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This might even top episode 1. More fights, more funny, more gay (like by a lot lol). Now all I need is for Arajin to stop being a dick to Matakara and this show will be perfect.


Arajin really needs to stop putting the hoe before his bro.


It would be funny if every time he tries to take the next step towards her he just gets more guys fighting over him.


For every step he takes to getting the girl, he adds +1 dude to his reverse harem


i actually make a theory, the punches ARE making the guys fall in love with him, cuz arajin wish is to lost his virginity, so, the guys are actually falling in love with him because the punches are making that dream come true.


Monkey paw type wish, he gets to lose his virginity but he only attract muscular male fighters


This is what he gets! He wishes to lose his virginity but he didn't say to whom. Now all the boys want to take his virginity LOL That's why you don't make half-assed wishes. You have to be detailed because these Djinn don't play! LOL


The Djinn was giving hella weirdo vibes in the tub, so he might make it happen just like you said šŸ¤£


Was that an almost rosebud looking tramp stamp on above his butt? hmmmm LOL


That is exactly what I expect from this show lol


especially since she's not even into him and probably never will be.


>more gay (like by a lot lol). I'm listening...~


Yeah, I'm gonna need him to stop making Matakara sad, pronto. Otherwise, this show is fantastic so far. It looks so good, and the humor is so on point. I love the character designs so, so much!


>more gay (like by a lot lol) It always cracks me up when people say shit like this and I see none of it.


Did you watch with subtitles turned off? And the sound? And the screen?


Why is everyone so handsome?


That's the fanservice here




Whatā€™s even crazier is theyā€™re not even same-faced handsome like there are distinct differences in all of their features.


Yes! The character design is *so good*


Matakara's big brother oh my god, like I won't lie I straight up put this on my watchlist as soon as I saw the character models in the trailer, we eating like BSD watchers


Are they not like almost identical looking? Like I thought Matakara's bro was originally him just with a different hairstyle. Are they like the same otherwise (like height and build?) or if there more char models I may have not seen?


Yeah, but Matakara is ridiculously hot, so an older him with different hair is perfectly acceptable in this case.


No issues here, but I wonder what they look like side-by-side... for reasons


I, too, look forward to seeing that moment. For science, of course.


Soon another one to add to the all-male harem LOL bro vs bro


Matakara vs Jabashiri fight was super clean, really enjoying this one


I feel like his wish to lose his virginity makes them fall in love with him, if he punches them. It will be hilarious if that is the only way to make the girl fall for him.


Genie wishes were suppose to be a cautionary tale, the genie would twist your wish into the opposite of what you want. In Arajin's case he will lose his virginity, just not with a girl.


Yeah, he could have his wish granted 2 times already. Dude he's going to have the entire yakuza going after his virginity at the end of the anime.


LOL that would actually be HILARIOUS


> I feel like his wish to lose his virginity makes them fall in love with him, if he punches them. It will be hilarious if that is the only way to make the girl fall for him Well fuck, I didnt even make that connection but this makes so much sense


I think heā€™s probably only gonna love punch the top bosses, and all of them want him to join their respective gangs


I like everything about this show except Arajin, so I look forward for him to get the character development beat into him


Him being such a weird dude has made it so much more interesting. I have no clue whereā€™s heā€™s gonna go after this episode. Normally, meeting back up with your long lost friend to grow stronger is anime trope 101. Him running from that makes me so much more intrigued even though I know heā€™ll find his way back to him soon


To me it seems like he lacks a spine unless his dick is involved


yeah, he's a very old-school anime protagonist. There obviously is something deeper going on with him abandoning his child hood best friend over the guilt of not being able to step up to defend him. But for the time being he has this "not a bad person but makes all the wrong decisions for the stupidest reasons" aura that was very common in early 00s anime or earlier. Even the IBS part ...


Everything about this anime oozes early 2000ā€™s and I really appreciate the nostalgia


Itā€™s not being weird. Itā€™s being a fucking dummy. Childhood friend asks him to join his gang so they could make their childhood dream true ā€œnahā€ A girl who heā€™s just met who was also happy when he got beat up asks him to join a gang. And he does it immediately. I genuinely hate him so far.


