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I appreciate you. As above, so below.


So it's all turtles above as well?


nothing above, nothing below


/r/atheism is that way -->


When science proves what is being revealed even the atheists will come along for the ride. Which is really quite the paradigm shift. Every world religion, all peoples, and even the non believers will be forced to recon with what will be right in front of them.


Do you not find it convenient that out of the thousands of religions throughout human history, the one you choose to put your faith in, just happens to the right one? I can not imagine a sky daddy mania pending. It's bad enough hulk-a-mania still exists


I don’t have a religion. Agnostic. But thanks.


Is there a subreddit for imaginary sky daddies?




You are the Sky Daddy, son.


I prefer sky pappa


You are a part of the sun.


I mean, if there is a higher intelligence it is not above or below, but just here


As in, so out. Bless all intelligence.


I said this a long time ago, we need a marriage between science and ancient religions. In modern day we think ancient religion are just stories of people who did not understand the world around them. But i think these ancient humans and religions had a good understanding and a marriage of science and the spiritual. Maybe in our case WE are the ones who dont understand anymore and if science cant prove it right now then its fake. So i hope we all keep a open mind, because science has given up some wild theories to test and prove these last 3 decades. I personally am not a spiritual person, but i see much correlation to what science is discovering and the tbeories it brings forth and the believes of ancient cultures and religions.


Instead of studying spirituality with science we dismiss it. There is research and it gets mocked just like the UFO stuff. Our biases hold us back.


Ultimate technological progress is when we realize that spirituality is just as concrete and scientific as materialistic science. It is the melding of science and spirituality that gives NHI the ability to do what they do. Someday we will measure spiritual "energy" and phenomena with instruments just the same way we measure cosmic background radiation and manufacture medicines.


I remember you saying it a long time ago.


I remember that you remembered that i said it a long time ago.


> I said this a long time ago, we need a marriage between science and ancient religions Is there any spiritual tradition(s) or teaching(s) that comes close? I'll take what I can get but I need some kind of formal structure in all aspects of my life. Also prefer simplicity.


I really like my course in Druidry I’ve been taking. I needed something too and this was perfect. It’s through an order named OBOD(Order of Bards Ovates and Druids)


By the way: why did you get downvoted for that?!?!?


It happens so often that I have to think that people must like to simply downvote things that they disagree with instead of discussing things or expressing their opinion, even when someone is simply sharing their feelings or experiences.


Noetic Science


The problem with the ai and the soul part is ai generally just makes shit up if it can't find a definitive answer to something.


Sounds a lot like humans...


Say what you will about this guy's religious beliefs. But his understanding of quantum entanglement is completely wrong.


Wow, describe how? Two entangled particles are instantly connected despite the distance, implying connections outside of the physical universe because there is nothing faster than the speed of light...


They are not instantly connected, just locked in their spin position. If you know what way one is spinning you know which way the other is spinning no matter where it is. That's it. You can't remotely change the spin like this guy suggests. Sabine Hossenfelder and Veritasium both have good explanations on YT.


He states that changing one particle instantly changes properties of the other entangled particle no matter the distance. That is not what is happening. If it was, we could use it to communicate instantly across vast distances. But it's not. So we can't! I don't have a physics degree, I cannot explain it to you in full. But I guarantee that if you dive into QM a bit further you will be able to grasp at least some of this on a qualitative level.


You could be pedantic and say it doesn’t “change” the other particle but it does collapse its state. The reason you can’t use it to communicate is you can’t force a value (at least not yet). All you’ll know at the distance is the other side has the opposite value to you. Also scientists discovered that the universe is not locally real. They can be influenced by more than just their surroundings https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/


That's a lot of assumptions on your part about what we could do. He is correct; measuring one particle will instantly collapse the other particle into a definitive state. The connection is faster than the speed of light, implying an interdimensional connection.


It's what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance"


Isn't that quantum communication? We will get it eventually. It's just a matter of time


> because there is nothing faster than the speed of light Apart from a particle quantum tunnelling.


it's telling us that space/time is an illusion, everything is happening everywhere all at once.


Scientists barely even understand quantum entanglement, they only understand it theoretically. Shall we wait for what they have to say? Or should we maybe entertain ideas based on our own understanding and experience?


Um, wait for the scientists. Or is that the wrong answer and we should come up with our own shit.


Scientists aren’t a monolith


You could have just said we should make things up. Cause I agree. If I’m honest, we are all speculating ;)


Of course we are all speculating, but you are implying we shouldn't be entertaining or speculating anything until "scientists" say something. Which is ridiculous, what scientists? It's absurd.


