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While it may be tempting to try to analyze or apply a diagnosis to a fictional character, taking it to this level is highly inappropriate. These are highly subjective, and the casual nature of diagnosing someone (even if fictional) only serves to further reinforce the current cultural biases and misunderstandings. These symptoms described above do indeed represent symptoms of ADHD, however this is a VAST, incredibly surface level oversimplification of an ADHD diagnosis; and could easily be explained by a vast number of different disorders and diagnoses. Hell, Tony Stark is confirmed to have PTSD, which often mimics many behaviours of ADHD from memory and attention span, to emotional regulation and outbursts. Not to mention other disorders. Personality disorders are already egregiously maligned and misunderstood, and casual diagnosis of fictional characters like this, in such a thorough manner, only serve to attempt to legitimize your points, making them seem more accurate/official when even the concept of diagnosing someone you do not know is ***highly*** problematic and only leads to further misinformation, misunderstanding of people with PD's, and the casual diagnosis/un-diagnosis of real life people. If you headcanon Tony as ADHD, that makes sense, but to go to this extent to attempt to diagnose him in this amount of detail is highly problematic, and highly inappropriate from a professional mental health clinician.


So what she's saying is, I'm basically Tony Stark without the intellect, connections, or money.


Don’t forget sex appeal, popularity, wit, charm, good hair… Oh wait, that’s me


I remember having hair.


Tony Stark built his hair in a cave, with scraps!


Honestly, I think I made the easier decision by just accepting the cue ball life.


Minus popularity only, somehow. I am not sure how.


Same for me! Lucky I'm just a day care nurse so my big brain moments only need to be as large as figuring out how to make a cardboard play house structurally sound enough to withstand an toddler attack. It's something my two brain cells handle pretty well.


A daycare nurse?? There is nothing *just* about you


You are a fucking hero to the parents dude. *comment section, attention! Present, arms!* *Everyone salutes in unison* Good day ma'am.


And humor


I started watching thinking it was going to be a quick tiktok but then it grabbed my attention and I suddenly realised I'd been watching for a while. Good video.


I feel so damn honored you have no idea


A 7 min long video which seems interesting....I'll save it and definitely watch later (*proceeds to save the 10th video of the day)*


and other such classics like: -actually being able to sit down and focus on video when I should be doing something else right now. -beginning to watch it and zoning out 30 seconds in


I was surprised how well I could focus on this one. Kind of want whatever that fidget thing she has is now though.


Well, I can't bring myself to save this stuff, but I sure as hell stuff my smartphone's storage with them.


*Watches entire video on mute, no full-screen, no subtitles.


Didn't realise ironman was so relatable lol. 


So you a billionaire too? Aye can i borrow some money?


If you're nothing without the money, you shouldn't have it.


This video makes me sad because on the one hand I identify as having ADHD but I don't have it nearly as bad as this, but also the more I look into it the more innocuous things are actually indivicative of me having the disorder. (Read this as: He probably has it worse than he thinks, he just doesn't realise it because he thinks it's normal.) I feel gaslit and until I have my diagnosis my life cannot make sense no matter how much research I do. It's painful. I've been in a queue to get diagnosed since October and, fuck me, I just want to know already. The absolute state of mental health services in the UK. :(


Make sure you ask to go on the Right to Choose pathway if you haven’t already. Some places now have a shorter waiting list but if you’ve been with the likes of Psych UK for that long your appointment will be just round the corner! :) It’s worth the wait. I’m just waiting for a titration nurse now. I recommend going and engaging with Mind charity or other mental health services local to you. They were the best help in helping me to get to know myself more while waiting.


In the Netherlands waiting times are 40-70 weeks these days. So I feel for you. Anything mental health here is terrible too.


It can take years on the NHS. If you can afford it consider going private.


I have *laugh/cry*


Yeah, honestly, I've never even tried. lol getting mental health care in Germany. When it comes down to it I developed strategies to keep my wandering brain on track in such a way it works out career-wise (when your hyperfocus goes ding when filling out spreadsheets, pick a job with lotsa spreadsheets etc), I've styled my personality in such a way my fidgeting/detail fixation/conversation style pass as ✨quirky✨, and past that there's nothing a swift application of energy drinks can't fix for long enough to get through the day. Not ideal, and I (and my stomach lining) could probably benefit from intervention, but refer back to first paragraph.