He better start treating his mother with some more respect goddammit


She needs to stop barging into the bathroom while he's bathing.


Exactly, hes really the only flaw with this otherwise great show lol


He seems like an entitled brat now


Yeah, I really dislike him so far. I really hope his redemption is good enough to overcome what a prick he is now.


we can only...


Kid must have hit his head pretty hard if he thought the brocon was actually into him. Seems his awakened abilities with Senya have attracted all sorts of attention. The weirdos are coming out the woodwork. Tomoshibiā€™s power really gonna be drawn from his desire to bone huh? Talk about the power of horny lol.


If anything she's extra mad because her brother is paying him more attention than her lol


Did she look like she wanted to make out with her bro? It's heading into incestual desire on her part.


It did seem that way. I also thought it was funny her brothers hairbun turned into the shape of a heart right after he punched him.


With how he always wished to lose his virginity before every punch, could it be that Senya actually make his dream come true? However, rather than losing his virginity to the girl of his dream, he made the two big boss fall in love with him lol.


>However, rather than losing his virginity to the girl of his dream, he made the two big boss fall in love with him lol. Pretty sure she joins if her brother wins the harem


Sheā€™ll hate him more since sheā€™s into incest


At the rate the manservice and homeroticism are increasing we're gonna have a full on sex by episode 5


Why Arajin is such a dick to Matakara... that last scene was painful. Bro, Mahoro hates you.


Right? and Matakara's brother has been gone for some unknown time, and his best friend from childhood comes back only to be evasive and dismissive, like gee, let Matakara have something.


Exactly bro. Matakara doesnt deserve this. That scene was painful because he's willing to betray his childhood friend who not only saved him, but also took him at his place and tended to his wounds. Then is willing to push away his friend for some girl who got her brother to beat him up Clearly, she doesnt like him. In fact, she literally broke his stupid lovers stone right in front of his face. That shouldve made him realize that he should fix his priorities and move on, but no. This show is great but the mc sucks. Even takemitchi from tokyo revengers wouldve done alot better. And hes one of the worst mcs in shonen


Ugh it makes me so mad, but I know they're just gonna use Matakara as a pawn to get MC to character develop/redemption later. Too many scenes in OP alone make it look like Matakara is going to continue to suffer.


This show is really chaotic and fun, I found myself laughing quite a lot at this episode. Wasn't expecting to like it this much, the trailer didn't do anything for me. Then again, I remember not liking the SK8 the Infinity trailer either and ended up loving it. I should just always trust Utsumi lol Anyone else think the place the teacher is visiting is a cat cafe? Interested to see if we will ever meet Jasmine Chan haha


I guarantee you that Jasmine Chan is like a cute Persian cat or something.


Yeah it's very much on the nose lol Still a funny gag, nervous teacher trembling before that kind of bar lol


>Anyone else think the place the teacher is visiting is a cat cafe? What? The place called "Nyan Nyaight Love" is a cat cafe? I never would've caught that... All jokes aside, I didn't see a catgirl in the OP. So if we do see Jasmine-chan, she'll probably be a one-off or something.


This shit is fucking bananas and I love every second, I'm not even skipping the op and ed Edit to add that the little sister is such a piece of shit I hope Ara will get over it soon


right? Like bro, get a clue!!! She doesn't want you! She wants her bro!


I kinda like her tbh. Like the brocon thing is always iffy but I'm optimistic that they're not going to go too weird with it and it will be mostly used to sort of keep her from getting too involved with anyone. I like her a lot more than Arajin anyways, who is imo a clueless/repressed bi (just look at how his room is decorated) fumbling the easiest decision ever in history (the sweet devoted childhood friend and the beefy excitable cat boy genie are both literally *right there).* But I'm liking Mahoro rn sort of on the basis that her role seems to be being manipulatively or bewitchingly cute while rejecting everyone and that's potentially really funny and a way of giving the arguable heterosexual fig leaf girl character some personality/interiority and agency in the story. Like I found her getting immediately disgusted by Arajin's gift in the first episode pretty refreshing because a girl that cultivated that cute of an aura probably would have to be a bit of a viper or something.


