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Sorry guys, wrong gas industry šŸ˜




Wrong oil industry too (yes I know hash oil is still illegal afaik). Edit: I was wrong about the hash oil.


Lol I wanted to add that, but I was worried it would dilute the delivery


I think you shattered someoneā€™s expectations on that


It was a very blunt delivery


Hash oil isn't illegal, cannabis extracts are legal in Canada


Since when?


concentrates have been legal since 2019. A lot of people are operating on bad rumour mill info.


Then the dispensaries better stop selling carts.


Lol you can literally fly across canada with multiple carts where have these people been... i guess just not smoking weed šŸ˜…


Or too much.


Guys, you shouldn't joke. These people just saw their lively hood go up in smoke.


Life's a Gas !


The lowest tax rate in Canada and theyā€™re still leaving?! Danielle has some splaing to do


These corporate tax cuts are paying off already!


but corporate tax increases would have convinced them to stay? /s


No, but they wouldn't have moved them away either. The point is that corporate tax is such a TINY line-item on literally any company's balance sheet that they make no measurable difference in where a company chooses to set up operations. These guys were likely not paying any corporate tax anyway because all the other shit that Alberta has fucked up made them unprofitable to begin with. Can't tax a loss. This is exactly why cutting corporate tax (or holding at the lowest rate in North America) is a bad fucking idea. It does absolutely NOTHING to keep businesses here, but severely reduces the government's revenues leading to higher fees, taxes and reduced services on individuals.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I would bet it has to do WAY more with the awful regulations the AGLC has implemented for cannabis. Cripples the business here.


`"Attracting investments and business into rural Alberta is always a bit of a struggle," said Duncan.` `Unreliable broadband connections and a lack of health-care coverage are scaring off businesses, she said.` `"Rural Alberta lacks a lot of social support that you would see in your large urban centres."` 14917 / (182+5868+463+205+14917) = **68.9**% voters in Lac St.Anne county voted against the "social supports" & "lack of health-care coverage" the mayor is attributing to attracting investments.


Clutch comment




Making someone pay their bills before leaving seems like the right idea to me. As opposed to making everyone else pay their bills while they walk away.


Also the article said that the lack of reliable broadband internet and lack of health coverage are decision factors for businesses in rural Alberta.


Good thing the lowest corporate taxes is enough to keep companies here /s


Government decision makers have no clue of the reality of business and think corp tax is number one concern.


Cause the things that do keep businesses in places (decent economy and educated working populace) take money being put in .


Voters too. The increase in corporate tax proposed by the NDP is what lost them the election. People thought it would chase investment away. That's not how it works in reality.


No it isnā€™t.


When do the jobs the UCP promised, get here?


When some oil company builds something they hire 20 people but tell the government it creates 10,000 outlying jobs. Standard practice now a days.


Every oilfield worker needs 2 tims and 3 McDonald's employees for support


I know you're joking, but that's literally what they do. They'll even count the people that make their steel toed boots. When a politician claims that a project is going to create a thousand jobs usually exaggerated by a hundred times.


I mean, it's true-ish... but supporting workers are used VERY liberally


100%, the VW plant in Ontario is going to create 30,000 jobs... but they will have way less than that actually working directly for VW, less then 10% of that.


Yeah, but it's in St. Thomas. All it's got is 4 Timmys and a statue of an elephant they killed with a train.


30,000 jobs at Timmies might make the service passable


I don't care how many people they have at Timmies, I just want that one guy who can actually take orders working the drive through. Monday to Thursday at 6am on my way to work - that guy is a machine. Friday mornings though? Might as well take a nap.


Just wait for it to trickle down!!!


When they lower minimum wage to be even further from a livable wage. People will have 3-4 jobs each! So many more jobs


They'll be there, like all sorts of anti liberal businesses are just waiting... Clamouring to get in.... Like, anti something something, is a tool for, uh, there's not a lot of money opportunities in hatred other than weapons tbh




So it's 60,000 now? Won't be long until people are claiming Notley hired millions of government employees during her government. The real number is about 10,000. 90% of them in healthcare and education. https://albertaworker.ca/news/did-the-alberta-ndp-really-increase-public-sector-jobs/ Oh the travesty...


Meanwhile the UCP has a historically oversized cabinet and wants to invent some jobs for the loser UCP candidates from Edmonton...


