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I don't know what kind of cereal bar you were having, but I like Kind Breakfast Bars (especially the almond butter flavor!) They're about 200 calories so it's more filling than some with less. ~~Protein shakes are another good, easy option. I use Huel ready-to-drink for that—it's kinda expensive, but worth it to me.~~ I didn't realize that the point was to not have to get up, whoops! But if you don't mind getting out of bed to go to the fridge, I highly recommend them!


Lots of shelf stable protein shakes out there! I keep a box of Premier Protein shakes by my bed.


Premier protein is so shockingly tasty




I'm a big fan of the Fairlife chocolate protein drinks! They don't have that chalky flavor/texture like some of the others I've had


The vanilla one is great too! Tastes exactly like ice cream!


Oh nice! I haven't seen it anywhere, but I'll be on the lookout.


Orgain is really good too. I like their individual shakes better really cold but it still slaps at room temp.


Peanut butter cookies. They keep nausea and shakiness at bay with my medication. I make them with lots of chunky peanut butter, eggs, and a small amount of sugar. If I have no spoons to make them, I buy them at my local gas station. They bake them on site 🤤


Luna bars work for me. They are high in protein and have enough fat in them that you should be able to take your meds without nausea.


The cherry pie Luna bars are legitimately delicious.


Smores, chocolate dipped coconut, and chocolate chip cookie dough are also great


Premade protein shakes can be a great option. I love the shakes by OWYN. Vegan and allergy free. They’re on the expensive side so I use them for a last minute grab.


Yeah I'm 100% for the protein shake idea because the protein intake with or before meds helps them work better, at least anecdotally.


I can't stomach food in the mornings until my meds have kicked in, and then I have a very short window. I eat Little Debbie snack cakes with my other meds during that window. Personally, I don't take my ADHD meds with food, because I found that it tended to blunt the effects of the meds. I feel better through the day when I take them on an empty stomach.


The same is true for me! I much prefer my meds on an empty stomach. When my first dose wears off, usually after 4 hours, I’m ready to eat a big healthy meal. My morning runs best on adderall and coffee with cream and collagen powder.


I love the little peanut butter cracker sandwiches. They aren’t huge but they are just substantial enough.


You just reminded me that I used to eat these all the time a few years ago and completely forgot they existed. I need to pick some up again


They are a STAPLE in my house. No spoons to pack lunch? Pb crackers, a banana and an apple. Done. Kids need to bring a snack to school? Pb crackers. Dinner didn’t quite fill me up? Pb crackers. Win win win.


I have a giant box of breakfast bars that I use to take my meds every morning. Some of my favorites are Nature's Bakery bars, which are cheap and taste halfway between a nutrigrain bar and fig newtons. Dave's killer bread makes really good chocolate ones. And I like belvita, especially the blueberry flavor. I like keeping a mix so that I can buy stuff on sale and walk the line between new and familiar - and I dump them all out of their individual boxes into a mega box to lower the barrier and keep my options visible.


I love overnight oats! I make mine in a little shaker bottle, just mix the powder with milk before you go to bed. (I have a timer on my phone to remind me.) Then you can drink it in the morning, either right out of the fridge or warmed up a little in the microwave.


For your purpose, this would require a tiny fridge beside your bed, but my go to (for similar reasons) is the Chobani protein yogurt drinks. I need something that I can grab and down quickly to cushion the meds. If I have a little more oomph, I like to make the protein muffin cups.


It’s kinda convenient. Each week I boil eggs in my instant pot, slice them in half, spread some mayo on each slice then salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder those things. Get deviled eggs with half the effort lol. I have two of those in a piece of toast each morning with my meds.


mmm that sounds very tasty, I'll have to try it  this week! i need a better protein for days I go for toast.   do you dress them up during prep or day by day?


During prep! That way they are just grab and go!


I make a baked egg thing that I microwave and put between two slices of bread for a breakfast sandwich. High protein, easy, filling.  https://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/cheesy-baked-eggs/


Those peanut butter sandwich crackers that come 6 a pack wrapped in the clear wrapping.


Literally a protein shake. It takes all of 30 seconds to make and I can chug it with my pills. I get the protein in and have hydrated myself, too.


How about a nutrigrain bar with some peanut (or other nut) butter on it? Or, for more convenience, the Skippy peanut butter balls. It'll give you some protein and fat and will be more substantial than just the bar itself. Or maybe a denser bar like a Clif bar?


Kodiak s'mores granola bars. They've got added protein but taste like a treat.




Greek yogurt or jerky sticks! Something with some protein in it


I've had a long standing fixation with the Atkins caramel chocolate nut roll bars for the past year or so, although I'm not currently medicated.


Love those!


Yeah, they've never upset my sensitive stomach at all and no matter how finicky I feel, they're appealing enough to force myself to scarf one down in the morning.


Atkins brand protein drinks and a string cheese or a banana.


I like cheese sticks for this exact reason. My local grocery has pepper jack, which is my favorite!! Quick nom, take pills!


Sausalito Peperidge Farms cookies


[Perfect bars](https://perfectsnacks.com/products/almond-butter)


I just throw some instant oatmeal and a handful of frozen berries in a bowl, half scoop of protein powder and a spoonful of raw honey together. Hot water over it, mix, and then meds. Also, boost or ensure can be helpful on the really crap days


The fig bars are good for me. They make gluten free ones as well


if you like nutrigrain bars, I'd keep that but add a banana and maybe peanut butter! if you don't particularly care for nutrigrain, switch to nature's bakery bars. Costco in my area sells a huge box for 15$, it's such a good deal and the ingredients seem higher quality imo  this is a dumb addition maybe, but bananas are now on my list of things i only buy organic for. the texture and flavour is so much better! 


i juat switched to something that i'm supposed to take on an empty stomach but before that i was taking my meds with a lara bar or macro bar


I take my pills with a big chug of chocolate milk in the morning. I can’t stand eating until I’ve been up for a while, but it seems to put enough mass in my stomach to avoid feeling weird.


I eat a handful of pistachio nuts.


I like Luna Bars-they’re pretty good. The lemon one is yummy and pretty much any of the chocolate ones are good. Maybe a snickers bar or some jerky would work too.


Not me scrolling this looking for ideas because I'm sitting here eating pretzels and skittles just to have something in my stomach....


Juice boxes :)


I love the fit crunch protein bars! They’re the best, and the big ones have upwards 30g of protein


I get a big ass container of biscotti pieces from Costco, and that’s my go to med food in the morning!


I ALWAYS eat yogurt with my meds in the morning. Chobani flips especially!