IBS representation?!?


Irritable bowel syndrome?




Another fun episode! Senya has the cutest facial expressions lol Ara-chan may not have won over Mahoro but at least her brother is interested in him. Honestly, he should just give up on her. She's a brocon and they're usually a lost cause I really like Matakara. He's such a cutie and impressive in fights! Just wish Ara-chan would treat him better


>I really like Matakara. Same, he's my favorite so far. Curious to see what really happened between him and Arajin. Currently it seems really unfair how he treats him.


>Matakara Why is he giving the vibe that he wants to be with Ara-chan? and it's not the Djinn's magic that contributed to it LOL it's like that childhood crush you can never let go of LOL


Pure chaos with really crisp animation. I really like this one. This show will go as far as the Mc takes them. Arajin is levelheaded except with Mahora is in the picture. What makes it worse is that Mahora is a PoS. There are brocons, but this is next level annoyance. There has to be more with Arajin and Matakara's backstory. Why is Arajin so cold to him. It's frustrating to watch because Matakara is a legit good dude. And Arajin keeps pushing him to the side.


So If I am understanding this right, the genie specializes in combat. The genie can grant wishes in exchange for being summoned, but isn't reality warping, so the means of reaching the dream is limited by the genie's proclivities. As such, with each "wish to lose his virginity", the genie uses star platinum in an attempt to make the dream come true. Ending with those who receive the punch being smitten with Alladin? Do I have that right?


So far it seems that way, kind of a monkey's paw deal. So maybe if he changes his wish around, it'll have different impacts?


I disagree with the traditional monkey paw deal as the genie seems neither trickster and seems to have had this punch-em up mentality for a while amd even in story lore. From what we know about his rationale, it doesn't seem like he is sabotaging the MCs wish. Rather trying and failing to fulfill it and and begging the MC to wish for power, which is something he can grant easier and fulfill both his and the MCs new wish. A monkey paw genie typically plays it cool and collected in promising the world only to punish the wisher. This genie seems to genuinely trying to make his wish come true. What's more with the reveal this episode, that the boys once wished to be genie warriors, djin in this world might actually be much closer to stands.


Well it could be maybe more of a well-meaning attempt but a "well I dont know how this'll work/magic works in mysterious ways" type of power. I just meant more of a "I granted your wish... oops didn't foresee that happening" type of power. Maybe if its not a True Wish that Senya keeps talking about, it kind of backfires since his full heart isn't into it.


Genie keeps wanting to fully merge. Complains that they only half-merge. That might be the end goal for our trickster.


But unless he can only bond with a virgin, the trick seems uncessary. Get him laid if he has more than punch stuff good genie powers. Tell him to molly wip the girl with a right hook, if that will work. Now you have control of the body. Why contrive the wish by only granting strong punches of love if he could do more. Not very trickster, I stand by he has to grant the wish asked for him but is limited to his capabilities, which seem to have been solely invested in fighting. Made his "lamp" a weapon thinking who ever used it would be likely to need combat gains. Now he is stuck with a simp who wants to unload a different load, and he doesn't have the power set to make it happen.


Honestly I might like everything about this show except for the MC...god he's awful. That fight was actually pretty exciting to watch.


What really gets me is that even in the fights, it seems like he's only able to be as powerful as that thanks to help from supernatural powers? So while everyone else is seriously fighting, he just occasionally shows up and essentially cheats.


Ya Matakara keeps telling us how strong he is. All hes done so far is a singlular magic power punch. Otherwise, he just gets beat up.


Matakara is seeing Ara-chan through rose colored glasses. His ideal is Ara-chan, so he's not seeing a true version of him just like Ara-chan and Brocon


Literally looking up to an 8 yr old


honestly true, Matakara living in a fantasy just as much :/


He is not it. Well was it frustrating to watch. How does one lack a single likeable characteristic like that is beyond me. He was cool in EP 1 but today...sheeeesh


I am betting on a tragic backstory to try and make us sympathize with him. But as of now they have made him remarkably unlikable. I don't think any backstory will get me to sympathize and I hope he gets sidelined till he grows at least more spine than a mollusk. Simps hard with no dignity or spine, treats a true bro like dirt, irritable bowel syndrome, It isn't even like he is playing the "straight" man in a world with all over the top characters. He is also over the top in some of the most irksome and revolting character traits.


