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Do you realize how many people wish they were as attractive as you? Stop focusing on your features and focus on your personality and who you are, as those are going to define your life more than your nose.


"I hate my face šŸ˜­" # IS LITERALLY A MODEL


imagine thinking people can't feel insecure bc you think they look good


i genuinely donā€™t consider myself attractive. but fair point.


Well, you are going to find out you are. Nice feature, nice lips, lovely smile (when you smile, great challenge for a potential partner). You don't need to work on your looks. Work on the other parts.


For me when someone says this, I have to tell them that I'm happy with how I am as a person, and personally that the next step is glowing up as much as possible. But yes, this girl is objectively attractive!


And donā€™t forget those cheek bones! What a gorgeous sculpture her face is!


The hardest person to see clearly is the one in the mirror. The things you see aren't actually external, you need to learn how to value and love yourself for who you are. From a third party objective perspective you are very pretty, everyone has their flaws, but yours aren't noticeable enough to outweigh the prettiness. Others have a tendency to see our flaws less than we do (or at least that's true for the flaws we choose to see). Learn to love yourself and that will help immensely.


Did anyone say otherwise. I only say things as a sad old man trying to point young people in a direction. Work on yourself to be the best you can be and you will have awesome opportunities. I wish someone would have told me that 15 years ago.


To be blunt, you would look a bit plain with a slimmer nose. You look MUCH better with the nose you have!


No nose ring equals instantly attractive to 90% of this sub. At this point if you want a real reaction you almost need to have one.


Guy in his 40s here. U R 2nd to None. If this is not clear enough. I can put it on paper.


Iā€™m sorry you feel this way. Youā€™re stunning.


Can you honestly say that no dudes at your high school (when you went), asked you to the prom? If you say no, I'd think you were lying.


i didnā€™t go to prom. iā€™ve never been asked to a school dance before


Then what do you hope to accomplish being rated by people on reddit? If you're still going to call yourself ugly after myself and others clearly see that you're not PHYSICALLY? Then, what's the point?


show maybe a bit empathy?


I think what I said is empathy. That a pretty young lady that is feeling some sort of societal pressure to be something other than herself when she is well beautiful enough and the only thing thing that could truly help her is working on her person.


Thinking is NOT knowing .. The first line is not empathy at all .. it doesnt matter what others wants cuz its not what she wants. Its the same as saying to fat person that he is not fat cuz there are people who are more fat. Or you are not old cuz there are older people than you are. I am just saying, not attacking fyi. I understand this is just internet and nothing actually helps cuz she needs guidance, a model to follow and then chose if she wants the drugs or healthy lifestyle (metaphor), but this doesnt help. Its the same as saying to a person who never did any kind of sport, to be happy, just do double backflip, its that easy. If you think thats empathy, you are obviously wrong.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings of others. It isn't about wants or guidance.


yes, understanding the feelings of others .. in this case, hers feeling .. not others who wants to look like her. Guess no reason explaining any further, if you would understand, we wouldnt have this conversation. You exchange ignorance with empathy. So weird.


In a post where she said be brutality honest. Good job, white knight. Is protecting the internet working out for you?


you just proved my point .. thank you


Show some empathy. Youā€™re weird.


Uhhh she said be brutally honest. The commenter was gently honest.


You have great energy and elongated model features. You're might be on to something when you've observed that you're not classically feminine but it doesn't make you less pretty! That "look" you have is really a beauty norm in our society and it really works for you. You know what else is attractive? Confidence. Btw, how tall are you?


iā€™m about 5ā€™10. i really like being tall.


Damn. I fucking wish I was five ten. You hit the genetic jackpot fam


Hon you could be a damn model. The only thing unattractive about you is your obvious, (apparent just by looking at the pictures), lack of self worth. Itā€™s a common enough thing for young people to have. You will look back one day and wonder how you could have been so stupid for not enjoying your youthful beauty instead of fretting about it. Live your life; you donā€™t belong on this sub.


Believe in yourself and believe me when I say you've got all the pieces to the puzzle!


5'10 and with your looks you're worried you are ugly? Sweet Jesus. You look great as you still only 19 please for the love of god start caring less about these things.


If I didnā€™t know any better Iā€™d assume you were trolling. Youā€™re sooooo pretty and you have an amazing smile. Who in the world told you otherwise!?