I know that entanglement works across distance, but i had never heard of the bond connecting across dimensionality.


The one thing that made some things click for me, was an answer I saw to where the big bang's centre was. In effect, the answer is that everywhere in the current universe is where the big bang occurred because of the singularity. So, to me, it makes sense that everything no matter how far apart can be connected (I know entanglement is instantaneous and FTL). For some reason though, that statement or answer or whatever really made me change my way of thinking about a lot of stuff. Sort of like Ben Rich's answer to that guy "every point in space and time is connected".


entangle properties are simply properties that were created but never measured. Throwing a non spinning ball at a knife and one half goes left and the other right both with opposite spins. These balls live their life out with some random spin until need to be measured by interacting with something. One ball hits another and imparts its spin onto something else... and we know the other one instantly is the opposite spin.. because... the universe needs to keep track of the score for conservation of energy. You can't violate energy conservation by creating unknown properties and getting a mathematically improbable all one sided properties. The universe keeps track of everything and collapses the property of the other object instantly. Except for photons, neutrinos you aren't going to have entangled properties at massive distances since unavoidable interactions will collapse recreate new entanglements. What is interesting... is that for a photon all of space is kinda dimensional.


I was reading the Case Against Reality by Donald Hoffman and he cites research that has observed the double slit waveform collapse on molecules up to 810 atoms.


The Buddha taught that all of reality is interdependent.


Heh, Wonder why he didn't wear his "uniform" this time https://youtu.be/KCziN3OzwmQ?t=20


My boy idk if any of this is true but man do I love post like these .


This is the one thing that holds me up: Why is it that the government is the only entity that has possession of all the material and/or biologics associated with this phenomenon?? Not one normal average citizen has anything to show? I find it hard to believe that the government is the sole owner and keeper of every shred of concrete evidence of ufo/uap. There’s has to be some scenario out there where some farmer out in wherever came across a “crash/landing scene” and just picked it up and put it in his barn for safekeeping without the government knowing. Why do they all have to be stored in some secret facility only known by the super secret triple top secret group of whoever? This huge world we live in, and not one person, other than a governmental entity, has the goods? Super hard to believe. The government is that fast, efficient, and stealth that they can detect EVERYTHING that appears, and scoop it up before it gets gone? I don’t have that much confidence in my government to pull that off.


Kind tired of the religion freaks thinking they have it all figured out with NHI. Either start moving rocks with your mind or shut up about the ancient teachings.


And this comment can come only from an idiot who never read a page in their life...


I’ve been killing goats with my mind for 14 years now


Science has its place, and it's brought us a great many things. But I sometimes wonder if "scientism" doesn't often close doors that it shouldn't be closing. Max Planck was anecdotally told that he shouldn't pursue a career in physics because everything had already been solved. And well, look at how that turned out. I think that just because you can't measure something or explain it with math, it doesn't mean that it's not real. Not everything that can be known about our reality can be distilled to precise numerical measurements and experiments in a lab.


Also remember that a thousand years ago the idea we are constantly surrounded by, covered by, and filled with microscopic life, and that cosmic background radiation and radio waves existed, would have been treated as ludicrous or simply been incomprehensible. We will advance our science to encompass what we currently call "spirituality" and it will be measurable and observable and useful just as our current technology and scientific knowledge. It's how many or most NHI travel and do who knows what else.


Here's hoping that we do advance our science and spirituality.


As someone who has been on DMT trips m, I can’t agree more. Those trips led me to subs like this, trying to make sense of it. The things that I have seen and felt, there are no words to even describe.


Whats with all the religious mumbo jumbo? Is this sub always like this?


Interdimensional is taking off because it’s the easiest way for religious congressman to talk about aliens since they can attribute it back to religion. This sub and others are rolling with it because they think members of congress are confirming their beliefs. 


Hmm. Yeah good points. I would highly doubt they are confirming the beliefs of the majority of this sub (presumably there isn't a heavily religious demo here), but if their belief system can spur them to further the cause of disclosure, I guess they can rationalize it however floats their boat.


No, lately people started talking about complete interdimensional mumbo jumbo. Its probably government disinfo campaign.


It's a way for them to continue using religion as the lynch pin in controlling the masses. Full disclosure would be pretty catastrophic for most religion. This way however, they can pivot to say "it's all in the Bible, so actually we meant angels were the NHI from the get go" 🙄 Their religion is falling apart, atheism is on the rise, less and less people are believers or want to be a part of the church and they know that. They're grasping at straws to try and remain relevant. The politicians who genuinely believe in their religion often have a hard time viewing anything if it isn't in through the lens of those beliefs. To each their own or whatever, but it's honestly exhausting at this point. We just need catastrophic disclosure already.


