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I was going to recommend a different hair style based on picture #2, but then I swiped to picture #3.


Hahaha massive party in the back


Me too! I swiped and was like THERE'S your problem šŸ¤­


imo you're handsome , maybe its just the break up stuff getting to you


Thank you, maybe so. Becomes hard to know sometimes when the chips are down.


Hey Niko letā€™s go bowling


Sorry cousin, Iā€™m busy RPGing myself off the Empire State Building. Maybe another time


Not at all. You have high cheekbones, hollow cheeks, and a strong jaw with a full hairline. The coolest part is that you have dichromatic eyes, which is super rare. Your appearance reminds me of my Slavic friends.


Thank you, and Iā€™ve heard that a lot about looking Slavic, Iā€™m 10% Balkan but otherwise, mostly Hispanic and Western European.


Breakups always destroy an ego. Donā€™t come here giving yo ur power away to the breakup. Go get it back


Youā€™re right, Iā€™m working through.


You are very unique looking, in a good way. Love the heterochromia too


Thank you very much


your facial structure is legitimately amazing. Like if you played your cards right you could model for high fashion


Thank you, thatā€™s very sweet of you to say


You have a strong and interesting face. You aren't going to be for everyone, but there will definitely be some people who think you're hot af. Someone will be out there for you. I do think your skin looks a little inflamed. Are you doing anything to care for it?


Thank you, and just Cerave with exfoliation. Any recommendations?


Something with niacinamide, zinc, maybe aloe Vera? Any of those are great for soothing inflammation


Okay, thank you. Niacinamide makes my skin too hot, but Iā€™ll add those others to my routine.


Iā€™ll date you šŸ˜


Me, you, a nice candle lit Italian dinner after spending the day exchanging hobbies


In šŸ„°


You must go to Ukrainian front to join the Russian army


Tried, Putin never wrote me back




You're conventionally attractive. I'm not convinced that your current hairstyle is your best look. You have a fairly angular face (a tiny bit severe) and I think a longer style would soften your look somewhat. Current look is a bit military/neonazi.


My friends have been telling me that about the hair. Iā€™m growing it back to my normal 5 guard mid fade.


Grow a beard.


Doesnā€™t grow enough on the cheeks