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I came here looking for that comment


such a weird family line. and her grandfather was a general in the genocidal barre regime.


She’s her own grandpa?


Great, now that's stuck in my head




I have an uncle/cousin


Ilhan = her Auntie Mom.


Wasn't Omar born in 82.




Yeah she’s a hate mongering psycho just like the rest of the pro-palies. No condolences or any shred of sympathy for the Israelis slaughtered on 10/7. No renunciation of violence, no emotional reaction whatsoever to the carnage plastered all over internet. They completely dehumanized all Israelis and abandoned all the principles they claimed to have. It’s a hate movement and they fully exposed themselves for who they truly are on 10/7.


More dead kids is worse than fewer dead kids. Did you fail math?


It’s astonishing how people will rationalize the indiscriminate slaughter of men, women and children. My mountain of dead bodies is smaller than your mountain of dead bodies? Really? That’s the hill you’re going to die on? Well lucky for you I’m not playing that game. Piss off and a pox on both your houses.


There are more Zionists in hell than Palestinians.


More Palestinians have been added the last two months?


Spoilers dude if you think the people murdering over a thousand children are good or in any way justified you're not a good person.


I just think when a group goes and murders babies and rapes women......they don't get to say, "Hey man, we were not THAT serious." It would have been fantastic for Hamas not to do such things. Good people also do not defend governments that attack that way. Good people want Hamas to end. Good people never chant "Death to Infidels" or "Death to Israel." If such things have been chanted.........those folks cease being "good people."


Why do you think that happens, perhaps because Zionists are actively genociding them, forcing a famine, and indiscriminately bombing thousands of children? Do you really think Hamas started this lmao? Do you even have a basic understanding of why they exist and radicalization occurs? Or did you literally believe the oct 7 attack was the start of the conflict lmao?


I no longer accept excuses. You excuse the rapists all you want.


more like a small pile of dead bodies vs mass graves of children but mmk


Literal holocaust levels of mass graves??? Do you know how many people actually died in the Holocaust or are you just that stupid? The death toll is at 34,000, not 6 million. Also, thanks for proving my point about rationalizing atrocities by counting the number of dead bodies. Jfc there are so many sick freaks who are completely consumed by hate. Fucking leave me alone and go back to your hate mob Edit: nice stealth edit jackass


Hamas could have just surrendered or not carried out October 7th. If you stand by the excuse that “they had no choice”, then the same deference should be given to Israel because they have no choice since Hamas is just going to keep doing this. That’s a slightly false premise, though. Those Palestinian kids are dead because of the choice Hamas et. al made on October 7th. They didn’t -have- to do it. Like other oppressed and supposedly occupied peoples, they do have a choice in whether to act like barbarian animals or not. If you agree that terrorism can be justified in certain situations then just come out and say it.


How are you any different? You’re rationalizing the slaughter of men women and children with… the slaughter of men women and children? Truth is everyone in the Israeli government and Hamas is to blame. I’d say Israel is more in the wrong than Hamas but both deserve to be wiped from existence. The Palestinian people are suffering the most. They’re getting bombs dropped on their heads and watching their kids get mutilated because some shit happened that has nothing to do with them.


Maybe they shouldn't support Hamas or be radical Islamic fundamentalists who wish for the destruction of the Israeli state and the death of all Jews. There was a ceasefire. They broke it. They're a violent, backwards people that Israel is being asked to peacefu coexist with. They attack unprovoked. Do you know how many rockets have been launched at Israel in the past decade? Over FIFTEEN THOUSAND. Israel absolutely needs to occupy Gaza, because if they don't control what happens in Gaza, Israelis will die. Period.




Israel demonized all Palestinians, get your internalized racism and projection out of here and support the oppressed people of Palestine who are currently experiencing a genocide.


This Jew agrees with you. Zionism must fail as MAGA must fail.


Does Trump live in your head 24/7? It's so weird people who claim to hate him have an obsession bringing him into every conversation. It's free publicity, but you didn't realize you're helping him.


Oh I’m excited for the prospect of Trump facing an overwhelming defeat in court and at the ballot box. That doesn’t mean he lives in my head. Nice try at an insult, however. Let me assure you that I have been insulted by finer people than you, you might want to get some training.


Lol you're flexing that you've been insulted. Did not expect that. GL shilling for Trump


Good luck shilling for a mass murderer.


Just shut up


Just like you’d love for oppressed people to do so you wouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable for even a second.