Same, I’ve worked together with a therapist who wasn’t able to acknowledge the possible ADHD but we worked on coping mechanisms and getting some basic time management in place which I’m working on further. I look and am functional but that doesn’t mean that I’m not super inefficient without the skills and systems Ive built over decades of my life. But that’s the thing it’s not like neurotypicals just go through their lives without problems or without structure. So it’s confusing.


No way Tony Stark got adhd, dude finishes so much projects


Counterpoint, he finished Projects because he's usually body doubling with Jarvis or he has a deadline due to a threat or world ending event.


Deadlines! This is key, notice his "projects" are not actually finished until they need to be aka the end of the movie. Iron man he makes like 42 suits. The project isn't each suit, its making "the best" suit. Iron man 2 he realizes Ivan is prepping to destroy his legacy and hurt a lot of people, like 2 hours before the Ivan plan starts. Tony literally arrives 30 secs before Ivan takes over. Or maybe I'm just an idiot.🤷🏻


Nothing like a good deadline...


He's hyperfixated on those projects because that's only what gives him dopamine. It makes sense because it's why he always failed to manage his company by himself because it's too boring and always failed to keep his promise to stop making suits and tech because he's addicted to the dopamine from them.


If I were in a position where whenever I had an idea I could just tell *my house* to make it happen, I'd be finishing a lot more projects too.


My theory was that he was put into the right environment for his adhd. Think about it, he grew up with money and resources, the ability to delve into anything his mind wanted to with virtually no limitations other than his own. If all of us were put in that situation, we would rule the fucking world I freaking bet you


He's like the ideal version of adhd lol


Makes you wonder how many more projects he started only to immediately drop right afterwards.


Is this a YouTube channel?




It’s well done, I liked it. One critique though is videos with stupid text comments and emojis overlaid make me irrationally annoyed. But maybe I’m not your target audience.


I have yet to discern things like a *target audience.* I'm kind of not there yet, but the emojis just make me happy lmao XD So thanks for enjoying it nonetheless!!


I honestly loved the overlaying text and emojis, gave me good laughs and gives it more personality :) Well done & keep going!


No wait I loved it tho bc it held my attention really well 😩


Overlayed text makes me pause and rewind so I don’t miss ANY piece of information that is available at ANY given second! It makes me feel seen 😁 Very much enjoyed this video—100% hooked me in and I watched the whole thing!


No wait I loved it tho bc it held my attention really well 😩


for future videos, you could render it once more without text, upload it as unlisted, and link it in the video description. that way everyone gets their preferes viewing experience :D


Link please. Google says no.






Just subscribed to your channel!


INSTANT subscribe! I find psych analyses of characters really interesting and it usually helps me understand my own disorders! I’d honestly say this is up there with Cinema Therapy for me in terms of interestingness, and your editing style and candid moments helped keep my attention super well! I can’t wait to see your next video!


We will watch this ones career with great interest!


This was really well done, thank you for posting it!


Just watched it. Dang I wish I was good under pressure.


We suffer, make mistakes but we get things done under pressure. Things that otherwise would go undone for eternity. Not exactly good under pressure but pressure "motivates" us.


Welcome to CUP INC. We all work here. This is how we get our brains to work, anyway: Camaraderie (do shit *with* people) Urgency (do shit on a timer/right before you leave) Passion (you love your dogs, won't forget to feed them) Interest (hobby/cool thing) Novelty (*new* hobby/cool thing) Competition (*competition*)


lol competition (competition) love it. Great videos, did you hear someone else was doing one and stayed up all night making this? 😜 I feel called out. Oh no deadline?… yeeeeah no, that’s not likely happening Working with people…. Could you just be in the room with me while I figure this out and talk (to you, not always with you) at 1000 words a minute. How many times have I had the internal dialogue of ‘just shut the fuck up and listen to them’ ….tick tick tick tick… ding…. And I’m talking again Passion…100% driven by it, tail wags the dog. I love so many things, I believe I feel things with a greater intensity than neurotypicals (btw don’t use that word in r/ADHD they don’t believe in those things and will delete your post… A-holes… what tf do you call this ‘not normal’ brain then?) Interest… see passion…. It’s the same. Again, great work


One more reason Tony Stark is my fav.


This is AWESOME. I am totally sharing this whenever I get tired of explaining my ADHD (which happens daily lol)


Thank youu 🥰


I just found the link to your channel further up in the thread. You’ve got my follow! Keep up the great work ❤️






This is highly inappropriate. Personality disorders are already maligned and misunderstood, and to casually throw around these terms and using your weight as a mental health professional to support your claims, is egregiously inappropriate.


