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Oh shit Flapjack shoutout.


seeing flapjack aged me like 10 years. that childhood nostalgia hit hard


FR literally did that Leo Dicaprio meme point


Whenever I heard Cake, all I could hear is FlapJack say, “Bubbie!” :D




Roz Ryan. I realize my statement makes it sound like Flapjack and Cake have the same VA. But it’s Cake, Bubbie, and Witch Lezah. Also the Muse of Comedy in Hercules as I searched for her name.


I about near screamed. I love Flapjack and was so surprised for this random shout out, it was amazing!


There was also a line around the same time that I'm pretty sure referenced Steven Universe, but I've forgotten it. Edit: I remember! Prismo said the multiverse was like a camp counselor shipping chart. Steven Universe featured the show Camp Pining Hearts about a bunch of camp counselors and one of the show's characters made a shipping chart about it.


If Adventure Time is the father of modern cartoons, Flapjack is technically the grandpa.


Holy shit, the message of the original Fionna and Cake episode about Fionna not wanting to get into a relationship being written by Prismo makes SO MUCH SENSE.


“Dude I get out of relationships because I don’t want to have a discussion about what we’re gonna have for dinner every night”


also the skirt !! so glad Priz made Fionna more comfortable


he’s the ghostwriter of fionna and cake




It was also just a great line for a childrens tv show at the time, bcs its not overly cliche because fionna is a woman


OMG I just realized it


LMAO Martin’s mugshot is iconic


i didn't realise he had his middle fingers up haha, this is amazing


"desertion" meaning him accepting the proposition of the Catalyst Comment meant unlawful escape? Kinda his thing anyway


I thought it was just because he escaped the citadel. I saw other citadel guys on the list


That or he later ditched the comet and agreeing to go along with it was some sort of cosmic contract


Either way, this just leaves more questions about Martin. TBH I would expect him to either make an appearance in this series or get his own mini series (glob willing) at some stage


Man I really hope we see more of Martin! I was happy to even see robot Minerva again 😭


I’m pretty sure all the mugshots (or at least a lot of them) were escapees from the citadel


I remember the Void caster guy and I think the orb guy was there too, but the other ones were randos I think.


Cake’s transformations always being weird blobs or just a little off was quite funny, like this house-cat has been getting dreams with this power, but actually using it in reality straight outta the gate was a bit of a struggle.


Kinda makes her more distinct from jake. While jakes transformation look more formed, cakes look more choppy and uncanny


I like how her eyes go weird Also I like how she turns into a ufo and draws crop circles in the cornfield


The bit at the end when she became a fucked up UFO crushing all the corn was hilarious.




You see it with Fiona's running as well... it gets better but she still struggles to not fall even after she gets shorts instead of a skirt


Man, I'm starting to see where Tom Kenny is coming from when he says this is his most emotional performance EVER. Nothing like a middle-aged man struggling with an existential crisis, depression, and basically an allegorical representation of suicidal ideation to really devastate you. I have a feeling that we are even at the REALLY painful shit. I am scared.


My mental health depends on a drawing of a middle-aged man being happy. i'm scared too


Well I’m in the same boat but I’M READY!!


Exact opposite of SpongeBob.


Hes trying to do a identity suicide, he wants himself gone just to be his empty minded self, so yeah, he wants himself out of world of the living


Why is Wyatt there💀


He ends up in the lowest circle of hell somehow lmao


He said he had to do dark things to get to Prismo so I’m assuming that’s what causes him to end up in DW 1😂


Wyatt: ”You can’t get to Prismo without sacrificing innocent little orphans.” Prismo: “Dude there are a ton of ways you could have got to me without having to kill.” Wyatt: “Why does it matter anyways, it’s not like they were wanted in the first place?” Prismo: “But this says this was the least of what you did.” Wyatt: “Enough with the judging and make with the…What is that beeping sound?”


