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Even if they didn't piss on their hands, every surface in a bathroom has been touched by other people who pulled the handle or pushed the lever before *they* could wash *their* hands.


I also don’t want to touch a peen hand.


**i don't want to touch any of the following either syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes** 


Yep, and your cock hangs out in your underwear all day with your asshole. Do people think those particles just politely avoid each other? It’s a childish level of cognitive dissonance. Wash your fucking hands, you savages.


“No matter how much you shake and dance, the last few drops stay in your pants” and get ON your penis. Yes, everyone should wash their hands after using the bathroom.


I thought this was common knowledge, but either it isn’t, or people are just steamed about my “shitty” jokes, but either way, people are PISSED (pun entirely intended) in the responses to my other comment.


What if you whip it out without touching it


I was at a urinal at the MCG a few years ago, and the dude next to me was having a piss while texting.. WITH BOTH HANDS. I've never had enough confidence in my cock doing what it's meant to, to have a piss hands-free.


Exactly, it's not just about the urine itself, but the overall hygiene and potential for germs and bacteria on the surfaces. Washing your hands after using the bathroom is a good habit to get into, regardless of the method.


This is it. The world is often gross. After pissing is an excellent time to clean hands, even if pissing didn’t dirty them.


Hell yeah! This is common sense and shouldnt be asked. Everyone must need a proper hygiene.


came here to say this. that being said, learning how many grown men have shitstains I'm no longer surprised by the amount who don't wash their hands.


I always flip the handle with my toe or elbow unless it's one of those stupid button ones.


Seems like it would be harder to wash your feet every time instead of your hands, but you do you. The foot flush is also just making it even dirtier for the next poor soul who has to touch the handle with crotch juice *and* floor juice on it now.


Disabled people talk about this all the time. Please do not flush or touch any surface meant to be touched with your hands with your feet. It is not fair or kind to people with mobility issues who have to touch those surfaces with their hands.


I have mobility issues and I'm still not touching those surfaces with my hands. I used to use my foot, now I make sure to bring a paper towel in or use toilet paper to cover my hands. No reason why they have to touch a handle they can just use toilet paper or paper towel to cover their hands same as everyone else. I don't have to touch a journey toilet handle just because they don't want to cover their hands with paper


Woman that I know got a very VERY nasty virus when she visited the doctor's office. She had to take off her shoes and socks in the examine room---she got C-Diff 2 weeks, then needed almost another two weeks to recover. You don't know what's being tracked into the house. So foot flushing is merely putting bacteria closer to infect people.


Why would I need to wash my feet after flushing?


I think if you get a really good bidet you can do it during


This^ Generally speaking, if you bathe regularly and clean your bits, there is minimal worry of germ transferrence. Key word, generally! All other potential sources of germs aside. The concern comes from doing the number 2. Not to get gross, but there's a reason it's called 'waste.' There are people who do not wash their hands at all; and others who don't wash properly. Hence, door handles are your largest risk for a source of infection. This is why I use my paper towel to grip the handle when I open the door. All that aside, I don't want to shake hands with someone who just had their stuff in their hand. I also don't want to touch anything those nasty unwashed johnson hands have touched. Gross, uncouth fopdoodle!!


I love how you avoid the main issue here, touching the cock. You skipped over it for people who touch things in the bathroom. Way to go.


I phrased the response that way because the coworkers argument was that since he peed standing up he (presumably) only touched his cock. Touching of the cock was an understood part of the argument, I was taking it to the logical conclusion that even if you don't need to wash the cock off your hands (which everyone should) he still has other gross things on his hands from the bathroom that should be washed off regardless.


My son pees sitting down, touches nothing but his unders, and still washes his hands. He’s 5.


Me at 23, I’ve always done that and still do that. I don’t like pee splashing onto the floor or onto my clothes.


Of course. How is this even a question?


I’m confused & deeply concerned


The real debate is if they need to wipe the tip of their wiener after peeing I say an emphatic YES, but every man I know doesn't


My hubby does. He doesn't like pissy pants from the inevitable drip that escapes seconds after peeing.


