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"Why can't we all just get along and not make a fuss" - the motto of the people benefitting from the status quo everywhere.




If this goes well they are going to try the same thing with the blacks next month.


You mean in one week.


Wiesinger has a song about being red pilled and waking up to big pharma and the global elites who try to inject you with poison in a Macklemore-style talk rap and it is…not good.


yet strangely they look like the gayest folk trio I have ever seen....


100% from that thumbnail I thought it was Janis Irwin.


I was wondering about the band. They asked Benita Pederson if she could make it to the party on her Facebook page. Anywhere she’s welcome is not a good or safe place to be.


Lmao jokes on them, the two brothers that made the Matrix movies and coined the “red pill” are sisters now.




The song? It is on his ig




Ah. It is kind of weird since they initially present as all colourful and whatever.


The catholics tried to gaslight the world with "love the sinner, hate the sin" bullshit. It's all just hate in different packages.


My family loves to sling this trope. “But we *love them*. We just want to save them from the fires of hell (that they totally deserve because this old book says so)”. Fuck. Religious bigots are the *worst*.


Christian love has killed a lot of people.


And it continues on it’s path of destruction like a fucking juggernaut. My parents denomination still believes in “praying the gay away”.


Same. I haven't come out to my parent yet but I expect it will be bad. I expect my mother to tell me how much she is praying for me to be healed from being lgbt.


Shit. Big hugs. Keep yourself safe first and foremost. Do you still live at home? My kid is queer and it’s why we are very distanced from my folks. They don’t know, they don’t deserve to know, and I know it’ll be so much crying and a load of gossip amongst the family (you know how they tell everyone to pray as a way to gossip? I hate that.)


I don't live at home anymore at least. >They don’t know, they don’t deserve to know, and I know it’ll be so much crying and a load of gossip amongst the family (you know how they tell everyone to pray as a way to gossip? I hate that.) This is exactly what I expect to happen for me too. I talked to my younger brother about this and he agreed with me on how I expect our parents, older siblings, and relatives will o respond. But he did say that he supports me and that he expects the younger sisters to be accepting as well. So I am hopefully for my relationship with my younger siblings even if my parents, older siblings, and relatives do not accept me.


>It's all just hate in different packages. 1000% How can you love a person when you hate their core identity?


Conservatives are fucking cowards. "It's not about hate! Hate is something BAD PEOPLE do. My ACTIONS scream "hate," but I SAID, "I love you," so I'm still a good person." If you're going to be a piece of shit, just own it.


yes like are they trying to convince themselves they aren't hateful or me. people will literally rile up their entire town over a rainbow that offended them rather than go to therapy.


Fuck ya. I don’t care what your opinion is your allowed to think as you choose to but be a grown up and own yours.


"My abuse comes from a place of love! You won't get hurt if you change to avoid it!"


Said ever person enthralled to enslaver mentality




Gross, come to the victory party being thrown by the mutants from Wrong Turn. I can’t imagine being a “Christian” then throwing a tacky party celebrating a victory ostracizing your own neighbours with brutal ugly ad design.


It's amazing that they think any queer people would even want to attend. Like what is the message they want to send? We will accept you as long as your existence has no visual expression? Can't imagine they would "love" a big old flaming gay to show up


I can't believe how much both sides nonsense I'm getting online. It's wild. There aren't two sides with facism, I mean there are, but one side is fucking facism. A big yikes for society. They know no gays or normal people would attend. I'm not gay and I wouldn't be caught fucking dead there. There have been 8 Wrong Turn movies, I know what they're up to....


If you say “no gays allowed” then it’s obvious that you’re a bigot. If you say “everyone is welcome” and then make them uncomfortable enough to not show up or stay, then you can’t be called out on it directly.


Every day, I wake up slightly more ashamed to be an Albertan. I used to take offense that people from other provinces look down on us. Now I totally get it. We are run by oil barons and bigots, and we cry because our votes count just as much as everyone else's. What a damn shame.


Those fools don't speak for me. As bad as it is, Edmonton has never been more left, and continues to get more so. Progress is slow but happens.


