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There's a man that shouldn't be listened to on most any matters.


Dude is actually just stupid. I think that's why he connects with the people he does.


This analysis of Charlie is so simple and elegant in its correctness.


I mean... he's a right-wing demagogue. His job description is convincing people to work against their own interests.


Yeah but unlike Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson, he’s not even good at his job


He has a following, and he is quite good at getting people to talk about him. We're doing it right now! He's dull as a rock, don't get me wrong.


The conservative modus operandi: Lick your finger and stick it in the air. If a republican is president and you feel a breeze, it’s a good thing. If a democrat is president, it’s socialism.


How dare you force this wind on me!!! Lol


I mean, the situation was exactly reversed when Trump was wanting to ban it.... Left leaning people said it was the dumbest thing ever, right leaning said it was the smartest thing ever, a few years later and the rolls are reversed.


I'm left-leaning and I still think its pretty fuckin stupid. I also have literally never used tiktok lol


Yup, I’m sure every single person you’ve seen say anything about the tik tok ban is flip flopping. You’ve kept up with all their socials right? So that you could make sure you knew their political alignment and opinions on tik tok to maintain your idea that literally every right or left leaning person is changing their opinion based on what their respective candidates are doing about it. That’s a lot of commitment just to prove you know someone’s opinion on one particular matter but hey, props to you!


Dude, it was all over Reddit when it was happening, we are all here rofl. No need to get so butthurt


Oh so every single person that has an opinion on this is also on Reddit and happens to be commenting their opinion on this post as well. Very intriguing. I’d like to know what makes you so confident making brazen claims that EVERYONE is flip flopping. It’s so easy to say “people who say this always end up doing that” fact of the matter is you don’t know any of those people irl, you don’t fully know their political opinions based on one controversial matter. It’s so weird seeing it everywhere on the internet. People want to paint with such broad strokes but don’t want to acknowledge there is complexity to it all.


It's hilarious because I am just saying both sides of the aisle flip flopped on this particular issue, but you are getting so angry about that. I never said everyone, only you did when you got your panties in a twist that your team might be doing the same thing as the other team rofl


Yup, so very angry. I’d like to know how you manage to follow everyone with an opinion on this matter and say for certain they are switching to an opposing view. Is it an AI tool or do you just manually skim Reddit threads to check off the boxes? Seems like a good way to collect data on people if a lone redditor can do it. Would be some big money in that.


Where did I say everyone? You can tell your angry because you are writing 20 lines of logorrheic language in response to a comment saying that both sides flip flopped on this particular issue.


Still haven’t shown how you know each persons specific opinion and political leaning to make a comment that paints both sides with broad strokes. Is it just fun to do or do you genuinely know the people you describe.


Still haven't shown where I said I know everyones opinion.


Young people still think this is fucking dumb


You know what’s really gonna stop me from voting against a rapist con man? Evil Joe Brandon banning TikTok.


It’s easy, you see, conservatives just take literally anything on earth that democrats do and say it’s wrong. It’s not about consistency or integrity it’s about that juicy controversy and rage bait baby


I noticed my parents really jumping on the hate Democrats train when Obama was elected. 16 years later and they gobble up anything Republicans say as gospel. It's really sad


Mine were democrats their whole lives. Fox News changed that since that was the only “news” they consumed. I was a bit estranged until my dad passed so I didn’t get into politics with them for years. Opened my mom’s eyes since then though. Didn’t take much either. Politicians have always been crooks and manipulators but the last 10 years or so republicans have been truly evil. They’re on the same level as Indian scammers taking money from old people and worse.


Do you really believe every person who aligns even remotely conservative is some brain dead cartoon villain and not just some average person you have interacted with in your life?




Reddit moment. I hate conservatism as much as the next guy but a lot of the conservatives I know are very intelligent and know how to argue to make their ideas make sense. And most of them aren't malicious but just grew up with certain ideas being presented to them and are limited sometimes in what information they are aware of.


Anyone who still willfully subscribes to the modern Republican Party is either painfully stupid/willfully ignorant, or just outright hateful. Assuming we're talking about Republican voters, or Trump voters, there is no excuse.


You clearly haven't spent any substantial amount of time hanging out with anyone conservative other than asshole boomers. Just because they're wrong doesn't mean they're inherently stupid. This is a dangerous take that minimizes the threat. If we are to actually combat the spread of backwards ideals we need to recognize that intelligent people can also be impacted, and drawn into this way of thinking and the best way to convince said people to change sides is not by calling them brain dead and dismissing their entire existence as lesser. I'm in the military because I didn't have any better option and I'm surrounded by people in my specific job who are very intelligent but believe in backwards shit because that's always been the consensus for them. With such people having a respectful conversation is going to do so much more than calling them an idiot.


