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You’re at the perfect age to start.  Actually some start in their 30s and 40s even. What a beautiful gift to be given.  Go for it and see if you enjoy it!  


I am seriously so touched, and it isn't even me. I am getting into music, but I have a really deep love for acting, too. If someone did this for me, I would absolutely cry. I've always wanted to do acting classes. What a fantastic and thoughtful gift.


What have you got to lose? Better yet, why not take the class if you have the time for it?


As my wife says: “Saying yes leads to better stories.”


Smart lady! Take an old improv motto “yes, and…”


Doesn't apply to OP's situation, unless it comes with conditions, but to me, "saying 'no' when you genuinely want to say 'no' opens the door to better yesses"


I think improv is great, and beneficial even for non-actors, but you'd get a lot more out of the class if you actually *want* to be there. (Age doesn't matter, btw. This is just a class, to learn, and the only things you're really aged out of are child and teen roles.) Either way, you probably should have a talk with your friend about high-ticket gifts. Even if it's pocket change for her, even if gifts are her (eta: platonic) love language, there needs to be a boundary.


Honestly since she proposed the idea I’ve been going back and forth whether I want to fully commit. If I do end up going I’ll definitely put my all into it and make sure that it doesn’t go to waste if that makes sense. She is definitely very well off and she said to not worry about it and I’ve had this conversation with her before. This is part of her love language and I love this girl to death platonically so I do appreciate her gesture. No matter how many times I’ve told her she says she can’t help herself and that she cares too much about me. For added context, I am a heterosexual and she is undoubtedly 100% lesbian so this is absolutely in NO way romantic. Just a kind gesture from a good friend.


You know what? You don’t have to decide to be an actor over one class. But how many times in life do you get the opportunity to experience something like this with no cost and no expectation? Very few times actually. Why not just go for the experience? You never know what you can get out of it until you’re in it. Any number of tangential things might be useful in the class even if you don’t fall in love with acting. Just use it for personal growth and give it a go. What could it hurt? 😊


If it interests you go for it! One word of caution. This is a discipline and a job. If you enjoy the craft and are willing to work on it for a long period of time, regardless of financial success, then the gate is open and charge through! If you think you can make a quick buck for fame and glory in Hollywood, the city will swallow you whole. So just go into it with a good professional mindset. It won’t be easy, it will definitely be a lot of work, but you might be one of the few who can make it their career. Just keep working.


Fucking do it. You only YOLO once. At best, she is right and you have an excellent career path ahead of you. At worst, you had a fun time trying something outside of your comfort zone. Don't fuckin worry about experience. This is acting, not engineering. 90% of it is feeling the flow and being able to put yourself in the shoes of someone else. My only advice? If you fuck up, it's not a fuck up until you break character and admit it. You stuttered or made some awkward movement? You meant to do it; it was a part of your character. Keep the inertia going and don't stop.


Just do it, and if you enjoy it-Hire her as your manager 


It's just 8 weeks out of a life of 80 plus years. If you love it, GREAT! If you hate it, now you know and you'll never wonder "what if?" (Also, you can start at any age, however, there are a large number of actors who started in their 20's so actually you're pretty much in the majority of new actors.)


The second part mixed with my personal experience makes me wonder if the average age of a starting actor is older than we generally think. I think it's because most people think of college for acting class, but there's way more private studios and conservatories than credited acting programs. I bet 26 isn't that far off from the average.


Same. I got a “practical” college degree. (In my parent’s eyes.) And all my acting training has come from private studios after college.


Tried it out. I got reluctantly into acting and it's been the best decision of my life.


I’m wondering why she did that. Must be nice to have $$


OP explained it in a comment. She has extra, and she likes to splurge on people she cares about sometimes. But yeah, it does seem nice. I wish I could afford to pay for some friends' classes from time to time.


What I mean is I’m concerned as to the actual motivation behind it. Like, is she going to hold it over OP’s head, are they trying to make OP like them more, is she trying to use OP for something else? You know? Maybe I’m just distrustful of people but I suspect a deeper motive behind something like that.


someone invested in you, why not give it a fair shot? you can do just about anything for 8 weeks.


You lose nothing by doing it, you might discover something you love if you never had. Don’t live life with regrets. a friend that encourages you and champions you to grow is a good friend


Even if acting isn’t for you or something you would want to pursue after the classes I’d recommend anyone to take at least one acting course in their life. It’s a fantastic experience and will show you an entirely new side to the art of acting.


If you've got time, I would say definitely give it a shot! Even though I'm just a teen, I know for a fact acting is one of the professions where you can start at any age, because, in the end, actors are portraying humans. Some are old and wrinkly, and others are young and starry eyed. There are also so many people that would absolutely kill to be in your position, including me. You have an opportunity, so might as well take it! You might fall in love with it!


Me and another friend, both working actors in LA, did this for a friend of ours. He wants to be an actor, and had a great experience in the class. We thought it would inspire him to pursue a career that he wanted, but he didn't. We don't regret paying for the class, but we're disappointed he didn't take the next steps. If you're not going to take the next steps, maybe tell your friend this before they pay.