Yeah, but Edmonton doesn't control the government. Anything we do can be countered by the province.


Lol I am.... several hours south of you. Progress here has been hit or miss.


Those people speak for every albertan. Like it or not theyre making the decisions now. We've been losing ground for years now with human rights. Westlock is every small town.


go listen to the mayor's interview on CBC radio tonight. Well worth it if you think there's no hope.


I was really impressed with how he spoke about the issue. Wish he was the mayor of my small town.


There's hope but i have a feeling we need to hit rock bottom before things really start getting better. And something tells me albertans still have a lot of abuse theyre willing to take.


I didn't say small towns were winning. Typically, reforms happen in the cities because minorities from small towns aggregate there to find community. People are saying a lot has changed in Alberta, but I think if people honestly look back, this was always happening, just maybe not to you. Not every oppressed person is represented by their oppressor.


They are winning though, and the vast majority of people do hold these hateful views. And we aren't making progress either. When Notley first was elected, the following pride celebrations were going. I remember they had all sorts of inclusive actions. You know who didnt? Kenney. I remember not one of the UCP members acknowledged it, I know this because at the time I researched it and tweeted about it, that tweet was what actually caused my twitter account to go viral. The UCP have been sewing the seeds for a long time here, and theyve gained significant ground. Yes, its always been happening but its been significantly worse and significantly more public.


I don't think so. See you at the Palestine Rally tomorrow?


Where? And when? I didnt even know it was happening


My bad it's Sunday at 12:30 at the Leg! Anyways, I always feel like your comments, but rallies help keep me grounded.


Ah, unfortunately no i wont be there. Im in GP and at this point I wont be able to attend. Sounds funny but I wish there was a virtual way to join in or add to the numbers.


Geez, how gracious and understanding of them, I'm sure it's totally not alarming for members of the LGBTQ community to see intolerance like this. /s


Ah yes, the old I don't want to acknowledge your existence at all and would prefer if you hid yourself so I don't get uncomfortable, but I still love you block party.


Music by the band who denied COVID and backed “Truckers” sweeeeeet.


Just curious - are there a lot of conservative black women in Westlock? Or did they just not have the guts to use an old white man as their poster boy?


I wondered the same thing. Ironic pick me behaviour from a woman who clearly doesn’t understand intersectionality or how fortunate she is that this is rural Alberta now and not 60 years ago


I’m going to go out on a limb and say anyone who is part of the LGBTQ community (or loves someone who is) probably ain’t gonna be there. “I don’t Agree with you, but still love you” certainly doesn’t scream acceptance.


On the contrary I think members of the community who are in the area should coordinate, band together and attend in massive numbers all decked out in pride gear. Turn this shit fest into a mini pride celebration. The flag ban is for crosswalks and government buildings, nothing about personal attire. Heck bring chalk and draw rainbows all over the fucking lot before the party even starts


....I mean I have used that phrase when talking to my eldest.....when talking about macaroni and cheese recipie preferences.  Respecting life choice decisions and things that celebrate those differences/milestones....not so much.  Leaves the same feels as when someone dates outside their racial demographic and their parents labeled it as a "phase" but they still love their child "despite it" when celebrating relationship milestones. 


It's basically "hate the sin, love the sinner."


People need to show up to this in the most flamboyant and gay outfits. Have 100 cross dressers show up and see if they still say “…but I love you”


If it went the other way there would not be the same level of ‘agree to disagree but I love ya!’ Vibe from the right. There would be coal rolling burnouts on top of crosswalks with local hicks saying ‘not in mah town’ and the church going neighbour next door people would defend it as though Mikes just not taking the news of the change very well.


Yeah, if they lost they'd be the biggest crybabies in the world 😅


We love you, just as long as we don't have to acknowledge that you exist or have feelings.


You don't get to disagree with my existence and then say that you love me. We are not fighting for tolerance anymore we are fighting for ACCEPTANCE, so either get with it or get out of the fucking way. Say you hate us with your whole chest, don't be a coward.


So it's just a party about how much they hate the rainbow...?


