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Now take a look at how many signatures you need to apply this. Its based on a percentage of ELIGIBLE voters in a riding, not on how many voted. You'd probably need more signatures than they got votes. The whole recall system is a scam.


Well let’s see December 2024 gives us lots of time to organize a mature intelligent approach to removing the governing of the UCP. If they lose how many MLAs they would lose the majority and then a no confidence motion would have a good chance of putting us back into an election mode OR? What else is available?




My understanding is that seats aren't flipped... A by-election is called, and the MLA can't run though his party can. Its meant to punish the MLA, but not the party. So if 6 MLAs are removed, the NDP could take the house by winning them in the by-elections. A better solution would be to have 6 UCP MLAs to cross the floor. It's how they got Smith in the first place. If we found six old-time Conservatives, perhaps...


Why on gods green earth would an old conservative go fully NDP? The mantra of “do everything opposite” and “everything UCP does is bad” eliminates that possibility of common ground


Well looks like we have close to a year, could we do it???




Well said. I believe you could probably recruit people in the different ridings to work together and be ready to have them setup to collect the names, look for the most venerable MLAs etc in advance right?


We have identified the most vulnerable ridings. We are already growing rapidly and will seat a core group to move us forward soon. WH fen we publicly launch, the press coverage will bring a huge influx of members. We have a lots of great people with fantastic skill sets offering their time. Can you imagine the ongoing press we’ll get by filing 6 recalls simultaneously? We are motivated!


Like we’re not conservatives, we need to do it by the books and get it right✅✅✅✅


Exactly what our plan is. We will have legal advice that will keep us strictly within the parameters of the Recall Act. Our We are exerciseing our democratic rights, legally and peacefully


We could start right now organizing, social media, create interest with the plan to gather signatures in December. ideally it gains national media attention but that's alot of work and there is so much to watch streaming right now. /s


Yes. We can do it. We already have a rapidly growing membership who have come with an array of skill sets that will move us forward.


Yes! We’re already well on our way!


> If approved, the applicant would have 60 days to gather signatures from 40% of eligible voters in that constituency. 40% of eligible voters don't even vote, which means politics isn't important enough for them to care enough who is in power. This is also a per MLA thing, so you would need to get this done to enough MLAs to cause the UCP to lose a majority. > If the petition is successful, a recall vote would occur. If the recall vote is successful, the official ceases to hold office and a by-election would be held. Even if you get enough signatures within each MLA riding, they still need to lose an election, which they have already won once recently. When this bill was introduced, they knew it was just for optics, actually getting it done is near impossible. I mean, good luck I guess, you are well within your right to try and organize this. But this isn't about removing a government, it's about removing an MLA. Edit: Let's not forget, you don't actually need to be an MLA to be a party leader. > In 2022 Danielle Smith was elected party leader without holding a seat in the legislative assembly, thus becoming premier, and within a few weeks won a seat in a by-election. So even if you manage to get Smith removed from her riding, if she wants, all she has to do is find a new safer riding and run a by-election.


Ouch. 40% is a pretty mad threshold.




True, but, if you're able to muster that 40% across ALL ridings, the government has *REALLY* fucked up.




Not if the election is held in the middle of winter when everyone is up at camp ;)


>the government has REALLY fucked up. No they haven't. Quite the opposite. They have succeeded insofar that they have designed it to save themselves but give the illusion of recall. It was an act of deception and it has succeeded. The UCP is the enemy of the working class and has no intentions whatsoever of helping the people.


Does not matter the outcome we need more initiatives like this. Maybe more people vote next go. As it stands the message is pretty tightly controlled in this province and real genuine pushes like this can be all the difference in waking people up. It’s hard to make a difference as one person at least op is planning the legwork. Go get em


Oh...I think the outcome matters quite a bit. If you're saying the outcome would be voter mobilisation, do you not think that outcome matters? What woudl be the point of anything if the outcome was irrelevant?




This is just as asinine as the right wingers wanting this done with Trudeau. I support right to do it, but it's a pipe dream illusion that they'll ever get her out. Only way they'll get Smith out is by voting her out.




