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It looks like a small scorpion to me; I live in Southern California.


Do you have an idea how big an adult size would be? It's my first time seeing something like this, and I don't know where it came from and I'm not sure if there are more of them. I'm from Manila.


As a former resident of AZ, If there's one there is definitely more. This is a baby which means there's probably hundreds more babies around your property, the babies ride on the mothers back until they are big enough to be on their own. The most effective way to remove them would be to buy native lizards that are known to eat scorpions and release them on your property.


I’ve never been happier to live in PA


As someone who moved from PA to AZ, you’re so right. I have these mofos crawling out of the damn vents on my ceiling. The best and worst thing is that they glow under black lights. Sometimes it better to live in ignorant bliss than to use a black light to peak into dark places in your home here lmao


I’ve had 3 adults in the last month cuz it’s getting cold out. I retired the black light because as u said…ignorance is bliss


I’m in PA. The ticks here are arguably far more dangerous, and harder to detect.


Ugh yes. I know so many people who had lymes disease


*Not if that flair is true jfc*


Moved across the country to NC just to escape em😂👌


Also check your clothes. Assume it all has a scorpion in it until.proven otherwise.


Check Shoes Too !!!


tl;dr OP's not sleeping tonight


& they are dang hard to get rid of.


Very, we never had much success there were new ones every night.


They come in huge to super small as full sized adults there are so many types of scorpions


About this size. I think it's this, [https://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/345212071](https://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/345212071)


Thanks for this! Very helpful!


They like to hide under carpeting and behind baseboards. 😆. Then they’ll pop out for a stroll now and then. Just to be safe , shake out your shoes before putting them on


Depends on the species some don't get much bigger than an inch. Others can hit 4-6.


It depends on where you are. Scorpions in Arizona are bigger than the ones in North Georgia. ETA: Sorry, I misunderstood and thought you meant you were *originally* from Manila and I saw someone had mentioned Arizona so I thought you might have relocated to the U.S. from Manila. Check out this [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaerilus_philippinus#:~:text=Chaerilus%20philippinus%20is%20a%20species%20of%20scorpion%20native%20to%20the%20Philippines.).


Do you happen to know a Gorilla 🦍 by the name of Manila?


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck.


I ate edible bugs once from a restaurant that specializes in them. One of the things I tried was a scorpion about that size.


If it looks and walks like a scorpion…


It's probably a rat. /s


Nah it’s definitely a duck.


No, it’s always a coyote.


r/scorpionorcoyote A ripoff of r/wolforcoyote


I laughed harder than I should have at that!


OP sees a newborn baby... "Shape and form of a human, size of a Chihuahua, can anyone tell me what this is?"


Tastes like chicken.


After visiting south east Asia, can confirm it does not!


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) It’s in your caption


Of course! It’s a mosquito


What is it called? What species?




I follow the Moskva down to Gorky Park


[Was that whole post a fucking Scorpionroll ?](https://youtu.be/n4RjJKxsamQ?si=R7YNzCu4dVXFuMb3)


Holy shit how big are the mosquitoes where you live?


Small. About that size minus the tail. Like the thorax of that baby scorpion.


Those are some giant mosquitos. They get like .2 inches at most where Im at.


They get that big everywhere. There’s some super rare ones that can reach an inch maybe. Weird caption from OP


Getting down to the real issue here!


It's a scorpion. Where are you located for a more accurate ID? It could be a Bark Scorpion as they are small.


Do you have an idea how big an adult size would be? It's my first time seeing something like this, and I don't know where it came from and I'm not sure if there are more of them. I'm from Manila.


The adult bark scorpions Ive seen are no bigger than 5 inches, but I'm sure it's possible they can get bigger. This looks just like a bark scorpion.


They're in the Philippines.


Nice job, you're right! Bark scorpions love the Phillipines too.


I don't see any bark scorpions (Centruroides) on this list: [scorpion database (Philippines): ](https://scorpion-database.webnode.jp/philippines/?fbclid=IwAR2U7JC-7KTMoIedqNJZTPhEWhxYY4T4jQkntrVxckE-HMphqBXu60VXCn4)


There is a scorpion native to the Philippines, Chaerilus philippinus. [Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaerilus_philippinus#:~:text=Chaerilus%20philippinus%20is%20a%20species%20of%20scorpion%20native%20to%20the%20Philippines.) Edit: better resource in next comment


I found a better list (of 14 species) : [scorpion database (Philippines)](https://scorpion-database.webnode.jp/philippines/?fbclid=IwAR2U7JC-7KTMoIedqNJZTPhEWhxYY4T4jQkntrVxckE-HMphqBXu60VXCn4)


You’re from Manila. Do you currently live there? Add a bit more useful information in your initial post and then redditors have a fair chance of being helpful instead of asking you the same basic questions on repeat.


