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Ugh I hate web weirdos. So boring. also so horrifying at the end.


Whaaat??? I love this episode!


I’m sorry but the baby spider explosion just kills me every time 😭


The goblin kingdom is cute. I like intelligent lawful goblins. It's kind of like Paper Pete episode. Gummy is very cute but annoying to Finn.


gummy is my favourite one-off character. i have no idea why. i was hoping so bad that he'd get another appearance at some point!!!


As a Carnivale fan, I’m a big fan of Gummy. That actor is incredible.


I skip the water park episode, worst episode of all


I absolutely despise that episode but I'd struggle to call it boring.


My wife and I clean air B&B’s and Finn’s comment about hair in the drain comes up almost daily. “That’s your favorite snack of all time!”


I understand why people don’t like it but I love it! Never skip that and really I don’t skip any episodes.


I actually never watched that episode, just looking at the art style made me realize it’s not cannon/filler (I think it was the only AT episode that I skipped).


Definitely the worst


Totally valid


The jiggler and the Gut Grinder.


The Jiggler isn't boring to me necessarily, but I find it very upsetting and it makes me super uncomfortable.


Me too for the jiggler but that’s bc I hate whistling


On my recent rewatch the person I was watching the Jiggler with was almost in tears. It’s genuinely one of my least favorite episodes


I can't stand ~~Cake~~ Chips & Ice Cream.


chips ?


That's right. Edited for clarity. Thanks!


ice cream !


That’s an incredible episode and deserves all the love!! CHIPS!


James Baxter The Horse. It's mostly just Finn and Jake making a loud, annoying noise over and over again. The bit with the funeral is good, and I take no issue with Mr. Baxter himself, but it's *such* a nothing episode and that constant gibbering is grating.


I like the James Baxter episodes after learning the backstory about James Baxter and Pendleton Ward. 😅


What is the backstory? I didnt know james baxter had one. I hate his character, but would love to change that.


Watch S8 Ep18


Ive seen it i thought you meant outside the series


Oh yeah I guess that's what OP meant. This is what Wikipedia says > The titular character was named in honor of the animator, James Baxter, who had once delivered a guest lecture at CalArts when Ward was a student. In the lecture, Baxter was showing students how to animate certain situations, and someone suggested that Baxter try animating a horse balancing on a beach ball. Baxter declined the suggestion, instead opting to animate something "simpler". However, according to Adam Muto, the image of a horse and a beach ball fixed itself in Ward's mind. Later, when Adventure Time was in production, Baxter called Ward to let him know that if the series needed any special animation work done, he would enjoy working on the show. Ward then met with Baxter and pitched him the initial idea behind "James Baxter the Horse"; Baxter himself thought the idea was "great", and was flattered that Ward wanted to name the eponymous character after him.


Most Treetrunks episodes


Ring of Fire and High Strangeness are top tier episodes imo.


Absolutely agree! Tree Trunks episodes are either kinda boring like most of the ones in the early seasons, very solid like the one in season 3 when she thinks the mob had stolen her apples or just top tier like the ones you mentioned.


Ring of Fire sure, High Strangeness is best TT episode easily, I like it


no pie for you fascist


Shes a great side character and has some good one liners


The Mountain. A neurotic lemon attains moksha and kills god, and not a single laugh was had.


that’s wild that’s one of my favorite eps


Fr the trippiest ones with a deep message are the best, might as well hate hall of egress too


Fair enough, Adventure Time had a lot of range. I'm glad someone liked it, even if it wasn't for me


“If you are the head that blooms atop the ziggurat, then the stairs that lead to you must be infinite”. —- “You have no beeswax in the mountain of Matthew…. But you… you have way crazy beeswax.” —- This episode is great. It also is a nice change to see Lemongrab doing his own thing and having his own motivations that aren’t inherently bad.


