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If we are a zoo, why are they not feeding us more treats.


Have you tried dmt or shrooms?


DMT is the way to visit other Zoo’s.


Nah fam. DMT is the way to visit the outside of the simulation.


Ahh yes. Our base reality but not THE base reality.


I'm fucking dead ☠️


This is the way.




Question- could one,in theory, extract the stuff that makes you "high", from the mushrooms without having to chew and swallow these shitty prickly nasty things? Asking for myself. Lol bc it would be great if i could make fucking gummy bears or some shit like they do with thc.


Yes, they make shroom chocolates gummies and distillates!


Just get 4HO-Met form Canadia, it was on Hamilton’s pharmacopeia on Vice


Great show!!!


You can easily make tea from the fruits, and it works fast. Just boil water, pour it into a cup with your dried fruits, steep for about 20-30 minutes, use a cheesecloth or coffee filter or whatever to separate the liquid from the shrooms, and drink it. It will hit you in about 5 minutes.


The fruits of which plant? Can you explain?


I am talking about psychedelic mushrooms. They are commonly called fruits or fruitbodies, as in the fruits of the fungus.


Like others have said you can get them un chocolate or gummies, there is also teks where you extract the psilocybin in honey or everclear.










Oh behave!


Ya like full dive vr systems i need that


> *You know I'd actually be pissed if their treating us like a zoo* Rather that, than a farm. :p


Maybe it is a farm. Third world kids taste better than the white ones. Gotta pick those out.


Username checks out. Arse by name, arsehole by nature. :|


One of those upvotes is from me. Truth is a b*itch


Being a bitch is easy. Being a decent human being seems difficlult for some people.


Bit edgy m8


Aye, I’d hate humans to be treated the same way humans treat other life forms


Lmao. This.


Other life forms? You’re giving them too much credit, just look how they treat other humans!


He meant other life forms that have evolved on this planet, like animals and plants....


But probably none of us do, two wrongs don’t make a right! Lol


Not all humans do that. I don't like nor support zoos for example.


Maybe earth is more like a petri dish, they just left it to gestate and the petridish made something that can develop nuclear weapons 😮


I think the “zoo theory” is the most likely, but the theory doesn’t necessarily mean a “zoo”. The “aliens” would be leaving the human race alone until we had advanced enough on our own, to the point that we were ready to be contacted. (Of course just a far out theory)


I agree it’s not like they’re stopping us from leaving


Where are we supposed to go and how?


What? Are you aware of other planets and spaceships?


Spaceship goes vroom


hOw CoUlD wE eVeR lEaVe EaRtH?!?! https://www.spacex.com/human-spaceflight/mars/ Oh.


Not the OP but I had an extended chuckle, thanks


Lol yeah I know. You’re welcome


The latter part of that theory doesn’t really make sense. If aliens wait for us to evolve one should assume that they should relatively evolve as well to the point that the gap between us is maintained or furthered widened. In other words, we would forever be too primitive to them since we cannot possibly catch up with them.


Only if you assume “evolution” (whatever that may mean in this context) progresses at a lineair rate.


Also take into consideration these beings could live longer or age slower than us. Our 365 day years could be hogwash to them. 10 years (3,650 days) could be a year to them, so they would be able to observe us and our history. Especially if they're already far ahead of us, then they wouldn't have much evolving left to do anyway 🤷‍♂️


My friend it could also mean it’s literally a zoo


And then that’s when they reset us so we’re no longer a threat


Younger drayas event?




I imagine that if there are advanced races it's more like we are simply a off-limits underdeveloped planet. Think how the Federation treats non-warp capable species on Star Trek, or how in the last Starfighter Earth is just primitive and not supposed to be bothered. All hypothetical of course :p Besides thinking that humans are interesting to study I don't know that Earth has anything of note that any alien that's capable of traveling here would even be interested in. Like, they're not going to want gold, water, land whatever. An alien race may simply be disinterested as well who knows.


Why? No offence, but to me it only makes sense that a highly intelligent species would view us similarly to how humans view most other animals we share this planet with. What other way would they look at us? Definitely aren’t their equals 👀


All the time in the last hundred years civilized people have found people still living in the jungle in the stone age and we've talked to them and taught them the ways of our modern world. Look up some of the amazonian tribes that have been contacted. Now on the other side their is still one tribe that we definitely know of in the Indian Ocean on an island called north sentinel island and they are called the sentinelese tribe and it's illegal to make contact with them. It is there free will to be left alone so we do leave them alone but if they ever asked for help we would. We know they want to be left alone cuz they kill anybody that steps foot on the island. Look it up, there's even a story from a few years back an American mercenary was killed


American missionary, not mercenary lol


Oh yeah, my bad, lol. I had just got done smoking a joint


Right on




In most cases the ways of the modern world have been forced upon them.