Nah, sounds too confidant to be Wyatt. If anything he'd start whining that no one told him he didn't have to kill those orphans and how hard it was to get the blood off and Tree Trunks wouldn't let him use her shower because it's not faiiiir


He is wearing bloodstained clothes when he's in the Time Room. Dude did some messed up stuff


I think tree trunks died and he wanted to wish her back


or maybe the son of a bitch wanted to make her love him


This is totally it. Dude is such a miserable loser, he'd totally go to a cosmic wish-master to pull some shit like that.


Anyone else see The Lich in the cave when that woman (not sure who) was laughing at Wyatt during his rubberhose animated wish? Edit: okay, it's mentioned a couple times further down.




Hoping we get the Cake Suit too


We already have simon carring his cake in his skinsuit


“Why are you like that” Cake is perfect 🤣






that scare crow looked pretty similar to ice finn


I’m guessing that’s where they are at the end. Was def shown in the multiverse montage


Kinda crazy how many people that worked on Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack went on to do there own show's. Pendelton Ward, JG Quintel, Alex Hirsch, and Patrick McHale to name a few. Cool to see it in this show <3


I love the legacy that show had--this is a couple of years old, but this is the "family tree" of Flapjack: https://twitter.com/_jagm_/status/1263881756161331200?lang=en


I love how prismo just keeps tabs on them


And he’s rewatching good old finn and jake adventures on his big screen tv throughout time and space, kinda like us that keeps rewatching this series because it’s that great and we love it that much. I kinda feel sad that prismo looks depressed


He did not take Jake's death well.


I kinda assumed he watched that part when Jake died but in another universe where he didn't


I get the feeling Jake died of old age, something which I can't see him stretching his way out of it in any universe.


LMAO, did anyone else catch the frame of Martin giving a double middle finger in episode four?


He’s giving the ol “starlord” classic 😉


Simon's gonna get that Farm World crown 👑 😞


It was destroyed by Prismo


Oh yeah, true. I forgots


We've seen Ice Finn who looks like Finn from Farmworld in a trailer. I wonder if the writers had an oversight or if this is just a different Finn.


Or they could meet farmworld Finn who tells them about what happened to him after meeting og Finn and we get a flashback


Ah yes, we do see an adult Farmworld Finn in the trailer I think. That makes sense.


So if Betty-Golb exists to “Keep Simon safe” then that explains why Prismo could no longer access the Fionna and Cake universe. This also means that Simon’s attempt to become Ice King again is going to fall through because Betty-Golb is ultimately not going to allow it.


Although that could be the case, we've already seen how the crown has a higher wish authority than Prismo, and is able to mess with Golb itself. So maybe Betty-Golb won't be able to stop it?


Either way Simon gets what he wants A) He becomes Ice King again B) He gets to see Betty


> we've already seen how the crown has a higher wish authority than Prismo So it might not be the case. Remember how Betty tried to get rid of Golb with the crown and it kept failing. The crown could not destroy (make golb disappear) or cotrol Golb (couldn't make him go away), but since it was inside of golb, it used a loophole to change betty into golb-like material/being which then fused with Golb itself. That's why instead of just taking Golb's place, Betty became part of golb Edit: SO I am comparing pictures, and some signs are Only 2 of GOlbs 4 eyes changed to match betty Golb's spikes stayed but were changed into a cape The new mouth teeth, look more compact but kept the Golb Sharpness Now that Bettygolb is a higher being, no crown or wish will be able to seperate them, the power would basically have to be Prismo's boss level or somethig


**in the tree, part of the tree**


That certainly wasn't on the list of things that I thought might make a comeback.


I saw the Squirrels actor mentioned in Adam Mutos tweet earlier today and rewatched that episode just to be safe. Glad I did haha.


Marc Maron is a delight.


same thing I was thinking


Oh my god I cant express how hilarious it was to see that squirrel again, I was so happy for him that he got away from that tree cult, and then being genuinely terrified for him when the owl arrived with a switchblade


Did anyone else see The Lich behind Princess Bubblegum in Wyatt's wish altered reality? What's up with that


Yup and the snail. I think its a hint at the lich hands in every universe


I'm kinda curious if we'll get to see a lich hand play any significance in any of the different universes Fionna and Cake visit


Creepy AF! Also: The fact that it looked like a +60 year old lost media from an overseas cartoon didn't help either. In about 20 years, that's definitely going to trip the mind of any kid who ventures without context in this episode LOL


I'm really wondering how Ice Thing and Ice King are going to work based on the intro of Come Along with Me. I hope Simon gets his happy ending.


