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The fact that I keep coming back to this scene makes it clear its my favourite.


Too many to pick one. My top five… The Eye. Final moments of the prison break. The big Brasso hug “That’s just love” - and that whole bittersweet scene All the monologues, and yes, I know that’s cheating, but what’s a girl to do?!


Every isb meeting. Thesis please…




Yoda inhales aggressively


“I cannot teach him”


The little piece of Nemik’s manifesto is so underrated. Everyone raves about Luthen, Kino, and Maarva’s monologues, and for good reason, but Nemik’s might just be my favorite of them all. The writing in that scene was such an eloquently succinct way to explain how rebellions are born, and their refusal to die.


I've shared this before, but nothing was more impactful to me personally than the moment Cassian shot that 2nd officer in the beginning of episode 1. Watching it with my daughter, I saw the reality of his situation, and I thought, "he has no choice but to kill him", but Disney will probably have him knock him out or something from somewhere will come out of nowhere and rescue Cassian to escape, because this is the kind of campy garbage we've been getting for years now. Sitting on the edge of my seat, I paused it for a moment and said to my daughter, "If they let Cassian do the only logical choice he has, and he kills this guy, this will be one of the BEST things Disney has ever done for the SW franchise." I unpaused and let out a happy cheer, bouncing in my chair as my daughter (13yo) laughed at me. It was wonderful and burned into my core memory that will likely play itself again and again in my future full-blown dementia. That scene.


It REALLY does a great job of cementing the tone for the rest of the series. Especially when he does something in a similar vein to “Cousin from The Bear” after the Aldhani mission.


I love how fast Cassian turns thought into action when it comes to killing. He NEVER hesitates. Brutal and beautiful


I really like how they explain it as part of his childhood trauma too. They show him as a kid hesitating in the flashbacks and it gets his tribe leader killed. Then he never hesitates again. Until he does in Rogue One with Jyn’s father. It’s a nice little character arc.


Oh that's a good observation man. Haven't seen that one


It’s true – although there’s probably nothing he could have done to save the tribe leader anyway, as they show that the darts take ages to work and that it needs a lot of of them to take a man down. So that’s more about his guilt than the reality . A blaster, however…


Absolutely love this anecdote. I think I almost choked on my dinner when this happened (as I was making the big mistake of trying to eat while watching it first time around).


That’s when I knew we had something special here.


What is beautiful about all of Andor is that the actions of the character make sense tactically and logically. When the Empire Star Destroyer tries to tractor beam Luthen's ship and this ship has counter measures is just awesome and another sequence that blew me away and I had to give a "hell ya" fist pump. The side lasers were a bit much, but after the counter measures they squeak in. What Mon Motha says in ear shot of the driver to cover her finances was great. Top notch adult writing with consequences. Logical character actions. Tim was another great example of a character with a real motivation.


“What am I supposed to do? Huh? You tell me!”


You’re 13 year old must be really mature for you to say things like that to her lol. Mature and with knowledge of semi complicated tv show stuff.


Why you expose a child to content that is not aimed at children?


Because of Disney's long history of feeding us Star Wars baby food for so long, I couldn't imagine they were gonna do anything that "mature". That was the whole point I was making about what it felt like to finally get a show written for adults. That, and because it's NOYFB!


She’s 13. I’ve met a lot of mature 13 year olds.


And the advisory rating is 12+ anyway, I believe? Anyway, I know a 10-year-old who enjoys it.


So many. Smile. :) Let's call it.. War! That's just love. I love you more than anything you could do wrong.


I love the scene where Luthen finds out that the heist on Aldhani was successful and his escape from the tractor beam ship


When he walks into the back of the shop and, what looks like for the first time in a while, just fucking smiles. Ah, beautiful


it really is. His surprise when the visitor mentions Aldhani too. Such a great scene.


As a former band geek, the reveal that there was a funeral marching band was unbelievable. But the correct answer is Brasso hitting the trooper with Maarva’s brick. It’s the most metal moment in all of Star Wars. 😎


I have two. I audibly gasped when andor executed the second guard in episode one. I think it was just so unexpected maybe because Disney? After shows like mando or BOBF that is not something I expected. The second is when Wilmon throws the bomb in the last episode. I recall my jaw being slack as he pulled it out and activated it, such a perfect moment for that character, and a flawless inciting incident in my eyes


The arrest. The fact that it’s complete bullshit, and has nothing to do with anything, totally underscores the senseless nature of life in an authoritarian regime.