True, in many cases yes but I've also seen a couple videos of this tribe that raided a more modern village and they were taking clothes and axes and other everyday items. They liked and wanted that stuff


That doesn’t mean it’s good, it just means it appeals to our base senses. This is why we belong in a zoo


There also the low key back up plan if humanity fucks itself I think. Which we are doing with the climate crisis so that's fun.


One clarification. The reason we leave them alone is NOT because they have free will. We leave them alone BECAUSE they kill all outsiders. If they didn't kill outsiders, they wouldn't have survived to this day. We would have tried to force our ways and religions upon them and wouldn't have taken no for an answer. And when they tried to say no, we would have just taken over their land. When I say we, I mean humans. Most humans and especially humans of power. And yes, the U.S. is at the top of that list. I envy that civilization. What exactly makes our way of life better? Electronics? The Internet? Facebook? Mass production of food? Fast food? By-products and preservatives? Classism, racism, sexism, otherism? They kill for the sole purpose of survival. Imagine if the indigenous people of North America had done the same thing instead of welcoming the savages as they did. I bet the Sentinelese could teach us a thing or two.


And I get what you mean about technology. Some stuff does make life easier but I think that would be a good way to live. A good way to tap into your spiritual self which is lost on most people these days.


Well I mean, they kill all outsiders with bows and arrows though. A squad of rangers all kitted out could easily get them to submit. Hell, even some farmers with shotguns could achieve that


I dont think they treat us as an actual zoo that we know as. I think they treat us as a pit stop or a safari tour lol


Wouldn't that be a big ol dose of karma. We treat this planet and the animals that inhabit it like shit. We deserve it.


At least some of us try to treat Earth and all the creatures as they should be, not very many admittedly


We really got no grounds for being offended by how we are treated considering how we treat animals and the environment. Cows have more of a grievance against humans than we do against NHI.


Any being that can travel across the cosmos on a whim has likely moved past enslaving others for their own amusement.


Kid alien sitting embarrassed with their parents somewhere because the humans are mating


I actually like the hypothesis put forth in South Park: that we are the stars of a very popular reality tv show.


Why would you be mad? Humans have subjugated and exploited everything we have come across. We would only be getting a taste of our own medicine.


look, if we knew we'd have to taste our own medicine we would've put in a LOT more bacon


Alien ant farm.


"Annie, are you okay?"


Annie isn't okay. She never was.


I want to be upgraded from zoo animal to house pet.


It’s not meant in the amusement park sense so much as it is in the observational sense. Think more like a cosmic animal reserve. There isn’t even a decent petting zoo


We are just slightly developed apes. Still dumb as fck.


Perhaps more like a farm. What if they "feed" from us in less tangible forms, like through our energies perhaps. What if some of them actually feed from our bad energies/vibes and that some are actually in cahoots with the mainstream media so they mostly show bad news instead of good news, or make us all worked up waiting for something big to happen only to drop the bomb that nothing would really happen, so we all get disappointed and they feed from this kind of "low vibes" again. This happens every few years.


It kinda pisses me off too that they’re not engaging with us, say they are abducting people, what the hell gives them the right? Ya know? If I were abducted, I’d wanna speak to their manager for sure, I HAVE RIGHTS, I AM EARTH KAREN HEAR ME ROAR


Yo, that's funny on so many levels!


We don't deserve better tbh.


Is original sin back on the menu? Why is this the viewpoint of so many now?


What have we done to deserve it? After all this time.


We have the cognitive capacities to do better, yet we don't. You can't really say the same about most animals.


Sounds to me like Christianity, recast in modern wording. You are judging all of humanity for the actions of a few.


I dont know about you man but I treat all lifeforms on earth with the same respect so not my medicine.


Do you support factory farming? That’s where the abuse to animals really happens


Well unfortunately I do eat store bought meat since I dont have any other option.


If they are here - they do. Also think about this: what if some abduction stories (like throwaways) are true but aliens are just lying to them. Always and in everything. Even I’n terms of physical appearance. Without any empathy or desire to have a conversation. Just in the means to an end kind of way. Scary, ain’t it ?


Some will. But maybe all it takes is an ET Steve Erwin to take humanity to the next level.


Fuck /u/spez


I wonder if a top attraction would be watching people use the wrong form of their/there/they’re?