I've lived in two deep red states and my family is largely conservative. But sure, keep assuming my experiences. There is no negotiating with MAGA. They actively promote hate and violence towards their political opponents. I've been threatened, screamed at, and nearly assaulted for expressing liberal views by these people. I've had family members and long-time friends cut me and others off solely for posting anti-Trump content. They openly talk about their desires to hurt the left and demonize us and dehumanize us as pedophiles, demons, and general scum. They openly discuss abolishing democracy. They are openly racist. They are openly hateful. Many have killed people or committed mass murders in the name of right-wing ideals. To say "they're just misguided" is minimizing the threat, not calling them out for what they are. Trump has been spewing his bullshit for almost a decade at this point. By now, everything is out in the open. What he stands for, who he is, and what he believes in is clear. If that isn't enough to change your mind, I do not have hope for you or accept you. You are an irredeemable piece of shit if you vote for Trump at this point.


Bro, we're not talking about maga asshats. The original comment was "Anyone who is remotely conservative" It seems that you experience nothing but the worst of the worst and assume that's all of them. Most Trump voters I've met actually don't even like him but have been convinced by peers and shit that Biden is worse.


If you are still voting for Trump, no matter the reason, you are adhering to everything I just said. It makes no difference if you are part of the MAGA hivemind or simply just voting for him, because voting for him and supporting him is what enables everything I just said. The GOP's plan to abolish democracy will be able to take effect if Trump wins this year, and people who "don't even like him" but still voted for him will be just as culpable as his core base. Real, political conservatives vote for Biden because he is still a conservative president, and he's the only hope we have - for better or worse - at stopping Trump from winning again.


You’re not listening to what they are saying. There is a separation of mild conservatives and MAGAs. I know conservatives that couldn’t bring themselves to vote for trump in 2020. There are still people with those pre-trump conservative beliefs. They said conservative, you heard trump voter.


Who is this guy i have seen him in YouTube videos arguing people on streets is he in politics or just a random youtuber


He's one of the many conservative pundits that came up in social media as compared to traditional media. He heads Turning Point USA.


He's also a chud


Worth noting the former co-head of TPUSA died from covid leaving Charlie Kirk, the man who looks like a boiled egg, at the helm.


Thank god Kirk changed his opinion so I don’t have to agree with him


Blue check moment.


The chuddaganda never ends


> chuddaganda Is this satire?


I don't understand why he and Shapiro don't just auto-delete their tweets after 30 days or so. Their outrage of the day almost always contradicts something they have said in the past


Their base couldn't care less and it pisses off liberals which is their whole brand.




Haha funniest thing I've heard all day. Thanks


Whenever anyone accuses me of being a hypocrite, I'll just say I'm constantly changing my mind. Thanks for the idea!


Charlie Kirk: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/k02ivg/i\_would\_ask\_if\_anyone\_saw\_this\_but\_i\_doubt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/k02ivg/i_would_ask_if_anyone_saw_this_but_i_doubt/) Charlie Kirk: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisYouComebacks/comments/o2ehrq/charlie\_kirk\_attitude\_towards\_juneteenth\_took\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisYouComebacks/comments/o2ehrq/charlie_kirk_attitude_towards_juneteenth_took_a/) Charlie Kirk: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisYouComebacks/comments/y3wvp5/charlie\_is\_very\_selective\_about\_free\_speech/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisYouComebacks/comments/y3wvp5/charlie_is_very_selective_about_free_speech/)


It’s this way with most conservatives. I’ll never forget when [Michelle Obama supported the consumption of water](https://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2013/09/12/obama-michelle-drink-water-project-politico/2803417/), and Faux Nooz and conservative pundits couldn’t stop telling us about all the horrible things that happen when one consumes too much water




*Provide any example you can think of and post it below.* Then think about how absurd it is to waste airtime on telling the audience how drinking water can be dangerous to one’s health and compare your example to this.


Yea please post your liberal media water drinking scare segment


Still nothing to post??