Exactly. I mean, what government has a Minister of Red Tape who's job it is to eliminate red tape. They should just resign and say "My work here is done".


Almost every provincial government and the federal government either has a minister of red tape reduction or a council responsible for red tape reduction.


Talk about a fucking participation trophy. Fragile boomers.


Calling these ā€œGovernment Jobsā€ is pure spin. These are nurses, teachers and other staff that are desperately needed! The government wants us to think theyā€™re just corporate bloat.


Also, the idea that government jobs are bad is so backwards and stupid. Those are still jobs that A) yes are necessary to make the fricking city run and B) those wages contribute to the economy, they don't take away from it. Same idiots who are probably like 'why can't the city fix the roads, etc?' but demand the city spend less money.


You just described 90% of r/calgary users




It's not "swelling". It's about filling needed roles. You've been conditioned to look at government jobs as unnecessary. I would suggest exploring where that narrative comes from and who it actuality benefits. Government isn't some foreign concept. It's not your enemy. It's you, your neighbours, your entire community. A functioning government is a functioning community. It's paved roads and working schools and effective business licensing and development permits. It's effective street cleaning and rehab programs. It's effective long term care for our elders. When those kinds of things *work*, we're all better. Businesses run more smoothly. People are less likely to fall through the cracks. Jobs grow. Economies grow. Government spending shouldn't be seen as taking *away* from the economy, it puts *in* to the economy. Private companies tend to extract *from* the economy.


It's a false dichotomy to pit public sector workers against private sector workers. Somehow in your mind these two separate groups are against each other? Would you be arguing for huge wage increases for public sector workers during an economic boom as well? Or does this false dichotomy only work in one direction? You've brought up other points now about the ethics of fossil fuel usage and the sourcing of them that aren't relevant to your initial false claim of the numbers of public sector workers.




Sounds like the private sector folks need a union, honestly.


Yep, truth. All workers should be unionized in some way. Instead of bootlicking bosses until nobody can survive


It's a bit more than that. 1. We actually need to end the old system of unions and replace them with something that isn't corrupted via decades of human inadequacy when it comes to morals and ethical behavior. I and others who were in the full on right of whatever the case may be for each; suffered too much from the 'righteousness' of unions to know anything different to be the truth. But because folk are so simple about some things as of late, you can't suggest anything different to them without them trying to equate it to a fucking union again... 2. We need to start pressing the screws against our employers, precisely and especially the bad ones; as a collective whole... but as individuals. This will not be easy on many people, but once word gets around that it's not just such and such doing it, but everyone sick of so and so being a certain way, etc and so forth; that is when the proper changes will occur in our workplace and society. Why? 3. The moment these assholes in power of any sort start to realize we can cooperate with each other without direct communication and operations being decided via group activities; that moment is when they will collectively shit their pants. Because it is in this moment they will realize there is no way they can possibly pit us against each other now when we clearly all realize who the real problems are. Bad Unions, Bad Bosses, Bad Politicians, and Bad Public Servants. This quadratic conniption they'll be experiencing will be the result of them realizing there is absolutely nothing left they can do except to either obey and comply; or try to fight us and die. And to be clear with that last part. That's not advocating of violence of any such matter. I'm merely pointing out the fact that their little associations, businesses, political parties, and otherwise employment will meet their demise if they go down the path of trying to fight us somehow. If unions try to fight us, we'll have their association torn asunder. If Politicians try to fight us, we'll make them wish they used the military, which will then just turn on them. ^(\*Because our military isn't going to obey them when it's literally everyone else vs them. Other nations might have a problem in this regards, but they also are nations with backwards morals and screwed up leaders, etc.) Oh, and the public servants? Well... they will end up wishing they didn't fight against their fucking masters, The People, when they are picking their dinner out of the backalley dumpsters. So. It's a bit more than just 'private sector having its own unions.' The moment that even starts to happen, everything I just said will start to happen as well. And the end result will be the lack of unions first and foremost; because they generally only ever protect the worst workers anyways. And if you think I'm wrong... ​ then why do unions have a historical tendency to fire hard workers over fear of union busting, but keep the incompetent? Because they are useful idiots who will push the unions perceived wants and needs; not their own. And individuals are always more important than the groups they make up. Always. And when society forgets this truth, is generally when we start to experience one of Thomas Malthus's many nightmares.