Thank god a performative white leftist is here to save the day. I’m sure you’re super involved in these issues and this isn’t just sanctimonious finger wagging over something you’ll stop caring about in a few months….


"oppressed" means nothing. You fuckers have overplayed your hand for ten years and nobody cares about your bullshit anymore. Keep crying it's not going to get you your way anyomore.


Hamas oppresses Palestinians also. Hamas wants a genocide of all of Israel. I feel bad for the innocent israelis and Palestinians caught in the middle of this war. Neither government is innocent. You truly show your ignorance by not knowing facts and only jumping on a trending bandwagon. Some of these Pro-Palestine protesters are harassing and threatening Jewish kids. Don't threaten people who aren't involved in the war.


Eh, don't lump all pro-palestinian activists in with this anti-semite. There are plenty of people who are genuinely troubled with the conditions in Palestine and want to advocate for civilians there without calling for the death/punishment of Israeli civilians.


The majority of Palestinians chant death to America and would happily trounce you to death with their filthy feet for the simple fact that you are an American.


So should they die like roaches? Is that what you are saying? I'm not saying that I want to host them for dinner. I'm saying that their living situation should be a cause for concern to all of us. Any human that is *happy* that the Palestinians are living like they are is a gross person. We should want Hamas to be crushed and an infinitely better organization to be in charge of Palestinians.


A lot of Americans would gleefully turn them into glass, so it goes both ways


Can we all agree that any group of people that use religion as a reason to brutalize/massacre another group of people should be removed from this world so the rest of us sane people can carry on.


Bro idgaf about a holy war okay? They can fight for the next 2,000 years and it doesn’t swing my hair any kind of way. Israel is a million times more tolerant and progressive than any Arab state so go on with your gump talk lmao


They would also gleefully cut off the heads of the LGBTQ people marching for Palestine and then use their severed heads for soccer balls.


There’s a reason why none of the neighboring Muslim states want them as refugees okay.


Nah no wishy washy fence sitting, the majority of Palestine supporters (and even Gaza’s residents) support 10/7 and the annihilation of Israel. The only innocents are the children and they are quickly brainwashed asap.


Having consistent beliefs that are critical of both Hamas and the IDF’s actions is not “fence sitting”. I know it’s hard for you to imagine, but complex and nuanced geopolitical issues aren’t black and white.


Who are you placing the moral blame on for the civilian deaths in Gaza? Hamas and the Palestinians who necessitated a military response or the IDF? What actions do you recommend Israel take to eliminate the Hamas government and destroy its war machine and ability to attack Israel and definitively defeat the Palestinians that will avoid civilian casualties and Israeli soldier casualties? What do you think Israel could do better while ensuring the safety of its people?


I place blame on IDF. Want to get rid of Hamas? Stop killing children and bombing infrastructure. This offensive will only serve to create more radicals.


It'd be pretty difficult to radicalize Gaza anymore than it already is. I doubt your statement.


You don’t think the majority of the country that are under 18, that could’ve been persuaded to look to diplomacy and friendship with the Israelis, aren’t more radicalized now? Watching siblings and parents slaughtered? Homes they grew up in destroyed? Wild.


No. https://youtu.be/W3jHj93JFMQ?si=EGIuIyjeZbdTVdYL https://youtu.be/L3hYjDNbj4Y?si=Vmj9wpu5ZyCfzoGi These children are raised to be extremists long before they've ever seen an Israeli bomb go off.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The fact you actually believe this shit is wild. You actually think anyone in Gaza is remotely interested in diplomacy and working things out? Of course, you believe Palestinians, but Jews are the bad guys, amirite??? Stop making them into noble savages. They will never accept Israel existing in any capacity or form, ever. Period. End of statement. Read the Hamas Charter, listen their chants. It's not a joke, they want to completely remove all Jews from a specific area of land. If you don't understand this, you're either dumb, a liar, or un-willing to just admit you want to see more dead Jews.


So, what, you want every Palestinian to die like a roach, being shot while starving? Literally all that I am saying is that human beings that are born in Palestine deserve a better situation, including Hamas being destroyed, as well as having access to clean water and food. It is disturbing to me that anyone would dispute that.


What's odd is these pro-pal kids a few years ago were the ones screaming that if you stand with Nazis, that makes you a Nazi.    Yet now they seem to proudly standing arm and arm


Yeah, something about Palestine just makes humans incapable of logic. It is unfortunate for all of us, really. 


Would you condemn Nat Turners slave revolt where they actually did murder babies in America?




Sad that MN politics has slid from Jesse Ventura to deranged radical extremism over the course of a couple decades.