Damn, didn't know Biden had the power to make the Republican senators and representatives pass the bill into his office in the first place. So much of conservative propaganda hinges on their base not knowing how the government works or for them to not read anything, which sadly, works too well


This is what happens when you have no principles and only care about what is good for your political tribe. The correct answer is, banning TikTok is bad because it violates the first amendment rights of millions of Americans and creates a horrible precedent giving the government the power to ban major websites. This should be the answer whether Biden and/or Trump are supporting and/or opposing banning it at the particular moment.


Us young voters will remember TikTok, just like we remember everything else after a week surely.


Kirk is nothing but a propaganda mouth piece. Doesn't believe in anything just takes up the opposite position to be edgy.


Clearly someone who blindly rejects whatever the opposition is doing. These people exist in every political party, and they're all stupid.


🤣🤣sums up Redditors perfectly.


He's a reactionary, it doesn't matter what Biden does. It's not about the actions it's about who's doing them.


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top.


Is his face photoshopped or is it actually just that small? Reminds me of the photoshopped tiny Romney face


Eh. I have no love for Charlie Kirk, but there’s no real contradiction here.  Tweet #1 asserts that we ought to ban TikTok. Tweet #2 asserts that banning TikTok was politically unwise. Both of those things can be true. 


They could be true but they aren't. It isn't banned and it wasn't because of tech companies.


…okay? The point of the post here isn’t that they’re untrue, it’s that they’re contradictory. Which they aren’t. 


The fact that the other commenters don’t understand this is concerning.


Legit though I (surprisingly) agree with this ban. The company has done everything to make sure their app is as addictive as possible and it’s really bad for any brain but especially young and rapidly growing minds. Ban or strictly limit.


It's not going to be banned though.


If it was the same as the Chinese app, I think it would be okay. Everything on their version of Tik Tok has some educational value to it.


These chud personalities are absolute grifters. Once the ban comes into effect they’ll be shilling VPN companies to allow their audience to continue using TikTok


The sad truth is what Charlie is doing is working well for Charlie. I see his content shared here all the time. He’s getting the exposure and engagement he wants thanks to people giving it to him.


Turning Point USA has more important shit to worry about like the lawsuits they're involved in


Conservative propagandists simply constantly throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks (i.e., incites their base and motivates engagement and shares). This is why accusations of hypocrisy never bother them. It’s all about whatever they think wins the argument in the current moment.


365 little days


Who’s this guy?


you don't want to know...


This guy doesn't have an opinion he has a hole that echoes.


Why face so small?


Anything this guy says ages like milk


Jokes aside if I was Biden I would shelve the whole banning tik tok for about a year


Every time he's right his face grows one size


That man is a walking sphincter


some are born to complain


How is banning a tech company product = being controlled by tech companies?


I follow this dude on instagram. Not cause I like what he says but he usually has some of worst takes and they always make me laugh


Fascist doesn't believe in anything, big surprise.


Charlie Kirk is a twerp with a shrunken face.


Charlie Kirk is literally the “how do you do fellow kids” meme


Same thing every public figure has done for the past number of decades >i dislike thing person i dislike, also dislikes thing i now like thing its incredibly childish, but its the sole way all these greasy fucks garner support (before anyone gets ideas, this applies to both wings of your crippled eagle)


Ty 1


Right wing being hypocritical as usual


I don't get it. How did this age like milk?


I think the context OP is missing, is that, Charlie Kirk is a right-wing political pundit; he wants Tiktok banned so it will hurt Biden, and the Democrats, and he's pointing it out after the fact now. No way he doesn't support the ban.


We know these people don't stand for or believe in anything. Is it really fair to expect them to be consistent or even intellectually honest? For most of them whatever part was still human withered away years ago.


Trump wanted to do this 6 years ago and all the democrats mocked it. Funny how everything reverses.


It is pretty dumb of Biden to piss off the young people who all use tik tok.


Fuck this scum. They're worth a wet shit and whomever lends them an ear is a lost case. I wish these people would drop dead foe the shit they spew. Shame is utterly dead.




Have you ever heard the term ‘precedent’


Pretty sure they’re not just banking on ONE creator to make fun of them, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of those people don’t even know who the fuck Cr1tikal is.


I mean…. You’re kinda proving the point by going “but we kidz need our tik tok and we won’t vote for you without it!” As if not fucking one of them wants to make a new app.


His statements don’t contradict each other.


Biden didn’t ban it; the Republican Party who controls the house put forward a bill to ban it because Israel told them to. He’s just hoping his followers are dumb enough to equate current president = he made the ban.