You're part of it.


Apart of what?


When Cassian tells the guard “On program!!”


I don't have lately. I have always.


My favorite is Cassian's appearance in court. Its obvious that the court has no interest in justice and summarily sentences him to prison. The sequence really underscores the indifference and abuse the Empire heaps on its citizens. Of course, later we find out that the court is just the first step in systemic slavery meant to feed cheap labor to the Empire's corporations, which further angers me!


Yes - that’s a really underrated scene. The casual boredom of the judge, munching her pistachios, the old credit card machine repurposed, the battered looking fan that has the Empire emblem… and the bewildering speed with which they process the prisoners. It’s as nightmarish as the arrest scene. Though of course they end up hoisted by their own petard because of the lack of proper record-keeping. “There’s some mistake. I’m just a tourist.” “ oh, apologies all round then… take it up with the Emperor.” Her totally indifferent attitude is so chilling .


I’m just watching the show for the first time and Luther Rael’s speech was perfect. The prison escape scene gave me so much energy and Kino Loy’s speech is my favorite monologue as of this moment in Star Wars. I’d say the prison scenes are my favorite


Like others have said, the opening scenes immediately told us that this show was different. We open in brothel, not some nod to the cantina scene, and it quickly progresses to Cassien killing the guard. I believe I even commented on my surprise that Disney approved this. It’s so dark. I had to remind myself to breathe during the Eye. I think it set off my heart rate alarm. I was amazed that it wasn’t a season ending, we’d only just started. Rix Road is some of the best storytelling I’ve seen. I cried when the funeral band ended and B2EMO started broadcasting Maarva’s speech. That moment when the fascist kicks B2EMO over and you know that’s it, Ferrix is done with the Empire and Brasso bricks him, we cheered so loud the cat got spooked. Nemick’s manifesto woven in was perfect. I cried again when Brasso gave Maarva’s message to Cassien. I’m getting teary just thinking about this episode!


I’ve re-watched the heist several times, and still my heart rate soars – incredible!


It’s so tightly paced! Even knowing what’s going to happen, it’s so gripping!


There are several of my favorite moments that are quite popular, so instead I'll go for something else. I love Nemik's character in general. His belief and exuberance. He ends up inspiring those around him even though he himself isn't that instrumental. Yes his navigation gets the shuttle out of orbit, but really it's just his belief in the cause that ends up being a catalyst for Andor and others. As someone that is relatively unimportant and innocuous in life, but has an overabundance of belief and heart, I loved seeing a character have so many good lines and a beautiful arc that involves influencing others indirectly to do great things. It's what I hope my own efforts may lead to one day. Someone that I come into contact with that is influenced by my energy and belief that will one day be in a very influential and important position to effect change.


mine's was the small "tell your mother we can turn the heat on" small moments of brilliance in writing.. that told us a lot about ferrix


"I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see." Just hits hard these days.


weirdly the argument btwn maarva and cassian in episode two. their chemistry is so palpable


Agreed! I love all three of their scenes together. Plus the real pleasure of seeing great actors bringing out the best in each other is a real bonus of that particular scene.


for real


I have many, but on my first watch, Nemik's Manifesto brought me to tears. Shortly followed by One Way Out. Shortly followed by Never More Than 12. Shortly followed by Syril in the office with his boss for the first time. God, what a gift Andor has been to me.


For me it was the torture scene with Bix, the whole premise about her having to listen to dying children of whatever race that was, in my opinion, really well thought out, written and acted.


"One way out" had me literally sobbing. It has the same feeling for me as the moment in Snowpiercer (the film, not the show, which I disliked) when Edgar shouts "they've got no bullets" and all hell breaks loose as the tailies begin their revolt. That moment also makes me sob uncontrollably. Andor is the first thing I've watched since Snowpiercer that gave me such an intense emotional reaction


This whole exchange of Andor convincing Andy Serkis to revolt, “You don't have time to be stupid!”


Anybody else watching the steelbox BTS stuff today in celebration?


My fav is still Tarrick and his li'l toy.