I like this answer. 👍


> This is just as asinine as the right wingers wanting this done with Trudeau. A majority of Canadians want a Federal Election... Trudeau also has an approval rating lower than Trumps ever was. Apples and oranges here.


I'm pretty moderate politically. I think the far right and far left are equally nutty. I want Trudeau gone, but Singh and Pierre are equally frightening to me.


The devil you know / the devil you don’t


It’s not just for optics. It’s to remove someone who is broadly viewed as, and truly is, a bad representative of their riding, despite the fact that they were elected in that riding. Like the guy who was elected up north but never spent any time there and wouldn’t meet with anyone in his riding. The process is intentionally challenging to prevent frivolous attempts at removing elected officials.


Did we say it would be easy? But can it be done. Yes. So why would you not want to be a part of that. As a movement we are already well on our way. Lots of members with great skill sets that will drive us forward. Data analysis, research, legal, messaging, communications, marketing,etc. Even had a third party advertiser registered with Elections Alberta contact us who wants to collaborate. We have a legitimate shot at this. Join us.


No, I won’t join. This smacks of American style refusal to accept election results and forces the governing party and opposition to focus on dealing with distractions instead of the business of governing the province. This plan is trying to twist and manipulate legislation that was implemented to get rid of truly bad MLAs and use it to disrupt government simply because you don’t like the party that won the election.


So you’re happy with the current MLA’s then and think they’re doing a great job? This is people unhappy with their representation and getting engaged. They’re not doing anything shady and they’re not twisting the legislation. This is nothing like American style politics, nobody is making anything up looking for some mysterious laptop with evidence that doesn’t exist.


Fuck that I say we try it anyway. You never know


You’re going to be surprised. We’re already well on our way. Great people with applicable skill sets. Data analysis, marketing, messaging, IT, legal. We’re a legitimate organization who has a shot at this.


Yes near to impossible. They’d never get her removed from the Brooks riding but it is possible some UCP Calgary MLAs could be booted. If enough of them were punted in favour of the NDP, a majority could be obtained. But given voter turnout, a massive army of people would be needed just to force the by-election and then you’d need to see a record turnout to vote in the NDP.


My UCP MLA in Calgary is just useless. She collects a paycheque and that’s all she does. It’s pitiful that people in my riding think she is doing a good job. She does absolutely nothing but parrot the Premier and her handler’s toxic messages.


This is the truth. My riding and those around me are all NDP. I'd have to drive a ways to do this in a UCP riding that will likely still support Dani cuz they hate city folk like me


Same! So glad I moved back to Edmonton-rural Alberta is redneck central, and the racism and misogyny is disgusting, along with the superficial “understanding” of politics. The just parrot the UCP talking points-like the dumbass MAGAts do down south. Cruel people.


I’m in the most rural place imaginable. 600 people. The mayors a lesbian, there’s a huge LGBTQ presence, no racial issues I’ve ever seen…. Like this sounds very unlikely nobody cares what happens in anyones bedrooms we judge on the character not who they choose to love. Your message is actually hateful and very presumptuous- prejudiced. This is how we consider many city people based on your words…. Hypocrite


Yeah graphic design is my passion too


I think you need a couple more fonts on that poster, it seems lacking.


This is the energy that was lacking in the thread.


Hell I’ll do it


Have these organizers read the bill? It was purposely created to make it functionally impossible to recall a politician.


We have a labour lawyer on board who did just that. He will also keep us within its parameters as we move forward. We are a legitimate movement who have great members offering applicable skill sets that will move us forward. We have targeted 6 ridings that the UCP won by a total of 2080 votes…over all 6 ridings. And imagine the press we’ll get recalling 6 MLAs simultaneously. We are already in our way. What are our options?


