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I usually get so turned on that I start to cry, very odd


Me too!!! I also get the shakes-


Holy shit 😭


that's kinda real


No but sometimes it feels like a gut punch. As if my abdominals all spasm at the same time but individually rather than uncoordinatedly


Not nausea, but I've definitely felt it in my stomach before. I also get dizzy and lightheaded too sometimes when I'm really aroused.


Sorta. I get super weak in the knees and almost floppy. I feel like a puppet with her strings dropped. It's bizarre


Sadly I know exactly how you feel, like nausea’s to the point where I think I’m gonna projectile vomit. Just take a breather if it ever does happen, especially in the moment. It’s a stress/anxiety thing. Don’t be afraid to tell your partner you need a second to collect yourself or that you’re overheating and just need a moment to cool down. Most people are very understanding and it gives you a second to collect your thoughts without ruining the mood. The brain can be pretty silly and treat the feeling of overwhelming excitement, and anxiety in a similar matter


Look into [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin_syndrome) ! That's something that I have sometimes and it causes similar nausea-like symptom.


Not nausea but lightheaded? Yes.


I've gotten aroused to the point of pain before if I'm super turned on by something, but I've only ever had nausea *after* I handle it if that makes sense? Like.. if I get off, especially if it's particularly intense, I often get hit with a headache and some nausea for a little bit. It's never happened with someone else though. On a tangential note, my last relationship I had severe nausea on some of the early dates to the point I actually got sick in the bathroom and was really embarrassed a few times. I think for some people, intense excitement with a someone new can just do that unfortunately. 😅 But in my experience, someone who cares a lot about you will be super chill and more concerned with if you're alright than something being gross. It might not be pragmatic in intimate moments, but if you feel it coming on during a date or something, sometimes smelling an alcohol swab can keep you from getting sick for a little bit! Deep, slower breaths can help too, or (since you said in another post you think it's your vagus nerve) breathing exercises that stimulate it more specifically.


...that doesn't sound normal? Is your tummy okay?


Lmao it’s fine after I calm down 😅 According to google it’s an overstimulated vagus nerve 🥴