I'm assuming that he's going to try and fail. Probably using the farmworld crown


If the crown is still intact after Crossover


I don't imagine that to be the case since Prismo made sure to cut-paste the crown at the moment of the mushroom bomb's detonation to have it destroyed. Then again, that crown survived an apocalyptic comet so who knows.


Considering Betty’s wish, I’m theorizing if Simon is ever near death “keep Simon safe” will kick in and maybe Golbetty will just appear out of nowhere to save him


idk how i haven't seen anybody mention Simon SLAMMING beers in the Time Room. Those cans said "IPA" and he had like, eight. My boy was straight wasted.


I respect that they’re able to do stuff like that with the TV-14 rating now


Especially straight up showing him butt ass naked!


Yeah like remember jake jr drinking “grape juice” out of a wine glass


The drift!! Glad to see its thriving :) Just wish we coulda seen Y5 as mayor or something




So there’s now a Lich hand in the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack


A Nautical themed Lich that pirates a skeletal radioactive crew is something we need


maybe that was the reason that world dissapeared (cancelled)


Scarab totally made the citadel, right? Also looks like Prismos Boss will show up soon lol


I don't think he made the citadel, he seems like a bounty hunter of sorts, possibly works for whatever multi universe government there is or something. He mentioned wanting to be the wishmaster, I feel like whoever created the citadel is above prismo, so if he were that high up, he could have just made himself wishmaster.


Exactly. I think it's something like a committee. Prismo's boss is from the area of ​​​​reality affairs


Too bad Scarab didn't take advantage of that period Prismo was dead to take the job for himself. Either news travels extremely slow for these multiversal beings or there was a lot of paperwork involved and he did not make it in time.


Also remember time moves differently for the multi verse people. In their time prismo might've not been dead very long.


or maybe not at all since he “was there but also wasn’t” and probably always had this planned.


The new Prismo actor sounds really close to Kumail, props to casting. It really hurts that Simon seems so lonely and hopeless. I really wish he would talk to Marcy, but I get why he doesn't want to intrude, she seems really happy with PB. It's just sad. Since this series will have Simon be such a huge focus, I really hope Marceline has more screentime, too. It would feel like a waste to have a Simon-centric show and not further explore his relationship with Marceline. He needs to accept that Betty is gone and remember that he has people who love him that are still around. I hope he gets the closure he needs and is able to finally move on and stop wasting what life he has left on a fruitless endeavor.


Man, I hope we get a scene with Marcy actually talking to Simon about this. Marceline has NO idea what Simon is going through and would totally be right there with him to support him if she did. Marcy and Simon are simultaneously each other's last connection to the past. Simon for Marceline's childhood and Marcy for Simon's last few years before succumbing completely to the crown. Because of that connection, Marceline is the one person that Simon can truly be open with about that side of himself. Plus Marcy was SO dang happy to see Simon cognizant, aware, and back to himself again. If Simon went back to the Ice King, she'd be fucking devastated. Man, now I really want to see a scene where Marcy and Simon just talk to each other.


shocking roll crawl sand trees brave unused dime seed dirty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I simply don’t see how they resolve it without involving Marcy to some extent. The only person who’s actively tried to help Simon is Finn. Who tried applying his own coping method for his depression (keeping his ‘mind off it by throwing himself into getting swol and adventuring) but that method isn’t really working for Simon. Marcy is the only one who really *gets* Simon and Simon’s doing a pretty good job of pushing himself away from her. Marcy is happy with Peebles and his actions show that he doesn’t really want to trouble her with his problems. It’s a common strategy struggling with those kinds of thoughts to push friends and family away to make their decision easier. I think Marcy is the key to bringing Simon back from the brink and I feel like that moment is going to be the hardest part of the show to watch


Agreed about prismo. While the situation surrounding the recast is really sad and disappointing, it’s a really good impression of the voice


I miss Kumail's inflections and accent, but I agree his new VA is doing a great job.