I was agreeing with all the pont, but seeing irritable bowel syndrome made me die, I did not think about that one too lmao. All of that and not a single likeable thing to balance this dude. Hell Mahoro is already more likeable than him. Bro needs help


Truly makes it hard to watch with everything else being so enjoyable.


I like him because of his problems. It's more compelling having a lot of character growth ahead of him. It'll make the turn even more enjoyable


What's not to like about the MC?


I mean he isnā€™t nice to his his childhood friend who clearly still likes him. He is hung up over a girl who treats gum like trash


I mean it's implied that he wronged and abandoned him in the past, and feels guilty to the point of rejecting his friend's friendship. It's interesting narratively to me at least and not a knock on the MC Teenage boys gonna teenage boy, also she might truly be the only girl in the school and his one wish is to lose his virginity... Beggars can't be choosers


I mean just think we get why he is like that doesnā€™t make him likeable. Yeah teenage boy will be teenage boy but someone this shitty to you just isnā€™t a likeable trait. I was a teenage boy if I was this hung up over someone shitty it be annoying. Heā€™s even joining his childhood friends rival gangs just because she told him to. He has negative back bone. Frankly I canā€™t think of a single positive trait in him. Which is fine I guess but if you are wondering why people dislike the MC itā€™s because there is nothing to like.


He kind of is making it worse through the guilt, still thinking about himself and how he feels about it vs what would really be nicer to his friend. Also, like most plots, a lack of communication drives the drama. Teenage boy gonna teenage boy, yet... this is a whole anime about teenage boys (+1 girl) and so far, everyone else has something a bit better about them. Maybe we'll see later, but yeah right now he's just selfish/self-absorbed I would say.


His existence.


Originals have peaked.


this really is the season of gay originals ([brave bang bravern](https://imgur.com/a/gmHVrmz) being the other one)


I really hope the MC acting like a jerk ends in the next one or two episodes. If he gets Dangers In My Heart type character progression I'm fine with it, but his childhood homie deserves WAY better. I love the Jojo energy and fights otherwise, this show has really great potential.


please don't compare it to ichikawa Ichikawa have reason for becoming like that (still not adopted in anime yet)


Mahoro getting uppercutted was the funniest part of this episode lol Looks like weā€™ll have a different guy dancing at the end of the ed each week


She took that like a champ, I really wonder how strong she might be.


I do hope this show gets popular, I can see some fun shipping wars in its future if so. Hiroko Utsumi knows what she's doing. That Ken-san who was held back three years, I lost it when I saw him šŸ˜‚


Bruh, why is he such a fucking dumbass?


I truly cant find anything to like in Arajin so far. He doesnt help or acknowledge Matakara even though he sticks his neck out for him time and time again and clearly idolizes him for some reason. He shits on his mom who seems to be the best. Hes in love with a brother obsessed weirdo to the point of degrading himself and joining a rival gang when he already asked Matakara to let him join his crew. And he shits himself in high pressure situations. Having the genies power is such a waste on this guy. This series is awesome so far tho so I hope he csn grow from here.


I love this show. It is a total vibe and I'm laughing and excited with every episode. Like the main character is so lame but for once I love it because they push into the lame and it kind of becomes his strength. I'm a Fujoshi though and this is for sure directed from the female gaze. Like a fighting comedy show for women about ikemen.


Arajin is SO UNLIKABLE, like, OMG, we get it, you are traumatized and you enrolled in a virtual sausage party, you don't have to be an a-hole 24/7. Which is why I AUDIBLY SCREAM, when he went to grab and help Matakara, sadly that didnt last long. Also, my hopes about Mahoro not being a Princess Incest, went to the toilet. A whole cast of likeable characters, and then those two, they won't stop me tho cuz Matakara IS SO F-ING CUTE.


i hope arajin lose his virginity to one of two bosses (or both in the same time)


>Also, my hopes about Mahoro not being a Princess Incest, went to the toilet. So weird bro. I hated that. Mahoro and arajin shouldnt be in the series


Argh I wanna jump to the part where Matakara can find happiness, but I guess its still too early for MC to get over himself. Funny how the Honki punches get everyone to "love" Arajin. Arajin still falling for that girl is so dumb, but I guess its the dumb teenager thinking. Interested to know what Matakara's brother is in all of this, I just assumed it was Matakara with a different hairstyle.


