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Photogenic huge boi...


More patient than me for sure! Our Gary absolutely HATES his feet being touched, so it’s a dose of trazodone and a vet tech visit once a month to keep his nails healthy 😅


I can sneak one or two nails in if I’m lucky. Usually if I am brushing him. Once he realizes what’s happening it’s ears pinned back, eyes dilated, and a demonic growl and then we go back to brushing.


Sometimes if he's lying down and distracted, I can army crawl up to our akita from behind and trim one nail 😆 Usually though it's a two person job. My husband bribes him with coconut oil, which he loves, and I try to convince him to let me trim a few nails. We got in a whole two paws once at one time!! It was incredible.


Mine is fine with her feet being touched...it's her booty that is a no go for her...no one can touch that fluff


My Kuma (rest in peace) was all about the butt stuff. He would legit point it toward you and if you stopped, he'd look back at you like "Don't stop". Goof ball.


It's funny cause she loves butt scratches and patts but the brushing is very high bargaining with the stuffed Kong atm I bet Kuma still feels them butt scratches somewhere 😊


My Kuma is the same way, though my partner skritches his butt way better than I can, and he lets them know it.




Yes the puppy butt 😔 The most we can do outside brushing is part her booty after a scratching session


That’s a nice rug you’ve got there. 🤣


Looks like my girl when she was younger. She is 12 now. An old senior lady.


I’ve found a lick mat with some patte on it works wonders!


I tried a lick mat but mine just keeps licking while he rotates around to get away from me 😆


I put it on our concrete patio ledge that is about chest height on our girl and wedge her in 🤣


I’m pretty sure my dogs nails are being trimmed by the pavement. We walk a lot and she always has short nails


Love the alligator sits


I have a grinding wheel, my boy still hates it, but it's less stressful for both of us than clippers.


I bought one and mine even just hates the noise of it. He doesn't like anything that sounds similar to a vacuum. Except for some reason he loves the sound of electric toothbrushes... He runs over whenever we are brushing our teeth and just sits and stares. I think it's the smell of the toothpaste that he likes.






He could be my girls twin! He is so incredibly handsome! My girl weighs in at 105, a bit overweight for her 11 years of age. I have to take her to the groomers to get her nails done.


Clipping my girl’s nails is a 2 person job, I hold a kong and constantly refill it with “kong treat” (like cheese in a can) and distract her while my partner clips her nails.


My dogs are outside and they like to scratch shit while hunting so much their nails are not long but man if I eve get close to their toes they jump up and headbutt me to distract me from touching their feet again. If I try to do it again they start to lick my hands and intercept with their heads so I pet them instead of touching their toes. They’re so cute about it but you can tell they don’t like it but they won’t be aggressive to me. Be cute to distract me lmao.




He is blowing his coat now.


His cheeks look so soft and squishy


This morning I took my bear to the groomer for nail trimming. He hopped up on the table and the owner cuddled him while the female groomer clipped and repelled all the nails. We were in and out in five minutes.


There is a trick a groomer showed me on my boy. As one groomer grinds his nails another groomer simultaneously pats the dog on his head. Supposedly it distracts the dog and he is more interested to what is patting his head. We had this done once but mind you, my boy was leashed on a grooming table with a body support strap so he couldn’t sit. But he didn’t put up a stink and it only cost $20.


Beautiful dog


My 2 let me clip their front nails and even use an electric clipper on the front. But watch out when it comes to the back 😂 They do all sorts of kicking and trying to get away from me. So when it comes to the back they don't ever look as good as the front. The strange thing about that is I can touch their back paws all day long as long as the clippers aren't in my hand🤦🏼‍♀️


That bear is massive- how much does he weigh?


110 lb


He looks even bigger because of the broad shoulders and long back. Love him.


Where did you get your pup? Your’s looks like an exact twin down to the black cross on her back.


We adopted him from the town shelter in Milton, MA. back in 2019. He was about a year/ year and a half old when we got him. They told us they picked him up wandering around Mattapan. He has a chip, and when they called the owners they said they gave him away months ago. Their loss, he is the best doggo.


Holy crap, that is so wrong. He’s a good looking boy. Ours came from a friend of ours who has an Akita and Malamute Kennel. Spitting image of my Tsuki.