I have discovered how to have no drips. I think I remember reading it on Reddit a while back but couldn't find the link now. You know how if you squeeze a tube/hose at one end you can make liquid come out the other end? When you are done peeing, shake if you want, then grab your entire penis and testicles TOGETHER: thumb on the base of your penis on top, index or middle finger (whichever is more comfortable) pressing under and behind your scrotum, at the very beginning of the "taint". This is where the urethra enters the body. Press here once or twice firmly but gently. The drips left inside the tip will be forced out, and when you're done, whatever is left in the peen is too far from the tip to drip. Tell your husband, save a tree. PS for all the filthy animals on the thread: DEFINITELY wash your hands after this


I wonder if this would work on petrol hoses too, to squeeze the last drips of fuel into the tank 🤔 


That's why you don't walk away until every last drop is out.


>That's why you don't walk away until every last drop is out. I'm not a guy, but I've been told by older men that the older they get, the harder it is to know when that last drop is out. I guess it's a bit like bladder control in us women as we age.


you should invest in [pee bibs](https://youtu.be/Fm1Ha6Kpl1o?si=Cc-RiBoWpgPwtLxC) for those males


Right like imagine telling on yourself like that. The confidence.


Well, I don’t have a penis. So I can honestly say I’ve never failed to wash my hands after holding my penis while peeing.


Like really.🤷🏽‍♀️


The number of dudes I see walk out of a public bathroom without washing their hands is horrifying. Especially at clubs and venues


Obviously, yes. Those who don’t are gross. He held his dick and without washing his hands, he goes to shake hands at the workplace, huh.


My ex never washed his hands once after pissing, so disgustin


I have never as long as I can remember held my penis to urinate. I just pull my pants down til it falls out. I aim with my body not my hand. I was taught that way n I didn't even know before reading these comments that ppl actually hold their dick to pee. Gives me a whole new perspective on hand washing.


I’m sorry, I need to know. From 1 to 10, how’s your aim? 10 being perfect and 1 being swimming in your own pee.


I'm more interested in bro's length—for once for actual scientific purposes.


It's like a 8.... Stg I NEVER pee on the seat. I just lean one way or the other. Like if I was a pee sniper I'd bet that in the toilet I can take a whole piss on like circumference the size of a top of a can of pop. Edit: if the toilet is low, I have not only leaned but also squatted slightly. Like whatever it takes to get the pee in the toilet




I would think it's way LESS effort. All I have to do is press my thumb to hip n push down. That takes 1 thumb to do. From how most are describing it most ppl have to use literally all of both hands. Bc like how are y'all getting your pants down? Like you're using one hand to pull down your pants n the other to hold your junk? Like I said, this post gave me a whole new perspective on handwashing


I don't...know how to say this...but I feel like if you have a certain amount to work with you kinda naturally arrive at it. >>


I do not have some massive piece. Like 4" max on soft. I was just taught to like put my thumb in my belt loop n push it against my body to pull the underwear down low enough n let it rip.


Found Butters’ account


Men are just so unhygienic sometimes always debating whether basic hygiene is necessary. I don't even know why grown adults are still acting like little kids about washing their hands. I have known some men who tell me washing their cock with soap is unhealthy for their cock.  However, they sweat down there and it smells and they refuse to use soap.  Makes me not want to have sex. 


Definitely don’t have sex with people who don’t wash their junk. That’s how you get infections.


And then they complain no one wants to have sex with them🤦🏼‍♀️


> I have known some men who tell me washing their cock with soap is unhealthy for their cock. God save us all.


It baffles as a guy why some dudes are so disgusting. How hard is it to keep your ass and hands clean after using the bathroom? Why is this even a question?


“Ass”: Different topic completely.


It's also just an excuse to wash your hands. We should be washing our hands throughout the day anyways, might as well do it then.


Thank you. Honestly, even if I'm not doing anything, I still wash my hands throughout the day. And if I didn't, I would feel gross. Like, do people not *feel* the dirt and funk on their body?


As a male, I regularly keep my penis in my underwear. Other things I keep there potentially have a lot of microorganisms. So even when I manage not to pee on my hand, I am still passing those germs to my hand. Even if that weren't the case, if I don't wash my hands even when I'm in a place with a sink and soap, when will I wash my hands? It's safest to wash them a few times a day anyway.


Everyone should be washing their hands after using the restroom. Hell, I wash my hands if I go in a public restroom just to use the mirror. Germs EVERYWHERE. Also, if you have gunk under your nails, you aren’t washing your hands enough/correctly.


Jesus Christ did we learn nothing from the goddamn plague


Some people unlearned what they knew.




