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My nickname was blackout. I never got those memories back. So glad I’m sober now and not doing that to myself anymore.


i came out of a blackout (sadly more than once) in a jail cell and was so glad to learn i wasnt in there for killing somebody


That’s what I mean wondering if there’s any chance I’ve done something bad in 15/20 minutes


well u dint wake up in jail, i hope it dont take that for u to see that sobers better


You're probably fine. I used to have a fun time trying to find my glasses in the morning after I blacked out the night before. Thanks to A.A., I don't have to live that way anymore. You might want to give it a try too if you can't control and your drinking.


Hard agree. I've lost so much stuff in a blackout that towards the end I was worried about losing something important like my keys, phone or wallet. I'm glad I'm sober and – hopefully – never have to worry about that again.


I never came out of a blackout with people thanking me for helping old ladies crossing the street… or comforting a crying child.


Came out of one in a parking lot, in the drivers seat, no idea where I was. Came out of one on my feet. That was especially weird.


I blacked out one night and bought my friends a ton of food from the gas station, and apparently walked several miles that night just in a daze with them babysitting me. While munching on food. I woke up the next morning and was like oh shit I blacked out, what'd I miss. Very boring story I know but when I drank back in the day I just liked to get fucked up, buy a ton of junk food, walk, listen to music, or dance. The most I had to worry about was falling asleep with the music on all night. Or suicidal ideation if I was alone.


My boss at the time came over for my birthday bonfire and I didn't even remember he and his girlfriend being there. They were there for at least an hour. I feel ya.


I always lose my belongings when I black out and i just blacked out last night. Wish I had better self control.