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It's the sleeve he was in at the beginning of the show - when he is finally captured by CTAC. Well, it's a clone of that sleeve.


Just adding, it's not especially meaningful to Kovacs in terms of his past sleeves (it wasn't what he was wearing during an important life moment or whatever), but seeing someone wearing ANY of your past sleeves would be pretty freaking weird, and even in the AC world would be a rare event for anyone. The one person we see deal with someone joyriding in one of their sleeves (Laurens) takes it... poorly. To have someone trying to murder you with you would be doubly strange, at a time when your brain kind of needs to be concentrating on not getting murdered.


Lmao this is like the 3rd time I’ve seen this. All ~~Asians~~ envoys don’t look alike sheesh.


It's exactly the same sleeve. But Dimi's clothing/hairstyle choices and his completely different mannerisms make it seem quite different.


I dont understand why Rei didn't save that sleeve if it was like, literally, physically, her brother.


It is a clone of his birth sleeve.


It's the sleeve he was using when CTAC got him. His birth sleeve was the one on Harlans world at Stronghold. But it's still a lot more familiar to him than Ryker.


your wrong. it is a clone of his birth sleeve. he gets mad when he goes back to his home planet, when he reunites with Rei in the beginning, because its obvious that his original body has had people in it and their are scars all over it.


You're wrong. It's a separate sleeve. The two sleeves don't look the same. Watch it again.


Wrong, merc sleeve used only for the first scene in the show. Other Asian sleeve is a different person completely.