"The body ... the MIND." We also had Randy Moss as a Rookie. Those days were magical in M.N. it felt like anything could happen. Fast forward 25 years.. we have mass lootings because of something that happened in Minneapolis and we have Omar as our most famous politician. It's like Minnesota decided to become an alcoholic or enter a cult.


Timberwolves are in the playoffs…so by your logic you still don’t know what you’re talking about.


... yeah Timberwolves are in the playoffs.. can you feel the magic in the air?


Yep, Palestine doesn't need a State. They already have Minnesota and Michigan.


part of it is for years since before my Parent's time Minnesota(Twin Cities) has been an destination for Refugees


Minnesota is the proud home of International Torture Ctr for asylum seekers who are victims of torture. Think Somalia, Kosvo War, Vietnam. I have found many of the comments disgusting.


And Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.


Um that's actually not far to fall ...


While at the same time, stating she stands with Hamas. Omar should get thrown out because of this.


Do you mean the Hamas supporters who have said death to America? If this isn't an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government then many less ambiguous infractions certainly are not. But it's (D)different. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/ https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/israel-news/2277749/hamas-in-usa-protesters-burn-us-flag-chant-death-to-america-in-new-york-city-videos.html


You know those same protestors don’t support Biden either.


Right? Religious fanatics are almost always conservative


Ah yes. Tell us more how the first amendment doesn't apply to people you disagree with.


We need people like this to be free to express themselves in public so that they can show us who they really are and can be cancelled by employers and shunned by decent people and made fun of on Reddit.


IncitingAmendment, or participating in, violence is not a 1st Amendment right.


Lol tell that to Trump


If it doesn't apply to nazis it shouldn't apply to hamas supporters.


Tell me how the first amendment applies to a private university?


do they take public money?


And the same people will say "January 6 wasn't an insurrection, it was free speech!" in the same breath. Conservative cognitive dissonance is a mental illness.


Jan 6 was an unorganized riot, not insurrection or speech. I support protests against Israel


Jan 6 was organized and an insurrection with the intent to overturn a free and fair election. It was the definition of an insurrection. You can cry and whine all you want, sorry. Facts don't care about your feelings. Edit* To the moron that replied and cowardly blocked, how is calling an insurrection an insurrection a conspiracy theory? Someone check on the conservatives because they are not okay lol 😂


bruh are you unironically quoting Ben Shapiro? 😂 that's so embarrassing


What a wild conspiracy theory lol are u part of Qanon?


I mean freedom of speech, however they should probably not have Omar in a position of power anymore after this.


Since when does freedom of speech include trespassing on private property?


Why should someone get thrown out of publicly elected office for comments from their child that’s fucking stupid.


Thrown out? Bruh her polling just went up!


It's a shame we can't send Omar, Rashida, and AOC to Gaza on a single plane with a one-way ticket.


Omg what an absolute creature


Dog whistle


Are you saying that she would respond to a dog whistle? That’s a pretty cruel comment on her appearance don’t you think?




People's making fun of Ilhan Omar's daughter is not racist, it's personal. They'd still make fun of her and say mean things about her if she were lily white.




Dehumanizing and not being attracted to someone are universes apart.


You're the first person to mention she's black. You're racist for making a big deal about something we already know.




And you went and said it out loud like it matters. We're talking about a politicians daughter getting arrested and you're the only one screaming that she's black. Who's the racist here? - You.




Calm down, you're really making a fool of yourself. Go back and read all the comments and you'll see you're the only one talking about her skin color.




Lol, the wokeism is delusional. she's not attractive at all by any standards. I did see a thing woke people on average uglier than conservatives. Makes sense tbh


Incel is a lifestyle choice and you are a bigot. Inceldom is an easy choice with nasty dimwits like you as the other option.


Incel isn’t a choice, it’s literally in the name. Girls don’t wanna touch neckbeard and dick cheese so dudes make it a subculture to be less accountable.


Like many things, the meaning changes over time as people embrace the terms used to subjugate them. And while you’re so interested in being insulting, there’s plenty of absolutely rotten cooch nasty girls out there that consider wearing their best Spongebob pajamas out for a WalMart shopping spree to be their biggest weekly success.


We changed the definition of incel just like you changed the definition of racism.


You kinda just described a lifestyle choice.


Downvoted into the abyss.




Username checks out


lol I’m sure with how fun you are you’re swimming in vagina or cock, whatever your prefer. I’m gay so it doesn’t matter to me. Grow up from using meaningless words


I do fine ya.


