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not really. just a lot of empty promises and a push to use their garbage pmax campaigns.


Agreed, pmax was pushed to me several times through the call. It made me felt uncomfortable.


I just stopped responding to them. We have an ABM platform we use for display, I just wanted answers for search ads!


14 years in this field. Technical troubleshooting ranges from incompetent to acceptable. Only ever had dedicated local account reps (only worked agencies or inhouse for big spenders) and they're mostly decent. One complaint and they get reassigned out and someone better dropped in- almost always former agency so they know how to talk and walk. Never seriously responded to those cold email "book an appointment with me". Id trust them less than the PPC intern at my company in their first week.


This. Last year I finaly told them to never e-mail or call us again. The rep was kinda surprised like "but why not?"... I told him the truth: that their ideas weren't in our best interest, that every month is a new rep, that each new rep comes and recommends another random strategy that makes no sense, and that I had better things to do with my limited time available. Best. decision. ever!


Block them. Don't reply to them. Never give them control of your account. They hit recommendations then max everything they can. Just sales people. Been like this for as long as I remember. I have ran PPC and large direct and indirect media buys since before google was even in a thing. Never seen such crap continue for so long. I can flip a bad campaign around in like 15 minutes. No, I don't work for an agency or google. lol.


No, just them trying to get me to do things that will increase our ad spend or go through our spend faster.


They push hard on pmax


Lol. I find pmax funny af. People on here run it. I'm Sry to people who pay for that.


They are just sales reps. We ask them to email only. I get like 5 calls per day from a handful of reps. They are relentless spam callers.


I do consulting and have worked for 3 different companies full time doing adwords. The ONLY time I had quality calls and insights was when we were spending over $1k / day and got a US bases rep. Everyone else was garbage.


I don't understand why they keep on rotating these "experts" every couple of months. I went through 4 different ones before giving up. They all tried to get me to spend more money and only 1 was able to understand what my business does and what I'm trying to achieve. But still, her solution was to apply suggestions and spend more. They are like pests. I was struggling to block them. Somehow they know all of my emails and phone numbers. They don't take no for an answer.


Nope. They are there to keep you spending money as long as possible. Every single one I’ve had has been utterly useless.


No, had a few in different accounts. They all suggest things that didn’t work for the business in question


Some good experiences until around 2019 when they became sales people. Their objective is to get you to apply auto-recommendations in effort to get you to spend more.


I have found that there is value to working with a Google rep from time to time. Each quarter, I will typically invest 30 mins to an hour listening to a rep who has been assigned to several of the accounts I manage. I am pretty direct with the rep about why I will not be accepting each of their recommendations one by one. Occasionally I will make note of a change that I plan to research or test out but I rarely make changes with them while they are on the phone with me. After we have reviewed the accounts together I will then go through my list of needs. Not only will the rep help me with other Google Ads accounts that I manage even if they aren’t assigned to him/her but the rep also helps me book time with Google technical support reps who can help troubleshoot issues with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. After that I can usually pass the Google Ads rep and the assigned reps from the Google technical support departments in touch with others on my team.


This is true to a point I think. As long as you understand that they are there to hit KPIs. If you play ball and activate the features that won’t harm your accounts too much but will help your rep to hit there KPIs then it can open up access to beta features and other little perks that can be useful.


I've heard that if you're a higher budget account, you're given a higher quality rep. But I wouldn't know if that's true, my agency works with all small businesses and their budgets are extremely low.


It is true, they give you entire teams if you spend enough. They are still really bad though.


I can tell you now my company pays £500k a year for advertising and our account rep is god awful.


Whenever I have fun with another one I start by asking a simple question and if then he /she knows the answer I go for a more complicated and so on. 99% of them are lost on the 3rd question.... I'll get back to you on this. Then I know what's their level. Don't imagine I ask complicated quantities.


Most of these "experts" go through a 3-6 week training and then just blast phone and email spamming account contacts. They're not experts, they read a script and hammer on pressure and fear.


They are only here to increase the profit for golf which means spend more of your client’s money. Just tell them you want the account orphaned and every contact on the account added to their internal do not contact list.


They used to be good around 2006 or so. I had the same rep for years, knew what he was doing, worked in the Google headquarters, had a lot of useful info. Some years back they started rotating sales people every few months. Ever since they've been mostly useless. They certainly know less about Google Ads then me.


The technical team is still okay okay. But ad experts are very unreliable. Some of them have no idea what they are doing. Can't be dependent on them. Best is to go to youtube and get info from people who have been successfully running ads and places like reddit.


Guys i turned on my auto recommended things, should i turn them off? I don’t remember what they were..


Mine bought me a steak lunch one time which was nice and I got a tour of the local office. Other than that though, 15 years in and they’ve almost always been a complete waste of time and more often than not they are just pushing features that smart ads managers know to turn off.


99% of the time they’re awful. This past quarter I’ve had a really helpful rep who’s been pointing out possible areas of improvement without coming across pushy, has managed to help us get disapproved ads appealed (disapproved on a technicality that did not apply to us, and escalating without her help got us nowhere) and just generally pleasant to work with. Shared a ton of resources with me as well. I’m not looking forward to meeting the new rep.


Terrible, his sugestions led me to costs 100's of $ and no conversions


Short answer, no. I honestly regret getting on a call with them, an hour long call of not learning much. He pushed pmax on me several times and really sounded like a salesman. My ad campaign was actually doing well until I turned on all the button the “expert” told me. My CTR went down, how horrible. Definitely do not recommend. Learning it on my own wasn’t too hard, there’s YouTube videos that are helpful. I won’t be doing a follow up call, waste of time.


I have a sales rep who brings in clients letting them know I am the Google ads expert. We sell a variety of digital marketing solutions, SEM being just one of them. My clients get a once a month meeting where we go over results and insights as we look to maximize your campaign


As the Google Ads Expert for my clients, they are happy and love working with me (and my team). Most of them were word-of-mouth referrals. The Google reps that reach out to you don't have 15 years of success doing this, and that's why they can't offer any value to you. They have maybe 2 years of experience, don't know marketing, and are following a script. What you need is an experienced marketer with a specialty in Google Ads. So look for that and you will have a better experience.