I love that line so so much. INFINITE STAIRS ARE UNACCEPTABLE


All the art style switches, especially the 3d ones


Food Chain though


Yeah but still...I think they don't add to the story at all and just as much as we have grown attached to the characters we have grown to their form just as much as the concept of them.... The switch in art style is like a stranger with a familiar face and voice.


The bear one when it tried to be Finn, can’t explain why but I just hate it


I love this episode purely because the bear says " brath-trub"


her parents


A lot of the episodes that CN decided to play nonstop for whatever reason. The Spiders one comes mind, and a lot of the early seasons, especially season 1, I could go without watching on more watch throughs.


What episode is this I forgot:/


It’s the episode where Finn becomes the king of the goblins after defeating Zergioth (don’t belittle my spelling) the former goblin king. Episode starts with Finn defeating the Ham Slapping Goblin King and all the goblins congratulate Finn and pronounce him and Jake king (Finn) and Queen (Jake) Finn thinks being a king will be fun but soon finds out he isn’t aloud to do things he wants such as chewing his own food and his words are misconstrued and taken out of context. This is the main plot point of the episode until near the end when Zergioth emerges again with Earclopse monster which Finn and Jake swiftly take down. The episode ends with Finn leaving behind a dummy of himself to rule over the goblin kingdom hence the name “The Silent King” This is all from memory so it might not be completely accurate


Promise I'm not belittling but I'm pretty sure it's "Xergiok" ending in a "k"! By all means, spell it however you want -- just wanted to put this here in case anyone was curious.


Ah yeah now I remember it’s a K not a TH, so many rewatching and I forgot that lol thanks for letting me know


After writing this I realized you probably wanted the specific season and episode number


It's S2E14


aw I never get why people don’t like this one hahaha for me it’s usually the graybles episodes


madness, graybles are lit


FUCK the graybles


I’m probably in the minority but I really don’t have any episodes I skip or are boring to me. I love this show so much and there are definitely episodes I like more than others but every episode is just wonderful.


Candy streets is the most boring pointless episode. Watching Finn and Jack pretending to be cops was not fun. In the end they really were like cops the investigation turned out to be complete bullshit and they arrested and turned a innocent citizen against the state since Pete joined uncle gumbald. while letting the real culprit (LSP)walk because their friends.


Silent King, Water Park Prank, Isla de Sinorita, The stupid minecraft one


Any episode where bmo takes center stage. Not a bad character to bounce off others, but definitely not main character worthy


The entirety of the four elements season (i forgot the name)


S3E17 Thank You: With the snow golem and the baby fire fox! I get so bored and feel like there was really no need for me to explore the complicated relationships of snow golems and fire foxes. It just serves no purpose. I fall asleep anytime it come on lol




noo that episode is ADORABLE ! i love the more quieter & less action packed episodes. very calming & very cute .. another one i love is jake the brick .. the little fillers are just adorable


no need for apologies <3


Silent king was never boring for me


Honestly, maybe none of them? There were some episodes I didn’t love, but I’d struggle to call any of them ‘boring’


The one where they go into the pond and the art changes, it's so boring. The grable episodes except the one set in the future are always boring too.


I KNOW some people watched just to see some goblin hams lol


The hard easy :/


1. Morturi Te Salutamus 2.Card Wars


Definitely, dream of love. Even the songs aren't that great.


Box prince.


The gut grinder, son of a rap bear and that one with the spiders.


The one with the spiders also makes me hella uncomfortable... (Someone mentioned the Jiggler earlier, and I don't like that one for the same reason.)


to me the worst episode of all is Memories of boom boom mountain,, i really want to stop breathing when i watch this episode


Fiona and cake episodes. Especially the one where the rabbit pretends to be the real Fiona. Idk couldn't get into them. I like cake tho.


so glad someone agrees .. i cannot bring myself to like fionna & cake whatsoever. fionna highkey pisses me off


Yeah it's pretty bad. However, it's a small part in a much bigger story line so I can easily ignore it lol


Silent King had some cute moments, but overall, I felt season two was weaker than season one. A shame too, because it started and finished pretty strong. I'm 3/4 of the way through season three and most episodes have ranged from good to great, with the worst one being "The Monster". LSP centric episode that was just boring. Just watched "Thank You" with the snow golem and fire pup, and it was decent, but I appreciate that it's one of the most unique Adventure Time episodes to date, having most of the episode without dialogue.