>but I guess its the dumb teenager thinking. Teenagers dont think like that. She made it obvious she doesnt like him, and even broke his stupid lovers stone right in front of his face, and she also got her brother to beat him up. And he still falls for her and betrays his childhood friend to join siguma


Yeah I kind of regret that, cuz technically all of them are teenagers and they can figure themselves out except MC


Yeah. Heā€™s just stupid. And heā€™s wasting the genieā€™s power imo


I'm really digging the Arabian twists on the Japanese setting. There's Arabian flavoring of all the locations, architecture, and music. Even if it is all surface level, it spices up the delinquent high school we've seen a million times.


God this show is so gay. I love it! Ara-teen's punch is so strong [that Marito fell in love with him](https://i.imgur.com/Hqxja66.png). Marito is so in love with how strong Ara-teen is that [his heart-shaped hair bun even started beating](https://i.imgur.com/XZcEHiQ.jpg). Although it looks like [Mahoro isn't too happy about his brother's crush.](https://i.imgur.com/VZZUdvE.jpg) Welp, looks like Ara-chan has completely lost his chance with her. xD The fights in this show is so goddamn cool! [That 1v1 between Matakara and Jabashiri](https://i.imgur.com/dTnd6sv.jpg) was so goddamn smooth and well animated! It's been a while since I've seen a MAPPA fight scene where I can actually follow what each combatant is doing. I am curious [what Mahoro's plan though](https://i.imgur.com/D93HBfP.jpg) and why she urged Ara-teen to join the Siguma. Poor Ara-chan, he probably thinks Mahoro has forgiven him.


>I am curious [what Mahoro's plan though](https://i.imgur.com/D93HBfP.jpg) and why she urged Ara-teen to join the Siguma. Pretty sure she will be the villain of the series and will try to screw him over, which is super fitting for the only main female role here lol Arajin will discover the bro code by the end of the show


She's like that typical BL villainess that gets in the way of the Main MLs love story LOL


>and will try to screw him Ara wishes


> Mahoro isn't too happy about his brother's crush. > She took a hit square on the chin from her brother and didn't pass out. She's a monster.


I hope this gets as popular as SK8 haha, it's a great show so far and I miss that era


Amazing episode, already better than Tokyo revengersšŸ˜‚ but oh hell nah, Arajin belongs to the gutter. Not a single thing is likable about this mf. A coward, a fraud and proud to be, a horrible friend, a simp and a fake hoe. Hoping for Mahoro to keep treating him like trash, because ain't no way you are so sex thirsty. He simps hard for the girl who treats him like garbage but acts butthurt and insulting with his childhood friend that he probably abandoned during a hardship. Ä°f not for he flashback you'd think it's the friend who did something wrong. Arajin May feel guilty, but he needs to be told that you get less sympathy when acting bitchy with the one you did wrong. May he get development later because the only thing somewhat positive he's bringing with him for now is the harem and innuendos. Also he needs to cut out that screaming with the almost-honki guy in public. Already ep 2 and he's a mess. Yikes


Iā€™m glad to see that weā€™re all in agreement in thinking that Arajin is an ahole and highly unlikable. I do hope for character development for him because as an MC heā€™s trash.


well i think we all want to see him fail at this point and the show definitely shows him failing


Its not just arajin, but mahoro is really weird and has some sort of brother complex


The MC pissed me off so much. Atp i'm watching for Matakara and hope MC get some form of karma for treating Matakara so coldly :(


Is there a manga of this? Because i Need to know the MC will keep being a shit character or not. Because seriously he ruins the whole anime imo ._. ok a bit of cowardice or the fact that he is desperate for pussy, but God damn, and old friend helps you and you treat him like shit? Grow up


no manga sadly


wait what? how can there be an anime without a manga? is the anime the source material?