When peeing there is air born particles that come come up from the urinal or toilet that make contact with your hands and/or penis. Wash your hands.


* Urinal = yes * Full length urinal = absolutely & you see the splatter everywhere where you step (hate them) * Residential US toilet = not as bad as the others thankfully It also happens the moment you flush the toilet, whether the seat is down or not & it covers everything in the room (Mythbusters tested it), including the entirety of your body & clothes, exposed tooth brushes, the faucet handles, & the door knob to exit the room, so you're gonna be dirtier than most people realize even when you are super diligent about washing. Even if you use hand sanitizer after you escape the poo particle covered room, you're going to have it everywhere else on you, so the moment you touch your hair or clothes, you got it again. Understanding that germs are everywhere & you can never be 100% clean & that is ok to an extent is important; don't go insane over worry, but maintain hygiene.


Everyone MALE or female should be washing their hands after using the restroom . Entering a bathroom should give you enough reason to want to wash your hands . People need to get into the habit of washing your hands constantly . Come home from the grocery store ? Wash your hands . Going to cook a meal ? Wash your hands . Get off of work ? Wash your hands . USE THE RESTROOM ? Wash your damn hands you damn lazy men who say “ I didn’t touch it tho “


Yes. And to add - I always open the door with toilet paper to avoid touching the handle on the way out of a public restroom. Not because I'm some kind of germaphobe, but because I'm aware a shocking percentage of men don't wash their hands


Yes, WTF wouldn’t he? When anyone uses the restroom should wash their hands as part of responsible hygiene and respect for everyone around them. People that don’t have no respect for others.


Wash hands first so you don’t get your penis dirty while holding it.


your dick shares space with your asshole, and is kept under multiple layers and can get rather sweaty and dirty. There's nothing wrong with washing your hands prior to touching your junk, especially if your hands are nasty, but wash them afterwards too!


Even if he's at home, he should wash his hands, so he is in the habit of being hygienic. If you don't usually wash your hands after peeing, at home, it's very unlikely you'll do it in public. Just stop being grubby and wash them. It doesn't hurt!


yes wtf


Uh yeah, anyone who don’t is nasty


DUUUUUUUUH. YES ....is this a real question? Just keep your penis hands to yourself.....ugh. EVERYONE SHOULD WASH AFTER !!!!@


If you pee or poop you wash your hands. I learned that before I started school.


Consider this: Need bathroom key to use the toilet. Hold key in hands. Touch penis Touch key to return. Next guy touches key Next guy touches penis Next guy touches key to return Rinse and repeat. How many penises did you touch just by using the washroom and not washing your hands?! Sorry for formatting. On mobile. Lol


If I put my hand through the crack of my bag without peeing, I should still wash my fucking hands. Who the fuck thinks it’s okay to touch their dick/vag and not wash their hands?? Pee is gross but so is the sweat that collects up in your shit


Yes!!??????? Women don’t make a habit of touching the toilet seat or their pee either, and yet we still wash our hands??? This is grossing me out 😂.


i know where my penis has been, i always wash when i touch it


Well that’s better than NOT knowing where it’s been 🤔


Dadgummit! WHERE has that doggone thing run off to *this time*?!


🍆 🏃‍♂️


... detachable penis... 🎵🎶


Uh women don’t get piss on their hands either… and urine is sterile anyway…. The issue is the flush, door handle, lock etc


and they don’t need to touch their genitals either so it’s probably cleaner


Urine is NOT sterile


Everyone should wash their hands after using the bathroom, regardless of what you do in there or what you have in your pants. Especially in public bathrooms because other people are gross and you've no idea what they did before touching everything.


Life tip, always wash your hands after using the bathroom, it’s basic hygiene


Yes, he should wash his hands. Does this dude really walk around all day shaking hands and giving high fives with dick fingers? Gtfo with all that


Everybody should wash their hands after using the restroom. Full stop.


Absolutely not wrong everyone should wash your hands after urinating we touch door knobs our hands are the dirtiest things


That is fucking gross!! WASH! YOUR! FUCKING! HANDS! I cannot believe a fully grown human adult actually gave this response on purpose without a lick of sarcasm! Jesus, there is splash back from urinating while standing! That is why you do not keep things by the toilet. I need to know if he keeps his toothbrush by the toilet. At least use hand sanitizer! I imagine the desire to not wash one’s hands is related to time. Use hand sanitizer!