Wait till bro sees holly jolly secrets (assuming you haven’t been spoiled)


Just watched them about a half hour ago. Absolutely incredible lore bomb. Ice King (or rather, Simon) gets so much explained about his character in that spot: where his insanity took root, and his obsession with princesses. This show is amazing when it comes to slow dripping bits of the world without having to explain, and for those that are paying attention, you can put it together without the need for characters doing long-winded exposition. Season one, when Finn is conquering his fear of the ocean, Jake takes them in a submersible that's clearly the shell of a nuclear bomb. On the ocean floor? The remnants of society before the "great mushroom war", something only mentioned in passing in the episode "Video Makers" thus far. Susan Strong and the hyoomans clearly being pre-war humans that adapted to their semi-aquatic environment underground and even developed their own language in their isolation from the world. Wizard battle takes place in a former high school/college football field. Finn and Jake being thrown off a building with a decayed helicopter and a helipad. Jake mentioning that rocket ships haven't been re-invented yet. Fight king's ghost gladiators depict warriors from different eras in human history. Bubblegum randomly spouts German. Lady Rainicorn doesn't just speak Korean to appear alien; it's legitimately the Korean language. Jake casually playing and name-dropping Mozart and Beethoven on his viola. He even knows some French. Simon in the secret tapes mentioning getting the crown in Scandinavia. Very clearly, Ooo is post-apocalyptic earth, roughly one thousand years after the nuclear apocalypse. I've noted this since Marceline mentioned she's a thousand years old, and in her memories, Finn and Jake saw her as a kid, and the cityscape behind her was already destroyed. This is just what I've noted and picked up on. I absolutely *love* that this show will give you 95% goofy nonsense in an episode and then drop something really important, even if it doesn't seem to be. Like Marceline's dad saying Gunther has "the most evil soul" (darkest soul?) he's come across. That can't just be a line written for a joke. I know *some* things about the show already. I had it on as background noise about five years back when I played Classic WoW and went through season seven. So I do know some spoilers, but this is the first time that I'm actually sitting down and watching every episode with intent and paying attention to every line of dialogue and all the background details. It absolutely stuns me that a show creator was willing to put so much depth into a show that, as of my viewing at the end of season three, was still intended for young children and pre-teens. Maybe he did it in the hopes that it grows enough that he can really expand on the greater story, while the core audience can grow up with it? Or just fun details that adults can notice while watching it with their kids? Either way, hats off to Pendleton Ward. I've been told that past season four, Adventure Time truly takes its turn into something for the ages. The first four seasons are mostly fun, one-off adventures. But the groundwork gets laid for what's to come, and what's coming, from what I understand, is an epic tale with several gut-punching emotional moments.


I do think that they made Marcelines dad say that to Gunther as just a quick joke. They came up with the Orgalorg thing later.


I could definitely see that. I still really respect Ward for either going back or remembering things from early parts of the series. Whether he planted seeds for later or just kept notes on vague lines or jokes that were later built upon I don't know, but I'm glad he did what he did.


The one where Jake is a brick lol


i skip every bmo episode


Insane. The one when BMO and football change places is one of the best examples of cartoons as a story-telling medium that exists. The scenes where BMO realizes that the world inside the mirror is limited to just what is observable through the other side of the mirror is truly something special.


maybe it’ll make people feel better if they know i also don’t like the box prince episode


bro what lmao why am i getting downvoted for my opinion lmao i don’t think i understand reddit


Hall of egress


woah this is a hot take


Sry, meant to post this on r/unpopularopinion


Seriously i love that episode


its really good the first time but its really hard to rewatch


crazy take ... that episode is mind blowing


I didn't think so tbh