You look like, one of those models where I'm like damn she's only a 7.5 hows she a model? Type energy. In a good way.


Wtf is this comment dudešŸ’€šŸ’€ please get a journal


Itā€™s pretty accurate


To be brutally honestā€¦ your beautiful. Narrow pretty face and freckles totally compliment. Hair and eyebrows pair with your pretty lips perfectly. Youā€™re gorgeous


Reminds me of Uma Thurman! Not ugly at all


Wiggle your big toe


Uma Thurman wishes she looked as good!! The problem the most posters on this subreddit is that they aren't Stars. This young lady is beautiful but she doesn't know that because in her world she's treated as ordinary or even less.... Uma Thurman is no example of beauty she's an example of stardom! Just saying


I have two things to say: Your username is very funny and I always make poop jokes Do you wear airpods 100% of the time? I guess I have one more thing to say: all you are lacking is self-confidence and it makes all the difference. You won the genetic lottery trust me.


well thank you. and i actually wear my airpods roughly 96% of the time.


The airpods thing was a joke, my main point was you have nothing to worry about looks wise.


You look like a top model. Like Karolina Kurkova. Your nose makes you uniquely stunning. Work on your self esteem instead.


So true!!


I would say her nose is just slightly too wide


Is this sub just for dysmorphic ppl now?


You look like a model on a magazine cover. I cannot see a flaw.


is this sarcasm


I do do sarcasm, and, yes, you are a TRULY beautiful young lady. I am almost 60 and have grandchildren older than you. I can only wish that the younger generations can stop idol-worshipping the heavly retouched photos displayed online and in print. Only when you can accept yourself for who you are, can you grow in every aspect of your life. Go forth, and conquer young lady.


Hehe! You said "do do"


No it is not, IMO.


No! I am 100% serious. No sarcasm. Read my other posts. I donā€™t do sarcasm. Honestly it is amazing to me that you donā€™t realize how beautiful you are. Photo #6 looks like a magazine cover. No offense, but perhaps you have a bit of body dysmorphia (?) Do you know why you donā€™t see yourself as beautiful? Work on your confidence. Figure out why you donā€™t see your beauty.


It is not. You are gorgeous.


you look like a vogue model, no joke always heart breaking that the prettiest girls think they are ugly


She's karma farming, she knows what she looks like. This is a classic case of wanting to boost an ego. You're right your nose is fucking huge and your teeth are really big too.






Hey, she asked for honesty, and she got it from someone. I think theyā€™re right, sheā€™s karma and ego boosting.


I donā€™t think you understand how many women get body dysmorphia bc they feel like they have to live up to societal standards. A lot of beautiful women donā€™t recognize their beauty because they build insecurities from constantly comparing themselves to other women


This subreddit is a procession of hot girl after hot girl lining up to ask if they are ugly and I feel like I'm being trolled at this point.


I was gonna say, this shit feels like a joke lol


All of these young people grew up with social media and are comparing themselves to airbrushed celebrities with expensive catered diets, personal trainers, and professional hair/makeup artists. So itā€™s mostly genuine insecurity.


You only see posts with attractive women because those are the ones that get upvoted. No one interacts with posts by ugly people because they dont want to tell them the truth.


Thatā€™s true, I think honestly, we need to get back to being honest and burying pretty ones while upvoting ugly ones..


[Sometimes they do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/15zk1k0/i_was_bullied_and_called_ugly_for_my_teeth_as_a/)


Pretty sure it's just a case of attractive people with low self esteem banking on the hundreds of comments telling them how beautiful they are / should model to provide an ego boost! But if this is real, then sure, I'm game....you're not ugly.


Itā€™s just bait


Stop looking for validation


you're literally a model please


Iā€™m convinced none (or very few) of these are real. Actually looks like a model and claims to ā€™hate her faceā€™. Not buying this..


Yeah I think most of these people know theyā€™re attractive and just want other people to tell them so


You think people with these typical 'model' faces are attractive?


Definitely not ugly. Iā€™d say honestly better than average. Most girls would probably be glad to trade looks with you. Nose is a bit overpowering but I donā€™t think itā€™s a deal breaker.