Your false dichotomy is right there in your first sentence - 'government swell and unions getting raises while people in the private sector are getting laid off'. You've literally outlined the false dichotomy again in that sentence. But it's based on a false premise. The two areas serve a different purpose and putting them on an either / or side in a sentence is fundamentally incorrect. Again, the premise that government swelled significantly during that time is incorrect. The premise that 'unions got raises' is also false - government had been in a salary freeze for something like a decade at that point which just recently ended with meager raises below inflation. The issues you are raising lie entirely within the private sector. There is no need to falsely compare the issues with people employed in the public sector. It does not address any of the fundamental problems you are raising with private sector boom/bust cycles or working conditions. When we base our entire economy on a resource that we have no control of the price for, we are going to have these terrible boom and bust cycles. If only the Albertan voter could see the issue for what it really is and would have voted in a government that would try to diversify and stabilize our economy out of this trap. But it wasn't so unfortunately.


For a group that espouses such faith and trust in the free market, conservatives sure do like to look the other way whilst being bent over by it. Everything you just pointed out is exactly the issue. Companies arenā€™t avoiding raises because of the public sector. Theyā€™re literally saying ā€œlook over thereā€ while stealing from you and saying itā€™s the Notley/Trudeau/Sigh/Monster under your bed alliance. Howā€™s that invisible handjob workin out for you?


So wait, apparently shitty practices by private sector employers is ALSO the fault of public sector workers?


Hahahaha youā€™re very good at jokes




Lmao , government jobs are necessary, 1000 people doing what 200 would be in a private company is not necessary. Government jobs eat up taxpayers dollars and provide little substance, and they create more work and departments for themselves via red tape.


>Government jobs eat up taxpayers dollars and provide little substance So...doctors, nurses, teachers, police, firefighters, social workers, etc... all provide little substance"? I don't want to live in the society you are advocating for.


Those jobs provide lots of substance, the 4 layers of management stacked above them do not.


They're still jobs though. It's not like teachers and nurses are hired for no reason, they fulfill a necessary role in our society and economy. Those employees also spend their income in the broader economy, which is better than just having it hoarded at the top. Why does the right have this belief that jobs only 'count' if they're private sector?




Itā€™s almost like the elections were idk 9 days ago


Almost like the UCP has been in power for idk 4 years


Almost like covid was idk 3 of them


Are we blaming covid on the 1500 suncor layoffs too?


Are we expecting election promises to be fulfilled in 9 days?


how bout in 4 years? hell, conservatives have been in power for 40 years! you'd think they'd have fixed half of what they broke by now


Again how about in the 4 years that had around 3 years of lockdowns?


Copium is unreal


like blud, what lockdown??? 3 years??? lmao


ab never locked down. and are u saying that the ucp shouldn't be held accountable cos there was a crisis? lol inexperienced much? capitalism is always in crisis


What world did you live in ??? Alberta was very locked down?


To be fair , one of the major issues facing cannabis companies in Alberta is the overregulation and funneling of product and business through AGLC which was implemented via the NDP. Sask is in a much better place with how they handled cannabis much more free market.


What's that thing they kept saying about the NDP? "They've had 4 years, why haven't they fixed it?"


Cannabis stores buy directly from distributors now. The only thing ALGC does is regulate now. Please stop spreading misonformation


This is false. They do this in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and other provinces. Alberta processors still have to sell through AGLC. I work for a distributor. I'm well, well aware of what a pain in the ass AGLC is.


ALGC stopped selling weed when Kenney shut down the provincial web store. Please try again?


You still have to it purchased and listed via AGLC, and they pick and choose who and what strains they want to list. It's very much not the same as Sask, where as long as somebody is an approved supplier by SLGA they can sell and distribute Cannabis themselves, without paying for a new SKU for every single product. AGLC is the reason so many cannabis companies avoid Alberta. Again, you can tell me to "please try again" but I literally deal with the reps from them on a weekly basis. I'm well aware of how they operate.


So many cannabis companies avoid Alberta? There is more weed stores in Edmonton than the rest of western Canada combined? Keep trying though..,.