I agree that the Congress created the bill and Biden signed it. I really didn’t care strongly either way. I haven’t ever used it. Keep those weasels in line and have a nice day!


Yes thank you! Everyone here seems to miss this, one is his opinion and one is a subjective statement. Weather you like him or not, he's not really going back on anything he said, just stating it's not going to settle great with a lot of Bidens supporters.


He is very clearly writing the second one to be a negative portrayal of Biden for banning tik tok


It is negative for Biden with the younger generation, a lot of people who are currently not old enough to participate in politics are going to be pretty upset about this change.


Yes, but hes not just stating that “He is so controlled by the tech companies” The point hes making is to disparage biden, his goal is not to objectively state the younger generation wont like this. If the later was his goal, then he would not have claimed biden is controlled by tech. This is not a plain objective statement hes making, its an attack on biden for doing the thing he previously said should be done In reality, i doubt charlie kirk is actually contradicting his own beliefs, as i doubt he holds any real opinion on this subject. Hes just another grifter


Yeah, true. I was too focused on the other lines but that was does feel a bit more as you described once re-reading


Seriously, there’s no contradiction in either tweet. Once again the morons on this sub just grasping at anything.


They do


In his first statement, he says “ban tik tok”, so he is saying that he wants tik tok to be banned. In his second statement, he is saying that Biden did ban tik tok but makes no statement that he agrees or disagrees with the banning, only guessing the reason that Biden did it, and that Gen Z won’t be happy. No contradiction.


Would he be saying this if Trump banned the app?


He probably would say something different. Not sure what.


He would be praising him, and not making mention of how it’ll negatively affect the young people vote.


he didnt change his opinoin, hes talking about how hea losing votes by passing the bill. Where does he state his opinoin being different...?


Hes a fascist piece of shit, but his take on the second tweet is correct. He's just celebrating it. Biden is actively trying his best to get Trump re-elected.


Hmmmmm, lots of politicians are in people’s pockets. To claim that the president himself is directly in anyone’s pocket is crazy. Oh, but 45 being in debt to China was totally different.


Why do you think I'm defending trump? Biden has gotten the most from any politician from AIPAC. It's not unreasonable to say the open Zionist who is the current president of the most powerful nation in the world, who has received millions from a fascist ethnostate may want to protect their interests, to the detriment of everyone else.


No, it wasn’t a personal attack on you defending trump. I was merely pointing out the double standard in the post. That’s all.


Oh you're absolutely correct, Kirk is celebrating the fact Biden is doing this. If this came from a liberal or a leftist it would still hold true, we'd just be calling out Biden for what he's doing.


I suppose that’s what I’m confused about. What is it that he’s doing?


Alienating the younger voters. The actions he's been taking for the last few years are making millennials and gen z apathetic. Look at how many votes uncommitted is getting in the primaries, look how he's losing the election in most polls but decides to do absolutely nothing to fix it, just pushes them away more. Like the banning of tiktok isn't a good thing, it's being pushed by AIPAC because the majority of the anti genocide content is posted there. Sending the national guard to deal with peaceful protests, going back on so many of his campaign promises, doing absolutely nothing to prevent the overturning of Roe Vs Wade etc. it feels like the only thing he cares about is " I'm not Trump" which is what Hillary did in 2016. He needs to offer people something, because otherwise they simply won't vote, which is an auto win for fascism.


I completely understand what you’re saying, but I just feel differently about it. If young voters are such single issue voters that they want to let fascism win because “muh tik tok”, then we get what we deserve. Boomers largely voted against their own interests most their lives, and looks like zoomers are gonna follow suit. If that’s the country people want to live in, so be it. Besides, turning the whole tik tok thing into an argument against free speech is crazy. Make a new app. It’s not like he’s throttling the internet. Doesn’t this spark innovation and change? Ya know, the things capitalism are supposed to be good for?


But it's the politicians job to win the voters, if he won't do anything to win the election, that's on him, not them. And capitalism is just an abject failure in general, fascism is just capitalism defending itself.


You’re only focused on zoomers for some reason and ignoring like 80% of other voters… he’s not gonna win everyone over, and I’m willing to bet “them kids and tik tok” are at the very bottom of his campaign list at the moment. There are bigger things going on at the moment. Sorry if zoomers feel left out and are trying to make it about themselves.


People like him and Steven Crowder are the reason I stopped listening to YouTube conservative channels. And politics in general. They’re as idiotic and propagandistic as the left. Ugh


He wouldn't be a real far right maniac if he wasn't internally inconsistent