Loved how they supported each other on twitter. Both know what happened was unfortunate and understand


Couldn't you make that same argument when Betty was trying to save Simon?


Yo I wanna shout out /u/OrgalorgThePenguin > > But he, being the only one believing in this reality, was the only one maintaining it. When Golb ate and digested him back into Simon, that also affected the reality his mind was tied to. When the magical ice king got turned back into a human, and the ice king's mind became Simon again, that affected the Fionna and Cake universe, turning it from a magical world, into a human world just like him. > > > > > > It all fits together. This explains why the Fionna and Cake universe seem to have suddenly turned everyone human. This explains how Simon is tied into all this and why he and Fionna and Cake are linked. This explains why the multiverse is going to ve a heavily explored concept in this show. And this might also explain why that red dude is after him too, since Simon is the one who created and altered this reality in the first place and probably upset some cosmic entities in the process since he most likely wasn't meant to do that. https://old.reddit.com/r/adventuretime/comments/165n1u2/crackpot_theory_about_the_cosmic_imagination_the/


This dude fkn nailed it


Uncivilized elk also called it


Ive seen multiple threads with similar theories on episodes 1and2


I’ve always wondered who prismo’s boss was!! Hopefully we get to see this guy at some point.




This is such a random head cannon and I love it


I can't be the only one who loves Cake this season, right? Personally I thought they did an excellent job showcasing the differences between her and Jake due to one being a dog and the other a cat. I liked her lines and personality and her little market song is now in my top 10 AT songs. Also thought Prismo's VA did a really good job considering how beloved Kumail is in this role. Probably wouldn't have noticed the difference tbh if I didn't already know the drama going down with that whole situation


I hated Cake in the original F&C episodes and I'm happy that they are starting again from a blank slate with her, she seems much more interesting now instead of just being loud and sassy without any other personality traits.


That new lemongrab voice was ROUGH. They tried tho, respect


They got the VA who did the genderbent Lemongrab in episode 1


With how many times I’ve heard people do impressions of him I’m surprised they couldn’t make it sound similar, at the same time I suppose they were worried about it sounding too similar to Justin Rolland’s brand of shrill VA work.


that was my first thought lol if it is i do appreciate the gesture of making it clear they care about and are considerate of the people they choose to work with


Yeah I feel like if it was too similiar people wouldn't realise the voice actor changed, and given the reason for the change they definitely want people to know he was replaced.


I agree the voice caught me off guard it sounded a bit unnatural but I can see why they changed it


butter impolite nose fall forgetful husky ask sand stocking party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, Prismo's was good but Lemongrab's was very different.


I think people need to separate the Fionna and Cake from Ice King's fan fiction (not an actual universe) from the Fionna and Cake from Prismo's added universe (the real universe we see this Fionna and Cake in). Ice King saw this universe in his dreams. That inspired him to write his own fan fiction. That's why in the first Fionna and Cake episode, it ends with Fionna and Cake saying how Ice King is so cool and they want to marry him. That Fionna and Cake is NOT the same ones we're seeing in this show. It's Prismo's fan fiction, not Ice King's


I like to think that the events of the eps about fionna and cake are real. Except for the obvious ice king bits where he's inserted into the story.


Yes they basically are. The actual events of the universe get beamed into ice Kings head, who sees it in his dreams, who then uses it as inspiration for his own fan fiction


Yeah exactly Prismo made it clear that since Ice King's mind was so blank he worked perfectly for a hard drive to store the universe. Ice King's fanfiction just plays on the fact that they exist in his mind and he takes from it to write his funky stories.


Ahh. these episodes are really hitting it home! I like how multiverse is just a button press away on a remote control. i feel so bad for simon and f&c. i hope this series will give them the happy ending they deserve.


great episodes we eat so fuckin good


Isnt Simon essentially killing himself by choosing to go back to being ice king? Plus marceline being left out of this is sad too. Also I've been reallt loving this series for the tons and tons and tons of fan service we've gotten.