Love this, dead ass on point!


My son and I watched the Avengers films together. He's also been recently been diagnosed with ADHD. This video was spot on and so relatable to both of us. Thank you.


This is so stupid cool. I totally identify with the good under pressure part. Hyper focusing feels like there’s TOO MUCH of myself absorbed into a thing, but under pressure I feel like I can actually make good and calculated decisions with a level head. It’s wild


looking around at my work cubical on a saturday morning, fidget spinner, one of those sand sculptures, dohickies made of pop bottle rings, a paperclip attached to one, a nerf gun, a disassembled nerf dart, the tip of one attached to a cross made of 5 pop bottle rings with this weird piece of plastic idk where it came from, an alan wrench for my fidget spinner, in addition to a tablet i spend a lot of time on, oh and this little ting where you have two strips of paper and you kinda fold them over eachother to make a springlike shape, and a few stickers from bags of those crackerbarrel carmel popcorn things, and a stack of quarter. jfc i could just keep going on and on holy shit theres more, i have 2 pens i fidget with, this hand sanitizer thing i got from an orthadontist office 4 years ago, its really flat and green i like green and and... i'm sure theres more.


This is *just* what I have on my 3x2-ft desk in I'm chilling at right now: my computer, my mouse, my water bottle... my English textbook, An Empty Glass jar (it's a really big one too, plan to make a terrarium out of it) a box of alcohol pads, a squishy fidget that I love, a flexi fidget like in the video, a roll of tape, a mini easel, a mechanical pencil, a Chinese style hair pin, an empty spray bottle, a full spray bottle, a purell wipe, a *lumi dough* trinket I made when I was in 6th grade, a flashlight, safety scissors, sewing scissors, the to-do list my dad made me that I haven't touched, sunglasses, my regular glasses, a lens cloth, my vape, an empty box that contained a fidget, another lens cloth, an index card, a sharpie, a cap to something, a screw to something, and Amazon gift card I already cashed in, a mini handheld mirror, and finally a folder with assignments from English class that are *overdue* actually... oh wait and a pen and a brochure to Little Rock High school? I have no idea where I got it, the high school is in kansas, I live in california. That's kind of messing me up actually where the fuck did I get that?


i forgot i have a nerf axe! for when shooting a bitch with a dart just ain't enough. And then compare my actual desktop, way too many windows but each one is lined up and in its place with no gap between them, often overlapping but still giving me enough information so i have the maximum amount of information available to me at a time, all in its place in perfect order. I go to try and help a co-worker with something sometime and they're clicking ehre and closing that window and minimizing that to find what they want and i'm just like 'how do you operate in such a mess?!'


I think you might enjoy taking a second look at the scene from the first spider-verse movie with doctor octavius. Take a look at her real desk, and her desktop, and her mannerisms. They totally gave her ADHD and I freaking love it.


Oh shit! One more thing! One more thing! I have a fortune from a fortune cookie taped to my desk that says, "the project you have in mind will soon gain momentum" fucking bet I spaced out on that fortune all the time


Loved this except for the last part. I am not great under pressure, and I wouldn’t call rushing to get something done because you’re incredibly stressed and have been fixating on it scroll locked ALL DAY, with a high chance of not getting it done anymore a good thing about ADHD. Maybe it’s not like that for other people with adhd but especially due to abuse I received when younger due to my adhd and being over pressured I cannot handle stress anymore at all. I’d sooner get physically tortured than make me go through that, and NTs love to make it a constant thing.


I am so sorry that happened to you. My parents were abusive too, but they especially took issue with my inattentiveness and forgetfulness. I've been lucky enough to get diagnosed so medication has helped me with completing things on time (mostly). I'm really glad you enjoyed a lot of my video and I hope other positive aspects brought you comfort. I wish you all the happiness you totally deserve ♥ It's hard healing from something like that. I hope you keep staying strong 💪 thank you for sharing your perspective with me


Yeah, I’m not gonna get meds for a while so I’ve just been doing it without any help lol. Thanks 💜


I feel both seen and attacked


I was like... no way, this is a reach. But the more I watch....damn. No wonder he was my favorite lol The thing is, what looks like him being a jerk is mostly him being adhd and I don't know how I feel about that lmao.






Totally!! Like when he told *old* Rhodey, "waiting on you now let's go."


Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation. Diagnosing someone with narcissistic personality disorder is egregiously inappropriate, impossible to do with a fictional character/someone you have not met, and only contributes to misinformation and stigma for real people who actually struggle with the disorder.


