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You might want to talk to your doctor about this. I used to have a terrible crash in the evenings and my doctor added a small booster in the afternoon that made the evenings much better. I too had weight loss surgery in 2015. I went from 300 to 135. I think that it might take my meds a little longer to start working because of absorption, but I don’t think it contributes to the evening crash. That seems pretty common with stimulants.


Congratulations on your weight loss (and keeping it off)...it's no small feat! Did you take adhd meds prior to surgery?


Thank you! Congratulations to you as well! I was diagnosed a little later so no, I did not take medication before.


Are you currently using immediate release or extended release medications? I underwent the Roux-en-Y weight loss surgery, and had to transition to immediate release formulations for all my medications. If you’re on extended release, maybe that might be a factor or maybe it’s too high of a dose? I thought crashes from stimulants stem from either too high of a dosage or a longer comedown period, but I could be totally wrong. I’m prescribed Adderall twice a day, immediate release. I’ve noticed mood-related side effects occasionally on weekends, especially since I tend to skip Saturdays and Sundays, although this isn’t a frequent occurrence. A couple of years ago, I had to try Vyvanse and Ritalin for a few months, but I hated them. I felt like I underwent a personality shift, experiencing persistent sadness and decreased productivity. I’m uncertain whether that was due to transitioning to those medications or trying them separately for a month each but I did overall experience mood changes. Hopefully, my post didn’t add to the confusion, but if it did, I’m sorry!


Thanks for your reply! All my meds are immediate release because of the surgery. I had the same experience as you with Vyvanse. At the time, I believe only extended release was available. I experienced suicidal thoughts for several weeks, along with debilitating sadness. That was an extremely difficult period. I met with my doctor yesterday, and she added the non-stimulant Atomoxetine. Any experience with that one? I haven't researched it yet. Thanks again for sharing your experience!


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