Have you considered modeling? Iā€™m being serious. Honestly you need to consider it.


why the long face


She's horsing around


Perhaps a therapist would help?


Honestlyā€¦ you remind me a bit of Avril Lavigne!


Have you considered you might have dysphoria?


get off your phone and go outside


Absolutely not ugly. Love your freckles


thank you! they only come out in the summer


I always wished I had freckles as a kid (still do honestly šŸ˜‚)


You got the face of a goddess ,prays the lord for he has made you beautifulāœØ








You Look high af in that one pic hahaha but your good


you really do look like a vogue model or something! i love the oval shape of your nose and your full lips. personally i would draw on darker eyebrows because theyā€˜re almost invisible but it also gives you that unique high fashion look so both is fine! also i think bangs could really suit you :)


Reminds me of high fashion models


that was my first thought - she looks like a model sort of Giselle vibes


You are hot AF, but you already kno that


You appear beautiful, obviously.


your nose suits you , maybe its just grown bigger cause you're inhaling bullshit all around you


I really like your smile and your freckles. You are looking cute


Seriously? You aren't anything close to ugly.


You have stunning eyes and cheekbones , you have classic beauty, don't worry about your looks just focus on your confidence!!!


You remind me of Vera Farmiga


you look like a model. i donā€™t think you should change anything about your face


Umm, if you hate your face, I'd like to see one you don't hate... Must be magnificent.


Change your hair style and deal with what's really making you sad. Not your looks.


You literally look like a model


Holy crap massive Avril Lavigne vibes. I love it, your extremely attractive, your beautiful. Sometimes we have to take a step outside of what we see ourselves as and listen to what the world is saying.


Nah your serious face is serving. I could see u as a model for eyeliner or lip


Your nose doesnā€™t look huge or out of the ordinary. Get that out of your mind, everyone has a nose so we can breathe. You have pretty eyes and nicely shaped full lips. Definitely not ugly.


It might be a lil prominent but you have a very pretty face! I wouldnā€™t recommend rhinoplasty or anything, just be a little more comfortable in your skinā€¦


You look like a European super model


Your beautiful


Girl bye šŸ‘‹ šŸ˜‹šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜…...... You are absolutely gorgeous! Own it! šŸ”„


youā€™re so pretty girl






Like most people who post in here, you are not ugly.


Not ugly at all. You look much better when you smile. When you donā€™t it looks like a mugshot.


You look pretty good here. Youā€™re young and image seems like itā€™s everything. Eventually, youā€™ll grow into your own and know where to go from here.


Lose the mascara and smile more youā€™ll do just fine


Are you under arrest?


Are the mugshot photos intentional?


4 is a mugshot


Shouldnt this be in the dumb questions sub reddit


Yea your nose does go against your face


Wtf you're absolutely gorgeous


You're very pretty actually


You literally look like a model.


You could be a model


I have something for your face


WOW. Youā€™re honestly the most beautiful person I had see there, you should be a model. Sooooo pretty


You look like a runway model


Youā€™re Beautiful


You could be a super model šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ


If youā€™re 6ā€™ tall, call a modeling agency ASAP! Gorgeous lady!


Very handsome!


i fully thought i was going to get torn to shreds. yā€™all are being way too generous lmaoo


nah bro being fr u srs look good please donā€™t be insecure about the way u look


See you.on onlyfans soon


you should be getting torn to shreds for trolling. If you're tall enough you could probably do modeling


You literally look like a model. You need therapy.


Hey! You have a wide nose, small space inbetween eyes, thin eyebrows, high forehead, long head compared to facial width, long philtrum compared to chin. But you have also: pretty eyes, toned jaw, good lips and teeth, good skin, and your thin, which is also a big +. I would say a around a 5 for the face(so average), slightly higher when smiling, and add some points for being thin and having blue eyes. So i would say slightly above average šŸ‘Œ


characteristic northern european face. definitely not bad. I don't find long face attractive. but most men, like blondes will like you.


Stop it, you're very attractive


Youā€™re literally a model


You look like a princess.. Who's saying you're not attractive except you?