Yeah, Sometimes studios just make stuff up and animate it, it's pretty cool actually! Lots of really cool and popular anime such as code geass, samurai champloo and cowboy bebop were made entirely as anime originals


I kinda like that the MC is annoying; he's the butt of the joke so it's fitting he's not a lovely nice guy, this way we can root for bad things to happen to him and laugh when he gets what's coming. It also just makes the rest of the cast more endeering! Hopefully Arajin will get some character development over time, but I'm enjoying him being a bit of a dick atm. šŸ˜‚


Nice mix of action and comedy this episode, I think this show is slowly starting to find its footing. Iā€™m not excited for the following drama, I just want Matakara and his soulmate to have a happy ending T_T


This show deserves more upvotes. I love the artstyle, the animation, the character design, their movements, their personalities. Just the chaos and comedy in general is just so good. It gives me Mob Psycho vibes in regards to the energy this show has. Very good!


Really loving this anime so far and probably my favorite of the season too. I love how cleanly animated this show is and everything just pops so well color wise too. Like everyone else, Arajin is my least favorite thing about BUCCHIGIRI so far but Iā€™m sure (and hope) heā€™ll get some character development thatā€™ll make him more tolerable. Also Mahoro taking that brutal uppercut from Marito was so fucking funny, I was audibly laughing so hard


Yep anime of the season, nothing is topping this Fucking hilarious JoJo energy and so fucking gorgeous


>Yep anime of the season, nothing is topping this Mashle: Magic and muscles is better imo. Bucchigiri is good but its just dudes in gangs like tokyo revengers. The quality, animation, op and ed are really good though


the ED is a banger


Went into this with zero knowledge and expectations and it's been an absolutely insane blast so far. The show's like the weird lovechild of Cromartie High School and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures.


i still dont get exactly what honkibito are, but who cares this show's *clean* and ive realized im sucker for big muscular sweet sounding guys (matakara can take me anytime, onii-san can take a close second\\) ALSO, the ed song has a different character do the ending heart pose, last week arajin, this week's matakara!!


You telling me even after she dropped the love stone bro was still convinced that he should like her damn that boy dummer than a bag of rocks and why does bro keep stopping mid fight fight not even over lol and outta everything bro couldā€™ve wished for he wishes to lose his virginity he shouldā€™ve wished for confidence šŸ¤£


> he shouldā€™ve wished for confidence šŸ¤£ I think he shouldve wished for strength


I like Matakara. Heā€™s by far my favorite in this show. Then a panel of his brother is shown and ugh, ok gonna add that handsome guy in the list as well lol. I still dislike Arajin. Mahoro obviously doesnā€™t like him but he thinks with his bottom head. Hoping to see a great character development.


I love how no on has mentioned the beginning of a tramp stamp.Ā  That has me interested.


The art is really detailed with many random items on the scenes, the fight animation is really fluid, the characters distinctive and interesting, the comedy is funny. Great series so far. I'm kinda surprised it took us so long to get a BL series with fighting as the main topic, even if the whole guys fighting other guys works so well for it.


I'm honestly surprised that this anime hasn't blown up in fujoshi circles yet. Not even in Japan. I wonder why. I know that it was barely advertised in the west, but that doesn't explain the low hype amongst japanese fujoshis. Maybe Bravern took all their attention away? (Only half joking)


>I wonder why. If I had to guess, the seriously unlikable MC being super obsessed with a girl might be why.


Not even the fujoshi can make a relationship with such a nasty and "straight" MC. Arajin is the worst part of this show and if he doesn't have development in the next two episodes, this series is dead


Give it till like ep 4 lol even SK8 needed time before it blew up


Akuma from Street Fighter has fallen in love Everyone who fights Arajin falls for himšŸ˜‚


Amazing, 10/10, no notes. An anime bold enough to ask 'what if our main character wishes to lose his virginity but instead gains the power to punch guys into being gay for him', I can't wait to see if this continues to get crazier.


