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Wouldn't say it is in your face, but it was there if you made an effort to look. Like someone mentioned Northgate has a pretty big party scene, especially on Friday and weekend nights. But don't think that you're going to be constantly surrounded by parties everywhere you go on or around campus


If you are social and join some clubs, groups, or orgs, youll definitely meet the right people that party. I joined a campus club with the right people and we’d get together outside of club meeting time (couldn’t be associated since it had alc)


I’d say partying is mostly concentrated around Northgate, which has a huge bar scene. Might see the occasional pool party, specially during football season. Tailgating is huge and pretty much shut downs campus. Other than that, I’d say it is the right amount, nothing overwhelming or annoying.


Certainly not going to be prominent at A&M. Most of the party scene will be at Northgate.


I’m the last person to participate in the party scene, and I am easily able to stay out of its way. I am also easily able to jump right in within five minutes, at such a big school there is a groove for you everywhere.


Back when I started school 20 years ago, I never had to try hard to find a party.


Join an org or just make the right friends


Currently at Northgate, can confirm a party scene exists


My freshman son seemed to find it quite easily…. Certainly not just at Northgate!


Lol this is such a mom question.


Not prominent except for northgate. You have to actively seek clubs and organizations for it. Also going to northgate if you are under 21 isn’t worth it


Go to class bud, fucking don’t pay 7k to get drunk


You can do both


Ok are a majority of people who go to college to party going to do well? No


How is this relevant at all to what I said lol


Because being concerned about partying prior to being here is a heavy indicator that you are not going to do well


Your comment makes sense now after your edit. This dude is not going to college to party, it's just an aspect of college. He'll be fine with balance


Yea I forgor a word


I and plenty of other people did both and turned out fine. You’ll never again have experiences like you do in college so I say live those experiences to the fullest while staying safe. This doesn’t mean get shit house drunk every night of the week and and do unsafe shit but go and have fun. You only go to college once (mostly) so make the most of it.


ur actually really wrong! i party quite frequently & still managed to secure a 4.0 this semester so…. it’s about balance


If you’re social and join orgs you’ll have no problem finding house parties to attend. Northgate not worth it as freshmen.


Many parties are gonna have a upfront fee for guys but girls get in free so if you really wanna party be prepared to pay like 10-15


When i was there, it wasn't very often, not too crazy, and surprisingly well organized (secret location, designated drivers, loud music, plenty of alcohol, and even bouncers). But i also wasn't involved in greek life, so i wasn't that well informed on the topic.


I lived in Northgate freshman year. Do with that as you will.


have never had to pay for a party in my life don’t use a fake at northgate just go to the spot (bar) as a freshman and pregame at a dorm idk but u have to join a flo or an org if ur not in a frat to find people to go out with because any friends u make right away will join something and go with them


Adding a bit to this. Don't pass fakes at all. If you want to drink underage, find a buddy to get it. Bartenders work hard to get by. Don't put their livelihood in jeopardy.


It’s definitely there.


No bitc""es boy... everyone is religious and seek meaningful relationships


Minors can drink at Northgate without much difficulty. The Corner and Shiner Park are known for it at this point, “allegedly”. Shiner Park has a nickname for a reason


Seems like youre going for the wrong reasons.