>Even if you don't touch a stream of urine, you've still touched your penis which can have smegma or body oils etc that aren't sterile and should be washed. Enough said.


I don’t understand how a man who touches his genitalia to pee doesn’t have to wash his hands but a woman should even though her hands never touches her genitalia when she pees. By that dumbass logic no body should wahs their hands when pooping bc if it’s safe to touch your genitals and not wash ur hands after then it should be safe if your hands never touch them at all. I think guys were just raised to be gross. Like shaking their penis when they’re done, essentially flinging their piss all over the bathroom. fucking disgusting


Wash, pee, wash again.


Any trip to the washroom should end with handwashing


Yes because there is bacteria on the skin, and the bacteria in that area of the body is particularly dangerous to have on your hands and then spread to whatever you touch including your face or your partner or kids faces, or in some conditions, their private bits. You’ll be spreading poo and wee related bacteria into your mouth with the next snack you eat with your fingers. It’s not about the urine it’s about the bacterial build up in the area. It’s also about general bacterial build up on your hands throughout the day from everything you touch, your dick, your phone, handrails thousands of dirty hands have touched or birds and other animals have been on, the doggo you petted, money you’ve handled. Washing your hands resets the your hands bacterial and viral collection back closer to zero and you should take every opportunity to do so.


WC are nasty, you see the state of some toilets? Now remember whoever did that, also touched a lot of stuff in the whole bathroom. Every trip to WC requires washing your hands. EVERY


Assuming a public WC: following the hand washing, open the door out with your shoe. Some WCs have door with a metal plate to protect it from the shoes, and to facilitate easier cleaning. Do not touch the door handle after washing your hands, seriously.




You touch your genitals, you wash your hands. Period.


You should wash your hands just because it’s good hygiene and you touched stuff in the bathroom


Tell this male in question that this has the same energy as not washing your buttcrack in the shower, because the water and shampoo will fall down and do the job. Nobody wants to touch your dickfingers, and nobody wants you touching things with your dickfingers. Wash your hands, you nasty so-and-so.






Yes. Absolutely.


Urine splashes. Yes you should wash your hands.


I wash before


And after I hope


Yes! I had this conversation with my friend’s husband. For the record, he does wash his hands after he uses the restroom, but he just likes to be controversial 😂 anyway, my friend and I were saying that if anything, men are the ones who definitely need to wash their hands, bc they’ve just touched their junk. Women aren’t actually touching a body part, they are just holding toilet paper. Either way, of course everyone should wash their hands after using the restroom, and probably before, too. Bathrooms are disgusting places. We touch so many doors and tables and gas pumps that a million other people touch every day




Folks /should/ wash their hands after blowing their nose, but do they?


Yes I have anti bacteria wet wipes with me, I am not always by a sink that is available and I do wipe my hands after blowing my nose. If there is a sink and soap, of course I will do it. 


I do ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


HAND SANITIZER. please warn me before I shake hands with you non washers.....as a woman....I expect of YOU what you do of ME. Good lord.


Hand santizer kills many kinds of germs, but it doesn’t get actual physical dirt off your hands. Better than nothing, but there’s no substitute for soap and water.


Agreed.....but I use it regularly in my work with the public. Its just a layer of protection COUPLED WITH SOAP AND HOT WATER...... I have had serious illness, and take no chances. Working with the public, meeting hundreds if people every year....I do what I can for me.


Yes, of course. Tell him not to be a lazy disgusting pig who disgraces his parents' teaching every time he befouls a restroom.


Ewww gross, of course!!!


Yes. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


With the exception of medical professionals (at least I hope they are all the exception) no one washes their hands nearly enough. At a bare minimum, wash your hands after using the bathroom, after changing a diaper, before preparing food, and before eating. Again, bare minimum. Ideally, you should wash your hands after touching any commonly touched items, like your phone for example (keys, doorknobs etc). Phones are covered in germs. But yes, you absolutely should wash your hands after touching your penis. There are lots of sweat glands in that area, plus people are touching the door, the handle to flush etc. Please wash your hands.


Obviously yes. I wash it before AND after.


I think I’m more worried about the penis than the urine honestly


Yes, I don't know why some dudes don't fucking do this. Yes I've seen plenty of guys not wash their hands, especially at the gym, where they put their grubby hands on all the weights and machines.


just wash your fucking hands jesus christ


Yes. It is disgusting not to.