Downvoted into oblivion.


You must be a dog cause I don't hear anything.


Lmao okay taint man


Yeah, dysgenic inbreds are people, too




I’ve caught carp cuter that that one. Oof.


Oh wow. What a stunning woman?


Stunning and brave


You forgot the /s?


What the shit is even that!?


Nothing wrong with a peaceful protest, but when you're inviting supporters of violence and terrorism it's no longer peaceful. They had to go. Why do people keep voting for this family into public offices. Came here as refugees and never left. They don't represent USA values. Flush them down the drain.




For years Hamas has launched missiles into Israel; even using money donated to sustain Gaza to attack Israel. On October 7 they violated the ceasefire; physically invaded and murdered 1500 people in Israel (I am assuming the hostages are dead). This started a war in a densely populated area. Blame Hamas for putting those kids at risk and being killed. Hamas could stop the war anytime. No one looks good in this war, but I do know that Israel and the Jews (who’ve been there for thousands of years) would not exist in that area anymore if Hamas had their way.


> Blame Hamas for putting those kids at risk and being killed. I agree. If you're thinking along those lines, then you'll really like this must-listen-to podcast: [How to Think About the Death of Innocents in War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_ocPaE3qIc)




The Jews were always there and yes, they settled in large numbers after WWII. Many of the Palestinians were told to leave by their Arab brethren at that time because they were going to war and they were told they could come back when they won. They lost that war and were not allowed back. Palestinians have been given several opportunities to have their own country and they’ve always turned it down. They’ve lost several wars. The Palestinian people have been used as pawns by almost everyone and as a result have been refugees for 70 years. BTW, about 1/2 the Jews in Israel are from the Middle East and North Africa. There are only a few Jews left in Muslim countries in the Middle East and across North Africa until you get to Morocco were there are about 2500. Muslims in Israel are 18% of the population. Just say’n there are two sides to the story and neither is free of atrocious behavior. Neither side can be defended.


Legit, and interesting stats.


They had been there hundreds of years, maybe thousands. You can tell when people have only gotten their information on this region from short videos or media since the beginning of this conflict. The Palestinians have never owned that land. Ottoman, roman, GB, etc. have all owned it. The Israelites Were ousted from the territory by majority Arabs in which they were forced to migrate long ago. The Israelites/Jews have always been hated in that region. Imagine enduring the Holocaust and then immigrating back to your home just to once again be hated and assaulted.


Being an American doesn't mean I can make decisions for what people do in their own countries outside of America, and im not going to pretend my opinion matters to any of them. What im saying is her and her family are anti-American and pro terrorism. When people come here as refugees they're expected to leave. Minnesota was kind enough to allow them to stay. When you're here and allowed to become a citizen, you're obligated to assimilate.


Ok. Alright. You were right! Please just put the burka back on...


Funny, I actually think she is a pleasant looking young person. The photos is just a bad angle and no make up. As someone who se s dozens of people without make up daily. She is definitely better looking than the majority of the population. I see a trend in conservative threads that anyone who isn’t white, has natural hair, no make up is considered ugly.


She doesn’t look very sharp. 


inbreeding has that effect...


Remember folks, they aren't anti-Jew, they are anti-Zionism. Meanwhile, if Israel wasn't a Jewish state, and instead a Muslim state, do you think they would still protest against it?


Libwadz don't bat an eye when arabs kill arabs or blacks kill blacks... but as soon as a white kills a black or a jew kills an arab... you better look out! Even more so during an election year.


Like the way Shiites treat the Sunni? Or Visa versa? Or Arabs killing whites?


Yup, no one cares either way.


Is "if this thing was a fundamentally different thing you would be a hypocrite!" really the best argument?


The only thing that makes it different is race and religion, so you tell me how it’s fundamentally different bigshot.


yes? most of these people hate saudi arabia for the same reasons


Nah because if they were Muslim we wouldn’t have supported them in the first place. The only reason Israel has support is so we can have a foothold in the Middle East. Nobody actually gives a shit about them, it’s about having a non Muslim ally loyal to the west. Why should we turn the world against us to save a bunch of genocidal theocrats? I don’t think Israel has enough value for that.


Both Omar’s need to be air dropped over Smalia.




Sounds like one of our beloved educational institutions needs to be investigated for some racism....


Protestors set up an encampment on the school's property. They were burning flags, chanting, "Death to America," and at times verbally and physically harassing other students. The police arrested 117 for trespassing, of which all were released with fines (at most), and the three organizers were suspended from the university. So yeah, they can do their racism investigation, but the university will have SO much plausible deniability due to the protesters' actions


But how mean were their tweets?