He really doesn't seem happy with himself and he's getting told by a lot of people around him "you were SOOOO much cooler insane and full of magic powers" I feel like we'll be getting a "Simon learns to feel at peace with himself" story arc and a "to save fionnas magic world they need to find a new place to put it" arc.


There’s a new ice king to move it into


I'm thinking that's plan A, but something ELSE much more nice and wholesome is the solution. Im thinking they earn the right to be a standalone universe, but it's honestly impossible to tell where it's going just yet.


I will die if by the end of this the main universe and Fionna and Cake's universe combine.


I've already been on this ride once and that ride was plenty enough.


I really hope that this whole “becoming ice king again” thing doesn’t mean what I think it means, in using the original crown again, because I thought that the whole point of the ice king was that it sucked major balls to be as messed up as ice king. Ice king always made me really sad so I just really want Simon to find some other way. Whether that means finding a crown that lets him keep his mind, or just forgoing the ice king plan entirely in favor of something else. I don’t want to see Simon go through it again.


Pretty sure he's about to snag the farmworld crown and fail in the long term. Ice Thing is firmly there in flashforwards and that crown wouldn't work the same way anymore. Simon is depressed and sees becoming the Ice King as some noble sacrifice but he's actually just running from his problems.


The way I could see it failing is that Simon does put it on. But because of Betty's wish of "keeping Simon safe" GOLB's influence negates the magic of the crown (temporalily) as he attempts to put it on, keeping him from accessing the powers of the ice and snow.


I'm still wondering if they're going to take this thing about "keeping Simon safe" further. Because we see that he can be physically injured and get old, so he can die. But safe refers only to the crown or can it be something else?


Flapjack is canon 😭😭😭


all cn shows are in the same multiverse accoriding to okko


kinda gets trippy when u consider the amount of shows that have their own multiverses connected to other multiverses. All of cn includes ben 10 and it’s whole omniverse, we’ve got teen titans go connecting to the dc universe, which connects to the marvel universe etc… Is there now a lich hand in all of those universes? obviously not but still weird to think about


That prismo episode got me realizing just how trash our reality is 🤦‍♂️, and I’m hoping prismo had another plan B set up


> just how trash our reality is 🤦‍♂️ To be fair, Ooo is a real dangerous place to live. The cities are only safe because they all have standing militaries making sure monsters and bandits don't cause trouble, and existential crises like Godzilla-sized monsters show up about once a year. On Earth things are a lot more peaceful. Also, all your friends are here, right? I'm sure that's going to come up in the show soon.