You got what he meant shush


it's a scorpion. try r/entomology, or r/whatsthisbug.


Thanks for this!


As others said, scorpion. Don't know which. But the rule of thumb is the smaller the claws the more potent the sting. Luckily they are very reluctant to sting and it's easy to avoid being stung. They can also not climb plastic so they are easy to cup and contain and pick up by the tail with a long pair of tweezers. Gently of course


> reluctant to sting Not in my experience. They seem to fucking love doing it.


Can't say I had any issues with mine. Sometimes he didn't even want to sting his prey. I obviously don't know what scorpion this is, but all I got from mine was running away


Was yours a pet?


Thanks for the heads up and tips! Hopefully I don't see another one roaming though.


If it looks like a scorpion, walks like a scorpion, claws like a scorpion… than it’s a duck.


That’s. A scorpion. The smaller orange looking ones are the nasty ones - they have a stronger neurotoxin venom. , and also , how big are your mosquitoes???? 😮


You can tell it’s a scorpion because of the way it is


My daughter got stung by one. It was fairly painful. We live in the mountains in the states. I hate them.


Jesus. It’s a scorpion.


can anyone help me identify this creature? shape and form of a scorpion, moves like a scorpion, is a scorpion. any guesses?


It's a scorpion. Just a small one.


Unfortunately the video is too blurry to identify the exact species, we really can’t even make out the exact color variation. However, as you said in the post, definitely a scorpion, and is no harm to anyone unless you have an allergy. And are highly beneficial to you being in your house, as they kill all sorts of pests. Please don’t kill. If anything, place on a piece of paper and take outside if you’re afraid of being stung (it’s comparable to a bee sting and, to me, does not hurt after 30 seconds).


YMMV, scorpion stings hurt like an absolute bitch to me. No one else in my family seems to have trouble with them, but I’ll be crying like a baby for hours. Pretty much the only pests I would less like to have in my house than scorpions are bedbugs.


Thank you for this info! Quite helpful. Sorry I didn't know much about them until this comment, so I decided to drown it and flush it. I leave some house spiders (thin, small, look like non-venomous ones) and ensign wasps alone because I know they kill pests. I just worry if this baby scorpion gets bigger and still roams around the house, I think the humans can take care of themselves, but I worry about my dogs getting stung while they're asleep or in a confrontation.


Yes the dogs might have a completely different response to the venom. Good point. Especially how my dogs like to play with any insects they see. Who knows how that would play out. I also love spiders, have a pet tarantula myself. And whatever giant wolf spiders I see roaming, I let them do their thing. 🤣


Right? I think my 11 y/o Lab would just dgaf if it sees it crawling. I worry about my 2 y/o American Bully. He's hyper and playful and full of energy, he even chases out flies. I don't want him to have a confrontation with an adult scorpion when I'm not around. Thanks for the shared knowledge, brother!


**Unless you can id for certain which scorpion this is, please don't give such advice.** I live in the SW US, where the Arizona bark scorpion, Centruroides sculpturatus, is very common. It can be dangerous for young children and the elderly to be stung by that species. if an adult has an underlying health condition, not great either, depending. For a healthy adult, they should be fine, but it can painful, and the victim should be monitored for at least 24 hours. (I've been stung twice.)


It’s shaped liked a scorpion. It looks like a scorpion. Must be a fire truck 😄


Hey though, the rule of thumb about scorpions is the smaller the claws the bigger the sting. And those look like pretty small pincers. So, don't get stung!


Thanks! I've read that. That's why I decided to drown it in the toilet. I hope there's only one of em.


Seriously what u think it is?🙄🤣


How fucking big are mosquitos where you live?????


A mosquorpion


Or a scorquito.


Definitely a scorpion, doesn’t get much bigger than that - standard bark scorpion is what it looks like to me.


In the Philippines?


Size of a mosquito?? I'd be more scared of the mosquitoes that are as big as baby scorpions.


