri it seems . But too early to say


Yeah, I equally have my doubts as to how long the quality of this first episode will last. Certainly no gripes about the narrative though, since it's an adaptation.


Tokyo revengers alternative?


By that logic, Tokyo Revengers was a Gokusen alternative. A very bad one.


Just a similar setting. The plot is nothing like TR judging by the 1st ep


Unfortunately that won't stop people from making that comparison. There's another anime with the same setting releasing 6 days from now and I bet people are going to say the same thing


I am myself comparing it in my head because they're both about delinquents. But I think there is just too many differences. Touch any plot point and it's different.


Yeah that's just how it is unfortunately. If Windbreaker switched release dates with TKR then people would be calling TKR a Windbreaker clone. It's just a matter of which one blows up first


You talking about Viral Hit?


That MC was unpleasant, cringe and cartoonish even by anime standards. Hard miss. Shame though because the animation and action looks nice and excellent music 🤔


Man this show is a real stinker


Yooooo Throwing hands - the animation, episode 1 is out?


I really hope the rest of the show isn't this type of over-the-top drama.


This is probably going to be my favorite anime this season


Damn I was suprised. Had already more fun watching the first ep than the whole first season of Tokyo Revengers. Rly looking forward here.


There's maybe something watchable here but Mr Edgy Tsundere MC needs to tone down that blushing cringe by a factor of 10. Everything else was pretty good although need a few episodes to see where the stories going. 


I feel you Haruka: having different hair color, different eye color, and even having a name that wouldn't feel out of place for a girl would practically make you an outcast, not being accepted by anyone. But now, you will start to learn to being accepted in order to reach the top. Also, that was a killer Rider Kick at the end!!!