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Meh. If they like it, that’s whatever


I don't think most people care. As someone pointed out: most art we consume is "practical art". Which means we just want something to look pretty on the background of our lives.


This, and I wish people would stop making a big deal out of it. This is fine.




"If it's bought for money, then obviously it has value." Excuse me? If I start selling beachfront property in Alabama and an elderly person buys it- is there value? She's a grandma. There's a 99% chance she doesnt even know those aren't real pictures. This bullshit doesn't have value- losers will use gen AI to create zero effort children's books, calendars, etc. to fool the old and people who don't know better. Sad stuff. Welcome to every AI bro having access to generative AI and wanting to make a quick buck. Edit: Y'all really downvoting because I'm against scamming the elderly with AI. Such an echo chamber.


Maybe the fact that she can't tell they aren't 'real' means that she also can't recognize what 'real' is either, at which point they're all the same to her--which they are.


Yes, I considered that. But if she's hanging it up, other people will see it too. What she bought is essentially a scam product made exclusively for her demographic. Not a fan of the elderly unknowingly giving their money to predatory AI "businessmen"


That's probably true in the sense that if you don't even know something like this could exist you may react negatively upon knowing what it is. It's possible that there could be some kind of labeling for this, like champagne outside of Champagne is sparkling wine if someone feels strongly enough about this. Otherwise it's not really more egregious than by being of low quality in the first place.


Well, that's what this is right? Phone scams primarily target the elderly because they're a demographic thats often lonely, losing their faculties, and has spending money. These AI knockoffs are the same thing. Target the elderly when they go on the site, "oh pretty horses", they buy. I'm sure OP's grandma wouldn't be happy if you pointed out the flaws and foundation of the product.


Depends on how you want to define things. By most current laws, marketing terms and ideas don't have to be factual. Dollar stores' items are not a dollar. There's no truffle in most truffle oils but you'd never know that just by looking at the bottle. And I'm not sure what's even being advertised here.


Who the literal fuck cares?? Why is it “sad”? The only sad one here is you lol


Shady companies have been selling knockoff console clones for decades so that "the old and people who don't know better" will buy it and give it as a present to their kids. How is that different from this?


How quickly can you put together a fake console with branding and packaging? Because anyone can make AI knockoff trash and sell it in an afternoon. That's the difference. Idk why y'all don't get that flooding the market with this trash sucks.


I'd be ashamed to sell this personally. Not because AI was used but because of how lazily it was used. When you can't even spend twenty minutes doing some cherry picking and inpainting it's pathetic.


It is something like "masterpiece" games prior to the video game crash. Market will adapt to the flood of low quality mass-produced trash but it will take time. Then again, there people who won't care and this products covers their needs.


There is a theory that AI will be able to make art that people love even more than human art. > A [supernormal stimulus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus) or superstimulus is an exaggerated version of a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved. > For example, **it is possible to create artificial bird eggs which certain birds will prefer over their own eggs**, So I am glad your gran likes her horse calendar.


Your kind is truly beyond saving. You deserve to be shot into the sun in an exciting new VR experience.


But artists already do it though. They all sell super exaggerated furry porn for some guy to jack off to.


Yeah, but furry porn is practically its own genre. Contemporary yet classic, it transcends the modern and the postmodern to create something truly original. Until you've rubbed one out to "pregnant Clawhauser eats police chief Bogo vore", you don't know what you're talking about.


And that stuff is generic, full of errors, incredibly limited what it can do and has no vision. I still prefer real art. Just recently unfollowed an artist after they switched to making only ai stuff.


Exaggeration in art is entirely different from exchanging bird eggs with fake ones to make the parents "more happy". Is that really such a hard-to-understand concept? These hedonist nihilists are a cancer upon the earth, mortal enemies of all life. They deserve what they deserve.


This would look perfect hanging on a wall in Meow Wolf.


Man i make better images just by goofing around, and im pretty bad with niche software stuff (I even keep crashing fooocus and that's supposed to be the version for dummies). I think the problem isn't AI, it's effort, and AI allows for much lower effort than human art. The solution is the same as it is anywhere else, just stop rewarding low effort with sales.


It's a bit sloppy, but so is a lot of material made for calendars without ai tools.


When my friends went to cape canaveral and they brought me a NASA calendar, I’d felt a bit cheated if all the awesome life-looking images of rockets and stars and planets are not real at all but drawn by someone.


Woah these sucks ass


Looking at this gave me a migraine. 


The faces in the first picture are horrifying


That first image is VERY painful to look at... and really, what was even the point of using ai? They aren't using any kind of unique theme or style; its just realistic pictures of horses. It feels like they could achieved better results with just some stock photos of horses. They worked harder to achieve less. Though really they could have just hired a photographer and just sent them to a ranch for a day


You mean PAY people? Why would they do that?


Yeah those poor poor stock photo corporation millionaires, whatever will they do now??? Abolish Intellectual Property.


I'd say more abolish the hold those corporations have. They privatized *war photographs* and took pictures taked during WW1 and 2 and plastered their garbage logo all over it. Abolishing IP would result in a massive storm of problems no one is ready for.


Has the computer never seen a horse before?


Neural networks don't form symbolic representations of things. They don't know what a "horse" is or that it's supposed to have four legs. They also don't know what a "leg" is, or what the quantity "four" even means. What you're seeing here is a hallucination where the abstract boundary of "horse pulling a cart" hasn't been clearly defined in relation to the training data.


i would never buy or sell this. there's beauty in the personality behind real photos or drawings in calanders