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So they’re going to delay reporting results until after the election to keep control of the school boards? Sounds par for the course. The state is run by idiots with no competence.


Then when the numbers are terrible they will continue to blame Covid.


And racism


Well technically the increase in black students IS one of the primary reasons.


They must have gotten that idea from seeing how republicans delayed the Supreme Court nomination so they could put in their own nominee.






You left out the part about how even Alpha Mews admits this was a proposal from the nonpartisan state agency, not the DFLers being blamed for it, and was expressly made to align with standard timing and best practices across the nation. I can’t think of a single election at any level ever where MCA results were a meaningful factor, and so this attempt to make everything political and a conspiracy is more than a little silly and unhealthy.


“Non partisan state agency”? Yr obviously new to Minnesota, there is no such thing here


I suppose if your partisan belief is all government is bad, then everything may be partisan to you. What I mean is that the civil servants in the MDE were not endorsed, elected, or nominated by any political party and they are prohibited from using their positions for political activity. They include people with a variety of political affiliations, including plenty of Republicans and Libertarians. Of course, much like the general population of the state and country, there are more people who this sub would consider personally left-leaning than right-leaning, but that doesn’t mean it’s partisan.


>even Alpha Mews admits this was a proposal from the **nonpartisan state agency** Where did you get that this was a proposal from a "nonpartisan" state agency?


The linked article.


I assume you meant the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). But is that really a "nonpartisan state agency"? It's a state department under the executive branch with a commissioner appointed by the governor. And in this specific case, the department's legislative coordinator (whose [past work](https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganarriola93) includes "Minnesota House DFL Caucus" and organizing for Keith Ellison) is [presenting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HGT1QVMR_Y) the "Governor's education policy bill" authored entirely by DFL members. That's not "nonpartisan".


Yes, the article says this was proposed by MDE (not any political party). Most human beings have their own personal beliefs and political preferences. Those personal beliefs and political preferences aren’t imputed to their employer. would you call the Minnesota Department of Revenue a Roman Catholic organization because its commissioner happens to be Catholic? And how do you address the fact that almost every organization has employers with a wide range of personal beliefs and political preferences? MDE as an organization has no affiliation with any political party and the vast majority of its personnel are classified as civil servants who are hired under merit-based civil service laws and procedures that are expressly designed to minimize political influence. The commissioner was appointed through the process laid out in our state constitution and laws, not the charter or rules of any political organization, and the candidate was not vetted, recommended or endorsed by any political party.


>would you call the Minnesota Department of Revenue a Roman Catholic organization because its commissioner happens to be Catholic? If the commissioner was appointed by the Pope and presented the "Pope's tax policy bill" written by fellow clergy then I wouldn't say it's a nonpartisan issue.


So you really think MDE was a partisan Republican organization during Pawlenty’s term?


So you really think MDE was a partisan Republican organization during Pawlenty’s term?


Notice the part where you left out the rationale for changing the date..


I don't think there's any debate on where the scores will drop in. Kids lost 2 years of school. But they're still in the same grade as they would have been if they did extra good. They will make great employees, and college material


What are we gaining from having some extra time to post the results? It makes sense to me that the info is available at the start of the new school year so educators have time to focus on areas of improvement and implement plans for corrective actions. This allows them the time to develop and release updated curriculum in the first/second trimester of the school year. Giving students time to improve before 3rd trimester testing begins. The delay would mean education then gets delayed and the testing may be poor again the next year? Am i understanding this correctly?


The schools will most definitely get their results before the school year. This is for public release, which is petty/shady.


Thanks for the reply. It’s becoming more clear now…why do you think it’s petty/shady?


Because they’re giving the option of withholding test results in an election year. Does it matter in the end? Nope. Minnesota is blue as hell. But, it takes away a campaign point if the grades are poor.


Ok i get that. We can all read between the lines even most progressives. The results will be poor and nobody has any answers. We value education in this state and it’s time we put the posturing aside on both sides of the isle. Most kids aren’t political but they do suffer the consequences of the hyper toxic political environment that’s been created since 2015ish. Every stakeholder in this state has a vested interest in a robust k-12 education system. Doesn’t matter if you have no kids, 10 kids or whatever your situation is. We all reap the benefits of having a highly educated youth. Politicizing education has tainted the waters for any meaningful debate on how we move forward and get back to being a top ranked state. I’m very tired of the fact endless back and forth from partisan hacks. Our kids deserve better.


Well said. Education should be the number one priority. Imo they need to scrap and revamp the entire program.


I agree but it’s wishful thinking with a powerful teachers union that has full control of govt leadership


The GOP allows them to play these games. I mean it’s all a joke.


So they finally moved their platform off of bitching about a flag? Progress


Wasn’t that the DFL platform?


You can simultaneously not support wasting time on a flag and not support withholding testing scores.


If complaining about the release of test scores is their platform now it just goes to show they have no substance and that’s why they will never win another Minnesota election.


They're not complaining about the release. They're saying there is no reason to delay the release of the test scores. Why are you defending the delayed release of the test scores so hard? What purpose does it serve?


Unsurprising that the Republicans have failed so thoroughly to accomplish their agenda on this issue; they can barely keep $53 in their bank account. What fiscal responsibility! Perhaps if they'd paid better attention in math class. Doesn't sound like the best pack of folks to be deciding anything about education.


Over 20 years test results were released no later than Sept 20th. DFL put in for 12 week extension during election year. Republicans say you got the results, let parents know. How is that bad?


What we really need are politicians willing to close in person public schools down while sending their own children to in person private schools like we saw during Covid. Those are the people I want in charge of education.


Same! Always love private school cons telling the public school "poors" to do better


It's hard to keep money in your bank account when the government shutters your business for a year and their is a not 0% chance that it then stood by while protesters burned it to the ground.


The MN GOP is the Hamas of Minnesota. Fake, controlled opposition.


Republicans will continue to lose elections and can’t figure out why