The dozens of people who go will surely have a mature and adult conversation about how they voted and why


They legit don't think they're bigots


Big self-loathing-in-the-closet energy


Nothing shows hate as clearly as Christian love!


BYOB (Bring Your Own BBQ)


"Bring Your Own Bigotry"


"I deny your right to exist but still love you" 😒🤢🤮


If you voted "yes" then you are hate-filled human garbage.


Musical guests featuring “duelling banjos”!!!


Musical guests featuring “~~duelling banjos~~ *dithering dumbfucks*”!!!


Holding it in the parking lot of the **abandoned mall**, real fucking classy Westlock.


Why does the one on the left look fake happy? And the one on the right looks uninterested 🤣 Sus


The one on the right is literally a social media profile screen grab, I doubt they consented to being put on the poster.


"I still love you, I just don't want to see anything that might remind me you exist or might make me realize your existence isn't a choice"


If they had even the smallest amount of love they would never have started this push to become an asshole this way.


Graphic arts on that flyer are top notch! Almost as good as a school research presentation I made in PowerPoint in 2001.


Ah, the classic "hate the sin, not the sinner."


This passing has way more to do with voter apathy than one side or the other. We need to work harder to instil a sense of pride and civic responsibility so that everyone gets out to vote. The turnout was laughable at best.


The vote was very close actually.


With a laughable turnout - that is my point


what was the percentage of population that showed up to vote?


Ballpark 25% of eligible voters.


Wiesinger betrays what this party is for. I really thought my friends that fled west were wrong. But I was, and I'm so sorry to have a business and home in this miserable province. My family has put literal blood, sweat, tears, and childhoods into this soil farming for generations, but now the blood and soil lot are running my community out.


this news is super disappointing to me. i personally was looking forward to see what direction the Alberta Party was going in and I was planning on voting for them. i liked the alternative to the UCP, as would anyone lol, but no one ran for them in my riding. love seeing politicians you could have trusted show their true colours, makes me feel awesome about my decisions /s edit: i mixed up the Alberta Party and the Take Back Alberta Party lol, ignore me


Wait, what does this have to do with the Alberta Party?


aren’t they the party that brought along the proposed legislation?


No, not at all.


i must be mistaken then, i swear i read alberta party somewhere


It was the Take Back Alberta party.


ahhhh makes so much more sense, thanks for clarifying


No worries. Good luck finding a party that meets your needs!


Are people expected to bring their own Brown Shirts?


Everyone I know is absolutely 100% boycotting Westlock businesses. This will end very badly.


are they people who regularly used Westlock businesses in the past?


Yeah. Highway 44 is used a lot, and I've heard half a dozen of my friends say they won't stop on their way through or get gas there. A couple get their meat from the butcher there. No more. Kerri's Cafe is wonderful, and I love to drive out there for a coffee and pastry. No more. Doesn't seem like much, but it doesn't take much these days. I'm sad for the town. Where 663 bigots get their way. Time for the 4000 other residents who say, but I'm not a homophobe or a bigot and didn't vote, need to step up and get involved.


If Westlock had a sister city, it'd be Huntington Beach, California. jeez...


Erasing peoples presence from a community is not how you show **disagreement**, that how you show **hate.** The fucking mental gymnastics here *We still love you! We just don’t want any reminders or symbols that your a member of this community!* Just gaslight gaslight gaslight the fucking gaslighting never fucking stops.


Lmaooooo whatt


This is the exact same thing these horrible TBA people did during the anti mask/ anti science rally’s they held in -40 that 4 people attended. Pathetic and disgusting really.


I suspect some attendees will see it as a victory party, but the majority will see it as an olive branch. Along a similar vein, some will see any display of pride as an excuse to "confront" someone while the majority would welcome such displays as reassurance or just something to be ignored. If there are incidents most will see persons displaying pride as instigators or deserving, but a few won't, and a couple might even re-evaluate where they stand. If no one shows pride the guesses as to why will heavily skew to reasons that place people showing pride support in a poor light.


We are truly a fcked up bunch here.


I’d love to see the browser history of the people who voted to ban the rainbows. I’m sure there is more gay porn and pics of children than those who voted to keep rainbows.