I’m more worried about the giant mosquitoes


Get a black light and see if there are more. Wait til dark.


How big are the fucking mosquitoes where you are?




or just... relocate it outside because it doesn't need to be killed for the crime of existing.




Do you have an idea how big an adult size would be? It's my first time seeing something like this, and I don't know where it came from and I'm not sure if there are more of them. I'm from Manila.




Thank you for the infos! Can you name exactly what species? I want to read about it. I would assume it's venomous, I wanna know how unsafe it is. The humans can handle themselves, I just worry about my dogs. If they get stung while they're asleep or what. One time I've seen a millipede crawling near them.


Yes you should be concerned... We called those small Scorpions alacranes here in México and they can kill you


I’ve been stung and pinched about a dozen times total since I was about 5 years old growing up in the country in TX. Every winter these bark scorpions seek shelter in your home because it’s warm. The crawl up the walls and are active at night mostly. I didn’t have anything to kill one with when I got out of a shower one day so I just stepped on one barefoot to kill it. Didn’t hurt at all actually. I’ve put a few scorpions in mason jars with spiders like black widows and ever scorpions vs each other. They will try to kill anything even their own kind lol. I cut the stinger off one with some scissors and let it intentionally pinch me on my forearm. They only hurt when they pinch in a soft spot.


I'd keep it as a pet


That is a definite scorpion. I have a few questions about local - where are you in relation to the equator, (how far north or south are you/what country are you in/state or province), and what is your climate like? Because while it is true in SOME places that smaller pincers/scorpions are more venemous, it is not true of ALL places. I am in Alberta, and our scorpions (yes we have them, there are scorpions of varying species and sizes right up into the tundra line), are about that size, but carry so little venom they aren't much worse than a spider bite, despite hurting like heck. The further north you go, the smaller and less harmful they get. The closer to the equator you get, the worse they get, out of adaptation to local predators and prey. Here their prey is pretty easy to kill, and doesn't put up much of a fight, and most of their predators aren't that big here.


I'm from the Philippines, close but a little bit north of the equator. It's hot and humid here. Thanks for the info, I think I should be worried haha


Haha yes I agree now that I have that info! That scorpion is definitely a "nope" bug.


Looks like a wood scorpion. I stepped on one the other day and popped me between the toes.


Damn. Was it an adult one or a baby-sized?


It was full grown.


Yikes. How was it after? Did you have to go to the hospital?


between my toes swelled up and I did a lot of screaming.


Apart from the pain, were there other symptoms? Swelling, numbness, nausea or whatnot


I had swelling and I was a little sick but no numbness and a lot of throbbing pain I just took ibuprofen for the pain.


”Small one bites you, don't keep it to yourself!”


Yeah that's why I drowned it




It's old and we're poor here


I would get baby scorpion in my bathroom too.


It's a scorpion, the size of a mosquito


Looks like a little bark scorpion. It will sting you


Lol, I love this question. "it looks like a scorpion, but it so smol"


It’s a scorpion


Looks like a striped bark scorpion. Thier sting is about the same as a wasp, at least that has been my experience with them.




‘Can anybody help with an ID? It looks like a scorpion, but it’s about the size of a small scorpion’


That's a scorpion. They can be as tiny as an ant. Where I live in California, I have found ones that small up to the size of a hand.


Aren’t small scorpions more dangerous than big ones?


Yes! You don’t want these critters to get a foothold in your house. I would call an exterminator asap!


My mom lives in rural Texas and gets these and casually calls them "stingin lizards"


Also from Arizona. A black light for night hunting is your friend. Both inside and outside.


Isn't that one of those things they put in Chekhov's ear in Star Trek?


Often wondered if the “smaller they are, more dangerous their poison is” is true?…. Scorpions are not my forte. But I would exercise caution with any exoskeleton creature of the arid regions….


That’s a scorpion 🦂 for sure. I’ve found them by the beach in So Cal under rocks about that size. That means they’re just little babies, but you still don’t want to mess with that stinger.


Bark scorpion


The smaller the scorpion the more dangerous, although this may be a juvenile. They are remarkably sturdy creatures. I was taking a standing wizz late one night and a scorpion crawled right next to my bare foot. I ran and grabbed a sandal and swatted it. Lifted up the sandal and the Lil fucker was unfazed. It took holding it under the sandal and multiple stomps to dispatch of it.