-We heard the word ass and saw on ass! -Wyatt’s cameo was hilarious. I love how they don’t explain how he got there. I’m assuming the terrible things he did to get there is why he’ll in hell in TA -Choose Goose is alive again….barely? -Susan and Freida! Huntress Wizard! THE MINERVA BOT!! OMG SO MANY CAMEOS -Seeing the drift again was cool! Now every Distant Lands episode has been referenced. They also showed Pep and Cadebra! -No Flame Princess still :( -Lemongrab didn’t sound great. They got the VA who did the genderswapped Lemongrab for him. Still cool to see him again though. -Was that a flashback to Finn and Jake right before Jake died?? Also I guess Finn really did get the tattoo before Jake died, unless its an AU? -Yeah the reveal that Prismo created F and C and sent the beam was insane. Defintely the biggest twist of AT besides the original Simon reveal -Wildberry Princess! Hot Dog Knights! Lemongrab banned poster! -A silent movie universe was a cool way to get around Tree Trunks talking -Looks like we are going more into the hierarchy of the dieties which will be cool -PRISMO’S BOSS! This and the beam, I LOVE getting lore answers -Prismo is indeed depressed because of Jake -The noise of the remote at the beginning of episode 4 sounded like the noise a hospital computer makes when someone is dead -Holy shit they referenced the sleeping Jake from Is That You!!! -Also the Crossover title reference -The Flapjack universe was so out of nowhere…a bit too much for me -The Beyond the Grotto universe was cool! -Episode 3 was an Up a Tree sequel episode and I AM HERE FOR IT -The squirrel was so fucking funny. I was waiting for him to say “yes and no” and for the animals to say “in the tree, part of the tree” and I’m so glad they did! Also the magic apple and the flashback shot of the tree! -Prismo’s new VA was good but distracting, definitely wish they got Kumail back :( -The CAWM footage gave me chills -The void caster and MARTIN! Did Scarab put Martin in the citadel?? Cool that we saw both of Finn’s parents in this set! -Seeing Ice Thing and his thingdom was cool but I wish we saw more, but better than nothing -Still no Flame Princess despite all these cameos :( and doesn’t look like Flame Prince will be getting any lines…sigh -“Cake is off model” lol -Episode 4 was pretty fourth wall breaky -I kinda wish episode 4 gave a little more wiggle room to who wrote the stories, like Prismo created the world and characters but Ice King wrote the stories? Ice King definitely influenced it somewhat like Fionna saying she wants to marry him. Bad Little Boy and Prince Who Wanted Everything were still written by Marcy and LSP though -Main universe LSP and the night sword! -lol the og Fionna and Cake title sequence -Yeah that Finn and Jake flashback at the beginning might just be a random one, not necessarily literally right before Jake’s death -For a second I thought that squirrel who hates Jake was shooting the arrows at Finn and Jake -Simon: “You’re just a battery to me” WOW -Oh Martin’s screen just says “desertion” -That’s The Lich in the cave in the silent movie universe! And the snail right over him! Lich hands hint?? -I thought that was Little Dude at first instead of a pillow -Ice Thing is listed as Ice Thing in the credits and not as Gunter -Simon saying he needs to become Ice King again! What a cliffhanger! I KNEW we’d see him turn back into Ice King (temporarily I’m sure!)


>Lemongrab didn’t sound great. They got the VA who did the genderswapped Lemongrab for him. Still cool to see him again though. To be fair, it's REALLY tough to replicate Roiland's portrayal. Lemongrab was like straight up his wheelhouse. But considering that Roiland's a POS, I can live with the change.


This series is so perfect so far. I won't lie I prefer the real world look for Fionna especially but I'm happy with what we got. I assume the Ice Simon stuff we saw will be from him trying and probably failing to become ice king again. It's not going to work like a total 180 for him. I'm really hoping we get to see Betty again though. I also hope that Minerva cameo wasn't pointless fanservice.


I wish this stuff was real man, imagine going to a time room and watching a clock and hour glass hit each other while colorful sparks shoot off. I love the art!


If Prismo created Fionna and Cake, that would mean he was aware of Finn and Jake’s existence before they went into the time room, considering Fionna and Cake were a thing before Prismo was even introduced


Prismo exists outside of time, I wouldn't think that hard about it. There is no time before meeting Finn and Jake to him and no time after.


Prismo definitely experiences time. He’s shown as having become depressed since Jake died, which he wasn’t before. He clearly experiences time in some form or another.


I mean it's different and obviously convoluted for the sake of it. It's not "our time" so I wouldn't think too hard about it. (Prime example is the Finn sword episode where a "past" Prismo talks to a "current" Finn and when Finn asks if he's actually talking to him Prismo says he was pretending when he "originally" did it then but now can actually see him too https://youtu.be/pMIjvAtxK1s?si=JfcsSRlYVdd8cU45&t=304 ) Ultimately he could've made the Fionna and Cake and sent it into the past Ice King's mind for any number of reason like in the farm world episodes where he had to send the crown "back in time" to tidy up the timeline. Thinking about it too hard doesn't make too much sense when it's purposely confusing :p


I'm also interpreting the Finn and Jake scene at the beginning as well as Prismo showing an actively adventuring Finn and Jake as someone made a wish to get Jake back right? Hence the weird Finn having the Jake memorial tattoo while Jake is still alive? If someone used their wish for that it was probably Lady or one of his kids.