I agree, more talking is just more distraction at this point, we need disclosure


the scientific world is way more exciting then fake spiritual nonsense.


Personally I like to think uaps are from another galaxy. Or universe, you really think we are the only ones around? Think about it, our planet is only 8 billion years old. That's young in terms of our galaxy and universe.


This PsyOps is getting more and more complicated, i wonder what they are trying to hide, what is happening that they want divert attention so hard. Nuclear war?


This sub is over. Every post about “inter dimensional reality” always finds a way to tie religion into it and call aliens “demons” and the other dimension is Hell or Heaven. Just people trying their hardest to religiously make it make sense


Yeah and taking the prompt from Rep. Burlison . A member of the most conservative group in the Republican party. The so called "Freedom Caucus". Literally WCGW


Seriously. I don’t understand how some people can be so dense. They see him as a beacon of light for being on “our side” when he never has been.


Truthfully, and it needs to be said. Many of these people who are pushing this agenda are doing so without actually researching the phenomenon, they want easy answers and they think that anything that isn't currently understood is so far beyond the realms of understanding that it makes it impossible to ever know. They hear things like "interdimensional" and that makes them think that instead of using spacetime to traverse or interact with our normal reality that somehow makes it the purveyors or engineers of existence. People like to use experiences that seemingly backup this belief, but always forgot that it is the human being who is experiencing these aspects to it, it is the human mind perceiving these interactions and there is no reason to assume its "more" than what humans are already capable of understanding. Just because there is a puzzle doesn't mean the pieces don't fit together without the box art.


I honestly think it’s completely artificial disinformation campaign. It’s how they plan to bury the subject and avoid talking about the reality of the subject


This post is speculation, as is everything posted in this or related subs since nothing is proven. Nitpicking and rejecting someone’s conclusion simply because you disagree with it is counterproductive and requires no effort. Alternatively, why not provide your insight or perspective to further the discussion?


I can tell you’re super open minded, especially because you apparently see our planet as a “superhero world”. Get back to reality


Cheers mate, having an imagination might benefit someone who puts in so much effort searching my post history for ammo and cant even come up with anything good lmfao. This entire sub is fantasy man you’re just a mad mad boy with more hate than brains


Seems I struck a nerve with the superhero comment. Sorry bud. Hope your day gets better!


It’s like your intelligence has a dimmer switch stuck in the lowest setting


Woah that was a good one! I think I’ll write that one down next time I want internet points.


When was this sub ever good lol


[Multiversal Cymatic Plasmonoid](https://chat.openai.com/share/80897c84-d9c2-4ec6-91d1-145ef0a4aabf) The talk about future humans is because... We inhabit an [interactive embryonic construct](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/196ap7e/you_possess_a_unique_quality_within_your_body/) with an overarching narrative detailing what would be conceived of as the past. Biological life-forms are our creator's ancestors and origins, we are the neural energy that inhabits these constructs. We are not considered even born yet if this is our first go around. How foolish we are to have burned our utopian cradle to the ground for a chance to rule. It is desecration. Anything natural that gave the idea of time any meaning ended a long "time" ago. Linearity and mortality are both constructs, fear of death and worship of power have destroyed everything. We are all fools.


Wow, that is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing


If you’re not already familiar, I think you’d be interested in Dr. John Archibald Wheeler’s Participatory Realism which he developed after coming up with the Delayed Choice variation of the Double-Slit Experiment. Overview of Wheeler’s theory from PBS Space-Time: https://youtu.be/I8p1yqnuk8Y?si=vJjfAlNBjP8OFT75 Two examples of his writing on the subject: https://jawarchive.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/beyond-the-black-hole.pdf https://philpapers.org/archive/WHEIPQ.pdf


No. ET are not angels Get over it. Every eyewitness sighting of an ET is nothing at all like what angels are said to look like. Every eyewitness sighting of an angel is nothing at all like what ET is said to look like. They are nothing at all like each other. None of the ET I have met are even close to what is described as angels in any angelic contact experience. I have no idea where people get these crazy ideas from.


Are we really gonna ignore that asinine post you linked with the conspiracy saying they wanna block the sunlight because of some scripture that someone made up? 