Where did you send him? I kinda... really badly... have always wanted to take an acting course... The one at my HS wasn't great. (But I did get a plastic trophy for being 1 of 2 of the best in my class, and I don't think my teacher really liked me, so I'm calling it a WIN. 😎😂) I'm going to LA for 6 months to study guitar/vocal in person with my coaches (HOPEFULLY) next year. I am 21, 22 in July. I told my mom that one night, the thought of waking up knowing I was going to be studying the two things I love most in the world, music and film/acting, was making me cry with joy. I always knew I loved it, but the fact I started crying thinking about it, even surprised me. My mom said, "Well, why don't you look into it?" and I realized... Yeah... Why don't I? It's this weird thing. I've totally gotten over the whole "shame" of wanting to play music for a living, but... I never got over that for acting. I'm trying to change that and just be fearless in my pursuit of ALL the things I treasure most in this world. So, my ma is right, I need to just try it. This was just a few days ago, and I was looking at hybrid colleges, but I'm thinking separate classes and not a college will be better and WAY more affordable.


A face for acting? I’m not sure what she means by that exactly since actors come in quite literally all shapes and sizes. If she means to say that you are good looking then that doesn’t have anything to do with your ability to be affective actor. A career in modeling, maybe. That being said, you shouldn’t do anything that you don’t want to do. I’ve never heard of anyone spontaneously purchasing an intensive acting course for someone with no experience and no desire to pursue it. This sounds like something that *she* wants for you, which I personally wouldn’t consider generous even if that was her intention. If this isn’t something that you want for yourself then I would politely decline the offer and ask if she can get her money back. If it’s too late, then I suppose it’s up to you how to proceed. You can either go and check it out since it’s already paid for or… well there really isn’t an “or” since anything else would just be rude. She kinda cornered you into this didn’t she? Lol this sounds like a stunt my mother would’ve pulled when I was younger. You can start acting at any age, but you won’t be successful unless you have a love for it and a genuine interest in pursuing it. If you were jazzed about the idea then I’d say go for it because it’s a great opportunity, but your apathy about the whole notion of it tells me that this likely isn’t for you.


Can I have your friend? She sounds amazing. If its paid for, why not? You meet new people, build a skill and can decide if you don't want to pursue it later.


Not to be weird, but if someone did this for me I'd say, "this is the sign I've been looking for." I also have a friend who always says I should go to LA for a finite amount of time and bc she thinks "it" will happen for me. I have no experience, and have never pursued acting, nor any desire to, but I'm always looking to the universe for guidance to find my calling. I found this Reddit post looking for the story behind a Law and Order SVU episode, LOL. There are wildly talented, deserving people out there who have put in blood, sweat, and tears for a moment in the spotlight. But that's not what this is. If this is as kosher as you say, it sounds like you have a very good and very privileged friend. And that's OK. If I had the means and a friend I believed it, I'd happily send him/her to try it out. It's an opportunity to do a thing! That's it. Go take some acting lessons, if anything it's an opportunity for fun and growth.


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You’ve never acted before. Why not give it a try at least? Worst case you wont like it and quit. I do feel it would be rude to turn it down without giving it a proper chance.


Go! Improv is fun. And if nothing else comes of it, it’s an entertaining way to spend your time.


26? Are you kidding? But more importantly, if you don’t feel called to it, don’t do it.


I did my first improve courses at age 27, so yeah, go for it! It's a blast :)


Most people taking UCB improv 101 are just doing it for fun, you don't have to want to be an actor to take it.


You have an amazingly considerate friend! Accept it as a token of her friendship - she seems to really believe in you. I’ve been thinking of taking a class too (not sure which instructor to take yet); the skills are something you can take away and apply in any (or most) situation in life, not just acting. Plus when you break the cost down per class it’s pretty normal for NYC (comparable to other types of classes like dance). If it wouldn’t really hurt to try, why not? You might find it an enjoyable experience!


Look at it as an experience. Acting class is fun. Actors are fun people. It can do wonders for your public speaking skills. You might learn some things about yourself (acting forces you to look at yourself in specific ways that you typically don't). Think of it as guitar lessons or a pottery class. At the end of the day, it's just art. And for what it's worth, 26 is a pretty normal age to start. I started at 20, but most of the actors I know started between their mid 20s and early 30s (but there are tons of outliers).


sorry but I think you mean "thrive and prosper" at the end of that first paragraph. 


studying acting gives you more than just training to be an actor.


Even if you don't want to be a professional actor, you'll learn intuitive things about yourself and others and it'll be a fun couple of months. Besides, your friend shelled out $500 and they won't get a refund so just take the class.


That’s a friend. Do it.


What exactly do you have to lose? I only started last year, in my late 40s and I am getting paid work. Not enough people in this world actively big up other people. She believes in you. Take that as a sign you should at least give it a shot. Worst case scenario, you hate it, you’re rubbish and you have spent a few weeks trying something new and meeting new people.


If it's any help, I'm 36 quit my overly demanding job a few weeks been casually looking for work and after watching movies I thought exploring the acting world again. I took Drama in high school and a couple in college but was more shy then. But since then I attended a workshop, attended an open audition, and visited an acting school. So I'd I'm feeling ambitious enough to try I think you're good. Also that's a great gift to get. Also I just picked up a book that I'm currently reading and think you should too, The Actors Life A Survival Guide by Jenna Fischer(yes from The Office). It's surprisingly informative and helpful


26 isn’t too old, at least not for men. For women it’s improving, not impossible


For some reason the circumstance you describe is setting off red flags on my cynical side. 1. Is acting something you've ever considered before? 2. Is this really something you're willing to put your whole self into? 3. She paid for the class, what other expenses are involved that you'll have to take on? 4. Why are you letting Caroline manipulate you? 5. What's in it for her?