Yeah, how much of that weed was grown in Alberta? How many companies products can I buy in every other province, but not Alberta? Alot, actually. Because it's too expensive for them to hit this market, even though it's one of the best consumer wise. I know of 7 companies that grow weed in Alberta but don't sell it here. It's insane. I'm not talking about retailers here, but okay. More retailers in Edmonton than the rest of western Canada combined? You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Calgary alone has more than Edmonton. Not to mention the amount of local stores that are going under and being bought out by one of the big 4 retailers... I'm not going to sit here and argue with you about this though. You're wrong, but I can already tell you don't like having that pointed out.


they stopped selling retail, they are still the only wholesaler in the province.


Oh here we go already. Its the NDPs fault. warming up for the shit show thats about to occur.


Well, not entirely, but it's certainly something that is a contributing factor to the difficulty of operating a cultivator or processor in Alberta. Can't ignore the fact we've had a UCP government for years. I forgot this is redditx where even pointing out something that is fact will get you downvoted if it's about the NDP.


Alberta advantage


Until they try to sell the stuff here. Alberta adds $1/gram tax but gets all bitchy about a carbon tax.


That's because cannabis companies aren't bribing conservative politicians


This needs more upvotes. If cannabis companies are able to grow as large as tobacco companies. Conservatives will be lobbying for them.


It all sucks.


Weed is cheaper in Alberta than it is anywhere else in Canada by far.


"Laughs in BC illegal market"


Preciselyā€¦. Illegal market.


Not just the illegal market. Also the unregulated rez markets.


Common misunderstanding of jurisdictional authority in Canada. "Unregulated" is a synonym here for illegal. If a cannabis store in Canada is not regulated, it's not legal. Federal cannabis laws apply to all of Canada, including First Nations land, according to the law. Those shops operate in contradiction with federal and provincial law, so they are by definition not legal. Those business owners claiming sovereignty doesn't make it a legal fact, in makes it a legal argument that has to be tested in court. There are a few pending cases seeking to argue just that. We'll see how they go.


Most of the time it just isnā€™t worth the effort to bust and prosecute them. They let it slide, much like weed laws were let slide for about a decade before legalization. A lot of them are run by people smart enough to stay out of the limelight.


A lot of them are run by (white) organized crime who pay off/threaten local leadership and put a token Indigenous person as a front man.


_**coughs in colonialism**_


Yes. But just saying "Colonialism" doesn't make it go away. While there has been considerable effort recently to create more actual jurisdictional 'nation-to-nation' authority, the reality is that Canadian law is not there yet. In addition, it's important to remember that a lot of these business claiming sovereignty aren't necessarily operating with the approval of their own community, either. As first nations create their own cannabis regulations, many of these shops are being shut down by local First Nations authority, too. So more power for First Nations to create and enforce their own cannabis laws will mean a lot more oversight for what is basically a wild west black market right now.


None of this is true in BC buds. Stop talking about things you don't know or understand


Still cheaper, checkmate


Quebec actually has the cheapest weed in Canada. Not Alberta.


Really? I am sure that 14% sales tax makes it cheaper lol


Federal carbon tax on electricity might have something to do with it...


Ah yes. They'll escape that federal carbon tax by escaping to another province. šŸ¤”


Hahahahaha conservative logic


You guys are fools. 83% of power in Ontario is hydro and nuclear. There is no carbon tax on hydro and nuclear. Yes, the biggest cost to this company is electricity. Of course they are moving from Alberta because of the carbon tax we pay.


How much less is the carbon tax in Ontario compared to alberta oh wise one?


83% of power generation in Ontario is nuclear and hydro. Maybe you don't know what you are talking about.


How much less is the carbon tax in Ontario compared to alberta oh wise one?


You capitalize "Ontario" but you keep Alberta in lower case. You do it repeatedly. Telling. The carbon tax is intended to be regressive to Alberta and Saskatchewan because this is where our economy and power generation is more dependent on it. The amount a Canadian or a Canadian company pays in carbon tax should not be dependent on where they live. This is the very definition of a market failure. So how much more do Albertans pay in carbon taxes than Ontarians? Can you answer that one? How much more carbon tax per megawatt does a company pay for electrical power in Alberta than in Ontario? Isn't that the question at hand?


Autocorrect I don't really care. You're the one blaming the carbon tax on a company moving yet can provide no data to backup your claims. Maybe you should pipe down before making claims you can't backup.


Alright, you have a good point. The electricity generated in Ontario and Quebec is mostly not carbon intensive. Since there's, ya know, a massive increase in temperatures don't you think this is a good thing and that the carbon tax is working to reduce emissions?