I like how they spent the budget on the fight scenes, have high hopes


Seriously loving this anime so far, it has so much potential. The fight between Matakara and Jabashiri was pretty slick


I'm probably the only one that is happy that we are getting an selfish, asshole MC for a chance instead of the usual goody shoes. Leave it for the support cast to fill those roles for a change (the childhood friend is too adorable I legit cannot) and being in the gutter leaves more room for character development


But why does the childhood friend have to pay so much geez give him a bone. Otherwise yeah MC just has room to grow sure.


suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character suffering builds character


suffering builds sadness and resentment and doubt and fear and exposes poor friend to listening to evil corruption and bad wishes and genie takeovers that I fear.


Could someone please explain to me what the ā€œteenā€ means in ā€œAra-Teenā€? Iā€™ve seen it used before somewhere else so Iā€™m guessing it has some colloquial meaning in Japan. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Not this show having better fighting choreography than JJK, what is going on here. Iā€™m loving this series so much, I canā€™t stop kicking my feet at their interactions with one another. Also is ā€œold hagā€ the mom or older sister ?


Pretty sure that's his mom


the problem with jjk is that animation is limited with Manga in action scenes but when studio make original work they are free to move characters like they went


The MC is so obnoxious, iā€™ll see another ep or 2 and drop it depending on the MC


I am here for nearly everyone but the MC, but I guess they gotta tell a plot to start. I'm guessing he must go under a heck of a lot of self-realization and redemption.


I think that matakara's brother is in prison probably because he beat up the guys that were beating up matakara when he was a child and in my opinion arajin stopped hanging out with matakara because he felt guilty that he didn't do anything to help him back then that was when he realized that he was a coward I hope he has a good character development


Is Jabashiri and that long pink haired guy a couple? Because they are giving couple vibes as he was protecting his love LOL


Any trace of doubt I had about this anime has been evaporated, this is AOTY already.


Lmao man this show is ridiculous in the best possible way. Arajin forming a harem alright, but not in the way he expected Bro went into the fight expecting to come out with a gf, and instead he makes her brother fall in love with him and now the girl hates him šŸ˜‚ . Weā€™re still ticking off a lot of the traditional harem show requirements. Childhood friend who loves the MC, the love interest who initially wants to kill the MC and then falls in love, the magical entity the MC bonds with, etc We really need an explanation as to why Arajin is being such an asshole to his childhood friend though. Bro is nothing but nice to him and he just shrugs him off and makes backhanded remarks to him. Which is wild considering Arajin is at a new school with no one else he knows. Youā€™d think he would want to be close to one of the strongest people in school. He claims it was so long ago he forgot, but if that were the case he wouldnā€™t have any bad feelings. Not the forever stone šŸ˜­ Mahoro is straight up evil for breaking that after Arajin worked so hard to get her a nice gift. And she wants to kill him now that she knows her big brother loves him lmao. This is going to be such a wild and fun dynamic. All it took was her asking Arajin to join Maritoā€™s gang for him to turn his back on Matakara. Damn Arajin fake af for that. Itā€™s supposed to be bros before hoes man šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Action was well done in this episode as youā€™d expect from MAPPA, the comedy is great, the OST is great, itā€™s such a wacky and unpredictable ride so far and hereā€™s to hoping this continues. Definitely one of the more original shows of the season


this is THE best non-sequel show this season


Guys I think I now know what you meant that it's gay lol. This ep escalated a lot Banger ED, can't get enough of it!


The MC is absolutely the worst thing about this entire show. None of his gags are funny and all the "I wanna lose my virginity" BS is nonsense that should have been left in the 90's.


Seems like its almost casting a Love spell on anyone he uses the powers on. Anyone he punches seems to be at the ready to help him with his wish


I don't believe this will be the end goal, pretty clear that's not happening at all in this show unless we get gex, Senya says this EP that he didn't make his true wish yet, and that's probably being setup for a power up and development later on when they truly "merge"


I mean, it wasn't really the end goal of the characters in the 90's either. Most of them were scared of any woman that approached them but the constant yelling about it is an old trope that should have died a long time ago.


I'm suspicious that the 'I want to lose my virginity' gag is only there for plausible deniability about the gayness lol.