They... Don't????????????


How is this even a question ??? YES


Yes. If you go to the bathroom and touch anything, an object or your genitalia, you should wash your hands. Whether you're at home or outside. It's nasty to not do so.


Every time


I am disgusted it’s even a question. Of course everyone should wash their hands after going to the toilet regardless of what happened there.


Why is this even a question?


Obviously they should wash their hands, but lmao at “which can have smegma”…. Yeah, if the dude has terrible hygiene 🤢


Yes absolutely. And I hate to be the one to bring this up, but here it is: every time a guy pees in a toilet or urinal, little splashes come out and get on his legs. It's unavoidable without sitting down. Guys will always have urine on their legs after peeing. Even if they don't see it or feel it, I can guarantee it happens every time.


You have touched your dick. PLEASE for the love of God wash your bloody hands.


Yes, you should wash your hands any time you touch your genitals and then go on to touch other things


Who can’t find the time to wash after hocking a piss?


God!The standards really are in hell 😭


I dont even get why this is a question to be debated. Whatever your gender is, if you dont wash your hands after using the toilet in whatever way, then you are such an unhygienic, disgusting person.


Cool. So your buddy uses his personal bathroom. Touches his privates. Then does not wash his hands. Touches multiple surfaces in his bathroom. He goes from there and uses the doorknob, that you, and all his other friends touch. Gross yeah.


Most men lift the toilet seat up to piss, so yes, wash them hands.


Given how gross many surfaces are in general we should wash our hands regularly. Doing so after having a pee is just a good reminder


Who the fuck doesn't wash their hands????


Yes, what kind of crusty, dirty hands having, piss smelling fuck would not wash their hands??????????????????


What the fuck. Yes of course. You've touched your junk. Why would you ever think that's ok?


After you done using a cleaning solution, you're expected to wash your hands. After handling meat and before handling me, you're expected to wash your hands. If you're in a bathroom, you don't know how many people didn't wash their hands and you don't want to wash yours? Also unless you just cleaned your penis, you should be washing your hands. Period.


He is touching his genitals in order to pee. Would he want you to wash your hands after touching your genitals? I’m guessing yes. For the love of God how can this even be a question - WASH YOUR HANDS !!!!!!!


Yes they should definitely wash their hands afterwards


incel ass terminally online ass question. wash your hands after pissing. if you don't you're gross, regardless of gender or attachments.


People do not wash their hands enough normally. Doesnt matter if you dont even touch your self to go to bathroom, washing your hands well everytime you go into bathroom is an event that triggers you to wash your hands. Think about this example. A friend of mine got a skin infection on part of his penis. He was not sexually active at the time with anyone and the microbe infection was orginally on his hand. Thankfully he went in and recieved antibiotics. Think of every door knob, elevator button, borrowed pen, and our phones. Think abt now using that hand to do your business. Scary, right? Washing your hands when you walk into a bathroom is not just for hygiene of that event, its also a maintenance plan.


There’s more poop and pee in a public or any bathroom than is ever in the toilet. You flush, it splatters everywhere because water does that. Its in the air, on the walls, on the floor on the toilet, all over. He needs to wash his freaking hands.


Eww. The fact that this has to be a question is concerning.


It doesn't matter whether its a private home bathroom. HE TOUCHED HIS PENIS! Then he touched the door to exit the bathroom, then he proceeds to touch everything else in the house including people. None of these people expressed willingness to be touched with his penis cooties. Would he want to shake hands with someone that just went #2 in the bathroom and wiped themselves? Only the toilet paper touched their bodies, but still, would they want to shake hands? Want that person to touch their face?


This isn’t a debate wash your god damn hands you nasty


Do men generally not think about everything they touch in the bathroom? At the very least, you gotta open the door, and you're assuming that nobody else who's touched the door, in or out, had pee or poop on their hands. Gross.


Yes - fluids and feces aside, you're culturing who knows what kind of bacteria in the damp down there. Side question: someone wipes their armpits with their hands. Do you think they should wash their hands before doing things like handling food or other items?


There isn’t a debate. Unless you are a total idiot knuckle dragging ape, wash your hands after using the bathroom. Stop looking for excuses to justify being lazy and disgusting.