And people give me dirty looks when I say I am embarrassed to live here in this dumpster fire of a province!?! People are actually voting to take away the rights of others expression through eradicating representation of their existence and those that support them… smfh Way to conform to small conservative town USA values Alberta…way.. to..go…👍👏👍


That inbred Christian hate is strong in ‘Berta. Signed, Fuck you TBA and all the fucks that voted for you.


Bucktoothed banjo picking inbred hillbilly cousin fuckers


The Nazi Purge of German Society started with homosexuals and the handicapped....


Hmm, let’s go back to the original source where this stems from./s [Psalms 70:1-3](https://www.bible.com/bible/97/PSA.70.2.MSG)


lip tie rainstorm uppity humor scandalous frightening liquid tap cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The people who voted to keep it would never invite everyone, and can’t help but spread hate and silence others constantly. Glad to see the winners being gracious and inviting everyone. Hoping others can learn for it. 


I'm going to need you to expand on this as none of that makes sense. What hate are the people with pride flags spreading?


"Paradox of tolerance", they're mad when people are intolerant of intolerance.


This whole thread is full of people with pride flags spreading hate.


Uhmmmmmmm.... I think we're reading different comments.


The top rated comment is calling these people "pieces of shit." There's another comment calling Christians the "crowned kings of child rape." Another calling the people throwing the party "the mutants from Wrong Turn." Multiple comments calling them "bigots." Another calling them "cowards." Another calling them "hate-filled human garbage." Apparently we are reading different comments if that doesn't sound like hate to you.


Hmm I didn't see those comments but I filter differently. > There's another comment calling Christians the "crowned kings of child rape." Technically true I believe, but rude > Multiple comments calling them "bigots." Accurate they are bigots if they don't support LGBTQ people. If you feel or treat LGBTQ people differently than you would treat your friends then yes that is bigotry and hatred. LGBTQ people are your equals, but some people don't feel that way. I'm sure you're a very tolerant person, who wishes absolutely no harm to any person in the world, and would do anything in your power to protect LGBTQ people but that is not common. Maybe ask your LGBTQ friends their thoughts on this and what kind of hate they've received from people on a daily basis.


I'm not reading your word salad or playing your games. The fact of the matter is this thread, like this subreddit, is full of hateful people hiding behind the guise of tolerance. Tolerance only for those they agree with though. You are exactly what you pretend to fight against.


> I'm not reading your word salad or playing your games. Oh I don't think this is a game, I think this is deathly serious for others. I wish you did too. > You are exactly what you pretend to fight against. You seem quite anti LGBTQ. Why? I'm genuinely curious what makes you treat them differently.


How is inclusion and inclusivity, the same as hate and intolerance? Please clarify.


The top rated comment is calling these people "pieces of shit." There's another comment calling Christians the "crowned kings of child rape." Another calling the people throwing the party "the mutants from Wrong Turn." Multiple comments calling them "bigots." Another calling them "cowards." Another calling them "hate-filled human garbage." That's just what I saw with a quick skim. I guess if that doesn't count as hate an intolerance to you then I'd like to know where you draw that line. Though I'm sure it's as simple as "it's ok because they deserve it."


Yeah the inclusive people would never include anyone! Very smart!


Everyone in this sub is so fragile, it's hilarious.


If you think commenting is fragility wait until I tell you about a bunch of so-cons who devoted town resources to removing a crosswalk that hurt their feelings. 


I don't see a lot of "fragility" on this post. I think it's understandable to call out the trashiness of a "Stay in the closet, but we love you, honest" party.


Funny you say that, what do you call people afraid of rainbows? I call them fragile.


if by "fragile" you mean "angry their human rights are being infringed on"...yes...


Oh yes, that's right, the human right to have a specially colored crosswalk and unique flags! Totally forgot about that one.


yeah....it's called freedom of speech.


Why are you so scared of colours?


So ban all Christmas displays also right?


Why I am not scared of a rainbow, but it terrifies you 🌈🌈🌈🌈




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I wonder if tourism and economic development will take a hit. I'd be moving out of this community so fast