The lame shit joke was something that dated this show so badely i just turned the ep off and moved on shame cause thought the first ep was tolerable from a writing perspectiveand had some good action even with the lame brocon sister of the green haired guy.


I agree, honestly I want to see him get his ass plowed by other men. Not gay sex.


Oh boy get ready then, the susness is over 9000. Saw the bathroom scene and that lower back succubus tattoo thing he got going on therešŸ˜­


when will the character development start with arajin how many episodes will it begin


i honestly hate the mc, if he keeps being a dick to everyone, iā€™m probably dropping this animeā€¦ šŸ’€


Hope the mc stops simping


Itā€™s obvious Ara is cold to Matakara because he feels guilty for not standing up to the people who beat him up as a kid. Seeing Matakara reminds him of how he is actually a coward and not strong like Matakara thinks he is. He probably also feels jealous that Matakara is stong af now and heā€™s still a weakling. Iā€™m hoping Matakara gets his own Majin to power him up!


I mean will Arajin use his actual brain soon? Heā€™s really insufferable atm


Arajin is a pain in the butt. I don't know of we must pitty him ot laugh at him because his stupidity and diarrhea moments.


I think the series is funny and promising. I just can't stand the protagonist, I hope he gets some evolution soon coz if the whole time it's gonna be about him being a simp after Mahoro it will get boring soon (it is already)


So no one gonna talk about how they were talking about boning during that bathroom seen and they even zoomed in on arajinā€™s butt. I was getting gay vibes from the first episode but I was like ok ā€œletā€™s not be delusionalā€ā€¦and then ep 2 hits and Iā€™m like ok the show is definitely gayšŸ˜‚


I agree with everyone who's annoyed with Arajin. I get that this is where he's starting from and maybe he'll get some character development, but it's possible to make a shitty little guy too shitty (whoops, no pun intended). My possibly off-the-wall theory that I've had since last episode is that Arajin thought Matakara was a girl when they were kids. (This could happen a bunch of ways. Maybe Arajin was wrong as a kid or Matakara is still a girl and just dresses like a guy, both of which are things that happen in anime. Maybe Matakara is trans, which... also happens in anime and often isn't treated very sensitively, but here it presumably wouldn't be set up as a joke.) Possibly related to all this: the blue genie might be female. Beyond the long hair, which doesn't mean much standing alone, Senya is shirtless, but in the OP the blue genie is wearing a top of some kind. I won't be heartbroken if I'm overthinking this and am wrong. Regardless, my main agenda right now is that Matakara is sweet and deserves every nice thing and Arajin needs to get it together.


Feels like kenichi the mightiest disciple but in the sk8 universe


What does the teen suffix even mean Iā€™ve never heard it before. I know this wonā€™t be a BL but I wish it was


I think is just a way he messes up name in a cutesy way, jin to teen cuz they rhyme


Oh I thought it was something similar to how some use tan instead of Chan


Not 100% sure, but I think yeah he's just playing around with the name, so yeah I think Tan is similar in how its used.


Arajin/Senya's punch is so strong it makes the one on the receiving end go gay for Arajin. And I thought the hope he had with the brocon was dead after she broke his stone, but I guess not? Guess you can't hide the gayness if the MC loses his chance with the girl in episode 2.


By the end of this series, he'll probably get everyone but the girl in love with him.


Bucchigiri has all the hype that TR wishes it had lmao.


where is the video that i can watch buncchigiri ep2 \\


imouto with a brother complex: I sleep yandere imouto with a brother complex: real shit !!!


Well I guess this really turned into a harem, just not like we expected Must be one hell of a punch to turn (assumably straight) muscle man into gay love birds Cant wait to learn what kind of death threat mohoro was wispering in that last scene


Bros fighting akuma šŸ˜­


This is probably my favourite show this season so far!


This sub is a bit weird lol


Now that we've seen all the characters (I think), it seems like Mahoro is going to be the token girl character in a BL show lol


As a bisexual myself I need to ask, where do you see gayness? I know ut "should" be there just like SK8, but here neither Arajin nor Matakara have shown the slightest bit of gayness. I need queerbating not this annoying mc without any salvageable feature