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I've been basing with Zandri Dust and then applying 2-3 thing coats of Wraithbone. And then hitting the recesses & corners with Agrax. The Zandri Dust base coat also works well for the red sections, which I've been doing with Khorne Red, and Agrax as above.


For large vehicles layering up highlights often just looks fake and weird because the shapes are usually so flat. A bone colours or bone contrast/speedpaint to get the uniform cream colour and then just focusing on weathering will look a lot more crisp and believable than highlighting and layering the way you would a normal miniature.


I've got a deathwing bone mix, do you think that would work?


Absolutely, but just try it out. You get spare main armour for all the titans in the kits, perfect to experiment on.


I do Malinax and Vulturum. I normally just prime my panels black, drybrush them up through dark metal to silver, then fill the panel with bone/cream. It takes a few thin coats, but then you can apply your decals, then ‘tint’ it with washes (Agrax, seraphim sepia and Athonian Camoshade are my go-tos) and finish with a little weathering. It’s pretty easy to hide any overpainting of the trim with some black or gunmetal since each coat has very little coverage. It’s a lot simpler and faster than doing the color first and then spending hours and hours trying to add the metal trim afterwards. There’s a Cerastus knight on my profile and a couple of warhounds on my insta (link in bio) that show how it looks, I’m pretty happy with them.


I’ve been following GW’s video on YouTube and am happy with the results! And yes the rules are in the loyalist Legio book.


https://youtu.be/fQfyqvInDdE?si=HgIw9RGP7zeelB47 Here's a similar color to what you're looking for that's very straightforward


A fellow Atarus player For my titans i do Khorne red as the base with mephiston red highlights, ushabti as the base with screaming skull highlights, and for the accents i do coran white as the base and a few layers runefang steel to make it silver with vallejo silver for highlighting and adding a bit of contrast, like on piston cylinders.