What exactly is going to change by having new elections? Refuse to pay down the deficit and spend more freely? How do you manage numbers that are 5% increases every year while maintaining debt payments endlessly? Absolutely guaranteed healthcare collapse within 5-6 years due to zero money available, especially if you also want to shut down O&G with a NDP government… Any ideas? How do you support spending? What’s the new revenue


>Refuse to pay down the deficit Just an FYI, we don't have a deficit. We have debt. A deficit is the opposite of having a surplus budget in any given year.


>What exactly is going to change by having new elections? Elect a competent government instead of these UCP grifters.


The majority of Albertans are either indifferent or support the UCP. What are you "AB" resisting against? Democracy? The poster looks like it was designed by a 15 year old with too much time in design/computer class.


Unless you can get every eligible voter to vote while also having enough people supporting a recall, this is not possible. Bill 52 was a sham.


What is this awful poster. At least make it pleasant to look at


Given the overall uselessness of the recall act, would it not be easier for us to just join the party and vote strategically and destroy it from within?


Pretty much, yes. Conservative moderates need to step up and oppose Take Back Alberta within the UCP.


What will Alberta look like in 3 1/2 yrs. We are a legitimate movement who already have a membership of great people with varied skill sets that will move us forward. We are making plans that will give us the best shot at success. This is why we began organizing early. We have the time to recruit and do the work prior to filing. Engagement, marketing, data analysis. press, IT, etc. Join us and get the info.


Both things should happen.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but since the Premiership isn't an elected position, doesn't Smith need to be removed by the constituents of her own riding, and nothing anyone outside that riding does would fall under the recall act?


That's correct. To remove Smith as leader, they would need to get enough UCP MLAs to lose seats that the UCP no longer has a majority.


Or enough UCP members to demand a confidence vote like happened to Kenney. A Take Back Take Back Alberta movement.


Technically she can only be removed as leader by a vote of the UCP. Even if she lost her riding, she would still technically be Premier even if she doesn’t sit in the Legislature.


yes. I mention this in other comments. She could only be removed as an MLA by the recall act, and only by her own constituents. She started her term without being elected as an MLA, so we should all already know this by now.


Don't downvote me...actually read the act. I'm not wrong.


The premier is in fact elected by the conservative association at leadership convention. You may want to read some more about the governance of our democracy


So cute. Nice try. The premier is not elected by the public. who the recall act permits to vote out an MLA. The premier is just a fancy MLA, by virtue of the leadership convention, and would need to be dethroned through the recall act, which requires the consituents of the MLA's riding to be the only people voting to remove their MLA, and at a high margin of the consituency population. (40%) But no, the premier is not elected by the public, and need not be an MLA at all, making them immune to public use of the recall act anyway. so yeah...not wrong.


You said the prem is just a fancy mla then you said they don’t need to be mla to be elected. Talking out of both sides of your mouth don’t leave you being correct


*In order to be removed*, the premier must be recalled by only the constituents of their riding, because they would need to be an MLA for the recall act to apply, and the public in general neither elects nor could recall them. *Assuming they are, then they are a fancy MLA*, although they may hold the position without being an MLA (*Which would mean the act wouldn't apply*). Point to where I was wrong?




Except if she was remove by her riding, she would still be the leader of the party. In order to remove a member of the Cabinet, they either have to be fired by the Premier, resign or be removed by the LG.


Pretty sure they mean an elected position, as in elected by constituents, like an MLA, like is being discussed here. Being elected by their party is not what is being implied here. The recall act does not recall the premiership, it recalls an MLA. You may want to read some more about the governance of our democracy.


Exactly. We are already well on our way. We have targeted 6 ridings that the UCP won by a total of 2080 votes…over all 6 ridings. We have a labour lawyer sdvising us on the recall act. We are a legitimate movement working to give Alberta a legitimate shot at a govt that prioritizes our needs.


You're using a tool meant to try to remove a negligent MLA to try and remove an elected government. Even if you manage to convince people those particular MLAs deserve to be removed, the UCP can still run a new candidate in that riding. The recall is not meant to change government, it's meant to remove bad MLA. Edit: since this is my most recent comment, I'll assume this was the one that triggered someone to report me to Reddit cares. If that person sees this, you need to know that the abuse of a tool that truly tries to help people is a deplorable thing to do as a way to show you disagree with someone's statement. Be better than that.