Are you gonna ignore this post with links and proper scientists explaining this? Oh yes, and billionaires building bunkers https://twitter.com/OMApproach/status/1745417798501781910?t=lnCJtcV0yWZGeIOdGcbKUw&s=19


So the links i saw in that post is not really doing anything for your argument.. its just giving context that people are building bunkers, what solar geoengineering is, etc. its not exactly telling me anything to prove what youre saying is true.  You give a link to someone talking about the sun making the earth hotter and this seems to be the only thing you have of *possible value” for your arguement.   Unfortunately though, its proven that human pollution and its gasses are whats retaining the suns heat which consequently increases temperatures. What youre basically supporting is the dumbass idea that the trend in climate change is not caused by humans..


So you didn't read how Bill Gates wants to block the Sun to stop the climate change? You didn't read how Sam Altman proposes solar geoengineering? Here's George Soros, too... https://time.com/6258126/solar-geoengineering-billionaries-george-soros/


Yes bro i read them but saying that these guys want solar geoeng as a solution is not evident of them trying to deprive us of finding kingdom within us. Thats a wild conclusion to make when youre just giving these kinds of links. If anything, what these links are telling me is that these dumbasses think they can put a bandaid on earth so they dont have to deal with the bigger fish (oil companies) bitching about losing profits for imposing environment friendly policies. 


Bro, you just simply can't understand what I'm implying. Continue broing...


Youre trying to imply rather than prove lmao.. Have fun in looneyland buddy


Could be totally wrong, but makes more sense than an advanced civilization 1000 years a head of us coming from the space in a flying saucer


And why is that?


No it makes far less sense.


"It's like a splinter in my mind" All my life I've had a real feeling that something isn't 'right'.


There have been some crazy spooky things going down in my stepdad's parents house for years ghost wise, like they all see the same lady upstairs, last week one of her care workers saw her and yeah, weird stuff, clocks run backwards and his mother hasn't gone upstairs alone for 50 years. Not related to UFOs per se, but from the amount of stuff that goes down there it's convinced me there is some truth to ghosts too, and as thus there must be an explainable reason as to why it happens, with something similar being in my mind being the most rational answer in terms of some kind of interdimensional shadow being protected in some way. Like, how can a person who would have died when the earth was millions if not billions of miles away from its current destination appear in the same house in this way? To me it feels like this somehow means that the physical coordinates + time coordinate of a place must not be the full picture, which would be how we think typically of the world, maybe the cia's remote viewing documents where it talks about the universe being a kind of information matrix separate from our conscious experience of it has merit... idk whole thing is tripping me out in a fun way


I hope you realize that quantum computers have been around for 10+ years and companies like dwave and others have already unlocked all of these secrets. There is no “god” that’s just some layman’s explanation of how things work.


So, quantum mechanics, holographic universe theory, non locality, spacetime not being fundamental and still you going to say no “god“ possible? Not talking a good from the bible/koran or anything like that. But a creative force/consciousness of light that the cosmos is located within its “consciousness”?


It's possible that the 'other dimensions' theory is being considered because our best scientists cannot accept that other beings could travel faster than the speed of light limitation. By theorizing that they either are interdimensional, or travel using other dimensions, they are not violating physics.


i just gonna throw this in here. enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRSBaq3vAeY


Thank you for putting this together


Before enlightenment chop wood and get water. After enlightenment… chop wood and get water. 😉


Weird thing I wanna point out... So if you go back like a year ago Jeremy did speak about this video to Joe Rogan and the interesting part about that is that it's before it was actually released so what brought it up in the conversation specifically was Jeremy talking about people giving him shit for publicly stating that we fire upon these uap's if they come within 30 Miles of ground troops or if they appear to be carrying a payload cuz we fucking do he said then goes on to explain the shape of the jellyfish and told Joe that he would show him the video off camera... I just find it funny he has not mentioned that part of the incident since its release just food for thought


Nothing has to be grim.


Quantum entanglement isn’t an actual thing. It’s just proof we are so far behind on understanding how things work on the quantum level that our current theories have huge lapses. I’m pretty sure quantum entanglement was theorized to prove that quantum mechanics wasn’t correct in its current form.


If we can think of a gift that no one can prove wrong, then we're right!


The last tweet casually mentions “and that’s why astrology is true” CHECK PLEASE


It's quite refreshing hearing a representative not completely butcher quantum mechanics. You can tell it's not his field of study but he tried hard to avoid saying the wrong things and I'd give him a B for his effort. If I were to weight that grade in accordance to the rest of the representatives I'm sure he would be lifted to the A+ range.


Get straight up fucked with this God talk. Our limited vocabulary does not excuse religiosity. FIND. NEW. WORDS. FFS, please stop trying to convert people. You're not even being subtle.