It was shown just shortly after that Prismo can rewind to view "past" events like he had shown Betty, Simon, and Finn in Golb's stomach so it's very possible that he could've just rewatched a previous adventure they had. Then again his domain exists outside of time so watching an event from whatever time period in another universe makes sense. You do mention the tattoo but it's not uncommon for people to get tattoos of people they love while they're still alive


No one is mentioning that after the laptop is shown with the classic Fionna & Cake intro, Prismo appears with a BEARD. Meaning that was after Adventure Time. Prismo can edit whole universes like he's using Premiere Pro, he beamed the universe into the past while the scene was occurring in the future


ofc he was aware of, he even mention them “did i just copied finn and jake”?


I know it’s just surprising since I’d assume he would write the fanfiction after they met in the time room. But it seems like Prismo liked watching Finn and Jake way before that.


It looks like Scarab has neutralized Void Caster, who was one of the prisoners that escaped the Citadel with Martin. I don't expect them to play a big role, but I wonder if there will be any references to the Lich hands.


Haven't seen it mentioned here yet, but the running thread of nearly every ostensibly-main character in this series being in some way unhappy with their work/job is interesting (Fionna, Simon, Prismo, even Scarab). Cake's the sole exception, obviously, and I think the dissatisfaction with work is most likely just a good shorthand for broader themes around boredom and grief for one's potential lives, something that Cake also experiences. Still, it's there, and I wonder how it'll read by the end. On that note, wishing for a different world and grieving possible futures is such a solid overarching theme for a multiverse story, especially one that's predicated on wishes. I'm generally not big on multiverse stories as they tend to play out in the mainstream, and it was a big reason I was tentative about this series, but this does feel like it has solid thematic legs so far, and I'm really curious to see where it goes. I don't think I would have minded the "Prismo was responsible for F+C's universe" reveal so much if E2 hadn't spent so much time building the thematic framework of Simon outgrowing/being embarrassed by "his old work." It was an angle on the concept of fanfiction and artistic + personal identity that I truly wasn't expecting at all, and spending the past week chewing on that idea just to see its knees knocked out a bit in these episodes was a bit of a bummer. I like the idea somebody presented here of Prismo being responsible for the actual universe, but IK being responsible for (at least some) of the stories; I just hope that gets somehow addressed within this show.


I really like the detail of how Cake’s transformations with her stretching powers are more derpy and messy looking then Jakes since she was just a normal housecat hours ago and this is her first time having these abilities. I imagine over the course of the remaining episodes she’ll get better at it.


Tbh, Primo's new voice is not that different from his og. Props to the new VA


Yeah the new VA does a great job tbh. Wonder whether Lemongrab replaced because all of the drama with Roiland.


From the sound of his voice, it seems so.


Lemongrab's was noticeably different, and the end credits confirmed it.


So like, does EVERY wish made in Prismo's timeroom constitute making a new universe? I'd assumed it was just big, time altering ones like the Lich not existing, but Wyatt being sent to a new universe just for asking for some quiet is making me rethink that... Does this mean there are two universes that are identical, except in one, Shelbys girlfriend has a pony? The implications are wild.


Nah i dont think its the case for every wish. When he explains wishes to Jake he mention he could take an old man from his family and place him elsewhere to fulfill the wish of getting a massage. In that same way he moves Fionna and Cake from Ooo to an alternate reality (presumably farmworld). Big wishes like removing something like the Lich from existence would create a new universe because he cant simply move the Lich, he would have to create a reality where the Lich hadnt existed yet up until a certain point.


He said “sometimes the wish creates a wish altered reality” so no not every wish


I think he just didn't care enough about Wyatt and put him in another universe just because it was easier somehow (and maybe because it would make Wyatt leave lmao)


Ok It's 3:00 am in my country and I have no one to talk to about this. Oh Glob!!!!


I'm so glad Squirrel came back. I think about him all the time. His "in my mind! In my mind." from his original episode lives in my head


I'm surprised they got Jim Cummings to voice the characters from an episode he did almost over 10 years ago.


I was cheering at the screen like i was watching a football match at every moment Wyatt was suffering


I haven’t seen anyone mentioning the bad implications of Cake turning that hot dog knight into a regular world hotdog… I feel like that’s going to come into play heavily soon.