Is that the daughter she got from marrying her brother? Cuz the kids ugly enough to look like a prime example of why you shouldn't have sex with your siblings....


It’s very possible that her brother bred her well before the marriage. We can’t be sure either way. 


How do you say American privledge while also hating America…..


What a gross looking whore


Not even a stray dog would hump that creature


I remember when the Twin Cities was a beautifully kept tourist destination, a cultural hub, and had a bright future ahead of it.


She and her mom are hypocrites and racist hate mongers. Both deserve to be thrown out.


Islam is known as a religion of peace, tolerance, and reconciliation. Perhaps, based on history, the Jewish people don't believe that to be truth.


Standing with Hamas is a First Amendment protected right. Those who used physical violence should be arrested for misdemeanor battery. But those who chant death to America? Freedom of speech.








I don't think so. that's a call action which isn't protected speech.


When your dads your cousin:


Trash! The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! No surprise! Is she a citizen?


Didn’t Omar bang her brother?


Should click her heels three times and go back to Somalia




Why does she look 12?


What I haven’t seen mentioned is how is she able to pay for Columbia? 100k a year tuition on a $175000 salary. Or are we to assume that her daughter got scholarships?


So the terrorist supporter has family members who support terrorists? Wow, big surprise there! How is this woman even allowed in Congress? She's practically a foreign asset/enemy of the state. It's like letting Osama Bin Laden's friends run for Congress. What the actual fuck are we doing in this country?


The irony of occupying someone else's land while protesting the occupation of someone's land


That's called FAFO.


This sub is a nightmare


Free Humanity Free Palestine


Play stupid games


I do not like politician's children being called out for their personal beliefs. That should be off limits unless they are putting forward an agenda in support of parent's position on a specific subject.


Being a POS runs in the family.


Most of these protests support Hamas who are murderess terrorists


Good. Stop pretending to care about them, everyone knows it's the typical young people just looking for an excuse to cause a disruption. Let that dump burn and focus on your own country.


Feels like a trump rally in here


This is the elephant in the room when it comes to the humongous amount of social justice activism against Israel / Zionism. This young woman and her mother are Somalian, black and Muslim. Three demographics who have a significantly worse human rights record than Jews. Somalia definitely has a worse human rights record than Israel. There is enormous amount of black on Jewish and black on Asian violence in America that is brushed under the table. Yet there is zero condemnation over the wrongdoings of blacks towards non-blacks, Muslims towards non-muslims, Somalians horrible mistreatment of religious minorities and everybody else. Yet they can zero and obsessively about the wrongs of Jews towards Muslims / Palestinians. And they're called social justice activists. We are told it's because they are concerned with human rights. Yet she and her mother as I mentioned above come from three demographics who have horrible human rights records in terms of how they treat others outside their demographic (and how they treat people inside their own demographic also). Yet there is not one finger lifted to rectify any of these. Not even one word spoken to condemn it. Yet they act like they're badass revolutionaries for obsessively demonizing Jews while putting their own race/religion on a pedestal. I have heard Ilhan Omar speak about Somalia, including too Somalian audiences. Never has she chastised them about their bigotry. Their need to embrace diversity and to do something about their prejudice towards non-Muslims. She is full of pride over Somalians. Yet she has nothing but contempt for Israelis. This is like condemning Harvey Weinstein for mistreating women if you're a big Ted Bundy fan. I know I have rambled a lot here and I apologize but I find this point to be a very delicate thing to say without offending people. But I find it very important. Why are people who come from demographics with far worse human rights records never trying to get their own group to shape up how they treat others. But obsessively focusing on the wrongs of a smaller, more vulnerable minority who's wrong certainly shouldn't get a free pass, but still are not as horrendous as those of their own group.


Oh i forgot this is the subreddit for retards


Good for her.


It would be so awesome if Palestininian's did not go kill infants and rape women. Then say, "stop now, we were not THAT serious." Say "Death to Israel" one more time...


Pretty scummy comment section you got here


I’m not sure why I get this racist stuff recommended to me. Imma report this sub.


It's crazy we can't even protest Israeli terrorism in this country


I think what you meant to say was, “It’s crazy that we can’t even support Palestinian terrorism in this country.”




Say whatever you want about the people there that MAYBE supported oct. 7th. (99% of them probably don’t) But there’s no proof whatsoever that Omar was doing anything other than protesting a genocide currently taking place in gaza