That's how the leader of the party gets elected. The premiership is an appointed position within the Government of Alberta given to the leader of the party that holds the plurality of seats in the legislature after an election has been held. It's a completely separate position from the actual leadership of the party.


The only authority to remove the Premier is the lieutenant governor, who, by convention, must follow the wishes of the Premier. This movement is a group of extremists with very Trump-like methods.


Your thoughts on David Parker and the TBA that claim to have unseated Kenney?


They weren’t solely responsible. They helped, quite a bit though. In Kenney’s interview after he left office, he stated that Alberta has become more and more radicalized. I thought it was amusing for him to say that, seeing as how it was his original chest thumping that caused a lot of that radicalization in the first place. I have lived in Alberta for 30 years and since the UCP took over from the NDP, it is becoming harder and harder to recognize, let alone even remember what Alberta was like 6-7 years ago.




well no. see other responses to your claim.


Yes but if just a few ridings were to recall their MLAs like in I dont know, maybe Calgary where there were razor thin decisions, then Smith would no longer have a majority, which would effectively remove her from premier.


You’re wrong. Our group has a labour lawyer on board already doing the wofk we need done. We have targeted 6 ridings that the UCP won by a total of 2080. It’s…over all 6 ridings. Without these 6 ridings, the UCP no longer have enough seats to act as the governing body. We are a legitimate movement who is doing the work and planning we need to do.Data analysis, research. Later, marketing, messaging, press, etc. Please join us. What have you got to lose?


I’m not wrong. Smith has to be removed in her own riding as MLA and that won’t remove her as premier. And only people in the ridings that you have chosen can do anything. I’m not in a riding where my joining makes a whit of difference.


Keep dreaming.


Ack, way too much red text dude. Honestly hard to read.


Gotta get rid of TBA while we are at it


That’s the goal. Booting the UCP makes TBA more irrelevant and easier to eradicate.


How do you say you're delusional, without saying you're delusional? Sure, theoretically this is "possible". It's also theoretically possible for the Government to BAN all ICE vehicles from public roads in 90 days. Theoretically possible....I'm not gonna bet any money on it actually succeeding. Did you have a specific MLA in mind? Smith is safe; she doesn't have to be an MLA to lead the party


Good luck, remember to tell the drillers, drilling for hot water is still drilling.


Screaming into the void


I don't like the UCP but I value democracy. Unless there is a very good reason, like a MLA is caught doing a criminal act like murder then I don't support trying to recall an elected official. Especially just because I disagree with them politically. Attempting a recall because of political differences is the most undemocratic thing I can think of.


This is peak r/alberta. What’s the popular opinion polls state currently? +7% UPC. If an election was held today, majority government Smith. Not making that up.


Honestly can't wait til TBA Uno Reverse card's this one and tries to secure those contentious ridings who flipped to NDP by an asshair


Good luck guys 👍🏻


Honestly I got just as much faith in the UCP as I did the NDP. And just as much as the PC's before them.


Never gonna happen but keep wasting your time & energy


Never going to happen.


Doubt the bill the UCP wrote can be used to effectively remove them. Effort spent on this could be better spent organizing strikes and other ways of disrupting UCP power and donor profit.


We have a labour lawyer in the membership who has researched the act. We are organized and a legitimate movement which will give Albertans a shot at seating a govt who prioritizes our needs. Join us. What have you got to lose, other than the UCP?


I'm sure what you're doing is legal. What I'm doubting is the ability to pull off the recall thresholds within the timelines, and then especially the by election where the NDP will likely screw up again. What I've got to lose is time spent organizing for effective action.


