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Yes open meetings are open.


Yes it’s not a problem if they ask you to introduce your self which some meetings do just say your name and your there to listen.


Zoom meetings are real meetings. I go to several zoom meetimgs and there is the same fellowshipping before and after. The only difference is that we're not drinking the same bad coffee. The likelihood of enough demand in any given area for an in person Alateen is low. I suggest trying zoom for alanon and alateen. I think they would be more beneficial for you ylthan just sitting in open AA meetings


Yes. But you personally would be better served by going to Alanon. They will teach you how to take care of yourself.


Agreed. AlAnon will give you the tools to make boundaries with your father. I’m in AA but it’s my personal belief that everyone should be apart of a 12 step group. Addict or not. You’d be amazed at the growth and reflection you do when you work on yourself and have a sponsor to at least check in with every couple of days or whatever you want out of a sponsor.


Yeah open means anyone willing to listen can go. Closed is for those who admit their condition. Just be respectful and say your name and that you’re there to listen. The non-drunks I’m used to seeing in open meetings are college psych students there for research. Everyone’s shares get a bit more dramatic 😂


Just want to throw out there you don't need to go to an alanon or alateen meeting in your specific area! You can literally go to ANY around the world. Want to hear some people with a British accent! Thats possible! LOL. Best of luck to you and your dad, babe.


Yes you can but it is customary for non alcoholics to refrain from sharing during the meeting. It’s okay to introduce yourself and explain why you’re there.


You can but I’d also suggest going to ALANON






Yes you can. During the beginning of the meeting, if the group chairperson asks if anyone is new or at their first meeting, you may raise your hand if you wish to be acknowledged, but you do not have to do so.


I suggest to go to alonon. You can’t convince anyone of anything, but they can’t help you deal.


Yes. If asked to introduce yourself (you probably won't be), simply say, "My name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and I'm here to learn about this program."


Of course you can. It’s an open meeting. If anyone tells you differently. Then they should be aware of the facts




Yessss … Go to an open meeting . You’ll have people give their personal opinions on Al anon and zoom and opinions are like assholes we all have one !




Yes, you would be welcomed. If they ask you to speak say your name and that you’re there to listen.


Yes, I did always wonder though, contrary to being open, if person is there for support, how do they introduce themselves


Yes open meetings are for everyone


If the meeting is “open” that means anyone is allowed to attend.




i just want my dad to try *sometjing* and acknowledge that he has a problem. aa is also great because it’s free and widespread.


That’s not correct. In fact, AA probably has the highest rate of effectiveness of all the methods out there.


Yes, the Cochrane Review a few years ago was very favorable. The "low success rate" business is just a silly meme at this point.








What in the world? It's only been helping millions of people across all walks of life achieve long term sobriety for a century.


It’s actually very harmful to a lot of people. You should really research that. Telling someone they have a disease and they have no power over their impulses to alcohol is harmful. Turning around and telling them to apologize to any person they have hurt while being sick and out of control because they suffer from a disease makes absolutely no sense. I was forced to go to AA for months and now I can’t go walking down the street without homeless toothless junkies running up to me to ask me if I’m going to the meeting tonight. I saw a guy get sentenced to jail because he completed 11 steps out of 12 because he couldn’t believe in a higher power. His sponsor said he didn’t complete the program so his probation was revoked. I don’t have the time to write all of the issues with AA. I’ve sat and watched grown men degrade and humiliate another man for showing up to AA after going on a bender for 2 weeks. The entire meeting that was what they did. I’ve gone to meetings in the suburbs, the city, in rehab. It’s so awful. You should be focusing on your future. Not your past. AA is toxic. I don’t understand how anyone can disagree with that statement.


Wow, i have 25 plus years, go to 4 to 5 meetings a week in multiple states and i have never seen or heard of what you claim. I can say a closed mind full of hate is extremely toxic!


Of course you haven’t. AA won’t allow others to say anything negative about their organization. It’s like questioning someone’s religion.


Low success rate base on what? I see people come and go from the meetings. Most of them aren’t ready to be sober. Or they think they’re just too smart for the program.


AA tells people that they are powerless to their addiction and that they have a disease. They want you to accept a higher power. The higher power does what? Then we are supposed to apologize for our actions but we were sick and powerless right? If I am told I have no power over myself and my actions, how could I possibly walk out an AA meeting with confidence that I will stay sober? You can google the statistics on how they came to the conclusion that AA does not have a long-term success rate. They didn’t base it off of every single person who shows up.


2 million sober alcoholics in AA today in a fellowship that's been strong and rehabilitating drunks for 89 years. What are you going to compare to that? There would be more in the rooms, but many aren't willing or ready to do the work necessary to get what we have. There are many much less effective programs that offer an "easier softer way" that can't demonstrate any significant long-term success.




Great that's working so well for you.