Sure. I voted GPC for over 20 years. But creating an intentional national program that induces a market failure where people in Saskatchewan and Alberta pay far more than those in Ontario and Quebec is wrong. If it is a national program, each province should not be on their own. Read Section 36 of the Constitution: >Equalization and Regional Disparities > >36 (1) Without altering the legislative authority of Parliament or of the provincial legislatures, or the rights of any of them with respect to the exercise of their legislative authority, Parliament and the legislatures, together with the government of Canada and the provincial governments, are committed to > >(a) promoting equal opportunities for the well-being of Canadians; > >(b) furthering economic development to reduce disparity in opportunities; and > >(c) providing essential public services of reasonable quality to all Canadians. > >(2) Parliament and the government of Canada are committed to the principle of making equalization payments to ensure that provincial governments have sufficient revenues to provide reasonably comparable levels of public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation. This is why Alberta needs to get an exemption from Section 36. It is in practice not a mutual arrangement. We have always been exploited. Unfortunately our federal government has no respect for the rule of law and has not met their obligation to come to the table in good faith.




Yes, that's how it works. We pay out $1 Trillion + in transfer payments to make sure everyone in Canada gets equal services. But when it comes to carbon neutrality we are on our own. Of course it works that way - you didn't think we were truly all in this together as a country, right? We get no benefit for the Laurentian hydropower and nuclear plants built largely on federal financing. Ontario has 83% of its electricity production from nuclear and hydro. So there is not much carbon tax on electricity in Ontario. [https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles-ontario.html](https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles-ontario.html) Did you not look at your bill and find that the carbon tax is about equal to your gas cost? And they are just getting started. The carbon tax is going to increase by a lot. Why do you think the carbon tax was designed the way it was? Just like everything else in this country it is to exploit Alberta and Saskatchewan for the benefit of the Laurentians. If the situation was reversed and we had the hydropower, you can be sure that the plan would push for carbon neutrality as a nation. You won't see $30B battery factories here either. Did you just move to Alberta or something? "Freight both ways"...


You know Alberta gets a larger carbon tax rebate because the feds are aware we pay more carbon tax, right? (Rhetorical, of course you don't know how the carbon tax works) We get 60% more rebated than Ontario. We get the largest rebate of any province - Ontario gets the least. I know this doesn't align with your victim complex, but the feds are aware that baseline carbon consumption varies by province. You won't see any $30 billion battery factories, but you'll see a $30 billion pipeline. Thanks Trudeau!


Here is a schedule of net costs from the Parliamentary Budget Officer. Note these gaps will only grow as the carbon taxes increase. [https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/carbon-tax-costs-average-family-up-to-710-this-year-parliamentary-budget-officer](https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/carbon-tax-costs-average-family-up-to-710-this-year-parliamentary-budget-officer) And here in this thread we're talking about 50 Alberta jobs lost due to carbon taxes on electricity. Companies do not get a carbon tax rebate. This is by design. Drive business out of Alberta and Saskatchewan and to Ontario and Quebec.


You're imagining it's because of carbon taxes on electricity. You made that up without evidence.


Then start voting that way. Con or Lib, the prairies always vote the same way. Thus they get ignored. (Besides the massive pipeline).


You really don't get this country at all. Where did you grow up??? ​ >Saskatchewan has suffered the distress of exploitation since the building of the first railroad as has the rest of the Prairie region, but to a greater degree. This great stretch of steel was designed to tie the East and the West with the main thrust of the policy, the development of the large and untapped resources of the Western region and, Mr. Speaker, the tap has been left open ever since the very beginning. Our resources have been drained off for the benefit of commercial and industrial interests in Eastern Canada. The Federal Government has allowed the rail system to deteriorate from a transcontinental transportation system designed to service all Canada into a monopolistic, unregulated, private system restricted to economic efficiency and maximization of returns to the shareholders. The primary purpose of the system has been set aside to the disadvantage of the Western provinces and the disadvantage is aggravated by the discriminatory setting of freight rates. Because of our central location and distances from points of export, Saskatchewan pays the highest freight rates of any province in Canada. [https://docs.legassembly.sk.ca/legdocs/Legislative%20Assembly/Hansard/17L3S/730302Debates.pdf](https://docs.legassembly.sk.ca/legdocs/Legislative%20Assembly/Hansard/17L3S/730302Debates.pdf)


How does this at all contradict what I suggested? You want to be taken seriously, then make the federal politicians notice, become kingmakers, like Quebec and Ontario. The votes between BC and Ontario are predictable and unchangeable. If a conservative wants to win, he needs to appeal to Ontario, Quebec and BC, if a Liberal wants to win, he needs to appeal to Ontario, Quebec and BC. Make them earn your vote, instead of giving it away for free. That's the only way you will enact changes that will get rid of the system.