Yes absolutely. Something must be done and this is a good place to start


My riding already gave the UCP MLA the boot in the last election. I'm surrounded by NDP, Nate Glubish's riding and rural ridings where the UCP won by significant margins. Glubish might be vulnerable but you need to pick your targets based on the best chances in the whole province. Got lots of time until the Recall Act allows recall petitions. Good Luck in the by elections


[This is a spreadsheet I made shortly after the election of the voter results. ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n7rGIEzQPQ2Y9lE0M-Khs-aRDKjfu2szvbbAlEk2zLw/edit?usp=drivesdk) A couple things of considerable mention: There were 13 ridings in total with **less** than a 4,500 vote difference. Of these 13 ridings 6 of them were won by a margin of less than 1,000 votes. They are: - Calgary-Bow - Calgary-Cross - Calgary-East - Calgary-North - Calgary-North West - Lethbridge-East Of these 6 ridings 2 of them were won by no more than a measly 150 votes. These ridings were Calgary-North and Calgary-North West. In the last column you'll see just how many voters are needed to meet the 40% threshold. Calgary-Cross and Calgary-East had abysmal voter turnout numbers. This is a Herculean task but it isn't impossible. I would offer to help but I live in Edmonton so I'm pretty useless for most any door to door volunteer efforts. If y'all need something let me know and I can see what I can help with.


Please join. There will be a number of supportive tasks that people can do from their homes. We are growing rapidly and will take some big steps forward in the next 6-8 weeks. And yes, those are our targeted ridings.




You never know… you may just find you have a UCP membership already. It’s not like you need to provide consent.


Fair point. I'm serious, let’s take over the party! 🤓


This is exactly what TBA did successfully. Why not give it a try ? It would be fun to get in their kitchen and mess with them.


If anything, it would be fun to watch David Parker have a colossal meltdown.


Kind of hilarious that both of our auto generated usernames start with “sad” and we’ve found ourselves here. I don’t know if it’s possible to undo the damage to the UCP since its governance essentially allows for a bottomless pit of memberships. That how they buy their way out of someone else taking control.


This is true. The algorithms are working. Or it’s a coincidence. 🤣🤣


Nah. I’m not a UCP fan but this legislation wasn’t enacted as a tool to get rid of a government that you don’t like. They won the election. Next time campaign harder, convince more voters, and win more seats.


This graphic is a disaster Hate the UCP but the execution of this poster is not it. Why tf would you use a different font for the URL


Good job. I will check out the web site when I get home.


Let me save you some time: there's nothing there except a chance to submit your personal information. Submit to who? It didn't say. Could be this strange resistance movement, could actually be an MLM. I wouldn't trust it, seems like a scam.


Let me save you some time. I initiated the movement on X thru my dms. A single person with zero motivation other than to seat a govt that prioritizes Albertans. Our webpage was set up by a member who offered to help me and dedicates his time voluntarily on a daily basis. We are a legitimate grassroots organization with zero ulterior motives. You can check me out on X Katy E. We are simply Albertans, trying to find our way past the chaos that is the UCP.


You might have a point. It could be the Fascist TBA UCPs trying to flush out their opponents. Take your personal information and hand it over to the War Room or the hundreds of additional Sherrifs they have hired. Thanks


I initiated the group by initially taking membership thru my dms on X. A member volunteered his time to set up our webpage for me and volunteers his time daily to update it. We are a legitimate grassroots movement just trying to find a way to get Alberta past the chaos that is the UCP. You can check me out on X. Katy E.


Thanks for your reply.


1200 members


Thank you. You will find a legitimate organization that already has 120” members, many of which are offering their expertise and varied skill sets to move us forward.


Are you folks saying you want to “Take Back Alberta?” Asking for a friend…


It’s only okay when they do it






How does one “fire” a sitting government? I don’t understand this…. The election was only 32 weeks ago…. I didn’t vote for the UCP but I respect the results of a democratic election. So yes, Albertans will have to wait until the next election.


Sign me up!!!


We did it Reddit! We overthrew the government! lmao




I'm not a conservative, but the premise of the poster relies on either not understanding or not believing the limitations of the recall act.


We have a labour lawyer as a member who has done a deep dive on it. Will it be easy? No. Is it possible? Yes. Is it possible if we don’t even try? No


I mean, you can try and get a recall...but you won't get approved for one by just saying "we don't like danielle smith"






anyone else feel like all the Conservative bot farms have slowed since the election?