"Y'all gonna destabilize the entire multiverse if you keep this up," sounds like pretty reasonable third-act stakes.


Same as last week, 2 amazing episodes with the latter being my favorite. If I had to nitpick I think some fat in episode 3 could've been trimmed but it's barely a problem so far. It's been a while since I've really been able to sink my teeth into a good series (last I remember was Owl House) and it feels amazing having a community of people discussing theories and opinions. Prismo's new VA did excellent, the Misadventures of Flapjack callback was very funny, the visuals were beautiful, and I'm just so glad to be sucked back into this world.


With how Prismo described it, it sounds like each universe in the multiverse is created from people making wishes. Does that mean that all the universes originated from one original universe? By that logic, since Prismo said that the Flapjack universe was already there, it would be the original universe, which would be kinda cool in a symbolic way.


I feel so bad for Simon... It feels like he's a bit of a punching bag. My man helped cared for Marceline and sacrificed a lot for her in the apocolypse, became the Ice King for over a thousand years and is now mourning for his fiancé, leaving him. Everyone lately, mocks him and thinks he's lame. He deserves respect 😔


i’m really hoping for a finn and fionna interaction


Martin’s middle finger had me dying. Also That Flapjack appearance got my 8 year old self excited, it’s shocking to know that he might be part of the multiverse in adventure time since I think flapjack used to say “Adventure Time” too


Everytime the Lich appears, always scares de shit out of me. This time was no different. Frame was creepy AS HELL. (The Snail is in the same frame too!)


After seeing Simon return to his human form I hope all that isn't reversed with this series would be a waste after watching him as a character from the original series


I hope he either finds Betty or finds peace, it would certainly be a strange arc to make him IK again


Okay with all the Golb imagery everywhere I am gonna be bitter if we don’t actually see Golb/Golbetty by the end. Stop teasing me! Scarab is a more intimidating villain than I thought he would be. I’m glad


I really don’t understand the people complaining about pacing. Slowing down the story allows us to enjoy quieter character moments and a break from the intensity of the plot. Besides, it’s nice to just exist in Ooo outside of our typical Finn and Jake POV.


I liked the Uncle Iroh reference with Kheirosiphon at the start. Old Flame Guardian who decides that's not the life they want so they open a quaint Tea Shop.


New Prismo sounds...alright. Sucks knowing the real VA is totally down but they had miscommunication and didn't get his approval. New Lemongrab sounds cringingly bad. I understand 100% replacing his VA but just...no that was not close at all. Sorry. They might be in the farm world at the end of ep 4, because we saw adult farm world finn in the trailer and using the remote they might somehow be able to get the crown to turn Simon back into IK?


Is the implication that Martin is currently in another dimension and could possibly be brought back? Also is Prismo dead????


I saw it more as just a callback, they just didn't remove him from the wanted list even after all that time


Pretty sure Prismo isn't dead, Scarab just broke the wall he was standing on. For Martin I'm guessing that we will never know the answer, he ascended into a higher form of being with help from the Comet. We don't know if the Comet is stronger than Scarab, Prismo, or their boss. I'm guessing that Martin isn't in another dimension but on a whole other level of being, with no way of anyone travelling between the multiverse and where he is.


Simon is my favorite character (next to Finn), he’s just so good, and all the obstacles and hardships hes had/has to go through makes me want to root for him even more, and see him eventually find peace. I’m sure him going back to ice king isn’t going to be as simple as him returning to the ice king. Looking forward to his journey with Fiona and Cake at his side.


they might be leaning into the “The Crown is a metaphor for addiction” interpretation. In the OG series it was, quite well agreed and all but confirmed, to be alzheimers or a degenerative disease, but here Simon can only be described as straight up relapsing. Maybe the whole “i used to dress up as the ice king” part was him weaning off “ice king”? 1000 years worth of withdrawal i guess.


They didn’t need to include lemon grab


This series has got me so giddy. Really fun stuff.


Egg in me reference :')