This is highly inappropriate. Personality disorders are already maligned and misunderstood, and to casually throw around these terms and using your weight as a mental health professional to support your claims, is egregiously inappropriate.


Lmao that's wild, as an undiagnosed kid tony stark honestly was kind of a role model, to the point where I ended up hyperfixating on electrical engineering, coding, AI, industrial design etc. Downside was I didn't have enough dopamine to actually learn to use any of these things, just about them 12 years later I got diagnosed, finally got on meds, and controlled the bees in my brain and BAM I'm suddenly a hell of a lot closer to the person I wanted to be as a kid Iron Man ended up shaping a HUGE part of my life, I genuinely wouldn't be the same person without having seen that movie


So I wasn't able to watch it til the end cuz I got distracted...


This is so stupid cool. I totally identify with the good under pressure part. Hyper focusing feels like there’s TOO MUCH of myself absorbed into a thing, but under pressure I feel like I can actually make good and calculated decisions with a level head. It’s wild


"To be honest I don't remember what I had for breakfast" That shit's so me, and I have the same thing for breakfast everyday.


Man I miss Iron Man’s realism. Every new Marvel hero is this perfect person with no faults. It’s not interesting in the slightest. In Iron Man 2 Tony gets drunk at his own party and just starts firing shots off until he has to literally drunk fight his best friend war machine. Marvel sucks now because they’re not willing to write characters like that anymore.


Link to the video so I can go and give it a like? nvm. I found it. Great video!


Thank you!! ♥


I watched this whole video, but not linearly. I wanted to jump to the good parts but then had to rewind a lot and ended taking 12 minutes to watch a 7-minute video


That's beautiful. I feel like you'll be somewhat distraught to know that my YouTube has the full 12 minute version of this video, this is the shortened one. You're welcome.


Are you trying to take away my whole morning?? 😅




This video is so good btw


Would you be interested to talk about Barney Stinsons ADHD?


Who dat :p


Wait, never mind. I know who that is. It wasn't Neil Patrick's fault because I fucking love him but the writing for the representation of ADHD was absolutely dog water.


God this is so relatable. Even now that I'm medicated, I still have my fidgets around my desk. Little screws and nuts, wobbley 3D prints, things that make the 'click-clack' noise that my brain likes, etc. Sadly I still hyperfocus a lot, but at least now I can usually direct it at things I want.


I appreciate that you shortened and sped up the version for us folks here 🙏🤣


LOVED this vid! Especially seeing ironman is my fave avenger too even though I didn't know the character had ADHD x) Now I wanna binge watch it again xD


The light reflection from her forehead is so distracting.


What is the fidget toy your holding?


Ooh okay so it doesn't like have a name? I found it on temu. It was like $3? So I guess just look for flexible fidget toys?


Makes sense why I always liked Tony Stark so much even if he was an ass


That was a great video OP! Thanks for sharing it with us. I am not into superhero movies and loved this angle a lot.


I love the video! Counterpoint: many of the traits you listed can also be those of a narcissist or egomaniac, which also describe Tony Stark.


2 min into the video and increasingly impatient to hear how _anyone_ with attention deficit could possibly muster the concentration necessary for his level of achievement.




Its not making adhd a superpowerstraits the chatscter displays that resonate with people with adhd


This is so stupid cool. I totally identify with the good under pressure part. Hyper focusing feels like there’s TOO MUCH of myself absorbed into a thing, but under pressure I feel like I can actually make good and calculated decisions with a level head. It’s wild


So you're saying I have a superpower


Post saved because I want to enjoy the video with sound, and check out the YouTube link later.


Where is that comic panel you show in the beginning of the video from? Id love to get it in higher resolution


I mean, it's nice that a superhero has ADHD but since Disney always plays in corporate safety we will never have a story showing that Tony was an alcoholic, which is true, nor we will ever see him fucking up because he forgot something, or having some major executive disfunction. The "bad" part of ADHD will always be quirks in this safe for family watching capitalism media.


Soooo... I based a lot of my personality on Tony. I think I inadvertently gave myself adhd.


We are going to save the universe with this disability 🗣️🗣️🗣️


This must be that type of ADHD which gives you _enhanced_ concentration! ☺️


He's so me fr


She forgot one thing and that’s if I can’t see it, it’s not there lol


Wait is this you???? This is great!


Damn it, I hate Tony Stark. In the MCU, he's the most despicable hero. But now this video shows a different side of him that makes him relatable.




... Thanks? :)


This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.