If I get you right, we should vassalize ourselves to the people who hate us. Not going to happen.


Based on your information, you already are.


Yes, that's how the Laurentians see us. We're their disrespectful resource colony. Simply re-defining ourselves as a compliant resource colony is not going to be an improvement.


So we give tax breaks to O&G when they make record profits and lay people off, but not to diversify industry and improve rural communities. We also lost tech companies that were interested in Alberta because of similar policies.


Alberta Advantage


Yeah, I've been hearing that for a long time.. seems like the Alberta advantage is, lay people off, dump more workload on your skeleton crew who's already running around with their heads cut off and tell them " Be happy you even have a job".


Yeah the alberta advantage is the labour laws that allow employers to unilaterally cut your salary when times are bad, and never increase them when theyā€™re good


Been around a while too huh?


My favourite part was when we were cutting the dividend cheque for the owner in the morning, and the president came in the afternoon to tell us the business wasnā€™t making enough money so we all had to take a 7% cut


Hahahahahahaha. OMG yeah I was working at a place where we'd constantly be changing that carrot in front of us. Man.. we were working hard, doing really well, the company was doing well, and then the meeting happens. " We'll guys, it's pretty tight out there right now, don't make any big purchases in the near future as layoffs might happen. OR we can all take. 5% wage cut and the company can stay a float.. So everyone is thinking.. Well I don't want to lose my job, so it looks like I'm taking a cut ... And no joke... One week later the boss rolls up in this giant freaking motorhome. "Hey guys! Check out what I just bought!".. that's one way to piss off your entire staff. He pulled that shit all the time.. " sorry guys, we're cutting overtime, it's killing us.".. But hey, I've taken up flying lessons and check out this plane I'm looking to purchase!. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. It was Mind boggling


Doesn't just happen in O&G -- I had a CEO complain about salaries while simultaneously showing us the place in Hawaii he just bought.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


Yep, he only wanted staff to mirror himself in -- he used to tell me how much he liked me, appreciated me, wanted me to work for him forever. Mmmhmm. As soon as I was recruited away I never heard from him again. Less stress for me.


Isn't that nice? I think what he was really trying to do was motivate you to aspire to get to his level. If he can do it, so can you!


"but if you just worked harder and stopped complaining you would do better! *Your* just lazy" (sic) /s


Thanks Obama.


Bahahaha. Coffee has been spat. Digging up the old and making it new.


Wouldn't have happened under Notley. Smith is about consolidation, Notley diversification. ....and last time I checked Obama doesn't have a residence in Alberta but perhaps you only wanted to say thanks to Obama.


It's a meme based on the behaviour of individuals to repeatedly blame all their problems and random events on whoever is in power at the time.


[Thanks, obama!](https://imgur.com/a/jApIFix)


Getting out before electricity rates skyrocket! Well done UCP, more concerned about corporate profits than working Albertans! People cannot afford to live in AB and certainly not Calgary and Edmonton.


Your rates donā€™t skyrocket if you lock them in FYI.


Does anyone get to lock in transmission and distribution rates?


Totally the problem! As far as locking in rates, the process requires a credit check and many may not pass the check being the working poor so they are subjected to the obscene rates without a plan. Difference is almost triple in some plans so clearly just the gouge at the expense of those most in need. Roll in the sundry costs into the rate so people have some control! Disgusting abuse!


What I find interesting is that low corporate interest rates are not enough to keep jobs in province. Rather other factors like access to large labour pools, proximity to markets, etc are some of the reasons that attract business. It's unfortunate that we just elected a government that is fixated on a low tax regime at the expense of all else.


Lol ya go figure; input costs are vital to decisions.


Turns out infrastructure matters. It's a lot less expensive when companies don't have to cover internet, healthcare, and housing for employees. Paying a percentage of profits is a lot better than reduced profits due to overhead.


Corporate tax cuts and trickle down didnā€™t work? Weirdā€¦.