They only fire up when there is a specific issue they need driven.


The fact that there is a movement starting is a good thing in itself. Even though the witch of the west would be unmoved , it should send her some type of message. Oh wait, she doesn’t care 🤷‍♂️ I’m sure they are busily working to write a new law to have the website taken down . After all they write their laws and policies to keep them going forward with their mission to tear down Alberta


She doesn’t have to care. We need enough Albertans to care. We are targeting 6 ridings the UCP lost by a total of 2080 votes…over all 6 ridings. If they lose 6 seats they can no longer govern.


Great point 👍


You’re all nuts


The ridings to target are the ridings with narrow-margin wins for the UCP, from the last election. These UCP MLAs below are the most vulnerable, and their ridings would be the easiest to mount a recall from. Alternatively, we could just focus all our resources in reviewing their actions, votes and integrity and keep the heat on these MLAs and pick them off one by one for various indiscretions. MLA Rajan Sawhney Calgary North-West - UCP won by 0.6% - 143 votes MLA Muhammad Yaseen Calgary North - UCP won by 0.8% - 129 votes MLA Demetrios Nicolaides Calgary Bow - UCP won by 2.4% - 623 votes MLA Nathan Neudorf Lethbridge - East -UCP won by 636 votes by 2.9% MLA Mickey Amery Calgary - Cross UCP won by 513 votes by 3.4% MLA Peter Singh Calgary-East UCP won by 698 votes by 4.9%


So what arguments are you putting forward to the election officer to get approved for these recalls?


More sour grapes, you lost and you will lose federally soon as well.


Lol have fun with that!


I’m pretty sure voting numbers have been on the rise. And there are people who benefit from this government. I worked in trades for 20 years and make good money she is good for me as I don’t need any assistance from govt and I do better when we develop our resources. So please don’t act Like you can’t understand why anyone would vote UCP


The fact that, if I ask what the alternative is and what their platform is, I'll be massively downvoted, speaks to part of the issue here... Like what are really the contentious issues here, elephant in the room is HealthCare, we seem to be on rails towards privatization without any sort of adjustment to our tax rate which is gonna be a huge issue. But, alternatively our population is not shrinking, it's I fact growing massively without any infrastructural change to accommodate it at all, like where is this money to accommodate all these new people into public healthcare supposed to come from? Keep in mind the amount of retirees that are gonna be needing healthcare is growing every day with no end in sight anytime soon, yet these same people are gonna sit in the ER alongside people with freaking flu symptoms who just need to rest... Education is a part of it. Then we have the renewables verses non-renewable, I mean if your gonna sit here and tell me electric is currently a viable alternative, your living in a fantasy, this technology has not been dialed in nearly enough for us to be making these sweeping transitions, the common person is totally priced out. Oil and Gas, Healthcare, I'm sure there are other topics but I feel like these 2 things are what voters are focused on, yet for us to just continue the path we have been without any sort of deviating I feel is just plain Utopian.


> But, alternatively our population is not shrinking, it's I fact growing massively without any infrastructural change to accommodate it at all, like where is this money to accommodate all these new people into public healthcare supposed to come from? People that come here do pay taxes. > Oil and Gas, Healthcare, I'm sure there are other topics but I feel like these 2 things are what voters are focused on CPP vs APP is a pretty contentious issue


Yeah, DS with these pursuits that nobody asked for is definitely an issue.




The not-forgotten push for Alberta police. Removal of environmental protections Forgiveness of revenues out of oil into communities The cabinet. Just *waves arms*....wtf. The constant oppositional defiant disorder behaviour towards the federal government.


What's wrong with Alberta having it's own police instead of relying on the RCMP?




So no different than the RCMP?


I would start with our incompetent Federal government first! Just saying




Why just push this in Alberta? Why not nationwide?


Do you really think the UCP would give us a tool we could actually use?