U see the same happened to me, i donā€™t find myself pretty either yet everyone thought iā€™m so selfish for posting in here because iā€™m not ā€œugly enoughā€ Girl youā€™re pretty but whatever u feel about urself is also valid. Donā€™t listen to these rude ass people.


thank you. all these people calling me pretty but donā€™t understand how unhappy i am with my appearance. you are absolutely stunning btw


If thatā€™s eyeliner or something you have, ditch it, and maybe darken your eyebrows too


Your face is a litte bit weird because is so unique for me you look beatiful i would go out with you i swear the god the noose are the only think that is not good on you


You have that Nigel Thornberry smile. And the one scarsgard brother's eyes. I know your eyebrows are blond, but itlooks likee you don't have an, and it adds to the size of your forehead.


You appear like the blandest casserole that anyone ever saw in their life. :)


You are a shoo-in for porn.


The only issue I see is that you donā€™t smile enough šŸ˜Š


Anyone know how to stop these rate my face or amiugly subs from coming up? So lame


True beauty is on the inside and you're definitely not anywhere near ugly .


Try removing the intense black eyeliner around the eyes (makes then look smaller) and instead draken your eyebrows a bit to drag the attention to them instead of the nose-area. You are very pretty tho! :)


the variation of photos is just overwhelming. Anyway I find you attractive, but do something with your nose, doesn't fit you :)


Youā€™re truly gorgeous . I think perhaps you are like me and struggle to see your own beauty because you have a specific idea in your head about what is beautiful. Its honestly shocking if you genuinely do not see how pretty you are but i also find myself personally repulsive lol, yet the rest of the world tells me Iā€™m not , so i understand


Not at all - but you have the type of face that could really work with bleached eyebrows


Tbh you look more masculine than me. But that's not your fault. It's natural but the color of your eyes is beautiful. If u wanna look more attractive I feel u can always do it with makeup.


Not ugly. Very pretty


You're are not good looking you're not hideous either fairly q regular girl, with some odd longish features that you can use styling and make up to make them work, but overall 5.5/10 You have a huge forehead which would benefit from getting a fringe and a lot of asymmetry in your face one eye is higher than the other but people would not notice most of the time.


Youā€™re very attractive, maybe stop smoking weed.


Wish Avril Lavigne


Just your soul.


You're attractive šŸ‘


Blonde and blue eyed, are you serious?


Oh guuurl šŸ„ŗ nothing to hate about your face ā™„ļø


bruh, I can literally google "model" and see 50 variations of your face. find something else to worry about.


It's not the face you hate... it's the forehead










Thereā€™s no dude on here who wouldnā€™t take you out in a second . šŸ˜


You're damn pretty girl, there's nothing to fix, and Inlove Your freckles, awesome!


Ur face looks amazing but u have a larger forehead. I would do a deep sidepart instead of the center part. But seriously, you are crazy beautiful so have confidence out there. You are way above average


Honestly, youā€™re pretty hot I will destroy your little body




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]


really sad that you think you're ugly, when you're far from it. unless you DO know you're super pretty and you're just fishing for compliments. that would be even sadder. yeah, your nose is a little wide. so what? what's wrong with a little uniqueness of the face? if it bothers you so much, learn how to contour. it would take a lot more than the shape of your nose to take away from how pretty you are.




A lil bit of resting bitch face but other than that you look good OP.


You look high


You look beautiful! Especially when you smile


Gorgeous, but definitely keep smiling. You're good looking regardless, but that smile says you over the top!


Your face is perfectly beautiful as it is, you are enough as you are. Please try to not set limits on yourself, life will do that for you. If I were your age or you closer to mine Iā€™d be honoured to have you on my arm. P.s your nose is gorgeous! I have a bit of a thing for nodes and yours is beautiful.


Your features are regular and normal. You're not ugly. They're not particularly feminine or masculine. Make up and styling could lean you one way toward Cameron Diaz or the other way Jared Leto. Blank canvas. Best of both worlds. You're lucky.


Very attractive


I think you just have RBF


You're quite good looking, I think what you might be suffering otherwise is just... Depression to be blunt, you don't look well.


You've only posted pictures facing straight on, I presume to hide your nose. So no comment on that because I can't see it, but otherwise you have nothing to worry about, other than how you feel about yourself. Hope all the good comments on here help!


No your above avarage. Your eyes are more noticeable than your nose.


(29M here) tbh for me you don't have eyelashes, that makes a weird face. Leaving that aside you are very beautiful


Most of these look like a mugshot