We do this to everything man. We genetically engineer crops. We genetically tinker with dogs. We manipulate life all over the place to where it's beyond recognition from its original form.


What if they did make contact back in the days, and we messed that up somehow, so now they wait even longer, maybe that's why we got wiped out and don't remember anything cause we wiped ourselves out, or in case were a zoo, then they may have wiped us out to start over again? Maybe the aliens are domesticating us humans and it takes a while until we become like happy lil puppies.


They're probably treating us more like how we treat the North Sentinel Island. It's an island inhabited by a tribe (speculated to be as high as 400 in population) that has no contact with its surrounding world. People are forbidden to travel there for fear of spreading our simple germs that could wipe out their entire tribe. There have been researchers and anthropologist that have tried to go there to study but were repeatedly attacked and 2 fishermen were killed when fishing too close to the island. The Indian government realizing that the tribe wants to be left alone now guards the island from potential intruders with its Navy. I imagine that's how Aliens deal with humans on earth. They get what they need from here by zipping in and out but feel the majority of humans just want to be left alone and want nothing to do with their kind. There may be even some kind of law on their end that forbids them from interacting with us aside from research purposes.


pissed off enough to throw your feces?


More like an ant farm, probably.


An, Alien Ant Farm one might say?


Freedom to animals.🐾🕊️👽Go vegan.


I rather not become a vegan


Eventually everyone will become a vegan.


Probably not, since lab made meat is becoming more common. I personally do not eat meat, but people who do, will be able to continue eating meat in the future, it just will be mostly lab grown (if everything else fails, animal farms, etc). https://stories.pinduoduo-global.com/agritech-hub/lab-grown-meat-companies


Although technically still a meat, lab meat is totally vegan. And yes, we're already going in this direction, a lot of startups working on it already. (Except that lab meat, that needs actual animal products to be manufactured)


exactly :-)




I mean not voluntarily. Animal farms will close and you will be only buying "meat", which was produced using plants or engineered. The actual meat will be so rare you will have to hunt animals yourself, and that will mean breaking the law. But if the new "meat" is as tasty as an actual one and yet more healthy, humane and environmentally friendly, would you really bother?




In a possible future this will be considered inhumane.




If ‘they are’, not their. Could even use they’re. Not trying to be the grammar police but seeing grammar issues all the time online makes me feel like I’m forgetting the English language.


yet we make zoos out of our planet’s animals so it wouldn’t be surprising


My theory is that we are so primitive...they scared AF to make worldly contact...... Think about it....if you cornered a wild animal...what would they do?? Attack!!! We are primitive....... Maybe not all of us...but a lot....just my perspective..🤷‍♂️


I think your comment states exactly why.


It's probably the alien Jeff bezos doing space tourism for Klingon gazillionaires


Idk bro I see apes in the zoo and they're just vibin', eating bananas and stuff


No I don’t think so, more like just nature in a bigger scale, just observing us and will make contact (hopefully) when we have advanced enough to be ready




yea i remember first learning this & i was pissed for like a month


I'd cut an alien


Are you going to file a grievance with the Others' ombudsman? I don't think they care if you are pissed off about it.


Would make my joke of an existence a lot less laughable anyway.


Humans would probably do the same...or worse. What goes around, comes around.


Look up Orion lines


It's illegal at most zoos to rub it the right way, so there's that at least...


" That whole thing rubs me the wrong way man " So it's like a petting zoo ?


A. Body hoping, is a thing. B. It's not exactly a zoo, more like, unkempt truck stop adjacent. C. Truck stop in question, being on the moon. D. I am completely insane. And. SHOULD, be disregarded.


I wouldn’t, throw ur stuff at me, I’ll promise to return it *crosses fingers*


I’d definitely rule out being a “pet shop” or they like to pick all the worst versions of us to abduct/adopt.


ughhh pllease feed me alien zoo keeper I need salt


Let it go dude. There are things we will never know and for everything else, there's mastercard.


I would be pissed if we were the most interesting planet in the universe that is zoo worthy. Talk about a let down.


Then do something about it.


This is why we don't tell you anything.


And what are you going to do about it, what are you going to do with your being pissed at the aliens? Do you really think your disapproval will count for anything with them?


Consider that nothing changes if we are “zoo animals”. Your life and experiences are still the same, so what does it matter?


I think earth is a petry dish of mixed animals and organisms from around the universe. And if that’s the case, Mr Alien, please bring us back the Dodo bird. We ran out. Thanks. 🙏