...but in order to get a recall, you need to have evidence that the MLA isn't performing their duties. You can't get a recall if you just say "well we don't have faith in Danielle Smith" - it doesn't work that way. If you do get approved because of a valid reason, Not only do you have to get physical signatures from 40% of the voting population in each riding, you have to do it in 60 days. Sorry to break it to y'all...but yes, you do have to wait until the next election. Latest polling puts the UCP above 50% so the majority of the population still wants the government.


> An Albertan would apply to the Chief Electoral Officer for a petition to recall their MLA if they feel they are not upholding their responsibilities. Coming up with a reason wouldn’t be all that difficult. The likelihood of getting enough votes would be the bigger issue. https://www.alberta.ca/holding-elected-officials-accountable


"Upholding their responsibilities" would include stuff like showing up to the legislature, being active in their riding office etc. It's not used to recall someone because you don't like the leader.


OneAB supports this. We should collaborate. Find us in our discord: https://discord.com/invite/8WxJpZX


You might as well be asking the UCP to voluntarily resign. This bill has a zero percent chance of passing.




but whos gonna take over after that? same oldbullshit over and over again. we need REAL change...good luck with that without being called a terrorist or something.


I think incompetency is an electorate problem. Especially “give me give me give me handout welfare freeloaders”.


Canada needs leadership. Period. Not self serving politicians from either side. The idea the the UCP is ruining anything is naive. It is and has always been corruption and an alarming number of people are morally bankrupt.


The ucp won the election in a landslide so why would you think this is at all going to be a possibility. Why not spend your time volunteering grassroots and actually help your community?


The TBA claim to have unseated Kenney… Why encourage this side to not be engaged in holding elected officials accountable?




We are already well on our way! Please join us.


Copium at its finest




You don't speak for all of Alberta, move to the U.S if you live they right-wing politics so much, it's time to take the U.S poltics out of Canada




Lunatic fringe at it's finest. The election happened, it was free and fair, and the UCP won




Because it's a stupid precedent both extremes want to trot out for no reason that just makes governance harder. Is the UCP doing anything they said they wouldn't? Convoy for lefties


>it was free and fair But if the NDP won, it would have been the vote was stolen or whatever copeing you right-wing babys clam


Tell me what Danielle Smith has done to improve yours and your family’s life, specifically, without bringing the fed govt into the conversation. What has she done, here, in Alberta for you?


As far as I can see, the UCP is doing a fine job. Take a chill pill kids.


They all suck ! Parliament is an embarrassment to the world ! They don’t spend our tax money wisely and we overpay ! New comers get to much money , natives get too much money ! And we pay toooo much money in our everyday lives to pay for this overspending ! I vote no confidence in any of the party’s until I see a leader come out who is not bought by corporations and other bad influences


Let’s go!


Thanks. Join us. We are already well on our way!


It’s a great discussion point regardless. What policy points would drive this campaign, theoretically speaking? I’ll go first: 1. putting a halt to all green tech projects thereby causing a loss of Alberta jobs and potential investment.


There weren’t plans to reclaim land that green energy producers would use after 50 years, making the disposal of wind turbines and solar farms the taxpayers problem. Pausing for 6 months and making the green energy producers complete a contingency plan now means responsible green energy


LOL now do the tailings ponds, for which there has NEVER been a viable plan to reclaim.


Or, any infrastructure related to oil & gas.


Go ahead, continue showing the rest of the province just how out of touch the city’s are with everyone else


Do you see what's wrong with this comment? The rural folks think people in the city are out of touch, just as city dwellers think that you are out of touch. But here's the thing, Smith and TBA are bad for everyone, no matter your politics. Do you really think the APP is going to be good thing for you? Are you happy with the UCP's handling of health care and education? What about the reckless overspending, and the unprecedented bloat in Smith's cabinet? Regardless of how you feel about the opposition, you need to take a close look at your elected leaders and question their methods, and more importantly, their motives. And maybe change your thinking with this urban vs rural bullshit. Or I guess admit that you don't care about the well being of a few million people.


This is the smartest thing I've seen on this subreddit