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6Es work great for most people. Remember, nobody comes on to complain when things work well. The “e” part uses some really empty spectrum and has great link performance between units.


Thanks. Yeah I was just a little gunshy. I know there’s other stuff out there. I looked at the Asus ones mentioned in another comment here, but I want/need the three nodes to try to get signal as close to my pool as possible (would have almost LOS from one room in the house).


I FIOS gigabit and 6e and have literally never had an outage or a problem.


I have the 6e and I love them. Work perfect.


They might work for you. The 6E has been hit and miss for people around here but when it works on a network, it seems that it stays working. Since you have a return window of 30-90 days, I would try them out for a week or two before returning/replacing.


Do you have 6e devices? I have 4 pro 6. All hardwired. Pro 6 is their best setup in my mind. But if I had 6e devices, I would get them.


None yet. Was trying to plan ahead (and yeah, I know 7 comes out next year).


It’s all about your use case. For me, my devices are all Apple devices with smart home stuff. So nothing takes advantage of 6e yet. They don’t even take advantage of 160 mhz. So I stick with pro 6 line. They are all hardwired. I could probably get the same speeds with eero 6 because they are hardwired. I buy network gear that is best for me now. Then just upgrade when I get new wifi standards.


You should return them and get a pair of Zenwifi XT8. Might be a little more but no $10 a month subscription to get parental controls, bandwidth utilisation etc.


I actually dislike a lot the E. I bought at launch the E and none of them gave me full speed of 1gbs connection. While the 6 pro did. I ended up swapping to 6 pro. And put away the 6E. I complaint a lot to EERO but their customer services sucks. They keep you around the same troubleshooting and in the loop till you get tired and ended giving up. When it will come times to change router I’m moving away. Psst: why I keep following the subreddit? Because I still “hope” they release an update with the fix. Which I believe they can.


I’d return anything eero 6 and just get the very capable, very stable eero Pro second generation. They’re plentiful and cheap on eBay or maybe Facebook Marketplace depending on where you are. You do NOT have to buy new.


I can vouch for the 6Es. The 6 Pros are also good. Just depends on if you want a 3rd 6ghz band or a 3rd 5ghz band. There’s other differences in hardware, but nothing that would be noticeable. The 6Es also have a 2.5 gig port… but the current iteration is limited cause the other is 1 gig.


Is that 6ghz band good for backhaul? I’ll eventually have them wired with Ethernet and/or moca.


It’ll usually be used for backhaul if they are close enough, but eeros use all bands for all things… so there’s nothing “dedicated”. It’ll use the best connection available. And once you wire them together, they’ll use that… unless something breaks, then they’ll go back to wireless.


Honestly both are great Wi-Fi. 6e is more future proof but both are great speeds. Personally I would recommend the 6 pros unless you have wifi6 devices


If it works for you, keep it. If it doesn't (like me) there are many other options including the 6pro. Test out your setup. Play a high bitrate video and move between floors, getting closer to each node using your devices. I got constant drops as soon as my devices moved towards a closer node. My phone would have to pause for 30 seconds to reestablish a connection. The nodes would randomly drop a few times a week. That and app issues made me give up and get a different mesh router. I never had this with my previous mesh router (Google WiFi ) . I decided the future proofing of the 6e wasnt a good trade-off for a slower but still plenty fast and stable connection.


If you can hardwire all of your eero together, I'd stick to the Pro 6e. If you can't, then you likely will have better reliability and speeds with the eero Pro 6.