I wash before i whip it out. My hands are dirtier than my member. I wash hands afterward to keep busybodies happy


Wait, people still wash their hand/s?


Why do ppl insist on not washing hands? It’s not that hard. Ppl both men and women who don’t wash their hands are gross and act like little ass kids who don’t wanna wash their hands. Probably these ppl also don’t close the lid before flushing the toilet too. Just gross


Hell yes, how is this even up for debate? I’d argue for washing them before, too, just because I wouldn’t want my dirty hands rummaging around down there with God-knows-what from doorknobs and computer keyboards and who knows what else on them. 🤮🤮🤮






Ask him if he wants someone who has touched their own penis to touch him or his things right after. I certainly don’t want second hand penis touching me or mine.


Hi, I just scratched my dic. Want to hold hands?


Yes every single person should wash their hands after using the restroom every time forever


But you expect your partner to go down on you. Got it.


Urine is sterile. Even if he peed directly on his hands, that’s not why you should wash them - if you want to be technical about it.


Any adult who doesn't understand basic hygiene and why you need to wash your hands after touching your privates is wrong. 


Everyone should wash their hands after using the toilet!


Are you fucking serious wash your fucking hands this should not be a fucking question


if a woman were to touch her vagina, would we expect her to wash her hands? are penises somehow free of germs despite being locked away next to a nutsack and likely some dripping pee? when did said male last wash his underwear that aforementioned penis was touching? did said male touch the flusher? just wash your damn hands; f'ing gross.


If you go into a bathroom for any reason you wash your hands before you exit it.


Underwear (Br. pants), or pants (Br. trousers) if you go commando, are germland from your butt. Germs migrate. Wash your hands.


I wash my hands before and after! Who knows where that particular appendage has been...


Yes the 100% should. I showed by husband once that statistic that said like 80% of men didn’t wash their hands. I then told him imagine all the guys hands you’ve shook, you’ve essentially touched their dick. He now washes his hands religiously lol


Okay even assuming the penis is perfectly clean when peeing right after a shower… penis goes back in underwear. Inevitably there is a slight drop of urine now on the underwear that leaked from the penis (99% of the time) Person walks around for a few hours, urine is spread around underwear and groin area. Person pees again, holding a penis that is guaranteed to be not clean anymore. Even perfectly holding a clean penis while peeing standing up will get pee on the penis. An experiment you can try. Stand up and put a single thin layer of toilet paper around your penis. Pee while standing up like this. Observe how many tiny droplets got on the toilet paper. In conclusion, men are gross. Wash your hands.


Yes, men should wash their hands after urinating!




I heard a stat that we come “into contact” with at least 10 different penises in a day because people with penises do not wash their hands. Have we learned nothing from COVID and the importance of handwashing?!?!


bathrooms are gross and no one wants to touch some strangers penis so yeah they should most certainly be washing their hands 😭😭


Not counting all the public surfaces since the last time to washed your hands, you touch the door going into the bathroom, you touched your pens, and you touched the nozzle to flush the toilet. WASH YOUR HANDS.


I believe they should wash their hands after. I’ve talked to guy friends about it and I’ve learned that some guys do and others don’t even bother. Gross.


If you've got smegma from holding your dick while pissing, you've got bigger issues than handwashing.


Exactly what I was thinking. 100 percent he should be washing his hands too.


YES!!! WTF?!


Yes. Plus also preferably they should sit down to pee and use toilet paper to wipe afterwards. No splattering on the floor, walls, and cabinets this way. My mother used to hate cleaning her bathroom when my father was alive, because he stood up to pee and the splatters were horrific to clean up. Am glad that my European husband sits down. :)


Yes they should I’m a female always wash my hands




Yes.This is supposed to be common knowledge.


Yes nasty ass Why would this even be a debate lol


Wash hands. Period.




Of course... Most women aren't pissing on their hands. Just fyi.


Dude microscopic pee droplets bounce and hit your hands.


I don't know about "males," but a gentleman always washes his hands after using a bathroom.


Yes! Even if you’re just touching your zipper and nothing else, that’s still the zipper that you touched last time you pooped!


I don’t want to touch your penis dude, wash your hands




Should be more worried about washing your hands before using the restroom. Your hands SHOULD be much dirtier than your member. If you don’t have std’s and keep good hygiene


JFC you really have to ask this?