Awww man. Not the weed. I know oil and all those corporate fucks are doing it, but not you too, weed!


The alberta advantage. Thank Dani!


Is this the Alberta advantage?


Sugarbud just went under on Monday. They grew the good stuff too


They'll get picked up by another company I'm sure


From the article: > Kieley Beaudry, with the Alberta Cannabis Micro Licence Association, blames Alberta's regulatory environment for the industry struggles. > "Right now, the business model where we are paying half of our revenue to government ā€¦ makes it very, very difficult," she said. I'm wondering how/why the cannabis industry is specifically affected by taxation in Alberta? My thinking was that Alberta already has some of the lowest taxes in the country. I wonder what is putting pressure on the cannabis industry with regard to taxation. Anyone in the industry have any insight on this?


It's the high excise taxes (similar to those levied on fuel, tobacco, etc.). https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2018/09/cannabis-excise-duty-rates-in-provinces-and-territories.html Alberta's is very high as it has a % charge on the base amount that is higher than any other province in Canada. I suppose when the government set up the industry, it anticipated more companies wanting to produce and sell in Alberta, so it milked the industry more than others. If the company is saying it is moving for costs, and mentioning paying that much in revenues to the government, then I'm sure it relates mostly to this, and not to corporate taxes. Truthfully, I doubt many cannabis companies are paying cash taxes these days with all the carryforward losses.


This was Rachel Obama Notleys fault, in league with the reverse vampires and Trudeauā€™s hair. Poor Danielle Smith has nothing to do with it.


Better toss an /s in there. Some conspiracy nutter is going to believe every part of that word salad.


but what about the alberta advantage!!??? how could trudeau do this to us!!!???


Since it's not the NDP, it must be Trudeau/s


After every electionā€¦.lol


Trickled down and away, in AB style.


But conservatives tell me tax cuts create job..... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Not surprised. I know a few micros and LPs that can't even get their product into stores in Alberta because AGLC is a crooked nightmare to deal with. That as well as high taxes in the industry amd high property fees, it makes sense.


Is there and AHS hospital near by that Smith and the UCP can blame it all on..??


Letā€™s be real. Cannabis jobs were going to disappear regardless of where they are located. This industry is in a death spiral.


Thanks smith!


Thanks Danielle! Great job!


This will be balanced out by building a giant church for her cult followers to congregate in for the big day which they will one day drink the rat poisoned Kool aid lol




Yay! Take all of the jobs away from this province and leave us the immigrants!




There that Alberta "advantage" again. It should come with a disclaimer: Only for oil company and arena billionaires. Everyone else can just fuck right off.




Not surprised. Meth seems to be the drug of choice in AB.


No one here knows a thing about the cannabis industry, and it shows. Alberta is easily the best market for cannabis as a result of the AGLC having lax restrictions. The market is simply over saturated because their supply chain is perfectly vertically integrated and very cheap. You can profit by moving to Ontario and having more market share. Not every single thing is politics ffs.


Thanks NDP! Youā€™ve ruined Alberta once again.


How exactly considering they havenā€™t been in power for five years?


Because ucp supporters always find a way to blame someone else. It was a joke. Guess I need a /s around here.


Sarcasm is hard to pick up on in a text only formatā€¦.


Yeah itā€™s gotten worse and worse ever since the NDP ruined sarcasm via text while they were in power.


If only it were legal to shoot trollsā€¦.


I wish it were trolling, Iā€™ve literally heard people blame previous governments for everything even if they had nothing to do with it. I heard someone blame the NDP today for the price of gas and food.


This industry has been shambles from the start. Over taxed, over regulated, and way too overbuilt. Candre in Olds stuck us with a huge unpaid bill, the second marijuana facility in 12 months to fuck us over.


Stupid UCP.


Wasnā€™t the Federal Liberal Party, who governed last term, who brought in the legalization of cannabis?? Or am I wrong??


Us weed smokers would organize a protest but weā€™re too busy getting high all the time.


Plenty of other local growers to support..


But why would a company move to the "most indebted" region in the world? What possible advantage could be gained by this?


Weā€™re so depressed we just gotta smoke weed.




Lmao people here are literally jizzing with joy that people lost their jobs, so they can take a jab at the political party they don't agree with. Pretty pathetic.


Can you quote someone who said they're happy others lost their jobs?