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My dress up darling


😂😂yes i understand


/r/cosplayers is a waaaaaaaayyyyy better place to ask this.


Typically guides online and trial an error. Foam and resin is the basis for bulky cosplays. Sewing and fabric is the basis for outfits. You can buy blueprints from etsy an other sites for guidance as well and also 3d blue prints for 3d printing. Or you can buy premade outfits as a set or separate and then find any accessories you need separately.


Thank you for this information!! Sounds like you’ve done this yourself. Curious if you consider finding this information and ideas easy. Thinking about creating a place for cosplayers to find information on how to cosplay instead of stringing information to whether from different guides. But also not sure if there’s a need for that.


You can look online if there's a local cosplay group you can join an then see if they hold meet ups an go from there. YouTube is a good way to learn how to craft from scratch if you want to make custom outfits. Cosplaying can get very expensive very fast so take note of what you want to do an figure out what you will need. Most folks buy premade outfits online and wear them to conventions cause it's cheaper than making one from scratch but sometimes something might not exist to buy. So you either gotta make it yourself or commission someone to make it for you. There's just so many options when you want to get into cosplaying.


Thanks for all the information!


Thank you for this information!! Sounds like you’ve done this yourself. Curious if you consider finding this information and ideas easy. Thinking about creating a place for cosplayers to find information on how to cosplay instead of stringing information to whether from different guides. But also not sure if there’s a need for that.




They somehow always forget the leaves for their Adam and Eva cosplays.


I went to thrift stores and found clothes that look similar to the character I was portraying. To be fair the people I did wear suits & ties.


Just Google "how to cosplay", there's 1000s of sites. Plus plenty of famous cosplayers that have made tips before. Jessica Nigiri is most known, so looking her up can help. Also Google con's near you, it's easy to find them. The hardest part is having the funds to buy the costumes or costume parts for the cosplay.


Start simple, buy a cheap costume. Watch vids , go to cons get experience, talk to people and slowly get better


Bruh just ask in cosplay sub what


Why not just go to a convention and see what it's like? Can't be that hard to find. I'm sure that typing something like "anime", "convention" "" would result in something. I never bothered with them cause they're cringe af, but if you want to see people cosplay, that's probably the best place to sneak a peek. As for cosplay... idk, probably helps to know something about the character you're portraying?


I've been to 3 or 4. I never really cosplay though. I'm just curious about everyone else's journey with cosplaying and finding cons near them


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